Chapter 11

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I woke up the next morning, and the first thing I did was untangle Omkara's arm that was slumped around my waist before turning around to face him.

I glanced at his face and smiled a little, admiring his features, starting from his perfect structured jawline, and onto to his soft lips that felt like heaven when pressed against mine.

He was good-looking, Iʼll give him that. But like I said, looks arenʼt everything. Heʼs got anger issues, big ones at that, and he needs to change that if he ever wanted to become a better person. But then again, who am I to have a say in all of this, right?

"Morning, doll face." His raspy voice almost made me melt in my position and I narrowed my eyes as he flickered his eyes open.

"Were you pretending to sleep?" I made a face and he flashed me a grin as I let out a groan and got off the bed.

Everything that happened last night came crashing down the instance I got up and I hugged myself a little before clutching my hands together.

Should I tell him? No, no way. It would only piss him off. First it was Varun, now Veer? Heʼll never let it go.

Heʼll never let them go.

"Leaving so soon?" Omkara asked, his breath hitting against my neck from the back as I let out a gasp and turned to face him, releasing the grip I had on the doorknob in the process.

"Ye-yes, I have to take a shower and go eat."

"Whatʼs the rush? You can always join me in the shower, doll face, I wonʼt complain."

"Iʼm fine on my own, thanks..." I murmured, blushing slightly as I struggled to push his chest away, his body only leaning closer to mine, a smirk tugging on the corner of his lips.

"Are you sure?" "Positive."

"Tsk, too bad then." He took a step back, turning around and revealing his back, the toned muscles on his back flexing as he stretched a little.

Snap out of, Gauri .

"Get ready, weʼre going out today." He said finally, slumping on a towel and I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Where?" 'Youʼll see."

"Weʼre just going to visit them, have a small talk, go out for a drink or two and come back home, understood?" Abhay said out loud and I quickly nodded, tugging on my royal blue tank top that well really well with the black tight I was wearing.

Apparently, weʼre all going out to meet up with the humans, random ones at that, before we go for a dinner or drink and come back home. I donʼt exactly see the point of this little walk around town but somehow, it was able to create a better bond between humans and vampires.

Pointless attempt in my opinion, but hey, whatever makes them sleep at night, right?

"Back from salty island, arenʼt you?" Ananya hissed near my ears and I mentally let out a groan before going silent.

"I was compelled, stop getting on my case, Ananya . Iʼm tired of it." I picked out my wool, brushing a few strands of hair away from my face.

"Whatever you say." She grumbled and left for the first time, making me sigh in relief. I tied my hair into a ponytail and looked out, waiting for Omkara , who was by the way, late.

Unusual and not like him, but he probably had something to do. All the guys were now muttering and groaning impatiently but I used this chance to breathe in the fresh air, a breeze brushing against my arms as I hugged myself.

I stopped when I noticed Omkara finally coming out of the house, wearing a grey sweater with black jeans and I admired his taste of clothes. They were always on point and-oh my god, Gauri , stop obsessing over nothing.

"Letʼs go." He said shortly, not even apologizing for making everyone wait but then again, this is Omkara Singh Oberoi weʼre talking about. We all started following him and after reaching the third block, both Ananya and I started to get tired and bored, wondering how these people were even able to put up with these talks and walks on a regular basis.

Oh wait, I forgot that they had inhuman powers that prevented them from getting tired at all.

How pleasant for the rest of us, normal people.

We reached to a huge shopping Mall and I mentally groaned when some girls started huddling around the guys, whispering, giggling and squealing in excitement, all at once too, if that was even possible.

"Disgusting." I heard Ananya mutter and I scoffed, completely agreeing with her.

"I know right, why do girls even act like that? Itʼs not even like theyʼre anything special and-never mind" I stopped when I noticed Ananya making her way towards Jai, putting an arm around his neck, as if she was letting the girls know that he was taken.

Weird, are they a thing now?

"Any-anyways, as I was telling myself-" I grumbled to myself and stopped when I heard someone chuckle from behind, causing me to spin around to face Ranveer, an old high school friend of mine.

"You never change, do you?" he let out a laugh and I involuntarily squealed his name out of excitement before throwing myself at him, wrapping my arms around his neck tightly.

"Where have you been?!" I asked, pulling away and he grinned in response.

"Where have I been? Whereʼve you been since you got "chosen"?" he shook his head, his eyes boring into mine as I let out a sigh.

"I know, Iʼve just never had the chance to get out." I pouted and stopped when I noticed Omkara , staring at me from ahead, his eyes burning holes through my face as I flinched a little.

Did I do something wrong?

"How have you been, by the way? We should meet up, you gotta let me know what itʼs like to live with them." He grinned, brushing his dark messy hair and I gave him a weak smile, trying to ignore Omkara , who was still leaning against a wall and staring at us, next to the Mall we were supposed to go in.

"Yeah, yeah we should."

"Are you free right now? Because we can just grab a coffee or-"

"Thatʼs enough out of you." Omkara suddenly appeared behind Ranveer before he grabbed the back of his shirt, jerking him back.

"Omkara !" I snapped in surprise before rushing to help Ranveer get up but a hand grabbed my upper arm before yanking me back, my body getting squeezed against Omkara's chest as an arm wrapped around my shoulders swiftly, holding me in place.

"What the fuck, man, the-" Ranveer stopped dead in his tracks as soon as he looked up to face Omkara and I could see the color on his face drain away within seconds before he stood up straight, giving me a pitiful look before scurrying away.

"What was that for?!" I jerked myself away and glared at Omkara , who gave me an expressionless look before shrugging it off ignorantly.

"Not my fault he pissed his pants for no reason." He raised a brow and I heard the guys laugh from the back, as if theyʼve been watching this little show the entire time.

"Youʼre all so childish," I huffed, turning to look at the guys, who simply stood their grinning like a bunch of idiots.

"Especially you." I turned to look at Omkara . He opened his mouth to say something but stopped, his eyes suddenly focusing on my neck as I narrowed my eyes at him.

Within seconds, his facial expressions changed from a blank look to pure anger and hatred and I flinched a little.

"What the fuck is that?!" he spat through gritted teeth, his jaw line clenching as I looked at him on confusion.

"What?" I stiffened as his eyes never left my neck and I swallowed the lump in my throat when he took a step forward.

I know he is mad, obviously, but why?

"The fuck is on your neck, Gauri ?!" he suddenly yelled, making everyone, including me jump up a little.

"What are you talking about-"

"What do you mean what the fuck am I talking about, there is a fucking hickey on your neck!" his words hit like a thousand bricks and for the next few seconds, I just stood stiff in my position, a hand making its way up to my neck as I tried to make sense of what was happening. Donʼt tell me was because of last night? It has to be, Veer was the only one-

"Fucking answer me, Gauri , who the fuck did that?!" my thoughts were cut off and I gasped when he grabbed my hand, yanking me forward and by now, the guys were huddling around us, trying to calm him down.

"Omkara , calm down, weʼre in the middle of the fuckin road."

"Letʼs go inside somewhere to talk about, we canʼt do this here."

"Iʼm sure Gauri has an explanation, so chill for a minute and-"

"If you guys donʼt shut the fuck up right now, Iʼll bash each and every one of your heads to a fucking wall, am I fucking clear?!" his spat, tightening the grip around my wrist and I held in a whimper before trying to free myself from his grip.

"Weʼre going home," he said shortly and I ignored him as I kept struggling to break free.

"Omkara -"

"Stop that." He hissed, jerking me closer and I gasped before going silent, a hard lump already forming in my throat as I stood still.

Before I could say anything, Omkara picked me up in his arms and I gripped his shirt when my head started to spin, my surrounding become more and more blurry by each passing second.

The next thing I knew, we had already arrived right in front of the mansion and I involuntarily gripped his shirt when he appeared in front of his room, literally kicking the door open before bolting inside with me.

What should I do? What should I say?

"Tell me who the fuck did that?" he demanded, his voice turning just a tad-bit soft but judging from the way his jawline was clenching, I knew that he was far from calming down. I got off his arms and opened my mouth to say something but decided to keep it shut.

"Was in Abhay? Parth? Shivaay?" with each name, he took a step forward and I backed away, knowing very well that he was now pushing me into a corner but what choice did I have than to back away?

"No! Omkara , itʼs probably nothing, I didnʼt even see a hickey..." I tried to keep a straight face, walking right past him and towards the dressing table.

"Unhuh, really?" his words dripped in sarcasm and I froze when I stared at myself in the mirror, touching the red mark that was left right where Veer had sucked on.

How the hell did I not see that this morning?!

"Let me guess, thatʼs a fucking birthmark thatʼs been there since day one right?" he asked, standing right behind me as I stared at the red mark, hoping, praying that it somehow disappears.


"I-I, what?!" he cut me off, grabbing my wrist and spinning me around to face him. Calm down, Gauri .

Iʼve seen situations like these where the girlfriend pranks the boyfriend into thinking she got a hickey from another guy.

I could pull one of those off, right? But there is just one tiny teeny problem, he wasnʼt my boyfriend and well, I had no chance of getting away with a lie anyways so think again, smartass.

"Gauri ?!"

"I donʼt know okay? I donʼt know where I got it from..." I finally said out loud, trying to yank my hand away but held a good grip on them.

"Really? So what is then, huh?"

"I donʼt know? Itʼs probably not even a hickey, alright?"

"Are you fucking kidding me? Quit playing around with me, doll face, You think I don't know what a fucking hickey looks like!" he snapped, his eyes growing a shade darker but I decided to keep up my innocent little act, despite me shitting in my pants right now.

"I think I burned myself while I was straightening my hair today..." I mumbled out weakly, lowering my eyelashes on the ground.

"Straightening your hair-for fuckʼs sake, Gauri , your hair is already straight!" he huffed, glancing up at the ceiling and letting out a sigh in frustration.

"I hardly doubt you even know what a straightener looks like." He mocked, but his serious tone remained the same and I scoffed at his wild accusation.

"Excuse me, but just so you know, I know what a-"

"Cut the bullshit, Gauri , and tell me the truth. Youʼre really starting to piss me off now." He took a step forward, squeezing my wrists and I inhaled deeply before going silent.

"I really donʼt know how I got it okay?"

"If you werenʼt on Vervain right now, I would have compelled you into telling the truth. Count yourself lucky, right now." His voice started to get more cold and I flinched a little before boring into his eyes.

"Omkara -"

"No, shut up. I gave you a chance to speak out the truth but you wasted it. So Iʼll do it my way." And with that, he released his grip and turned around to leave, causing a shiver down my spine.

"Wait, what do you mean?"

"I know one of my brothers did it, my bets are on Shivaay." he stopped, glancing back at me and my eyes widened when I noticed the hatred filling in his eyes.

"Wa-wait!" I yelled and bolted up to him before he could open the door.

"He didnʼt do it, I swear!" I defended him, stepping in front of Omkara and grabbing his shirt.

"And why should I believe you?" he masked on an expressionless look and I bit my bottom lip hesitantly before shaking my head.

"Because-I know." I looked up at him and his eyes swiftly left my lips and returned back to my eyes, making my heart skip a beat.

"I put up with your little lie for a while, Gauri , so now, you only have five seconds to tell me the truth," he warned, taking a small step forward and my eyes widened in fear.

"Five, four, three..." with each number he counted down, he took a small step forward and I instinctively took one back, my mind becoming hazy as I tried to blurt out the truth already.

But I canʼt, what if-

"Two, on-"

"It was Veer!" I blabbered out, releasing in a breath I didnʼt know I was even holding back and I watched Omkara's movement come to a sudden freeze before a void of emotions swam in his eyes, making me cower in fear.

"What did you say?" "Veer, he-"
"How the hell did he get to touch you in the first place?!" He spat with his jaw line clenched and his hands balled into a fist in anger.

"He-he-last night, he suddenly appeared out of nowhere and-"

"Last night?" Omkara's eyes widened in surprise before he shook his head in disbelief.

"Fuck that, youʼre lying. You were with me, Gauri , the whole fucking time." He backed me against the door, caging me in his arms, just to make sure I didnʼt slip past him.

I wasnʼt planning to, there was no point.

"Iʼm telling the truth! I went downstairs to get water and he was there-"

"They why the fuck did you not tell me, huh?!" he snapped, slamming one of his hands on the door, making me gasp before going silent.

"I was scared...that you might do something to him-"

"Screw that, youʼre supposed to tell me!" He cut in and I shook my head.

"I didnʼt want you to hurt him, Omkara -"

"Well fuck what you want, Gauri , heʼs going to get it this time. And no, you donʼt get to have a say in this so shut up." He leaned his face closer to mine, the anger flickering in his eyes and I gave him a pleading look.

"Please, can you just calm down? Iʼm sorry, Iʼm sorry for not telling you but I was sacred. I didnʼt want this to happen, Omkara ..."

"Well, too bad," Omkara said coldly, backing away. "Move, Iʼll be back." He said shortly and was about to push me aside when I grabbed his hand.

"Donʼt! Omkara , please? Just this once, calm down first and tell me whatʼs going on between you two? I need to know why heʼs doing this. What does he want from me?" I poured down all my questiones and Omkara shot me one last glare before grabbing my hand, painfully slow, might I add, and brushing it away from his.

"You donʼt have to know anything. All you need to know is that you need to stay away from him." His ignorant words made my blood boil. Okay, I have been patient up to this point, but enough is enough.

"No, tell me. I want to know now. Why? Why is he after me?" I questioned, stepping in front of him and folding my hands across my chest.

"Gauri , move. Youʼre beautiful and all that shit when youʼre mad, but right now, youʼre really starting to get on my nerves.

"I donʼt care, tell me." I stood my ground, despite Omkara clenching his jaw line before letting out a huff in frustration.


"Tell me, why? Why, Omkara ? What does he want from me?" I questioned, raising my voice.

"You donʼt have to fucking know, alright?" he said impatiently, but I could tell them he was getting more and more frustrated.

"Tell me!" I snapped, not wanting to let it go this time.

"Because, heʼs going to use you to kill me, alright?! And after that, heʼs going to kill you too, Ishana, why canʼt you fucking see that, already?!" He suddenly yelled, grabbing both my wrists and jerking me towards him.

My heart almost ripped out of my chest and I just stood still, staring into his eyes as he fixated his very own on mine as well.

"Ishana...?" Whoʼs Ishana?"

"No one." Omkara turned away and it ticked me off more than it should.

"Really? So itʼs just a coincidence that youʼre calling me by someone else's name?"

"Itʼs not like that-"

"Then what is it? Who is Ishana?" I questioned, this time with a more demanding tone and he gave me a hard long look before walking right past me and opening the door to leave.

"Omkara , are you just going to lea-" I bit my bottom lip angrily when he disappeared out of my sight, leaving me with so many questions.

Who is Ishana? Did he meant to say Ishana or my name? Why? Is she his sister or current girlfriend? There is no way, right?

I stared at the pendant and let out a deep sigh, my thoughts finally coming together as I clutched it tightly. How I missed my parents. To be honest, I wasnʼt the type to get all clingy towards my parents but right now, thereʼs nothing more I want than to run into my motherʼs arm and hug her tightly.

Maybe thatʼs what I needed right now. A hug from someone I loved. Things have been hella crazy for me these days, not to mention the fact that I keep having weird feelings around Omkara lately.

It doesnʼt seem right. None of this was but what choice did I have?

"You know what, Gauri ? Fuck them, just go out, go visit your parents and come back. Whatʼs the worst that could happen?" I hesitated for a while but then decided to go with my plan. The worst thatʼs going to happen is that Omkara is going to get pissed at me and wow, how shocking that would be.

"Gauri , hey." I cringed a little when I heard Shivaay's voice and loosened the grip I had on the main door before turning to face him as he suddenly appeared in front of me. He was now wearing a loose blue t-shirt with a pair of black joggers and I blinked innocently as he eyed me suspiciously.

"Are you-"

"Yes, I am." I cut him off, folding my arms across my chest. "And donʼt stop me or I swear, Iʼll jump off this dumb mansion again."

"Really? Thatʼs the best you can come up with?" Shivaay chuckled before shaking his head.

"Try me."

"Alright, jeez, I was just kidding." He took a step forward, scanning me from head to toe.

"All jokes aside, whatʼs going on with you and Veer?"

"How am I supposed to know, Shivaay ? You should know better, considering the fact that youʼre Omkara's side kick." I grunted, moving past him and marching my way to the dining room, giving up on my attempt to sneak out from the main door.

Maybe I can use the back door thatʼs in the dining room? I only noticed the back door the other day while I was having breakfast and yes, the thought of sneaking out from that door did occur to my mind then but guess I wasnʼt feeling so smart tonight.

"And I can see why." I mumbled out the words as soon as I saw the boys making out on the dinner table with a bunch of half-naked girls.


"Ajay." I watched him brush his blond hair to a side, sitting up straight as a female got off his lap in satisfaction and I held back the urge to gag.

"Care to join?" he opened his arms and I was about to walk right past him and towards the door when both Ajay and Shivaay appeared in front of me, making me gasp before shooting them a glare.

"Move," I pushed past them for the first time and opened the door to leave. "And donʼt follow me!" I snapped and I could hear the guys groaning before hearing the sound of heavy footsteps behind me, causing my pace to fasten but I knew it was no use.

"Seriously, Kulfi , you cannot just barge out like that." Rudra wrapped an arm around my shoulders, pulling me to a stop. "Now letʼs go back inside."

"Will you get your hands off me?!" I huffed, brushing him to a side and turning to face Arjun, Rudra, Ajay and Shivaay, who were now coming to a sudden halt.

"Will you stop acting out? Where are you going in the middle of the night, anyways?" Rudra ruffled up his hair before wiping the blood from his mouth.

"You do understand that Omkara is going to kill us if anything happens to you right?"

"That sounds more like a "your" problem." I emphasized and I watched the rest of the guys run out of the mansion, making me huff in aggravation.

"God, will you guys cut me some slack? I am just going to see my parents." I lowered my voice a bit, now that everyone was here.

"Gauri , weʼre in the middle of something, can you just stop giving us attitude and come inside for a minute?" I glared at Jai, who was now buttoning up his shirt and not even bothering to brush his messed up hair.

"No, I swear if any of you touch me, Iʼll tell Omkara that you tried to hurt me!" I donʼt know where the threat came from but it somehow seemed to work on Raj, who immediately took a step back from me and pulling his hands away.

"Seriously, youʼre going to play that card?" Rithesh raised a brow, taking a step forward and before they could say anything more, I turned and started making my way outside, ignoring the boys as they kept calling my name.

Just as I walked out of the gate, a car stopped right in front of me and I took a step back, narrowing my eyes as someone slid the window down to reveal Omkara's face.

"Oh, how cute. You guys go around in cars when you have super speed?" I muttered under my breath as the they huddled around me, half of them shooting me a glare in annoyance and I mentally rolled my eyes.

"Whatʼs going on?" Omkara asked softly, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion and I folded my hands across my chest, turning away.

Honestly, seeing Omkara just pissed me off. I donʼt really know why, but ever since he called me "Ishana", itʼs been bothering me a lot.

Was it his side chick or something? But seriously though, he called me by another girlʼs name?

We were in the middle of a serious talk and-

"Sheʼs been messing around again. Probably sulking about something again." Raj spat with venom in his voice and I scoffed in annoyance. I could feel Omkara burning holes through my face but I didnʼt even bother to look at him and instead I blurted out the first and utter most ridiculous thing that came into my mind.

"Well, Raj here, tried to make out with me." I said bluntly and for the next few seconds, silence clouded the atmosphere before Omkara snapped.

"The fuck did you do?!"

"Omkara , sheʼs lying! Seriously, Gauri , youʼre going to play dirty now?" Ran defended himself and I couldnʼt help but smile inside a little before the guilt kicked back in.

Okay, maybe I took it too far. It took a few seconds for the boys to calm Omkara down and actually convince him that I was lying, making me slightly regret that petty move.

"I donʼt have time for this, Gauri , get in the car." Omkara raised his voice slightly and I watched him grip the wheel before I averted my gaze again, tightening my hands across my chest. "Gauri Kumari Sharma!, get in the fucking car!" he suddenly snapped, making me slightly jump a little before I glared at him.

"Make me, Omkara Singh Oberoi !" I tried to hold back the anger but somehow I couldnʼt anymore.

Everything about him pissed me off right now.

"Gladly." I heard him mutter as soon as I started walking away, ignoring the sound of the car door slamming.

"Get in." he grabbed my wrist and I brushed them away. "Gauri -"

"Last I checked, my name wasnʼt Gauri ," I watched him flinch a little at my words.

"Now if youʼll excuse me-"

"Is that what youʼre mad about?"

"No. Iʼm just mad because you keep getting pissed over nothing and ordering me around 24/7. Itʼs bound to get tiring." I regained my composure, trying to hide the lie I was telling myself now and he let out a small sigh, a muscle on his jaw line flickering before his expressions softened.

"Fine, can you get in the car now?" he questioned and I raised a brow at him.

"Can you please get in the car now, Gauri ." He said "please" like it was the dirtiest word that ever came out of his mouth but I decided to let it go.

By now, the guys were already leaving back to the mansion and I got inside the front seat before slamming the door shut.

"Where are we going?" I questioned, staring out through the window and at Shivaay, who was now giving me a small smile but I didnʼt bother to return it back.

"Just be quiet and wait." He mumbled, leaning closer against my seat and reaching his hand to pull on my seatbelt.

My breath hitched when he finally pulled away, returning back to his seat and I inhaled deeply as we finally drove off.

The drive was quiet, almost too quiet and I squirmed in my position uncomfortably, sending a glance at Omkara's every now and then but his eyes remained on the road, as if he was lost in his own thoughts the whole time.

"So who is she?" I broke the ice and he raised a brow, his eyes not leaving the road for even a second. "Ishana, is she like your side chick or something?" I asked with no emotion in my voice and I watched him give me a look from the corner of his eyes before going silent again.

"Itʼs none of your concern."

"None of my concern? Itʼs not that I care or anything but-"

"Then let it go."

"But, itʼs because it bothers me that you just randomly called me by a whoreʼs name, alright." I continued and gasped when the car came to a sudden halt, causing my heart to almost rip out of my chest.

"Donʼt you ever disrespect her." He spat with so much venom and for the first time, his words actually got to me and I pressed my lips together into a thin line before turning away, blinking away the tears.

What was wrong with me? Why do I keep acting out like this? Is it because of Veer's compulsion?

Am I still under it?

"Iʼm sorry." His voice was barely above a whisper as we drove off again but I didnʼt bother to say anything.

God, I hate him so much right now. But then again, when did I stop hating him? I used to loath his existence but look at me now, getting worked up about some girl.

Do I really have feelings for him?

No way, there is no way, right?

When and how?

Who in their right minds would fall for Omkara Singh Oberoi anyways?

"Gauri ?" he finally called but I ignored him, swallowing down the lump in my throat. I didnʼt want to have these feelings for him but I canʼt be in denial forever either.

I definitely had something for him or else I wouldnʼt be hurt over some dumb shit like this.

But donʼt get me wrong, I donʼt plan to let my feelings get in the way. Iʼll just figure out a way to get over it.

It was probably some dumb crush anyways, maybe because he has been a bit nice to me lately? And actually showing emotions and remorse?

"Are you upset?" he mumbled, cutting off my thoughts and I regained my posture before shaking my head.

"What's there to be upset about? Obviously Iʼm at wrong for forgetting my place, so forgive me. I forgot that I was just a blood-bag to you." I blabbered out before I could even stop myself and I could see Omkara's face scrunch up in confusion along with a hint of concern but I quickly turned on the radio before he could say anything more.

"You really think thatʼs how it is?" he asked, glancing at me and then back at the road every once in a while.

"Your words, not mine." I decided to end this conversation when the female cover of the song "Attention" came on the radio, making me squeal in excitement.

"I just want attention, I donʼt want your heart, I bet that you just hate the thought of me with someone new." I sang along with the song, ignoring Omkara , who was now calling my name repeatedly before reaching to lower the volume down but I brushed his hands away.

Oh, I just want your attention, since you broke my heart. Iʼm just making sure youʼre never getting over me too.

I stopped when we suddenly came to a stop and before I knew it, Omkara was already getting out of the car and opening the door for me. I hesitantly got off the car, slightly afraid that I might have pissed him off even more but that didnʼt seem to be the case.

I stared in awe as he motioned me to follow him ahead, towards a beach, and for the first time in a long time, I smiled a little. The crescent moon shone over the dark sea and the white beach as I followed him behind, a breeze brushing against my legs as I fastened my pace behind him.

"Why are we here?" I asked finally, suddenly feeling a bit scared that he might have other intentions besides going for a walk.

"Chill out, I just brought you here so that you can relax." He came to a stop before sitting down and edging a little closer towards the sea.

I took in his words and found it hard to believe at first but then decided that he would have no better reason to do so anyways.

"How nice..." I tried to sound polite but somehow, ended up being sarcastic instead.

"Iʼm a nice guy, Gauri ."

"Oh, nice is a strong word for you." I made a face and he raised a brow before grinning at me, showing off his pearly white teeth and my heart skipped a beat at the sight.

"Sure it is," he stretched one of his leg and I went silent. "About Ishana-"

"I donʼt really want to know." I interrupted him and I heard him let out a sigh before shaking his head impatiently.

"She was my ex-girlfriend. The one I told you about," he said softly and my eyes widened in surprise. "Her name was Ishana."

"You mean the girl your best friend kill-"

"The girl Veer killed," I froze at his words and I could feel the knot in my stomach tighten as he continued.

"And heʼs not my best friend. Weʼre past that point."

"Wh-what are you saying? I donʼt really-"

"Iʼm telling you that Veer killed my ex-girlfriend, Gauri . Simple as that." He said bluntly but I could see the hatred filling in his eyes and I gulped softly, trying to puzzle the pieces together.

"So-so let me get this straight? Your ex-girlfriend, her name was Ishana and Veer is the best friend you were talking-"

"Yes, Gauri ."

"Youʼre canʼt be. So all this time, I was with a man who killed an-" I stopped, processing the whole thing, trying to make sense of everything and I stood up straight as soon as realization came crashing down on me like waves.

"Gauri ...?"

"I have to go." I turned around and started leaving when Omkara appeared in front of me and I gasped before taking a few steps back.

"Why? Where are you-"

"Just donʼt, okay? Everything you said doesnʼt make any sense. Youʼre telling me that all this time, Iʼve been hanging around with a Killer? A cold-blooded murderer?!" I raised my voice, hugging myself tightly.

"And you didnʼt tell me? After everything he did, after everything he tried to do to me, you couldnʼt even give me a hint?!" I snapped, anger boiling inside of me as I came to understand that Omkara actually put me in a dangerous position when he decided to keep this from me.

"Calm down, alright? I didnʼt want you to know-"

"Of course you didnʼt, Omkara . Because you obviously couldnʼt care less about me or what happens to me and that is exactly why you kept this from me!"

"I couldnʼt care less?" I could tell that he was trying to conceal the hurt and guilt in his voice but at the same time, I didnʼt want to believe that he was genuinely feeling bad right now.

"I donʼt care, just leave me alone! And from now on, whateverʼs between you and Veer, stays between you two. I donʼt want two murderers on my case and-" I froze when he suddenly wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into a hug and burying his face in the crook of my neck as I squirmed to break free from his tight grip.

"Let me go," I spoke harshly and he didnʼt even budge. "God, just let me go, Omkara !" I snapped sharply, grabbing the back of his shirt and attempting to pull myself away.

"Let go-"

"No." he barely whispered and I let out a huff in frustration before gripping his shirt even more. With another frustrated sigh, I pulled away with all my strength and just as we slightly pulled apart, Omkara pulled me back in, making me growl in annoyance.

"Just for tonight, stop," I stiffened when his voice barely choked out and I could feel my heart racing faster as he buried his face even more. "Please..." his voice sounded so vulnerable and weak, almost making me feel bad for him.


"Omkara , let go." I demanded this time.

"Come on, Gauri -" before he could finish, I jerked myself away and shot him a glare as he took a step forward.

"Look, Iʼm exhausted as fuck tonight, alright? I canʼt fight with you right now, not tonight, so please, just hear me out." His voice remained surprisingly soft and it bothered me that he could be so soft with me when Iʼm giving him so much attitude.

"Why are you exhausted?" I finally mumbled out, folding my hands across my chest and brushing a few strands of my hair out of my face.

"Because Iʼve been looking for him for the past few hours and heʼs already gone." His tone became colder and I narrowed my eyes at him.

"You mean Veer? So what, just let him leave then." I shrugged it off but I knew the situation was a lot more complicated than that.

"No, you donʼt understand, alright? If heʼs gone, then that means that heʼs planning to do something." Omkara took a step forward, his eyes boring into mine, causing a shiver down my spine.

"And he will come for you again, Gauri ."

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