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Doh takay ka police wala: 2 ruppee cheap police man.

ASP :Asistant Supridentent of Police.The senior officer who is incharge of police station.It's rank after DSP.ASP works under DSP.


Anika was sitting in her room doing something in her phone.Harsh and avantika knocked at the door.

"Papa..mama please come inside." Anika smiled and kept her phone aside.

They both goes to him and sat on either side of her.

"What happened papa?" Anika asked smilingly as Harsh pecked her forehead lovingly.Avantika looked at him in disbelief.He was sad.

"Anika as you know yesterday night arnav's mom dad had come." anika nodded confusingly.

Harsh cupped her face.

"Baby they asked for your marriage with arnav.Mr Raizada is my childhood friend and business partner also.I will give him answer only if my princess will agree.Because for me my princess's choice matter more than my friendship.So what's your opinion?" Harsh asked while carrassing her hair.

Anika hugged him tightly and Harsh smiled lightly.

"Baba i don't wanna leave you.Tell that langoor to live here after marriage." Anika whispered in low voice.Although she loves arnav but she never thought that she has to leave her father's house forever.Today when she realized it she got sad.

"Haha,baby daughter's real home is her husband's home.Moreover,his house is not so far you can come to meet us anytime." Said Harsh lovingly carrassing her hair.He was although consoling his princess but his eyes were moist with mere thought that his princess will not be anymore with him to take care of his minor minor things.

After they lost their first baby during birth Harsh got very disappointed.After that there were complication in avantika's pregnancy.They were craving to be parents.After six years of miscarriage they were blessed with a princess.Harsh was happy beyonds limits and he vowed to fulfill each dream of his princess.Anika's entry in their life filled the lost happiness of Harsh and avantika.He gave immense love to anika.Avantika was always jealouse of Harsh because of his attachment to his daughter more.She always cursed harsh for spoiling anika so much.Because of his over pampering anika is so moody,stubborn.Today their princess has grown up so fast that he became sad.

Anika wiped his tears.

"Baba don't cry i will come to meet you daily." She smiled and Harsh nodded forcing a smile.

"Ok beta we will give them answer our princess is ready." Avantika kissed her forehead and anika looked down in shyness.They both laughed.

After sometime they left to their room.


Next day at college,Anika was standing out of the college gate.She was waiting for driver.She was very happy today beacuse raizadas were coming to trivedi mansion.Avantika had informed her that today they will do small ring ceremony because of security issue. Basically today was her engagement with Mr arnav raizada.She was blushing with mere sensation when suddenly black audi stopped just near her feet with halt.She jumped back in fear coming out of her lala land.

"Sit in the car right now!" It was shivaay.He ordered her after rolling down the window.

"Are you blind doh takke k police walay!!" She shouted angrily while shivaay controlled his anger.

"If you did't sit in the car right now i will surely break your legs and will throw you inside the car!" Shivaay gritted his teeth.

"Seem like ur seriously out of ur mind!" Anika laughed in sarcastic and turning around she started going inside the college.

Shivaay hitted his hand on steering angrily and came out of the car.He quickly took large steps towards anika and held her wrist tightly in his fist.

"Did'nt you listen what i said?" Shivaay dragged her towards his car.

"Leave my hand you 2 rupee police man!" Anika shouted.No one dare to interfere in their matter seeing shivaay in police uniform.Shivaay opened the car door despites of her pleadings and throwed her inside.
He quickly moved towards other side of the car and sat on driving seat.

" Where are you taking me?" Asked anika angrily.

"Don't worry m not taking you for court marriage.I will take you from ur house with full rights as son in law of your father.Your to be husband "doh takkay ka police wala" will come with baarat and will take his bride my "baby." with full rights.!!" Shivaay winked at her and she fumed.

"It's your misunderstanding do takke k police walay." Anika gave him angry look.

"The time will prove this.You tell me why wer'nt you picking up my calls?"shivaay asked sternly while taking turn on the road.

Listening to this anika looked at her hand she quickly hided it behind her back but shivaay had already seen it.

"I..was busy." She stammered.

"Ok.Why did you remove ring??" Shivaay asked in angry tone while anika shivered.

"My choice."she said boldly while shivaay gave her an angry look.

"Ok you should'nt have problem with my choice too." Shivaay stopped the car with halt and came out of car.He goes towards anika's side and opened the door.

"Come out!' Shivaay ordered her.

"Where have you brought me shivaay!!" She looked around at isolated flat.

"Can't you listen me for one come out dammit!!" Shivaay shouted while pulling her out of the car.

"Leave my hand i can walk." Anika shouted coming out of his hold.

Shivaay gestured her to enter in the flat after leaving her hand.

"Why have you brought me here?" Seeing the empty flat she got fear.

"Don't worry i did'nt brought you here for romance.I will do that after our marriage baby." Shivaay winked at her and anika looked at him irritated.He locked the room as he brought her inside the room..Anika looked at him gulping.

"Why did you remove ring i asked!" Shivaay moved closer to her she gulped hard and moved back.

"I..did'nt like it."she was sacred yet hided it from him.

"C'mon baby you don't like me too but still you have to live with me forever na." Shivaay removed the hair strand from her face when anika jerked his hand pushing him away.

"Don't touch me." She shouted and thus shivaay pulled her closer to his chest.He gripped her hair in his fist.

"Aaaa leave my hair what do you think of yourself!" Anika tried to free his hand from her hair.

Shivaay pulled her more closer to himself.She can feel his hot breath on her face.

"Brave,fearless ,stuborn and your dewana (lover)."At the last word he smiled lightly.

"But in my sight you are a illiterate,sick ,mannerless and beast you 2 ruppee police man." She said boldly and he left her hair abruptly.

"You are lucky baby you hav'nt seen my beasty side till now and seriously i don't wanna show you my that side.If i came to my beasty avatar i swear anika that day your tears will also not work.So better be control your this long tongue and behave properly with me.I won't mind to take out this tongue of yours out of your mouth!" Shivaay told dangerously and she was staring him disgustingly.

Shivaay pulled her to himself abruptly.She landed on his chest.

"Let's come to the point now.I m seeing that bastard around you alot.Like a good baby you will break your alliance with whatever his name is ok!" He pushed her back with jerk and she fumed.

"Mr shivaay singh oberoi i won't do that beacause i love ar.." before she could complete her sentence shivaay held her jawline tightly in his fist.

"No baby don't complete this sentence.I did'nt ask you i told you to break the alliance otherwise i would do do such thing that u will regret your whole life and i m telling you baby I really mean it!!!" He left her mouth with jerk stressing the bold letters dangerously and she looked at him accusingly.He turns his face to other side.

"Ur threatening me??" She again asked garthering courage and shivaay looked at her.

He held her shoulder.

"No baby don't take my warning as threat because shivaay singh oberoi never threatened anyone.Once he determines to get anything.He will get it by hook or crook and baby everything is fair in love and war so janam this all drama should end today only so that i can bring my parents ok." Shivaay carrasssed her cheeks and moved back.

"Let's go i will drop you at home now." He held her hand and take her to the car.

During whole journey they both did'nt talk or fight with each other.
On reaching,anika was about to go out when shivaay pulled her by her wrist.

"Baby this drama have to be end by tonight ok otherwise what i will do that which would'nt be good for you." Shivaay pecked her cheek and anika quickly ran out of the car in fear.

Shivaay laughed and drove away.


At night ,anika was present in her room getting ready.She was so depressed of shivaay's warning.She decided to share it with arnav so that he can take some action.But due to her ring ceremony she decided to talk to him after engagement.

Raizada's had already come.Whole mansion was beautifully decorated.Some of harsh's business partners and relatives had been invited.There was not too much gathering.It was just simple function.

Avantika came into the room.

"Annie are you ready beta?" Avantika asked.

"Yes mom."she smiled and turned towards her.She was looking gorgeous in blue froq as it was very rare when anika wear these types of dresses.

Avantika goes to her and kissed her forehead.

"My daughter is looking very beautiful." She carrassed her face anika forced a smile.She was totally surrounded by shivaay's warning.

She takes her downstair.Everyone praised her beauty and after sometime ring got exchanged.During whole function anika was mentally absent.Her head was spinning because of shivaay's words.She came to her room.

"I have to talk to arnav.This man had'nt let me enjoy the funtion also." anika talked to herself in tension.

Meanwhile, arnav came in the room.

"What happend anika are you shy from me that you came to your room?" Arnav winked at her and anika smiled lightly.

"Arnav i wanna have talk with you."

"Yes baby i also wanna have alot talks with you." Arnav held her hand but anika got scared she pulled her hand back.

"Arnav what was this!" She glared at him.

"You are looking gorgeous baby." Hhe ignored her question and complimented her.Anika blushed.

"Arnav i m serious i wanna have talk with you." She said worriedly and arnav was in romantic mode.

"I m ready to listen you my whole life,sweetheart." Arnav said huskily and moved closer to her.Anika pushed him angrily.

"Seriously arnav ur in mood of romance?Here i wanna have serious talk with you." She said irritated.

"Ok sorry don't get angry tell me why are you behaving like this?" Arnav got serious.

"Do you remember that man who beated the boys in the parking.He is shivaay." Anika said.

"Yup,one second how do you know his name?"arnav asked shocked.

"Arnav..he is..before she can speak more maid came there.

"Sir your mom dad are calling you!" She informed and anika sighed.

"It's ok m here only tell me what happened?" Arnav asked.

"Go yar anti uncle are waiting for too late now.I will tell tomorrow." Anika said and unwillingly arnav left.

Anika decided to talk to her father.She goes to his room but returned disappointed as Harsh slept because of tiredness.

She came out of the restroom after changing her night wear.Mansi came with glass of milk.

"Mam here is your milk." Mansi said and anika looked at her confused.She never drank milk at night.

"Mansi ??" Anika asked confused.

"Mam,avantika mam ordered to give you milk."mansi replied..

"Ok keep there.I will drink later." Said anika.

"No mam your mama said to make you drink." Mansi said.Anika sighed and gulped the whole milk in one go.

Mansi left and anika sat on bed.Her eyes fell on the teracce door.She was about to stand up to close the door but she felt her head spinning.She lied on bed for rest and soon drifted into deep slumber.

After few minutes,shivaay entered in her room through teracce door.

Dim light was on.Shivaay moved towards the door and locked it.He covered the teracce door through curtains and moved towards anika.

He saw the milk glass empty.

"Good job mansi!" Shivaay smirked and unbuttoned his shirt.

"Baby i had told you to break the alliance otherwise i would do the things you will regret.I told you na.Now bear." He bends towards her face and looked at her angelic sleeping figure.He removed his shirt. be continued..................


How was the chapter?

So guys what is shivaay upto??

Warning:No bashing is allowed don't read further if you wanna bash me later.Shivaay is dangerous beyond limits!

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