Maryum's wedding

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It was Maryum's wedding. And his biwi was not present there. Murtasim missed her. There is so much that it hurts.

He knew she was innocent. She didn't do anything. He wanted her to be with him. But he had to let her stay away. Because his mother was frantic and that Haya bitch was adding oil in the fire.

He already planned everything. He had all the evidence to put Haya in jail. But that will happen tomorrow, not tonight.

He quickly changed his outfit. He knew Mèerab would come. He had already sent her to bring her back. He again checked everything that was needed today.

For him, today was very important. He wanted to confess to his wife. Again. He wanted to remove all her insecurities. All her problems. And if the situation worsens, he'll do it tonight after his sister's rukhsati.

As he stood there, he saw his mother and his beautiful wife escorting Maryum. She looked breathtaking. Murtasim loved the way Meerab carried herself. So sophisticated, sharp, and gorgeous. Murtasim was in love with Meerab, not his wife Meerab, but the actual Meerab who was courageous, intelligent, fearless. His Meerab.

Maryum took a seat beside Naurez. Meanwhile, Meerab came towards Murtasim. The way he looked from back was definitely gonna be her weakness. She slowly intertwined their fingers. Only for her husband to utter her name.

"Meerab." She was so shocked to say. She thought he won't recognise her.

"How did you?" She couldn't stop herself from asking.

"I just know my wife. And I held your hand so many times. I know my Meerab. "

"Yet you left her at a place she almost despised now?"

"I will tell you everything. Just let the rukhsati happen."

"I am trusting you."

"Trust me. We are gonna figure it out."

As they went towards the couple, Murtasim was feeling overwhelmed. His baby sister was getting married. He so wanted to postpone it. But his mother and that manipulator Haya. His plan flopped there.

He hugged Maryum.

"I wanted to postpone it. I was almost successful. But then that Haya. Never mind. I search all of Naurezs background. All clean. I want to advise you to tell him everything. If you feel you won't be able to live with him, remember your brother is still alive. I will fight with everybody, and this time, even Ma." Maryum cried hard.

As they bid adieu to maryum, he sat in his garden alone. He needed to fix everything. Admist his thoughts. He didn't realise when Meerab came and sat beside him.

"What are you thinking?" Halting his thoughts, she asked.



"Every single thing. Meerab, can I keep my head on your lap for some time?" He asked.

She just nodded. "Tensed about something?"

"Tell me one thing. If you have a problem and you know the solution to it, what is the best to do? Wait for a perfect time or do it right now?"

"Right now. Because I want to get rid of the problem as soon as possible. But what happened?" She asked, massaging his head, playing with his hair.

" I want to fix everything. Every single thing. Let me just make a call."

"Yes. I want you guys here in 20 minutes. I don't want it till morning."

They both went to the hall. And asked Feena to call everyone. While Meerab remains confused.

"Now that everyone is here, we can start the drama, right?"

"Murtasim, it's already late. What's the matter? Tell us quickly." Ma begum interjected.

"Of course. So Haya? Will you do the honour of confessing your crimes?" He said much to Haya's shock.

"What do you mean? I didn't do anything. "

"Yes, of course. Let me start from the beginning. Feena?"

"Feena, tell us about Haya's pretty little crimes. And dare you lie. I'll shoot you here." Feena was just looking  towards Haya and others.

"Khan.. I" She began.

"Only truth. One lie, and you are dead."

"Khan, Haya baji goes to a bengali baji. She does black magic on people. She even did this on you. So that you leave Meerab bibi. Somehow, it didn't work. So she did it again on Meerab bibi. Also, a week ago, the food was made by Meerab bibi. But she told you she made it." Feena told them in a breath.

"Thank you, Feena. You can go."

"Now come to the point, Haya."

"She is lying. She is just a servant. And you are gonna believe her. That bitch.."

"Control your anger this is nothing."

"You showed us a video if Meerab helping Malik zubair and Maryum in eloping right?

"Yes. She's at fault. She did it. Meerab should be out of the house. But you again let her come here."

"This is her house. My daughters house, Haya. Don't forget you are the sheltered one." Anwar shouted.

"You knew he was Malik zubair. Why didn't you stop? You were making videos."

"I didn't know he..."

"You knew. I was there. You are a filthy woman, Haya. A bloody piece of shit. You pushed my mèerab from the stairs. And Ma begum kept quiet? When would you tell me? After she does this honour on you?"


"All the crimes you did, I can't forgive even one of them. You tried to tranish my sister's honour,  you tried to kill my meerab. And the best one, you tried to fraud. You wanted a land on your name. You asked our family lawyer to make the papers." As Murtasim said the last line, Haya's face paled.

"Didn't you, Haya?"

"Yes, I did. I did everything for you. You just love this girl. And I? I have loved you since childhood. You never noticed me. This girl snatched everything from me." She marched towards meerab, but
Murtasim stood in front of her and pointed a gun on hayas forehead.

"Don't you dare. Otherwise, I will not hesitate to kill you. Remember Haya, I, and meerab were destined to marry. And even if it wasn't gonna happen, I would never ever marry a scumbag like you. I hate women who don't even have an ounce of dignity and are ready to sleep with any chance with anyone. You even offered yourself to Malik zubair when Meerab and I were in the village. I feel disgusted to even talk to you."

As he finished, everyone else was in shock. Ma begum never imagined the girl she raised would be snake. She was so shaken to even talk.

"Inspector, file case of attempt to murder and fraud against her. Also, a kidnapping. And I'll make sure she can never be out of jail soon enough."

"No, I'll not go. Murtasim don't do this." She kept shouting as they took away. Murtasim took Meerab in the room.

As they freshen up, Meerab started to recite surah and ayatul kursi on him.

"What are you doing?" Murtasim chuckled as he encircled his arms around her waist.

"Ayatul kursi."

"Meerab, I...."

"No. Don't know what she did. From now on, start reciting ayatul qursi after every prayer. Allah Allah.."

"Calm down. She is gone." While Meerab just hugged him tighter.

Saying I love you can wait. It can be much more grand.

Feedback, please.

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