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In morning,When priyanka got up her head was spinning because of continous crying.She looked beside her.Arnav was'nt there.She climbed off bed and walked towards restroom lazily.After getting freshen up,she went downstair and directly goes towards kitchen.

"hello,Mrs Insar how are you?When did you return from Germany?" Mrs raizada who was sitting in the living room quickly got up seeing her friend who had came to meet her.

"I am fine.I just came few days ago.You tell arnav got married with anika na.I knew it.He really loves anika.So sorry I could not attened the marriage." said Mrs ansari while hugging mrs raizada.Priyanka who had just entered in the living room got shocked hearing that arnav and anika loves each other.

Mrs raizada got shocked seeing priyanka's pale voice.Priyanka stumbled and took support of nearby chair.

"Priyanka listen beta.I can explain." Mrs raizada goes to her but priyanka goes from there excusing herself.

"What happened mrs raizada?Who was she?" asked mrs ansari confusingly.

She cleared her that arnav got married to priyanka not anika.She apologized for misunderstanding.After sometime,she left.Mrs raizada goes to priyanka room but she was'nt there.
She got worried and called arnav but his phone was busy.


When shivaay returned from jogging.He saw his princess sleeping while cuddling in duvet.Smile crept his face seeing her cute pout.He scratched the back of his neck remembering about their first night.He goes to her.

Leaning on her,he kissed her forehead.Anika made pout in sleep.Shivaay quickly parted away not to wanting to wake her up.She had slept few hours ago only.Last night,he did'nt let her sleep and loved her whole night showing her how much he had craved for her love for three months.

He kissed her forehead and went to restroom after taking his uniform from wardrobe.

After getting ready,he went downstairs and walked towards dinning table.

"Good morning mom dad." Shivaay greeted them and sat on his chair.

"Good morning!" both greeted back.

"Where is anika?" Jhanvi asked while serving him breakfast.

"She will wake up late." he said while starting eating.

"Is she ok?" asked tej while reading newspaper.

"Yaa don't worry she is fine." he replied and sipped coffee.

After his breakfast,he took anika's breakfast to their room.He entered in room and found anika still sleeping.

He smiled and moved towards her.He kept breakfast tray on side table.

"Baby,Get up have breakfast." he carrassed her hair.

"Shi..vaay don't disturb me.I am tired." she said in sleepy tone and snuggled into pillow.

"Baby,I will not disturb you.But first have breakfast so that I can go for duty.Hn?" he tried to remove pillow from her face but she turned her side like a baby.

"Aap jaiyee na." she said lazily and again snuggled into pillow.

"No,I am not going before making sure you are ok!" he said and sat beside her kissing her forehead.

"I am ok.You go.You are getting late." she rubbed her eyes.

"Are you sure?" he asked carrassing her cheeks and she finally opened her eyes.

"Hmm now gooo." she carrassed his beard.

"Ohk.Have breakfast on time and don't roam here and there too much.Take rest,I have already informed mom that you are going to wake up late.If there is pain then I have kept pain killer in breakfast tray.Eat that ok." He pecked her forehead and she smiled seeing his care.

"Ok anything else?"she laughed.

"Now I am going.Give me good bye kiss." he said innocently.She kissed his cheek.

"bss itni si." he pouted.

"Gooo shivaay." she pushed him.He laughed and left after switching off the light.Anika shook her head and throwed herself on bed.


When shivaay was about to enter in his car.He saw priyanka coming out of the car.He goes to her.

"Doll ,you here at this time?" he asked from her.Priyanka who was already upset from arnav's last night behaviour and now after hearing that arnav loves someone else got emotional seeing her brother and burst into tears.

"Bhai." she said crying and kept her head on his chest.Shivaay got panicked.

"Prinku?Why are you crying doll?Did arnav said something to you?" he got angry.

"No, bhai don't say anything to arnav.I was feeling suffocated there so I came here." she wiped her tears.

"Don't need to get scared prinku.Tell me if arnav did something?" shivaay asked sternly.

"No bhai he did't said anything.If you are going to ask him then I am going back." she said sternly.

"Ohk.Wipe your face and go inside.I will talk to you in evening." he gave her his handkarchief.Priyanka wiped her tears and left inside the mansion.

Shivaay also left for police station.


At 12:00 pm.

Anika came out of the restroom after taking shower.She combed her hair and left downstairs.Seeing priyanka sitting in the living room.She got excited and started goinh towards her.

"Priyanka you here?" said anika while going towards her but seeing her cold face she got confused.

"Everything is fine priyanka.I mean are you ok?" she sat beside her and asked worriedly.

"Nothing can be ok till you are here bhabhi.Nothing can be ok!!!" said priyanka rudely and left from there.
Anika got shocked seeing her such behaviour.


Arnav remained busy in office.He did'nt notice his mom's call in his phone.He was driving towards home.He felt guilty of talking with priyanka so rudely last night.He decided to take her out for dinner date as compensation.He can't see her angry.After reaching home,he got to know that she is not at home.His mother said him to clear her misunderstanding.Arnav assured her and decided to go to oberoi mansion to bring her back.


On the other hand,Anika was standing near the balcony in their room.When shivaay entered in the room.Seeing the balcony's door open he walked there.He smiled seeing anika standing there.

"How is my ,baby?" he asked while back hugging her and kissed on her chest.

"I am fine." she turned around and faked smiled.

"Fine?Tell me baby what happened?" he asked from her cupping her face.

Last night,she submitted herself to him whole heartedly.He thought that after coming back from office he will found her waiting for him but seeing her pale face he understood there is something serious.

"I am ok shivaay.Why do you asking?" she smiled.

"Because after seeing my sherni's face.I can understand there is something serious.Now tell me what happened?" he cupped her face.

"Shivaay Priyanka has come.I went to meet her two times but she did'nt talk to me like she used to do.I think she is not ok." she sad sadly.

"So you are worried about her.Don't get sad baby.She was looking upset in the morning.She is like this only she don't share anything easily.I will talk to her.Where are mom dad?"he asked from her.

"Mom dod has gone at dad's client wedding.If you say I will arrange dinner." she said.

"Yes,till then I will talk to priyanka.Don't be sad." he carrassed her cheek and left to meet priyanka.

He goes to the lawn where priyanka was sitting alone.He goes to her and sat beside her on the chair.Both were talking about the matter what had happened.Priyanka was'nt rwady to tell.When she was about to say she saw arnav entering in oberoi mansion.He directly goes to them.

"Why did you came here priyanka?" asked arnav.Priyanka stood up.Shivaay was watching them silently.

"Mom knew that I am here." she said coldly.

"Let's go home.I came here to take you." he hold her hand but priyanka protested.

"Priyanka let's go." he said coldly.

"I am not going." she tried to free her hand but he gripped more tightly.

"If she don't wanna go then you can't force her.Leave her hand." Shivaay spoked moving towards arnav.

"You don't interfere in our matter.I am talking to my wife." arnav said sternly.

"And she is my sister." shivaay freed priyanka's  hand from him.Arnav fisted his palm and was about to hold his collar.

"What are you two doing here?" anika who came there to call shivaay and priyanka for dinner got confused seeing arnav present there.

"Tell ur husband to not to interfere between me and my wife." arnav gritted his teeth.

"Arnav please go from here.I don't wanna talk to you." said priyanka and ran inside while crying.

Arnav gritted his teeth and started going from there.

"Atleast tell me what happned arnav!" asked anika.

"Ask from your husband." he said and left from there.

"Shivaay?"she looked at shivaay.

"Let's go yar.He will be always bastard." said shivaay irritated and left inside.

After much difficulty,he brought priyanka to dinning table and made her eat dinner.After dinner,she left for her room.Anika looked at shivaay worriedly.He assured her to give her sometime.After sometime,tejvi also returned home.

They were sitting in living room spending some family time.Shivaay left for their room.Anika remained there and chatted with jhanvi.

After getting free from them.She goes to room.She found shivaay half laying on bed and was smoking up the cigarette peacefully while closing his eyes.

"Don't smoke so much doh takke k police walay."she pulled out cigar from his lips and throwed it in smoke ashe.

'Then you have to be present here in room otherwise i will do smoking only."he pulled her to his chest and pecked her lips.

"Ohoo shivaay let me change my night suit."she parted away from him.

"Acha suno wear that nighty tonight."he said and layed back on bed winking at her.

"No need to get so much free.Sleep silently."she stared him.

"Baby this is the time for me to get free with you.Now go and come back after wearing the night."he ordered her.

She left for her dressing room.Shivaay was waiting for her.After few seconds, she came out wearing her normal night dress and moved towards her side while surpressing her lips.She layed on bed silently.Shivaay pulled her towards himself by her arm.

"Get ready baby for punishment for messing with policeman.I had told you na wear the nighty."he said and leaned to her neck.

Warning:Mature content ahead.Read at your own risk.Don't blame the writer later.🙌🙌

"umm shiv..aay."she moaned when he sucked her neck.

He kissed her neck and came on top of her.

"Kiss me,baby."he whispered huskily and she lowered her gaze in shyness.
he laughed.She was still shy.

He captured her lips and started sucking her lower lips.He kissed her hungrily and she moaned in pleasure.He slid his hand inside her top and made patterns on her waist.She moaned again and he entered his tongue inside her mouth taking the opportunity.She pulled him more into herself by his hair and he tasted each corner of her mouth.

"mmmm."she hitted his chest getting out of breath.He broke the kiss and joined their forehead breathing heavily.

"I love you,baby."he kissed her forehead and removed his shirt throwing it somewhere in the room.

He trailed kisses all over her neck and gave numerous hickeys there.Anika was moaning mess.

He quickly dimmed the lights of the room and went to locked the door.After climbing the bed,he helped her removing her top and pushed her back on bed.She was laying under him half naked.He looked at her smirkingly and she blushed hard.

He once again kissed her breath out and hungrily trailed kisses all over her body.He was kissing her lips when his hand slid her hand on her back finding the hook of her bra.He deepened the kiss unclasping her bra.It fell off her cleavage and he broke the kiss getting the view of her perfectly shapped bosoms.He looked into her eyes for permission and she nodded shyly.

He kissed the valley between her boobs and she moaned out loud.

"Shivaa..aay."she shuddered when he took her one boob in his mouth while massaging the other one gently.

"mmmmm."she pulled him more into herself as he sucked her boob while playing and cupping her second boob.

"umm."he groaned and twirled his warm tongue around her nipple.She moaned loudly and found herself wet.

He kept on licking,sucking chewing her boobs till they got erected like bullet.
He treated the other boob in the same way.Anika was feeling blessed.Her shivaay was loving her so gently.He looked up on her after worshippinf her boobs.She was looking at him with blush.He smiled and trailed kissed on her waist.He left wet kisses on her waist and massagged her boobs.He moved down and kissed waist line.She breathed heavily.He pulled down her panties and inhaled her honey spot.He groaned and kissed her inner thighs.She moaned loudly in esctasy.
He spread her legs and worshipped her honey spot.She was moaning mess.His warm tongue created hovac in het stomach.

When his hot tongue came in contact with her warm channel she felt herself in different world.He slurped her spot and cried in immense pleasure he was giving her.

"umm..shi..vaay m am am cu..ming."She moaned loudly. and after few seconds he exploded on his face.

"Ummm you taste heaven baby." He looked up at her and kissed her making her taste herself.Their tongues danced in rythem.Both moaned and groaned repectively.While kissing,he entered his one finger inside her nub.She moaned in kiss and he fingered her slowly.

"ohh..shiv.aaay."she breathed heavily as they broke the kiss.He moved down nuzzling into her neck.He entered his one more finger and gave hickey on her neck leaving the mark of his love there.

"Ohh faster shivaaay."she moaned and he slowed down the oace smirkingly.

"Sh.ivaaay."she glared at him and he once again took her boob in his mouth while fingering her fastly.She closed her eyes in pleasure his tongue and fingers were giving to her boob and nub respectively.

After making her cum one more time he flipped her position and made her moan more loudly by licking and kissing the each corner of her back.

Then,she flipoed their position while taking the lead.She kissed him passionately and worshipped his well built abs.He groaned in pleasure.After sometine,he flipped their position.Now he was on top of her.

He spreads her legs coming between her thighs.He pulled down his trouser revealing his erected manhood to her.She closed her eyes in shyness making him chuckled.

"C'mon baby,open your eyes.I want you see me making love to you."he kissed her palm.Anikw slowly opened her eyes.

"It will pain again?"she asked scared.

"little bit but tell me if you don't want tonight.I will stop right now."he asked from her and she nodded no.

"I want you to make love to me,shiv."she squeezed his palm.

"Don't worry.Tell me if It will hurt much."he assured her interwining their fingers.

He looked into her eyes asking for her permission.She blinked her eyes.

"ahhhh."she moaned when he entered her slowly.He came out of her and looked down on their fusion.

He again entered her carefully.She moaned in initial pain and dug her nails into his palms as tears rolled down her eyes.

"Relax."he sucked her tears and wait for her to get used to his size.

"ahh."she moaned in pleaureable pain when he moved bit inside.

He carrrased her cheeks and she moved her hips to adjust to his size.

"Umm move shivaaay."she moaned.He started thrusting slowly inside her.

"ahhh baby!!!"He was feeling her so  tight that he groaned loudly.

He came out of her and with a hatd jerk he completely goes inside her making her moaned loudly in pleasurable pain.He kissed her to reduce her pain.Soon,the pain got replaced by pleasure and he picked up his pace according to her demand!

"ohhh shivv faster ahhh."she dug her nails into his bare shoulder and he increased his speed more while plunging faster and deeper inside her.

"ohhh fuckkk baby!!!"he groaned and pounded more faster.She moaned in pleasure.The whole room got filled by moans and groans and voice of slapping thighs.

He goes this time bit rough but she loved his pace and tried to match with his each faster thrusts and the night continued...................


Precap : same😐.

So,how was the chapter🙈🙈🙈.

Why is anika worried?

Is shivaay alright?

Will priyanka understand anika?

Will meet in next chappy with all answers.Stay in tune to get all answers!!!


Guys response got so much low so suddenly😟😣.That's why I wanna complete the book asap.It will lose it's charm otherwise!

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