Chapter 14

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The next day, I decided to get up early and visit the library and perhaps find a way to contact my parents.

Itʼs been too long since Iʼve last talked to them and I miss them so much.

Just hearing their voices over the phone isnʼt enough for me anymore. I had to see them, even if itʼs for a day. I was about to walk into the dining room, when I noticed Ananya carrying a luggage towards the main door and I rushed towards her.

"Hey, whatʼs going on?" I grabbed her hand, stepping in front of her as she gave me a long look before shaking her head, her thick brown hair dancing around her face as she did.

"Iʼm going home. I canʼt live here when itʼs not
safe, not after what happened..."

"What?! So youʼre leaving? What about me? Take me with you-"

"Gauri ,We both know Omkara doesnʼt want that," she scowled a little before her expression softened again.

"Anyways, thank you for what you did. If it hadnʼt been for you, I wouldʼve probably been dead by now, so yeah..." I eyed her as she twirled some strands of hair between her fingers.

"It was the right thing to do."

"I know, but, Iʼm going. Be safe here and I donʼt know, try not to act like a little bitch who resorts to crying every time something goes wrong."

"Oh, I think Iʼve moved past that phase," She raised a brow and I rolled my eyes.

"A little." I added and she nodded with a small smile, her brown eyes boring into mine for a few seconds before she turned away.

"Bye, Gauri ." She said finally, opening the door and I followed her outside as she stepped out of the gate.

A car was waiting for her near the gate and I watched her get in as a butler escorted her luggage inside the car.

I bit my bottom lip and inhaled deeply when she sent me a weak smile through the window before turning away, causing my heart to drop.

"This canʼt be happening..." I breathed, my eyes trailing along the moving car before they were out of sight.


Dinner tonight felt awfully too quiet and I played with my food, my eyes drooping on my plate.

I am alone here now, how am I supposed to live here alone? I canʼt...I just canʼt.

"Donʼt like the food?"

"No, itʼs fine." I didnʼt look at Omkara and the boys went back to chatting, some of them making out with some random girls, who were invited here earlier.

I played with my food a little bit more and finally stood up, leaving the dining room.

"Whatʼs wrong?" Omkara appeared in front of me and I gasped a little before taking a step back from the spiral staircase.

"Nothing, I just-" I paused to contemplate whether I should tell him the truth or not.

"Donʼt like staying here alone. I donʼt feel comfortable." I spilled finally, finding no reason to hold back.

"Ananya left on her own, plus I wasnʼt interested in keeping her for long and I made that very clear when I told her she was outta the game."

"Game? Is this all a game to you?"

"Youʼre twisting my words, gauri."

"Enlighten me. Those were your exact words, Omkara ." I folded my hands across my chest, knitting my eyebrows together in annoyance.

His words were upsetting.

"Alright, fine. Bad choice of words, my bad," he slipped his hands inside his pockets and leaned his face closer before straightening his posture again.

"But give it a chance. It wonʼt be so bad here, I promise. And Iʼll keep you safe from Veer, at all cost too. So stay," he took a step forward and I pressed my lips together into a thin line.

"I donʼt-"

"Please." He cut me off and my heart skipped a beat before I faked a gasp.

"Youʼve been using the word "please" quiet often now, darling. Have you been feeling well? Are you sick?"

"Ha-ha." His voices dripped in sarcasm, unamused. I smiled a little then let out a sigh before shaking my head a little.

"Still, I donʼt want to stay here alone. I just donʼt feel comfortable and I need some company."

"Get along with the guys then, theyʼre-"

"As in, with people I like." I grumbled and he raised a brow before letting out a huff in defeat.

"Fine, maybe I can bring that Bhavi friend of yours or something for a few days." He scratched the side of his jawline and I looked at him in confusion.

"Bhavi? I donʼt have a friend called Bhavi..."

"Yeah, you do. We met her on the day you ran away, remember?" he emphasized and I rolled my eyes.

"Was her name Bhavi...or..." he trailed away, repeatedly snapping his fingers, his face knotted in confusion and I narrowed my eyes at him.

"By any chance...are you talking about...Bhavya?"

"There we go." He snapped his finger for the last time and my eyes widened in disbelief, my eyebrows shooting up at his stupidity.

"Seriously? Bhavi? Really?" "Close enough, doll face."

"Oh, yeah, of course," I bobbed my head before holding in a small laugh. "So youʼll let her come over?"

"Yeah, only for a few days though." His voice turned kind of low and deep but I quickly agreed, my mood instantly lightening up.

"Thank you!" I exclaimed before jogging past him up the stairs and I heard him "tsk" as I left.

It only took an hour for Omkara to bring Bhavya  over, along with her luggage and let me tell you, this girl almost had a heart attack as soon as she walked inside the mansion.

She practically squealed every five seconds before throwing herself at me as I welcomed her and I rolled my eyes when she thanked me a million times for giving her the "glorious" opportunity of living here.

"Bhavya , calm down, deep breaths." I inhaled deeply and she followed my movements but gasped when the guys walked towards us, each one of them giving her a small smile or grin of welcome.

"Ah, another day, another victim." Rudra sang, opening his arms and rushing to hug her but I tugged on the back of Bhavya's dress before she could bolt into his arms.

"Not so fast, remember what Omkara said. I behave and you guys donʼt get to lay a finger on her." I reminded them and I watched Rudra groan in annoyance before backing away.

"And you," I turned to look at Bhavya , her green eyes sparkling in excitement before she turned to look at me.

"Try to control yourself, please? I donʼt want anything happening to you, so just donʼt cross the line? I need you to be here for me..." I mumbled softly and I watched her put on a more serious gesture before she nodded.

"Of course, Iʼm here for you." She pulled me into a warm hug and I hugged her back gratefully.

"Sorry if Iʼm being selfish." I pulled away and she simply shook her head before grinning.

"You kidding? If it wasnʼt for you, I wouldnʼt even be here." She winked and I shook my head helplessly before introducing her to the boys and then showing her around.

We took a quick look around the place and I walked her inside my room, her jaws dropping open at how spacious the place was.

I helped her unpack and I couldnʼt help but smile as she kept humming to herself the whole time, the smile on her face not fading away.

I still canʼt believe Omkara would let her stay here. That was kind of...well...sweet of him. It hasnʼt even been a day since Ananya left, let alone a few hours but he already understood how difficult it was for me to stay here alone, despite the fact that I didnʼt like the girls, including Ananya .

"Promise me that you wonʼt let them use you? No hooking up, no drinking and for the love of god, do not let them use you as a mere blood-bag? You are so much smarter and worth more than-"

"Gosh, Gauri , I am not that low, come on, have a little faith in me," she interrupted with a giggle and I gave her a look.

"After all, I learned from the best." I rolled my eyes at her attempt to flatter me.

She was so hooking up with one of them.

"So anyways, tell me how you convinced Omkara to let me stay? He was super nice and his personality is so not how people described it to be, expect for his looks maybe, gosh, he is ten times more hotter in real life, I could die-but thatʼs not where Iʼm supposed to go with this..." she chuckled nervously and I mentally groaned before letting out a short laugh. "So tell me how you did it?"

"Did what?" she raised a brow at me, giving me an obvious look and I shrugged.

"Get Omkara Singh Oberoi to fall in love with, duh!" she flaunted her arms around and I hissed at her to be quiet.

"He is anything but in love with me, Bhavya . Trust me, I know." I mumbled softly, biting my bottom lip hesitantly and I heard her gasp a little.

"You like him, donʼt you?"

"I do not!

"You so do, you just bit your lip, you know you have a habit of doing that when you like someone!"

"That was back in 8th grade, Bhavya , can we move on?" I rolled my eyes.

"Plus, he is in love with someone else..."

"Oh, who is she?"

"Well, technically, sheʼs dead and-"

"Boom, problem solved then." My jaws dropped open at her harsh words.

"I mean, rest in peace or whatever but you know what I mean." She shrugged and I shot my eyebrows at her.

"What? Oh my god, itʼs not like I donʼt feel bad for her, itʼs just that I donʼt think that there is a use in holding onto the past." She said softly and I let out a sigh.

Bhavya has always been straightforward about stuff, maybe a little too straightforward and very harsh at that but at the end of the day, she always speaks out the truth.

"I guess, I donʼt know." I said hesitantly and spilled her the whole history about Ishana and Omkara , at least as to how much I knew about them, and she let out a sigh once I finished.

"Sounds like McDreamy is in a tough spot." She winked and I made a face.

"Mc-what now?"

"You know? Greys anatomy? McSteamy and Mcdreamy? No? Never mind."

"Bhavya, you should really-" I stopped when someone knocked on the door before it opened to reveal Omkara's face and he cleared his throat before leaning against the door, folding his hands across his chest.

"Gosh, hello, my name is Bhavya !" she jumped up before bobbing a curtsy and I scoffed in embarrassment. She really doesnʼt have to try so hard to be nice around him, he was nothing special.

I-I guess.

"Nice to meet you." He smiled a little before returning his gaze back at me, his eyes slightly softening as I glanced at Bhavya , who was now giving me the typical best friend teasing look.

"Gauri , can I talk to you?"

"Whatʼs wrong?"

"Iʼll excuse myself." Bhavya nodded at me before walking out, giving Omkara one of her sweetest smile as she left the room.

"Bhavya -" I called after her and stopped when Omkara closed the door behind us, making my heart race ten times faster than it was before.

"Youʼll be spending the rest of the night with her so give me a minute," he took long strides towards me and I took a step back as he did.

"I canʼt stay away for that long." He suddenly grabbed my waist and I gasped when he pushed me against the wall, leaving me with no choice but to wrap my legs around his torso as he pressed me against the wall.

"Put me down," I ordered, the butterflies in my stomach going on a rampage as I tightened my arms around his neck, trying my best to rip my eyes away from his but he held such a firm gaze, it was hard to look away.

"Omkara ." I called in a threatening voice and I felt him squeeze my thighs gently, causing a blush to creep up on my face.

"Gauri ." He mimicked my tone and I let out a huff in frustration.

"What do you want?" my breathed hitched when he leaned his face closer, our nose slightly brushing against each otherʼs before he peered into my eyes, completely captivating them in for a few seconds.

"I want to kiss you," he finally breathed, his eyes flickering onto my lips and my eyes widened a little.

"So fucking bad." His lips started trailing along my cheeks and onto my earlobes, causing goosebumps to rise on my body.

"Omkara , I-"

"But Iʼll let you make the first move tonight." He whispered into my ears, letting out a small sigh inside them and I couldnʼt help but let out a soft moan, causing his whole body to tense up.

He pulled away and I was waiting for him to put me down but instead, he closed his face again, his eyes flickering on to my lips as he licked his own lips, painfully slow at that, then forcefully ripping his eyes away to meet my gaze, making my heartbeat go wild.

Was he seriously testing me?

"If you think Iʼll kiss you just because youʼre breathing down my neck, then try again." I tried to sound bold but froze when he let out a soft chuckle, his contagious laugh making me feel weak.

"Really?" His voice was barely above a whisper and I stiffened when he closed his face to mine, brushing his lips against mine as I held my breath.

God, no. I have to be strong, I have to-

My mind froze when his eyes met mine and I saw the void of emotion flow through them before I crashed my lips on his.

He responded almost immediately, pressing me harder against the wall as he deepened the kiss, making me moan a little.

I felt his tongue slowly move inside my mouth before they wrestled with mine, taking his time to enjoy every moment and so did I, the heat from our bodies radiating off on each other by

God, why does he have to be such a good kisser? Due to the lack of oxygen, I was forced to pull away but Omkara didnʼt stop there.

Instead, he started leaving a trail of hot kisses along my jawline and down to my neck, nibbling and sucking on my soft spot before moving up and kissing the corner of my lips then back to my neck again, making my whole bod quiver in pleasure.

I gasped when he squeezed my thighs and tugged on the skin of my neck, causing me to moan again.

No, this was getting too intense and I have to control myself but I canʼt, and I donʼt want to. I was about to pull him into a kiss when someone knocked on the door, making me jump up a little before Omkara put me down, a soft groan escaping through his lips as he rubbed the back of his neck slightly.

The door opened and in came Bhavya , her eyes scanning us both from head to toe before clearing her throat and I gave her a hard look, trying to stop my whole face from flushing like a red tomato.

"Sorry, thought you guys were done." She said flatly, suppressing a grin and I cringed a little before giving her a warning look.

"Itʼs fine," Omkara mumbled with a forced smile and I was about to say something when Shivaay appeared in front of us, making both Bhavya and I gasp but Omkara stood still before raising a brow at him.

For some reason, Shivaay had an unreadable expression on and I have never seen him like that.

The color on his face had drained away completely and I saw the sweat roll down his forehead before he opened his mouth to speak but no words came out, making Omkara question his odd behavior.

"Whatʼs wrong?"

"Om-Omkara , itʼs-I-I-donʼt know what to say-itʼs-" my mouth hung open as I stared at his panicked form and I saw Omkara frown at him in confusion.

"Spill, whatʼs going-"

"Omkara ..." an unfamiliar voice called and all of us snapped our heads towards the door to watch a girl walk inside the room, her long jet black hair brushing to a side before her eyes widened upon seeing Omkara .

I narrowed my eyes at the unfamiliar girl and turned to look up at Omkara , wanting to demand who she was but stopped when I saw the look on his face.

His eyes widening, filling up with so many emotions at once and I watched his hands start to tremble as he inched closer but froze again, his whole body stiffening.

"Om, itʼs me..." I heard her sweet voice and looked at the girl as she looked at Omkara with her black jet eyes, causing a shiver down my spine.

"Omkara ?" I called softly, tugging on his arm but he didnʼt budge, making my heart skip a beat.

Whatʼs going on? Who is she...?

"It-it canʼt be-"

"Itʼs me, Omkara , donʼt you remember?" she cut him off, taking a step forward and I could feel Omkara's muscles flexing under my touch.

"Itʼs me, Ishana ," my breathed hitched and for the new few seconds, my mind went completely blank.

"Iʼm back..."

"Iʼve missed you!" she suddenly threw herself at him and I could still see the shock on Omkara's face before he brushed her body away from him, staring at her in disbelief and confusion.

Hell, I was just as confused, wasnʼt this girl supposed to be dead? And is she really Ishana ? Because that doesnʼt make any-

"You-youʼre dead, I saw-"

"You saw him stab me in the heart and throw me into the sea, Om...I didnʼt die, Iʼm not dead-"

"No." he hissed, backing away as she tried to explain what happened and I watched him shake his head repeatedly.

"Who are you? Did Veer send you here, huh ?! The fuck-"

"Om..." her sweet soothing voice made Omkara freeze and I could feel a lump in my throat as I stared at these two.

The chemistry, the connection they already have is... something else.

"He had turned me into a vampire before he stabbed me..." she trailed away when Omkara backed away, shaking his head and was about to turn around when she grabbed his upper arm, making his whole body tense up.

I glanced at Bhavya , who was now giving me the crazy look and then at Shivaay , who was still staring at Ishana in shock.

"Whoever you are, you need to fuck off right now before I-"

"Iʼm telling the truth! Why canʼt you at least hear me out?" she raised her voice, hurt clearly evident in them and I watched Omkara flinch a little before their eyes fixated on each otherʼs again, making my heart drop to the very core.

"I-I think we should hear her out..." Shivaay finally agreed, giving Omkara a nod as his eyes softened a bit, letting out a deep breath in a process.

I saw a small smile of relief on Ishana's face before she sat down on the bed, inhaling deeply before looking at all of us, her eyes only lingering onto my figure for a few seconds.

"Spill, Iʼll give you five minutes." Omkara muttered, trying to keep his cool but he was really failing to do so right now.

"Like I said, he turned me into a vampire before I was stabbed-"

"That's bullshit, only a pure blood can turn you into a Vampire, Ishana , and with their consent too so cut the lies and-"

"He had your blood, Omkara . I donʼt know how he got it or how he did it back then but itʼs done and it worked. And as for consent, I had yours a long time ago, remember?" her voice turned all soft and sweet as she stood up, slowly reaching to touch his cheeks when Omkara backed away, grabbing her wrist as his eyes grew a shade darker.

"Prove it." He demanded through gritted teeth and I heard Ishana  let out a sigh before she disappeared out of our sight for a few seconds before reappearing in front of Omkara again, causing his eyes to widen.

"Iʼm telling the truth, Omkara , the whole time, I was compelled..."

"Whatʼs that supposed to mean?"

"I never cheated on you...he made me do it. I was under his compulsion, Om . I thought you knew me better than that..." hurt and disappointment was clearly evident in her voice and I watched Omkara's eyes soften before he went silent again.

I donʼt blame him.

"So let me get this straight...all this time you were kidnapped? What happened later?" Shivaay  suddenly broke the ice and she snapped her head towards him.

"He came back for me. Forced me to go and live with them, threatened to kill you if I disobeyed him. I had no choice."

"You always had a choice." Omkara finally mumbled, but his voice held no emotions.

"Maybe I did, but I was afraid to make that choice, in case he hurt you. I cannot live with myself if he did." She pressed her lips together into a thin line before going silent and for the next few minutes, we all kept quiet too.

I was just hearing all this out and I am still trying to wrap my mind around the whole thing, Iʼm sure Omkara is too.

"Still not buying it. I suggest that you kindly fuck outta my house."

"Om, come on, can we talk? In private? This isnʼt you... arenʼt you happy that Iʼm back?" she finally asked, taking a deep breath and I bit my bottom lip as her fingers brushed against his jawline, causing his body to tense up once again, which only made me feel both annoyed and somewhat hurt.

"Letʼs talk." Omkara brushed her hand away and I watched him drag her outta the room, leaving me in confusion.

"What the actual fuck? Is that "the" Ishana  you just mentioned?" Bhavya couldnʼt help but finally burst out and I saw Shivaay  give me a look from the corner of his eyes before he disappeared out of the room as well.

"Wasnʼt she supposed to be dead?!" I inhaled deeply, turning around to face her as she gave me a confused look and I returned the stare.

"Guess she wasnʼt dead after all."


Six days passed and my situation here had gotten worse. By worse, I mean hella worse.

Everyone seemed to buy Ishana's pity story, expect me and Bhavya  of course, and she had been welcomed back into the Oberoi's Family as "one of us".

Apparently, sheʼs got a whole lot more to reveal about her past but Shivaay , yes, of all people Shivaay, suggested that we all give her time to recover from the horrible "trauma" she went through.

I call bullshit on this, I mean yes, maybe it was true but somehow, her story doesnʼt add up.

Sheʼs been with Veer for more than two years after she was assumed dead and I am to believe that she had no chance to escape the entire time or come up with a plan? And letʼs not forget that she has inhuman powers, she could have easily found ways to figure it all out and escaped.

She had a choice, she is clearly hiding something. Or do I force myself to believe that itʼs all a lie because I refuse to see the truth? I donʼt know.

And as for Omkara ? He had created a distance with me, much to my disbelief and surprise but then again, I should have seen this coming.

He barely utters a word or even throws a smile at me, which is upsetting and hurtful.

At dinner or lunch, he would just sit quietly, not saying a word to me or anyone else for that matter, until we were finished.

Ishana, on the other hand, was the bubbly optimistic type, a complete opposite of my character but I donʼt know how these people came to the conclusion that we had somethingʼs in common.

We had absolutely nothing in common, not for music, not our taste for clothes and not even when it comes to food.

She was a charming walking goddess and god knows what I am. In short, I didnʼt want her here. I know I have no reason to hate her besides the fact that she was going to steal my man one way or another and-

"Stop!" I scolded myself before letting out a groan and leaving the room with Bhavya following me behind.

"God, she is so fake." She hissed as we walked downstairs where everyone was, discussing some plans on the sofa.

"Bhavya, quiet!" I hissed back through gritted teeth and my eyes wandered onto the boys, who were now talking to Ishana , all of them cracking jokes and having a great time.

"Hey, Gauri ! Come join us." Ishana  called and I mentally cringed before shaking my head.

"Weʼre busy."Bhavya  put on the most obvious fake smile, slipping her hand around my upper arm.

"Actually, weʼre planning to go to the xyxz beach. We still havenʼt given her a proper welcome so we thought itʼd be nice to give her one today." Parth grinned and I mentally rolled my eyes before nodding with a weak smile.

"Hey, thatʼs near your house! Maybe we can visit Mrs. Sharma and-"

"Gauri  is not allowed to step out of this mansion," Shivaay  cut off Bhavya's, and both Parth and I looked at him in confusion.

"Sheʼs not safe outside. We were told to keep her in here until Omkara takes care of things with Veer." He finished and I scoffed in disbelief.

"Oh, thatʼs true. We canʼt let anything happen to you, sorry, darling." Ishana gave me an apologetic look and I simply narrowed my eyes at Shivaay , who shrugged in guilt, making my blood boil.

"Donʼt you think that itʼs a little unfair to keep her in here when everyoneʼs out having-" Bhavya was finally starting to catch up on the situation of this fucked up household but I dragged her away from the room before she could finish.

"Is she mad?" I heard Ishana  ask softly and hearing her voice only pricked my nerves more.

"Our Kitten tends to over react sometimes, sheʼll cool down eventually."

"Gauri , you are not going. Youʼre staying here with Raj until weʼre coming back." Shivaay grabbed my shoulders and I heard Bhavya  scoff before dragging herself right past him but it wasnʼt long before she ended up stepping back in line as one of the boys glared at her.

Can I just say how grateful I am that she stopped fan-girling over them after finding out how annoying they can be at times? I mean, yes, she is still obsessed with them but if it means choosing sides, sheʼd pick my side over anyone, no doubt about that.

"Raj? Of all people, you are leaving me with Raj?"

"Gauri ..."

"No, itʼs not fair. I have been stuck here for a week and I promised to be careful-"

"Itʼs final, Gauri ..." Shivaay  cut me off and I gave him a hard look, questioning his stubborn behavior recently.

"I want to talk to Omkara ."

"Yes, she wants to take to Omkara ." Bhavya  repeated and I held back the urge to groan as she folded her hands across her chest, following my every move now.

"The boss, we want to take to the boss."

"Weʼre kind of late. Can we hold the party here then? Gauri  has a point, I donʼt think that itʼs fair we all get to have fun while sheʼs stuck here." Ishana said, flipping her hair to a side and tapping her heels on the ground.

Why does she have to be so tall and beautiful and sweet and ugh!

"No, weʼre going now. Cut the whiny act, darling. Weʼll see you later." Parth grumbled before Jai and Abhay followed him out of the mansion, blowing me a kiss.

"Can we tag her along?" Ishana turned to look up at Shivaay, her black  eyes boring into his as he cleared his throat in hesitation and I glared at him in disbelief.

Okay, so just because she says so, heʼs reconsidering?

"Sheʼs not going." Omkara's voice caused me to flinch and both Bhavya  and I snapped our heads to look at him walk up to us, his eyes filled with no emotion.

"Omkara , thatʼs-"

"It doesnʼt matter what you want right now. We all know itʼs not safe for you out there anymore so stay here until we come back."

I was surprised.

This was the first time in days that he had said more than two words at me. I just stared at him and he kept a firm gaze on my eyes as well, causing more tension in the room to rise.

"Omkara , let her come." Ishana held his arm and I saw Omkara flinch before his eyes ripped away from mine.
"Please, om?"

I couldnʼt take this shit anymore.
"You know what? I think Iʼll stay here."

Omkara seemed to notice just how upset I was and before I could turn around, he grabbed my wrist, making my heart freeze.

His touch was intoxicating, sending electric sparks down my whole spine but I canʼt say he felt the same way anymore.

"Doll face , donʼt-

"Doll face?" Ishana  cut him off, his eyebrows shooting up and I pressed my lips together into a thin line, trying to slightly free my hand but Omkara held a firm grip, although his eyes were on Ishana now, who was now looking at him in questionable behavior.

"You guys have nicknames for each other or something?"

"Oh, totally." Bhavya cut in before I could say anything and I let out a sigh in humiliation.

Here we go.

"They call each other lovey-dovey names all the time. Not a big deal, you know, itʼs normal with them, youʼll get used to it." She purposely emphasized and I tried to bite down a smirk.


"Mhm, theyʼve been at it since sheʼs been chosen by him. To be his keeper and all," Bhavya  waved her hand at Ishana  like it was no big deal or anything.

"Still canʼt believe she passed the test." She finished with a dramatic sigh and I could see the small frown appearing on Ishana's forehead as she tried to keep her cool.

"Anyways, you guys can go." I said, inhaling deeply and cutting of Ishana's intense stare on Omkara as he released the grip he had on my wrist.

"It doesnʼt matter."

"Gauri , can you please try to co-operate?" Omkara grabbed my upper arm before turning me around again, his eyes slightly softening as I gave him an emotionless look. "Iʼm trying to keep you safe."

"Why canʼt you stay here then?"

"Yeah, why canʼt you?" Bhavya repeated, raising her voice and I let out a huff before giving her a warning look but she shrugged me off as well.

"Because I have to take care of Ishana  too. She canʼt be alone outside right now either. Not when Veer is looking for her too." My heart completely sank at his words.

We all know how it sounded, and I wasnʼt dumb nor am I going to play dumb.

"What about me then?" I didnʼt mean to blabber those words out but I was hurt and couldnʼt help it.

"Itʼs not like that, I told you to stop making it sound like itʼs a competition." Omkara's tone turned all low and deep and I watched ishana fold her arms across her chest impatiently but still managing to shoot me a small genuine smile.

How am I supposed to hate this girl if she is being so nice?

"So stay. Everyone is going so itʼs not going to make a difference if you just stay," my voice was starting to get too weak.

"Just stay with me instead..."

"Can we go? The boys are waiting, Om ? And you owe me ice cream afterwards. Itʼs the only thing Iʼm still obsessed to eat, even as a vampire." Ishana finally grumbled and I raised a brow at Omkara as he let out a small huff.

"Iʼll be back. Stay here and donʼt go out. I wonʼt be long, I promise." He said softly, not even looking at me as he left, Ishana  wrapping her arms around his upper arm as they walked out and I heard Omkara mutter something along the lines "keep your hands to yourself" but at the same time, he didnʼt brush them away. The message was too clear and I'm certainly not blind to not to see it .

"What a bitch!" Bhavya  let out a growl and I heard a familiar voice laugh behind us, making my heart skip a beat.

"Careful now, Omkara could have heard that." Raj grinned as we turned to face him and I glared at him.

"Omkara doesnʼt give two craps about her." Bhavya  scoffed, brushing her golden hair to a side and Raj raised a brow at her.

"Yeah, of course he doesnʼt. Itʼs so not obvious right?" his gaze turned to me. "You notice it too, right Gauri ? How heʼs slowly starting to replace you..." his harsh and blunt words caused my heart to drop but I couldnʼt show it.

No, not to him.

"But hey, think of it this way, maybe now, I can finally taste you without Omkara getting in my way." He leaned closer to whisper in my ears and my breath hitched at his words.

No, itʼs not true. Heʼs just trying to get on your nerves. Raj pulled away and I was about to say something when Bhavya  grabbed my hand, dragging me upstairs to my room.

Before I could even say anything, she slammed the door behind us and let out a frustrated squeal before inhaling deeply.

"God, why do they all have to be so hot? If it wasnʼt for their looks, I would have taken their teeny tiny brains and-" she started making some weird sounds, repeatedly poking her index finger on her palms, probably imagining the boys brain getting squished on her hands or something, this is Bhavya  we are talking about,

I couldnʼt tell. But it must be wild in her head.

"Yeah, well, this is how it is for me."

"No! You are not doing that." She said sharply, grabbing my hand and I gave her a look.

"This love triangle shit is already cliché as fuck and you are not going to make it worse by handing him over on a silver platter!"

"Bhavya, what are you even saying-"

"And since you are the dumb one here, Iʼll tell you whatʼs going to happen next. We are going to have a party, right now." I just stared at her for a few minutes, waiting for her to tell me itʼs a joke but she had a firm look and I finally looked at her in disbelief.

"Are you crazy?"

"Youʼre the one to talk. Letting your man get taken away by the dead girl, who was by the way, supposed to stay dead but god knows, this bitch had to come to light and ruin-"

"He is not my man."

"Whatever ! The Point is, we are doing this so pick out the nicest outfit, Iʼll call everyone over. Theyʼll go crazy if we invite them here. Plus, youʼll have a great time and I think you deserve one." Bhavya  was already picking out her phone and I was about to protest but stopped to think.

Should I? I canʼt, right? Omkara will go nuts if I hold a party here and plus Raj would never-

"Hey Dandi, spread the news, weʼre having a party. Iʼll text you the place and time, donʼt freak out. Just make sure you come and spread the word around!" With that, Bhavya  hung the phone and looked at me, her green eyes flickering in excitement and I held back a small smile as well

It was hard to ignore the excitement. You know what? Screw it.

Vampires arenʼt the only ones who knows how to party.

"Done!" Bhavya  finished brushing my make-up and I awkwardly stood in front of the mirror, gaping at my reflection. I looked hot, I mean, really hot, even I had to admit, as self-obsessed as that may sound.

The sleeveless black dress stuck tight onto my body, complimenting all my curves and I bit down a smirk.

Never have I felt so pretty in my entire life. Yes, I have dressed up before but tonight was something else.

"No heels since we are indoors." Bhavya  winked, opening the door and I cringed when I heard the loud music blast through the room, making me sigh and bite my bottom lip helplessly.

"Why isnʼt Raj here anyways? Thought heʼd catch up on us by-" speaking of the devil, Raj suddenly appeared in front of us, making me gasp and I stepped back as he shot me a deadly glare, causing a shiver down my spine.

"The hell, did you do this?" he raised his voice, pointing out at the door and I went silent for a bit, twirling some strands of hair between my fingers before glancing at Bhavya who gave me a look.

"Itʼs just a party, relax Raj." I walked over to him and his eyebrows knitted in annoyance before shaking his head.

"Parties over, weʼre not doing this." He said sharply and let out a huff when I grabbed his forearm, giving him a pleading look.

"Please, just once, I promise we wonʼt get drunk. Itʼs only for a while, Raj. Plus, there are some cute girls who already wants to hook up with you so maybe-"

"Deal." He cut me off and I heard Bhavya  scoff in disbelief before muttering something along the lines "Fuckboys these days got no chills."


"Yes, but youʼre not drinking and we have to clean up before Omkara gets back," he instructed and I nodded, ready to leave when he grabbed my wrist, pulling me closer to him.

"But know that the only reason why Iʼm doing this is because Iʼm hungry as fuck, so the moment I finish feeding, this party is over, are we clear?" his eye grew a shade darker and I gulped softly before nodding.

I watched his eyes slightly scan me from head to toe before meeting my eyes again, making my pulse race, in disgust, might I kindly add.

"Too bad I canʼt eat you out though." He leaned closer to say and I made a face in disgust before brushing him away, quickly using this chance to walk out of the room.

YeEw, just ew.

The party was wild, I mean, too wild for my own good. Everyone was now dancing, making out, standing on the tables and going crazy. I donʼt blame them, this was the Oberoi's mansion and we just invited them here.

Here, a mansion full of blood thirsty vampires. My heart skipped a beat at the thought of Omkara finding out. But there is no way, he wouldnʼt be here anytime soon and I could clean up before he gets back.

That is, if I am not drunk by then but then again, Raj got that covered too. Anyways, I shouldnʼt care about what he thinks. He had other important things, or should I say, important people to take care of, so I hardly doubt he would care or mind if I party in here and with that, I brushed past a group of drunk couples and got on the dance floor.

Bhavya waved at me as I noticed her and I quickly walked over to her.

"God, donʼt you think you invited too many people?"

"Are you kidding me? Itʼs fine, this is what a party is, Gauri . Now, are you going to mope around or dance? Thatʼs probably what Omkara and Ishana are doing right now so why not let yourself loosen up a bit too?" Bhavya  turned to wrap her arms around a random guy and I bit my bottom lip, making my way to the table of drinks.

Ishana  and Omkara dancing? Dancing leads to touching and touching leads to kissing and kissing leads to-

"No, stop, just." I ruffled out my hair, my jumbled up thoughts making me furious. I was supposed to have fun tonight, not think about Omkara or Ishana . But I wanted to find out what they were doing, I had to know and it would kill me not to know right now.

Itʼs already killing me. What if he gets drunk and starts making out with her? What if he starts to have feelings for her again? That wouldnʼt be surprising either.

I shook away my thoughts and rushed upstairs, marching through the hallway and almost gagged when I saw two couple making out, the guyʼs hands already up her skirt as she let out a moan.

I opened the door to Raj's room and my eyes widened at the sight. Raj was already shirtless, his messy hair brushing to a side as he looked up at me and the girl under him was only wearing her undergarments by now, making my face heat up in embarrassment.

"Geez, what the hell, Gauri !" he snapped, getting up and buckling up his loose belt as I walked up to him, my eyes not ripping away from the ground.

"I, uh, sorry, I-I didnʼt think youʼd be doing it right now... anyways, can I borrow your phone?

I want to call Omkara ."

"Are you-" he paused, glancing at the confused girl and grabbed my forearm before turning around.

"Are you crazy? He would kill us, alright? He canʼt know that-"

"I know, will you relax?! I just want to see what he is doing, that is it. Itʼll be quick and Iʼll make sure he canʼt hear the music.

I can just make the phone call here." My voice started to get more and more desperate and judging from the way Raj was smirking at me now, he probably caught on it too.

"Are you...perhaps, by any chance, jealous? Afraid? That something might happen?" he jumped right into the truth and I scoffed, opening my mouth to defend myself but nothing came out, making me blush furiously.

"I am not!" I finally snapped and Raj was about to say something when the girl cleared her throat, making me snap my head towards her.

"One minute, babe ," Raj said sweetly, taking out his phone and giving me a hard look.

"Hurry up and finish the call. I want you out of this room in five minutes." He dialed a number for me and I took the phone, my heart racing faster as I pressed it against my ears.

"Yeah?" Omkara finally picked up and I held my breath before speaking.

"Hey, itʼs me..."

"Gauri ? Why do you have Raj's phone? Did something happen?" his worried tone made my heart sink and I couldnʼt tell whether I should be upset or relieved.

"Nothing happened, actually...I was wondering how you guys were doing? Is the party great?"

"Yeah, I guess, why?" his answers started to become more short. I was about to say something but froze when I heard a familiar voice, causing my body to stiffen.

"Om, come on, we were having so much fun..." Ishana's voice made my blood boil and I bit my bottom lip angrily.

"Can you just wait-"

"Omkara ," I cut him off. "Can you please come now? I donʼt want you there. I want you here with me..." I know I was getting desperate but I couldnʼt help it.

I know how parties end up. People get drunk, make out sessions are endless and we eventually end up doing something regrettable.

Though, I hardly doubt there would be any "regret" in Omkara's case this time. It's Ishana we are talking about.

His first "true" love.

"Why? Are you okay, where is Raj?" "Raj is here but-"

"Then you are safe right now. Trust me and stay with him, Gauri . I am only trying to look out for you."

"By leaving me here alone?" I heard him huff at my response and then heard Ishana  groan impatiently again.

"Om, please, come here..." Was she drunk? Great, thatʼs already one down.

"Itʼs not like that, I told you this already so stop making me repeat myself, doll face, you know I hate it." His words pricked my nerves.

"Yeah, because she needs more protection right? What about me? She is a frikken vampire, Omkara , if anything, I need protection, not her!" there was a silence on the other end and I bit my bottom lip angrily, again.

"Itʼs not like that. I want to keep you safe too but-" He trailed off and I held my breath.

"But what?"

"But I canʼt protect you both at the same time. She needs me right now, more than ever. Itʼs been rough for her and I canʼt leave her side, alright? It doesnʼt feel right." He finally said but there was no anger evident in his voice, just exhaustion, which was worse.

Rough for her? Rough for her? What about me? How have I been living here all this time? I have been kidnapped, compelled and used by Veer too! I deserve just as much as comfort, if not more, but thatʼs not the case with me right?

No, I was just a girl he can keep around, treat as he wants to and throw away when it pleases him. But he is so wrong, oh he was so wrong.

I should have known this would happen, I should have seen this coming.

I never meant anything to him.

The moment Ishana  showed up, I was nothing to him. He stopped caring, he stopped talking to me and the worst part is, he acts like he is doing the right thing.

Like its okay for him to wind me up this far and disappear when it pleases him.

Iʼve had enough.

"Okay then." I said with no emotion before hanging up and throwing the phone on the bed.

I marched out of the room, blinking away the tears, not even bothering to explain myself to Raj. The first thing I did was grab the nearest drink and gulp it down, then another and another.

My throat was burning and I wanted to throw up but I held my breath and had another. I couldnʼt take it. I couldnʼt take this.

Living here was hell and just when I thought it was getting a bit better, karma decides to prove me otherwise.

I took my last shot and stumbled my way to the dance floor, throwing my hands in the air and dancing to the music, throwing my hands and hips everywhere, my hair dancing around my face as I tried to balance my moves. I could barely think straight but I didnʼt care.

Tonight was my night, my night to dance and have fun. Forget everything, forget him, forget your dumb feelings and get over it.

Music filled my ears, my mind went hazy as I found myself wrapping an arm around a random guyʼs neck as he pulled me closer.

Even in the dark, I could see his good features, starting from his messy brown hair to his light brown eyes and god, they were totally filled with lust now .

"Damn, you wanna take this inside, babe?" he whispered in my ears and I giggled when I felt his lips brush against neck, making me quiver.

I was about to say something but stopped when I noticed the door being opened, revealing Omkara's face and behind him came the Oberoi's brothers, all their jaws dropping in shock and disbelief.

Oh, and letʼs not forget our dear Ishana , who was now standing right next to Omkara , her eyes widening at the sight.

Wait, why are they here early? Who cares, Gauri , ignore and dance for gods sake!

"Letʼs go." I whispered back into the mysterious guyʼs ears as he let out a dark chuckle, causing goosebumps to rise all over my body.

We started stumbling through the crowd and it is then when I realized just how many people were actually here by now.

The place was packed, literally full of people, dancing and laughing, most of them were probably too drunk to even notice the Oberoi brothers.

"Excuse me, can you please move-" I squealed when someone grabbed my hand, suddenly yanking me behind and I turned to look up at Omkara , who was now shooting me a million glares, his jawline locked furiously but somehow, it humored me to see him like this but I couldnʼt bring myself to laugh.

"What the fuck are you doing, Gauri ?" he didnʼt yell, he didnʼt snap but his voice was laced with venom and I jerked myself away before bumping against the guy I was about to hook up with.

"Damn, whatʼs going on here?" "Gauri , who are these people?" "It reeks of humans."

I rolled my eyes at the Oberoi brothers and looked at the guy, completely ignoring Omkara , who was still burning holes through my face but I couldnʼt care less.

"Do you know them?" the guy asked dryly and I shook my head before letting out a chuckle.

"Get your hands off her." I heard Omkara say through gritted teeth the moment he tried to wrap an around my waist.

"Forget him, letʼs continue where we left off upstairs." I slurred, interlocking my fingers with his and pressing my chest against his seductively.

This caused Omkara to lose it because the next thing I knew, my lover boy for the night was ripped from my body before Omkara punched him so hard, he stumbled back before dropping down on the floor, coughing out in pain.

I gasped and was about to step back when Omkara grabbed my hand and with a growl, I jerked it away but Omkara held a firm grip this time.

"Clean this up." He was holding in too much anger now and I huffed in anger, suddenly wanting to throw up.

"Om, calm down, sheʼs drunk." I snapped my head to look at Ishana .

"Sheʼs not supposed to get fucking drunk! Sheʼs-" I couldnʼt stand this dumb talk or her for that matter, so I brushed his hands away and started running towards the people, ignoring my name that was now being calling a million times, along with some colorful words.

"Whoa, there gorgeous ." A male voice chuckled as I almost bumped into him and I looked up at an unfamiliar male. Victim number two. Perfect.

"Sorry..." I bit my bottom lip in embarrassment and shivered when I felt a hand tangle around my waist, pulling me closer.

"Youʼre barely standing, are you alright?" he questioned and I simply nodded as he scanned me from head to toe.

"Damn, youʼre so fine." He mumbled, leaning his face closer and I could smell the alcohol in his breath.

"Mhm..." my body was starting to heat up and I could feel my heart racing faster as I tried to take in what was happening.

"Wanna dance?" I felt his lips trail down my jawline and everything started to become hazy.

I let my body droop into his arms as we stumbled to the dance floor, his arms securely wrapped around mine but that didnʼt last long.

Before I could even comprehend what was happening, my lover boy number two for the night was even thrown off me to the floor, causing my eyes to widen in surprise.

"Everyone get the fuck out!" Omkara's voice roared through the mansion and silence clouded the room instantly, except for the music of course.

"I said, fuck outta here, now!" he was furious beyond words and I just stood stiff in my position, my mind becoming a little dizzy.

"Good god-"

"And you," he turned to look at the guy I was going to hook up with and I didnʼt have to look at Omkara to know that he was glaring at him now.

"Iʼll give you three seconds to run before I rip your heart out!" he spat and I watched the guys eyes widen in fear before he scrammed away.

How annoying, why canʼt they just stand up to Omkara and act like a man if they wanted the princess to fall in love with them and-" my thoughts were cut off when someone picked me up in his arms and I let out a squeal, my whole mind and surroundings becoming dizzy, causing bile to rise up in my throat.

"Stop-" I stopped and let out a gasp when I was dropped down, my body landing on a soft material.

"Can you not!" I snapped, getting up from the bed and I was only going to sit up straight but Omkara didnʼt even let me do that much.

"You." He glared, towering over me and holding both my wrists down on the bed, making me groan in annoyance.

"You what?" I stopped struggling and I watched his eyes grow a shade darker, his blue eyes almost turning pitch black and I wanted to giggle at the sight.

"What The fuck were you doing?" he asked through gritted teeth and I rolled my eyes before using all my strength to jerk his hands away.

"I am sleepy..." I yawned and I watched Omkara open his mouth to yell but shut it right back, his jawlines clenching in anger.

"Youʼre so fucking lucky youʼre drunk right now, gauri." I only giggled at his threat and he stared at me, emotionless, but the way he was still clenching his jawline gave him away.

"Ooh, Omkara is mad." I sang, booping his nose and he suddenly caught my wrist, yanking me forward.

Our eyes met and I gave him my best puppy dog eyes, biting my lips gently.

"Are you really mad at me?" I asked softly, pouting my lips like there was no tomorrow and his eyes flickered onto them for just a second before meeting my gaze again, the anger in his eyes slightly rinsing away for some reason.

"Omkara ?" I called softly and I watched him flinch a little, his body slightly tensing up as I touched his jawline, moving my face closer to his.

"Iʼm going to throw up."

"What-" he stopped and groaned when I hurled all over his shirt, my vision slightly becoming dark as I held my breath.

"Fuck." I heard him huff out in frustration.

"You deserved that." I grinned before blacking out completely, my body drooping into his arms.


I let out a painful groan, my eyes slowly peeling open as I stared up at the ceiling. The throbbing on my head was painful and I sat up, letting out another groan as I rubbed my temple furiously.

The distant memories of last night flashed through my mind and I let out another painful groan. Music, dancing, Omkara , throwing up.

God, I was a mess. Why am I like this? I wasnʼt supposed to get drunk, I was supposed to have some fun and get it over with. If it wasnʼt for Omkara -

The bathroom door opened and I looked to my right to notice Omkara walking out, shirtless with only a grey sweatpants that hung loosely on his hips, revealing his v-line and not to mention his hard abs. But I couldnʼt focus on that for long because Omkara was now narrowing his eyes at me, causing me to flinch.

"Had fun last night?" his voice carried that unamused sarcasm and I watched him slump the towel on his shoulders before I turned away.

"Yes I Did, until you ruined the moment."

"Donʼt test me right now, Gauri ." he hissed and was about to say something else when a soft knock on the door interrupted him.

"Om, letʼs talk." I heard Ishana's sweet voice and I immediately felt anger boiling inside of me. And why was she knocking again? This was my room, not Omkara's .

"Not now, Ishu!" he said out loud and I raised a brow at him.

"Ishu, huh?" I asked, unamused, and he turned to look at me.

"Stay here." He said shortly before opening the door and I could see his "Ishu" standing in front of the door, her eyes filled with plead and desperation.

Why though?

"Omka-" I called but the sound of the door slamming shut cut me off and for the next few seconds I just sat there, my mind going blank.

Right...I forgot, Ishana was his first priority, not me. I slowly turned to my right and my eyes widened when I noticed Omkara's phone near the bed, making my heart skip a beat. I slowly took it and rather than calling someone,

I went through the play list, my fingers scrolling down his tracks. Iʼm surprised he doesnʼt even have a code but I guess he had no reason to have one either.

My fingers stopped at a familiar song and I inhaled deeply, blinking away the tears as I stared at the closed door, hoping, praying he would come in already. But he didnʼt. And I finally made my mind.

I wouldnʼt take this. I canʼt take this anymore. My head was already hurting like hell, I was having a massive hangover and I felt like crap.

Hell, I was only wearing one of his long sleeved black t-shirt right now and god knows how I even ended up in them last night. Where was Bhavya ? I have no idea but I am assuming she is still dead asleep.

I gently pressed on the song and let out a breath I didnʼt even know I was holding.

I had a dream,
We were sipping whiskey neat,
Highest floor, the Bowery,
And I was high enough,
Somewhere along the lines, we stopped seeing eye to eye,
You were staying out all night,
And I had enough.

I had enough.

I swallowed the lump in my throat, taking in every word. I was able to relate to this song a little too much and it was starting to hurt now.

But I couldnʼt stop. I didnʼt. I had to think straight. Itʼs time to wake up Gauri , time to stand up for yourself.

He doesnʼt care, in fact he treated you like shit since the beginning and you were too blind to see it.

No, you refused to see it and look where that got you? You believed that he was something more and look how wrong you were.

At the end of the day, you never meant anything to him, Gauri .

The moment she came back  into his life, you meant nothing. He treated you like dirt, and yes, he did change for the good at some point, gave you hope, made you see the good in him, lead you on, confused you, fucked you up and for what? For what, Gauri ? Nothing.

He left you with nothing.

After everything, the only thing he did was bring out the worst in you, ruined you and left you heart broken.

How cliché, Gauri.

"How fucking cliché." I brushed away a fallen tear, my own cruel thoughts haunting me. I couldnʼt let my own thoughts haunt me anymore.

I couldnʼt stay here anymore. I just couldnʼt. I donʼt deserve this and I know that much..

Without any second thoughts, I tossed the sheets and marched towards the cupboard, opening it and grabbing my luggage.

I started shoving all the clothes I could grab onto, things that didnʼt even belong to me but fuck that, might as well get something out of this. I stuffed everything and slammed the door shut, ignoring my trembling hands.

I grabbed the bag and marched over to the bed, switching off the song before inhaling deeply, brushing away my dried up tears.

I hadnʼt even noticed Iʼve been crying but fuck, how could I?

My head was throbbing like hell, my hair was probably a mess, my mascara was most definitely faded all over my face and I have no idea what I am even doing.

My heart almost ripped out of my chest when someone opened the door and I watched Omkara walk in, his motion coming to a sudden halt when he noticed me, his eyes slightly widening as he stared at me.

"Gauri ,Wh-what are you doing?" Well, I expected him to snap or yell but god bless, the devil was confused, for once.

"What does it look like? Iʼm leaving." I said bluntly, touching my bare neck, suddenly remembering my pendant.

"The fuck are you talking about?" he asked, taking a step forward and I ignored his confused yet worried expression as I turned to look at the bed, tossing the sheets and desperately searching for the necklace.

Was I even wearing it last night? I canʼt remember.

"Gauri , whatʼs going on?"

"Don't you understand English ?I already told you, Iʼm leaving, itʼs as simple as that."

"No, itʼs not as simple as that! You are not going anywhere-"

"Can you fucking not?!" I snapped, jerking away my hand as soon as he grabbed my wrist.

"No. The fuckʼs gotten into you? Youʼre not going anywhere, for fuckʼs sake, whatʼs going on-" he stopped when someone opened the door and in came Ishana , making me huff in disbelief.

"Om, whatʼs going on? Why are you leaving, Gauri ?" she questioned, her eyes showing a hint of concern and I held back the urge to scream. I had no reason to be mad at her.

'No! She's not leaving." Omkara said sharply,turning to look at me, his eyes softening when he saw me glaring at

"What's going on?"

"Are you serious, Omkara ?" I looked at Ishana , who was now frowning at Omkara .

"Is this it? Is she the reason why you pushed me away when I kissed you last night? Because of her?" my heart sank at her words and for the next few seconds, I just stood stiffened and so did Omkara , before his eyes slowly met mine.

There was no way he could ignore the hurt and betrayal in my eyes.

And he didn't.

"Gauri, it's not like that-" he stopped to frown at Ishana , who was now looking at him with pleading eyes.

"Come out." He said shortly before disappearing out of the room with Ishana  following behind him.

Once again, I was left alone and in shock. But this made my mind stop having doubts.

They kissed.

Even the mere thought disgusted me. And to think that he was something more.

He was a cheater,an asshole with temper
problems and a heartless monster.

There was nothing he couldn't be.

He was the worst.

The worst of the worst.

And I hate him.

I hate him so much.

I shivered when Ifelt a sudden familiar feeling crawling over me.

The real feelings I once felt towards Omkara .

The hatred and disgust I once felt for him. They were all coming back now.The door opened suddenly and Omkara walked in again, shutting the door behind him as i gave him an expressionless look.

"It's not what you think, she came onto me and I pushed her away so-" he let out a huff, running a nervous hand through his hair.

"I don't even know w hy I am explaining myself to you, I just-" he stopped to take my shoulders and I brushed them away immediately.

"No! Don't touch me!."

"Gauri ,come on-"

"No, fuck you! Why don't you leave me the hell alone?!" I yelled, catching him by surprise.

"I thought you were something more, Omkara . But clearly I was wrong.And I am done, done playing these games, done letting you keep treating me like your fucking whore and I am done with you! If you want to keep me in here, then I hope  you do so knowing that I will hate you for the rest of my fucking life and that I'd do everything in my power to get the hell away from you, no matter what it takes!"

I have never cursed so much in my life and I wanted to hold back but I couldn't. My head was still hurting like hell, my thoughts were driving me crazy, eating me alive. I couldn't take this shit anymore.

It's hurts like hell .

"Gau- Gauri , you're not thinking straight right now,calm down and let's-"

''No, and you know what? '' I brushed his hands away from my shoulders and took a step back as he took one forward, desperation and plead suddenly filling his eyes as he watched me tear apart.

"I hate you. I hate you so much, it's driving me crazy. I'll go crazy if i stay here any longer, I've been treated like crap, pushed around by you and for what, Omkara ?!'' I snapped and hissed, fighting back my tears but I wasn't done.

Oh god !

hell no, I wasn' t.

''Are you mad about the kiss?'' those sudden words got me even more fucking furious and I just glared at him. ''I pushed her away. IwouId never stoop that low- ''

"You know what Omkara Singh Oberoi! I deserve better than you!." He suddenly stiffened, a void of emotions suddenly filling his icy blue eyes and I held my breath.

"I believed in you when no one else did, saw the good in you when everyone else called you a monster, stayed by your side even when you treated me like shit, hoping there was something more to you than just a heartless monster. But I was wrong ..." I suddenly started fuming again, my voice raising up once more.

"And I hate you for leading me on! I hate you for treating me the way you did and not making it up for me! I hate how you showed more sympathy and care for her when you owed that to me first! I just hate you, I hate you so much, i just fucking hate everyt hing about you-" his lips cut off my words and I held my breat h, my eyes widening in surprise as I stood stiffened in my position.

Hands made its way up to my cheeks as he c upped them whole but I didn't kiss him back nor did I move.

I was too weak to, too exhausted. My heart suddenly froze when I felt  his lips quivering as they moved against mine, causing my mind to go blank .

Not only that, but his fingers were now trembling over my cheeks and I stopped to look at him.

He was still kissing me, his lips pressed firmly against mine but that didn't stop his lips from quivering or his fingers f rom trembling.

What the hell!

What is going on? Was he really...hurting or scared right now?

No, no way, that wasn't it.

That can't be it.

The mighty Omkara Singh Oberoi didn' t care enough to react in such a way.

I quickly pressed my hands firmly on his chest and pushed him away but he pulled me back in, this time pressing my back harder against the wall as took in a shaky breath.

And as dumb and stupid as this maybe, I kissed him back. Maybe this was for the last time and maybe I wanted to give him my last kiss goodbye.

It doesn't matter anymore.

The kiss meant nothing to me.

He meant nothing to me.

He finally pulled away and I could feel my pulse racing faster but I ignored them.

I had to.

No matter how hard it was.

"Are you done? If so, then please remove your hands and-" a hand gently covered my mouth and I watched  him slowly bury his face in the crook of my neck, causing a shiver down my spine.

"Stop already Gauri..." he barely breathed out and I tried to ignore the hurt in his voice.

"Please." Plead and desperation filled his voice and this was the first time I was hearing him like this.

It moved me, it made my heart skip a beat and my mind run wild.

But I couldn't do this.

I can't give in again. I just can't.I let myself get treated like shit once but not again.

I can't go back to that anymore.

I just can't.

I was exhausted, physically and mentally.

I was already a ticking bomb ever since I stepped in here and all Ishana  had to do was give it a little push.

Now here I am, done with everything.

Done with him, done with my feelings and just done with life itself.

I slowly removed his hands from my cheeks  and he placed them on my shoulders, squeezing them a little.

I could go crazy in this position, our bodies pressed against each other, the heat radiating from his skin and not to mention his steady breathing against my skin.

"Stay" the way he carried his pleading hoarse voice made me melt.


''Please...! Im begging you to stay with me, Gauri .

His voice cracked but I remained silent.

I can't lose you, Gauri . Anyone, but you...''

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