Chapter 16

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Is this a dream or is Omkara Singh Oberoi really kissing me right now?

I started to squirm and was attempting to pull away but Omkara held a firm grip on my neck, his lips pressed firmly on mine.

I gripped his shirt and finally pulled away, trying to make a run for it but Omkara easily caught my wrist, yanking me towards him before wrapping an arm around my waist securely.

"Omkara ?!"

"Yes?"  turned to look at Ishana and I could hear her scoff in disbelief before she glared at me, her mouth opening and shutting right up every few seconds. Iʼm guessing sheʼs having trouble speaking right now.

"Di-did you just-ki-" Ishana stopped, her eyes slightly glistening in tears and I noticed Omkara's grip loosen from my waist as he took a step forward, a hint of guilt suddenly flickering in his eyes as Ishana disappeared from our sight.

"Wh-why did you do that?" I asked but Omkara was now staring off into space, an unreadable expression growing on his face before he turned to look at me, his eyes slightly narrowing at me.

"I donʼt know, I was just mad-" he stopped before inhaling deeply and I turned away, a lump suddenly forming in my throat.

"If you want to clear up the misunderstanding, then go and tell her that you were just messing around-"

"I wasnʼt." I stopped to look at him but he was now staring ahead with a hard expression on his face.

"What do you me-"

"Iʼll handle Ishana, so go upstairs and get some sleep now."

"Are you going after her?" I barely choked out and Omkara froze before staring deep into my eyes, making my heart skip a beat.

"Please go and sleep, Gauri ..." he whispered, my eyes completely getting drawn inside his as I nodded my head obediently.

He compelled me, yet again. The next thing I knew, I was back upstairs and in my room, getting inside the sheets as I closed my eyes forcefully. I didnʼt want to sleep but I had to, I had no choice but in a way?

I was grateful he had compelled me. If he hadnʼt, I wouldnʼt be able to sleep tonight at all.


"So youʼve been avoiding them both the whole day today because of that?" Bhavya  asked and I nodded slowly, hugging myself even tighter.

"Donʼt you think that itʼs about time you mark your territory? If you really want Omkara then stop letting her take him away so easily. He is getting easily swayed by her every time and that-"

"I know, Bhavya ...but I canʼt keep asking, more like indirectly begging him to choose me over her. Itʼs his choice, not mine," I clutched my stomach as it growled hungrily.

I hadnʼt eaten the whole day and it was already 5 pm, but I was too busy trying to avoid Romeo and Juliet that I had forgotten to eat.

Luckily, Omkara was too busy to look for me too, or maybe he was still trying to console Ishana  after what he did last night.

"That bitch is going to be the death of all of us, I swear to-"

"Iʼm sorry for asking you to stay here longer. It was selfish of me to." I cut her off, my gaze landing on my hands.

"Hey, what are friends for?" Bhavya squeezed my hands and I looked to smile at her.

"Weʼll figure this out together, okay?" she mumbled, brushing a few strands of hair away from my face and I nodded.

Her hand slightly rested on my forehead and I watched her frown slightly before raising a brow in suspicion.

"You are having a small fever, Gauri ."

"Really?" I checked my temperature and sure enough, my forehead was now starting to burn up.

"Its fine, itʼs probably because I havenʼt eaten anything since last night or-"

"Iʼll make you something to eat so stay here. You are not going to starve to death, you hear me?!" she suddenly got up, her eyebrows furrowed together before she marched out of the room, leaving me behind.

"Maybe I can go to the pool or something." I decided, hoping that I could stop thinking about last night but it was a lot harder than it seemed.

Why is Omkara acting like this? One minute, he makes it seem like he actually wants to be with me but the next minute, itʼs like Ishana is all he has.

With a groan, I got out of bed an dragged myself down the staircase, praying no one would notice my presence. But when you live in a mansion full of vampires, such wishes do not exist in the book.

"I canʼt have him see me like this..." I breathed, my body suddenly drooping down on the floor but I picked myself up almost immediately.

My whole body was now aching and I had no strength to even get up and leave. My eyes suddenly landed on Rithesh , who was now walking towards the main door, much to my relief.

I was about to turn around but froze when the door opened and in came Omkara , causing my heart to drop.

"Hey, how is everything? Did you check up on her?" I heard him ask to Rithesh and I was about to turn around and leave when they both turned to look at me, causing my body to stiffen immediately.

"She hasnʼt eaten the whole day." I heard Rithesh  rat out on me and I could feel my eyes widening as I looked at Omkara , who was now narrowing his eyes at me, ready to say something when I spoke.

"Heʼs lying, I ate after they left and Bhavya  can prove it." I barely choked out, my vision slightly becoming blurry as I tried to focus on Omkara .

"Liar, weʼve been here since 9 am angel, thereʼs no way you could have sneaked in food without us finding out." Rithesh was definitely out to get me because he knew Omkara was the type to get easily ticked off by these small issues and right now, he canʼt find out that I hadnʼt eaten or the fact that I am sick.

I donʼt want him to know or get worried about me anymore. It was better to stay away from him than to lead on.

Plus, what if he uses my fever as an excuse to kiss me and-

"Are you telling the truth?" Omkara cut off my thoughts and even from this distance, I could feel his dangerous aura piercing through my poor, innocent soul.

"Ye-yes! Why would I lie? Plus, why do you have to poke your nose everywhere and see whether I ate or slept or bathed or-"

"Can I make sure youʼre telling the truth then?" I froze to look at him, my confidence crumbling down at his words as he took a step forward.

"What?" I choked out, slightly backing away as he narrowed his eyes in suspicion.

"Donʼt come any closer!" I suddenly blabbered when he took another step forward and I watched his eyes widen as Rithesh let out a chuckle.

Without warning, I turned and started running, my trembling knees almost giving away as I took off.

I could hear Omkara calling out my name and just as I entered the dining room, a figure appeared in front of me, causing me to gasp and take several steps back.

"Seriously? You really had to waste your breath trying to outrun me?" I brushed away his remark and took deep breaths, trying to even my heartbeats but it was no use.

"Are you okay?"

"Iʼm fine-" I finally breathed, taking another step back as Omkara took one forward.

"Whatʼs going on with you?" he frowned and I shook my head, trying to make it seem normal but my head was starting to hurt now too.

"Donʼt!" I snapped when I noticed Omkara walking up to me and he stopped for a second before bolting up to me.

"Donʼt come any closer, I mean it, Omkara -"

"And why not?" he grabbed my wrists and I gasped, looking up to meet his piercing gaze before quickly lowering my eyelashes.

"Youʼre lying to me about something, what-" he stopped to squeeze my hands and I watched him visibly flinch a little before boring his eyes into mine again.


"Did you eat?" he asked softly and inhaled deeply before nodding, trying to hide my annoyance.

"Then why are you burning up right now?"

"Iʼm not, I am just tired." I breathed, pushing past him but he stepped in front of me again and this time, I looked up at him with plead.

"Youʼre not-"

"Donʼt do this," I breathed, my heart aching at my own words that held a lot more meaning than I showed it to be.

"Do what ?"

"Donʼt act like you care."

He flinched at my words and with that, I jogged past him and ran up to my room, praying he wasnʼt following me and luckily he didnʼt.

God, how am I supposed to keep do this?


"Hey,Shivaay?" I called, noticing him walking downstairs. He shot me a smile and I admired his grey shirt that went really well with his black knee length shorts.

"Whatʼs up?" he jogged over as I started fiddling with my fingers and I noticed him raise a brow at my behavior.

"Itʼs been a while since Iʼve seen my parents and honestly, Iʼm starting to miss them, badly," I started softly and looked up to meet his piercing gaze.

"I kind of want to see them, even if itʼs for a day."

"Gauri , you know that itʼs not up to me, Omkara gets to decide that."

"I know." I lowered my eyelashes innocently and I heard him let out a sigh.

"Well then, convince Omkara ." He slipped his hands inside his pockets and I gave him my best puppy dog eyes before twirling some strands of hair between my fingers.

"So I was wondering...if you could maybe talk to him about it." I asked softly and Shivaay's eyes widened a bit before he shook his head, a nervous chuckle escaping through his lips.

"I canʼt-" "But-"

"I canʼt, Gauri , itʼs Omkara weʼre talking about, if anything, youʼre the only one who can convince him." He said and I gave him a disappointed look before nodding slowly, ready to leave when Shivaay let out a groan.

"What?" I questioned "innocently" as he took my hand, spinning me around and he let out another sigh before scratching the bridge of his nose.

"Maybe I can talk to him," he started and I was about to say something when he pressed a finger on my lips.

"But only if you promise to take your medicine right now." He touched my forehead and I quickly nodded before walking with him to the dining room where everyone was waiting for us.

Everyone except Omkara was now present at the table and I quickly took my seat, earning a small scowl from Ishana  as I did.

I brushed it away and started eating my food, ignoring the guys who were now engaged in their own conversation.

I talked to Bhavya and Shivaay  about my quick visit and truth be told, I was a bit excited right now, not to mention happy.

I would finally get to see my parents after months, only if Omkara agrees, of course, but he has no reason not to.

The door opened shortly and Omkara walked in, rolling up his sleeves as he sat down right next to me, causing my breath to hitch.


"Just eat." He said shortly, not even glancing at Ishana, who was now almost in tears and I couldnʼt help but feel bad for her somehow.

Yes, I hate her and donʼt like the way she treats me when no one else was around but she was just an innocent girl, who was just as heartbroken as I was. ana probably confused too.

I watched Omkara take a sip out of his wine before  Arjun cleared his throat and continued their conversation, making me sigh in relief.

"Gauri , I want to talk to you." Ishana's voice almost made me jump and everyone went silent as I slowly looked up at her, her bold suggestion making me stiffen a little.


"Sheʼs not going anywhere." Omkara suddenly spoke up, gripping my hand that were now resting on my laps.

I wanted to brush them away but Omkara held a firm grip, almost as if he knew that I was going to yank them away any minute.

"I just want to talk to her about something, alright. If Gauri  is fine with it then you have no reason to be so defensive." Ishana almost sneered before getting up from her seat and Omkara was about to say something when I grabbed his hand, shaking my head as he looked at me.

He slightly frowned as I got up and made my way outside, ignoring the guys who were now mumbling something as we left.

"Put this on." Ishana breathed, taking out a Vervain bracelet with a red topaz and I stared at the familiar bracelet before slipping it on.


"This way, Omkara canʼt eavesdrop on our conversation," she said, narrowing her eyes at me before sighing.

"I guess you really donʼt care about how he feels, huh?"

"If you brought me here to accuse such things then-"

"I know, Gauri . I know Omkara from the back of my hand and trust me when I tell you, he is breaking apart because of you," she stopped when I shot her a deadly glare.

"Of us. Maybe itʼs hard for you to understand his feelings but it isnʼt for me. How can you not see it?"

"See what?!" I huffed angrily, folding my hands across my chest.

"See that heʼs hurting because of you. Can you not see that you are holding him back? Whenever he tries to settle his feelings with me, you get in the picture and confuse him. Heʼs going crazy because of you and yet you canʼt even see it, can you? But you claim to be in love with him."

"I never said-"

"You donʼt have to say it, alright? Everyone in this goddamn mansion sees it other than Omkara ." She raised her voice, her eyes flaring in anger as she spoke and I went silent at her words.

"Are you done?"

"No, are you? If so, then let him go already. You have done enough already, Gauri. Iʼve seen him wide awake almost every night, restless, because of everything thatʼs been going on. Heʼs beating himself up over nothing and you know that." Ishana cut me off and my breath hitched at her words.

"He told you that?" Ishana sighed and I watched her shake her head in pity.

"He doesnʼt have to say it for me to see it. Unlike you, I look out for him. And last night? He almost lost it. Kept ranting on about how everything thatʼs been going on lately has had made him feel trapped and suffocated, that itʼs fucking driving him insane." I could feel my heart aching at her words.

"Ishana, I-"

"And the worst part is, he canʼt trust me because of you. He keeps going on and on about me lying about the whole situation where I got kidnapped and why? Because he wants to believe itʼs true, just so he can be with you, without feeling guilty about it." I went completely silent and Ishana let out another sigh as I played with the bracelet, my heart sinking at the thought of Omkara's suffering because of me.

"I-Iʼll tell him to stay away..." I finally choked out and looked at Ishana as she nodded, as if this was the right thing to do.

"Good. Itʼs best for all of us if you did," Ishana held my hands and I brushed them away before turning away.

"Now that thatʼs taken care of, can I have the bracelet back? She questioned, extending her hand and I nodded slowly.

I started to slip it off and I could feel my eyes widening when sudden flashbacks of Veer crashed through my mind.

That night I saved Ananya , Veer had slipped on a vervain bracelet with the same red topaz embedded in it. Was it the same bracelet? No, no way.

"Hey, where did you get this bracelet?" I asked softly, turning to look Ishana as she shrugged.

"I always had it with me." She answered and I slowly nodded before smiling a little as I handed it over to her.

"I hope you take my advice and really let him choose, Gauri . For his good." She mumbled and I inhaled deeply as I watched her walk away.

Letʼs hope I do.


"She said nothing, Omkara ." I said for the millionth time tonight and Omkara frowned before raising a brow.

I ignored and went back to reading my book, hoping he would leave but then again, this is Omkara we are talking about.

"Youʼre lying."

"Well, she talked about how we donʼt get along and that she wishes for it to change." I said bitterly, disgusted with my own lie and held my breath when Omkara sat down right in front of me on the bed.

"I donʼt-"

"And donʼt compel me. Iʼll never talk to you again if you do." I shot him a deadly glare and Omkara narrowed his eyes at me before letting out a sigh.

"Whatever she said about you, donʼt believe her. Youʼre not-"

"I have something I want to ask you." I cut him off, standing up and he raised a brow before getting up as well.


"I was wondering if I could visit my parents this weekend. Itʼs been so long and-"

"Yeah, Shivaay already told me about it. And the answer is no."


"A firm no." he repeated and I glared at him, his words pricking my nerves.

"And why not? Do you plan to keep me here forever?"

"No, what I do plan to do is keep you safe." He hissed, taking a step forward and I held my ground as well.

"By keeping me here and not letting me see my parents? Thatʼs not keeping me safe, thatʼs locking me in." I watched Omkara give me a hard look before he let out a huff in frustration, running a hand through his hair as he did.

"Fine, youʼll get a day. But youʼre coming back before it gets dark."

"What am I, a child?"

"That you are." I huffed and then pressed my lips together into a thin line, just in case Omkara changes his mind about letting me visit for even a few hours.

Anythingʼs better than nothing.

"Letʼs sleep." Omkara suddenly slipped off his shirt and disappeared, causing my jaws to drop open.

The door was now open and it didnʼt take a minute for him to reappear in front of me, making me jump up a little as I took a few steps back.

I noticed that he was now only wearing a grey jogger, causing my face to heat up.

"And why must you sleep here?"

"Because itʼs the only way I can sleep these days." He barely mumbled and I went silent at his words.

"Oh," I whispered stupidly, not really knowing what to say. "I actually want to talk to you about something else."


"About Ishana," I started softly, trying my best to conceal the hurt in my voice.

"Do you still have feelings for her?" I asked finally, turning to face him as he slightly flinched.

"Why do you ask?" he avoided my gaze and I grabbed his hand.

"Tell me, the more you avoid it, the more curious Iʼll be, so please, tell me?" I asked softly, biting down my quivering bottom lip, just in case he notices how upset I was.

His eyes flickered on them for a few seconds then met my gaze before slowly licking his lips.

"I donʼt know. Probably not." I donʼt know why but the way he hesitated to say it made it clear that he was lying right now.

But then again, what was I expecting?

"I-I see. Can I step out of the picture then?" he frowned at my words and I took a few steps back, leaning against the nearest wall to support myself.

"Whatʼs that supposed to mean?"

"I want you to give her a chance. Make things work between you two and leave me out of it.
The only way to do that is to let me go. Let me go back, Omkara ...just let me go home." I finished in a pleading voice and I watched him grow silent before pinching the bridge of his voice, his eyebrows furrowing together in displeasure.

"And who told you that, huh ? Ishana?" he started walking up to me and I shook my head, my gaze firmly set on his face as he closed in on my space.

"I am telling you because I know youʼre hurting," I stated softly and I watched something flash in his eyes before he put on his expressionless mask again.

"And Iʼm sorry for not noticing it earlier. I didnʼt consider how hard all this must be for you and I kept making it only about me but I was just as hurt and confused as you were, if not more."

"Gauri -"

"And Iʼm sorry for holding you back," I stopped for a second when Omkara wrapped an arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him as I arched my back away from him but decided to keep going.

"Iʼm sorry for not looking out for you the way I should have and--no, let me finish!" I raised my voice when I noticed his lips already brushing against my jawline.

"I am, I really am," he breathed softly, his lips trailing down to my neck and I held back a moan as he went straight to my soft spot, causing shivers down my spine.

"Iʼm serious, Omkara , youʼre not taking me seriously right now." I pushed him and heard him let out a sigh before meeting my intense gaze.

"I am serious. But all I hear is you repeating Ishana's little speech over and over again. Just a different choice of words." He stated bluntly and I gave him a long look before letting out an exasperated sigh.

"Weʼre never going to work Omkara . Weʼre literally the definition of complicated."

"Got a nice touch to it, donʼt you think-" he stopped when I sent him a warning glare and he "tsked" before taking a step back.

"Fine, but Iʼm not listening to you right now. Thatʼs Ishana is  talking right now, not you."

"Iʼm serious, Omkara . I am done trying to make us work."

"Well fuck that, Iʼm not, alright?" I let out a huff at his ignorance as he walked over to the bed, plopping down on it.

"Good for you." I said bitterly before marching up to him and crawling as far away from him from the bed.

The light switched off shortly and silence clouded the atmosphere as we both kept quiet.

"About the vervain bracelets..." I turned to face him and gasped when I realized how close he was to my side of the bed now.

"What about them?" he asked oh-so-casually and I narrowed my eyes at him before staring into his blue eyes.

"How many are there?" I asked softly.

Yes, truth be told, Ishana having the same type of bracelet Veer had did bother me but then again-

"Probably 13 or less. The color of the topaz would be different in each one." He said shortly and I could feel my pulse racing as I inched closer.

"What about the same color? Is there a chance that there are two bracelets with the same colors?" I asked and my heart dropped when Omkara shook his head.

"Why? Is something wrong?" he asked softly but his voice was so distant by now.

If there is only one kind of bracelet for each color, the hell was Ishana able to get her hands on the bracelet Veer had?

"Gauri ?" Omkara shook my shoulder and I gasped as I looked at him, quickly shaking my head as he frowned at my behavior.

"I'm fine, just curious."

"Your heartbeat is very fast right now. Chances are that your either lying or trying to hide something from me and-"

"Omkara , I'm serious. Trust me. I'm fine. I was just curious and you know what happens when I get curious." I some how  managed to convince him and he gave me one last look before nodding.

"Good, now get some sleep." He leaned to kiss me on the forehead and I didn't even bother to brush him away.

How was Ishana  able to get her hands on a bracelet Veer had given me once?

How and when?

What exactly is she hiding from us?


"Why are you still awake?" Omkara's sleepy voice almost made me gasp but I pressed my lips together into a thin line, my back still facing him as I remained silent.

How the hell does he know?! Forget it, just pretend that youʼre sleeping and-

"You heartbeat is getting faster." He mumbled and I cursed a million times in my head before continuing to ignore him.

"Really, Gauri?" he sighs, slightly holding my shoulders and I gasped before sitting up straight, brushing away a few strands of hair away from my face in frustration.

"Iʼm just not sleepy." I lied and I watched him extend his arms to reach for the pillow, flexing his muscles in the process.

"Right, try to sleep." He muttered, shoving a pillow on his face and I turned my face away from him.

Everything Ishana said, I should consider it. No matter how bitchy she can be sometimes, her words were true.

"Iʼll go grab a glass of water and come back." I looked at Omkara and I watched the pillow shake from side to side, causing me to frown.

"Last time you left to get one, Veer somehow managed to get in remember? Iʼm not taking that chance again." He muffled through the pillow and I let out a deep sigh.

"Itʼs just a glass of water." I muttered, ready to get up when a hand grabbed my waist.

I turned to look at Omkara , who still had a pillow on his face as he tightened the grip.


"Omkara !" I huffed, trying to free my grip but it was no use.

"Iʼll get you one, I need to check up on something anyways." He shoved the pillow away and got up, suddenly disappearing out of the room.

I let out a huff in defeat and shook my head, turning to my right and froze when I noticed a familiar bracelet.

My heart raced at the sight, the blue topaz glimmering in the darkness, making me quiver in excitement.

Speaking of Vervain bracelets. I slowly reached to take it, slipping it on almost immediately.

I hadnʼt even noticed thatʼs itʼs been there the whole time. Omkara must have left it here today.

"With this, I can run away." I mumbled hesitantly, tracing my fingers on the topaz, my heart racing at the thought.

Do I really want to run away? No. But what choice do I have either way? Sooner or later, heʼs going to choose, and itʼs not going to be me.

"Whatʼs taking him so long?" I finally huffed out, shaking my thoughts away before I pull another dumb stunt tonight.

I folded my hands across my chest, staring at the door for what seemed like forever before letting out another growl.

Whatʼs taking him so long anyways? My eyes wandered around the room before it landed on the wardrobe and a childish idea popped into my head, causing a smirk to tug on my lips.

I looked at the vervain bracelet before walking up to the wardrobe, opening it and stepping in, quickly shutting the doors halfway.

Oh Omkara is so going to get it. Heʼs going to get all pissed thinking I ran away and I know this was evil but come on, the guy deserves this every once in a while.

After a few minutes, I finally saw the door open to reveal Omkara walking in, carrying a glass of water. His black joggers were now hung loosely on his hips, revealing his V-line and thank god he wasnʼt able to hear my heartbeat or else I would be so fucked right now.

Is it just me or is it getting hot in here?

"Sorry I was late, I-" I heard him pause and I squinted my eyes, trying to catch his figure between the small crack on the wardrobe doors.

"Gauri?" I heard him knock on the toilet door before opening it. My heart almost ripped out of my chest when I heard him call out my name, the heavy footsteps around the room almost making me choke on the air I was breathing.

"Itʼs not funny Gauri ," he finally stated and I could sense the panic and concern in his voice as he paced around the room, bending down to check under the bed before getting up and hissing something along the lines,

"Shit, she didnʼt-". Silence clouded the room and I peeped out to notice the room empty, causing me to grin from ear to ear.

Guess he went to find out where I was hiding. I decided to play this prank a little longer and stood still, the fabric of clothes brushing against my face as I took in deep breaths. So the bracelet really works huh? After another 10 minutes or less, I decided to come out, my eyelids feeling heavy by now.

Omkara was still nowhere to be seen and I let out a sigh, plopping on the bed before closing my eyes shut. He will probably look for me for a while and then come back right? Right.

I let out a sigh, wondering if I should have pulled this prank or not. I mean, he will probably be okay after he sees me asleep right? Speaking of which, go to sleep Gauri , before he shows up and gives you the lecture of a lifetime.

I closed my eyes shut and it didnʼt even take seconds for me to drift off into deep sleep.


The next morning, I woke up, took a quick bath and rushed downstairs, praying I wasnʼt late for breakfast.

Oh, who was I kidding, it was already 10 am. I bolted inside the dining room, ready to apologize but froze upon seeing the empty room.

My eyes narrowed around the whole area and I shrugged it off before walking out of the room.

"Weird." I mumbled to myself, searching for a butler but it seemed like nobody, and I mean, nobody was around, for once, might I add.

Where was everyone? Did they leave for a walk in the morning or something? Why didnʼt they call me? I pouted at the thought of them not inviting me along but decided to brush it off.

Maybe this was a good thing. I can finally have some peace and alone time till they come back. With a sigh, I started making my way to the library, adjusting my skirt and tank top as I fastened my pace.

Hours flew by as I sat in the library, reading one book after another. Seriously though, how long were they going to take? Am I supposed to starve today?

It was already 6 pm and there seemed to be no sign of anyone, still. Not even Bhavya and I had no way of contacting her either. Maybe she went to visit her parents? But still, a heads up wouldʼve been nice.

My stomach grumbled and I let out a groan before standing up and walking out of the library.

The least these assholes can do is feed me if I am to be left alone and I wouldnʼt have minded. I walked into the dining room and made my way to the appetizer table, praying there was something, anything to eat and I let out a gasp when I noticed the chocolate muffins that were sitting on the plates on the table, right next to the corner of the room.

With a soft squeal, I grabbed one and started stuffing myself, the sweetness melting into my mouth as I took another bite.

"We looked everywhere for her. We might as well announce it to the city and make the humans look for her too." I heard a familiar voice and I watched Arjun and Ajay walk inside the dining room.

"Should we check the park again? Fuck, where the hell could she be?" I heard Ajay breathe before grabbing a set of keys from the dining table and I just stood there, raising a brow at their panic form.

"Maybe sheʼs--" Arjun froze when his eyes met mine and I watched Ajay follow his gaze to notice me standing there, a muffin stuffed in my mouth as I stared at them.

An unreadable but shocked expression appeared on their faces as I took another bite out of my muffin, questioning their behavior.

Do I have something on my face or?

"Ga-Gauri , wha-what are you--" Ajay trailed off and I gulped it down, feeling slightly embrassed.

"I was hungry and-"

"Not that! Where the fuck have you been?!" Arjun questioned with a hiss and I jumped up a little before my eyes widened in shock.

"He-here? Obviously." I backed away a little as they started striding towards me, causing me to almost choke on my food.

"Do you know how long we have been looking for you?!" Ajay grabbed my shoulders and I frowned at him in confusion.

"We thought you ran away!" my jaws dropped at his words. What?!


I lowered my eyelashes on my lap, my fingers fiddling nervously as I sat absolutely still. I could feel everyone burning holes through my face but I didnʼt look up or try to meet their piercing gaze.

"So it was all a prank?" I heard Parth question in disbelief as the boys huddled around the chair I was sitting on, in the middle of the frikken room, might I add, but then again, this was an interrogation and I was forced to sit still.

"Ye-yes." I mumbled and I heard them all groan in annoyance, taking a step back.

"We looked everywhere for you!"

"I even checked every bar in the city, all the clubs-" "I checked all the motels, hotels-"

"We stayed up all night, and you are to tell us, that you were just playing a prank?" Abhay finally questioned and I bit my bottom lip hesitantly, my eyes finally ripping from the floor and up at the boys.

Thank god Omkara and Shivaay was missing, was karma saving the worst for later or something?

"I-I might have taken it too far, just a tad-bit?" I mumbled out and I heard some of them sigh while the rest of them scoffed in disbelief. It was then when I noticed the black bags under their eyes and their messed up hair, making them look restless.

"You scared us to death, do you have any idea how long Omkara was looking-" Arjun was cut off by the sound of someone calling my name and I looked ahead to notice Shivaay and Omkara walking inside, both their faces knotted in concern before they noticed me.

A frown formed on their faces as I hung my head innocently, closing my eyes in embarrassment. But come on, Omkara really thought I ran away?

How would I even run away in the first place?

"Thank god." I heard Shivaay  breathe as they walked towards me, making my heart sink down to my stomach.

"We need to talk." I heard Omkara say before a hand grabbed my wrist, yanking me up. He started dragging me back out and I glanced at the boys, shooting them an apologetic look.

Half of them chuckled while the rest rolled their eyes in annoyance, ruffling up their disheveled hairs.

"Explain." Omkara gave me a slight push into the room before he walked in, slamming the door shut behind us as I pressed my lips together into a thin line.

"It was just a joke, you got all worked up about it." I finally mumbled, twirling some strands of hair between my fingers as he took slow and dangerous steps towards me, making my heart skip a beat.

"A joke? A joke that kept me up all night." He hissed, his tall figure hovering over my body as I landed my gaze back on the ground.

I glanced up a bit and went silent, the guilt finally kicking in when I noticed his exhausted form. Nevertheless, he still looked so perfect and hot, it was crazy how someone could be such mess.

"Iʼm sorry?" It came out as a question and I could hear Omkara hiss in annoyance.

"You really-" he stopped, suddenly letting out a sigh before taking a step back, a hand making its way through his hair.

"Never mind, donʼt do something like that again." He dropped down on the bed, another sigh escaping his lips.

"I didnʼt do it on purpose. I thought youʼd come back in the room after a while and-"

"Why would I? I thought you ran away, or worse, got kidnapped by-" he stopped and we both went silent for a few minutes before Omkara slumped an arm over his forehead, closing his eyes.

I noticed that he was still wearing his joggers from last night with a plain grey shirt, which he had worn on the wrong side but I am guessing he didnʼt even notice.

To be honest, it makes me feel a little happy. To know that he was worried. Guess maybe he did care a little? I donʼt know.

"Did you tell Bhavya ?"

"Yeah, I told her to stay with her parents for a while till we find you." He grabbed the hem of his shirt before slipping it off.

"Omkara , Iʼm sorry, I didnʼt know you would get this worried and-"

"Forget it now, itʼs fine. Iʼll be taking a nap." His voice was barely audible now and I slowly nodded, ready to leave when he cleared his throat.


"Oh, youʼre staying here, Gauri ." He said in a warning tone and I opened my mouth to say something but shut it back when he sent me a warning glare.

"Alright, but just until you fall asleep." I said, sitting down on the bed next to him. He didnʼt respond and instead, closed his eyes shut.

After I made sure he had drifted off, I slowly walked out of the room, letting out a sigh as I closed the door behind me.

"Well, if it isnʼt miss-hilarious." Rithesh words dripped in sarcasm and I groaned before turning to face Ajay, Rudra, Shivaay and Rithesh, who was now raising a brow at me suspiciously.

"It was just a joke, I said I was sorry." I whined, folding my hands across my chest as they narrowed their eyes at me.

"Just a joke?"

"A bad one, alright? Let it go already." I grumbled, pulling down my skirt a little.

"Easy for you to say, babe, but have you seen the bags under my eyes? I am exhausted." Rudra groaned, dropping down on the sofa behind him and I put on a small pout before looking away again.

"Vampires donʼt even get tired..." I barely breathed under my breath.

"Well excuse us for running out of super powers, darling. Not too shocking once you consider the fact that we ran around the entire town the whole of last night." Rithesh gave me an expressionless look and I went silent, my fingers once again, fiddling nervously.

"How can I make it up for you then?"

"Kiss me."


"What?" Rithesh said almost at the same time as I did and I rolled my eyes at his "innocent" look as Rudra hissed at him in annoyance.

"You donʼt have to do anything, itʼs fine. You didnʼt mean it so." Shivaay sat down next to the boys on the sofa as well and I awkwardly stood in front of them before shrugging again.

"Where is everyone?"

"They went to sleep. Took an herb and tsk." Ajay pretended to slash his throat and I raised a brow in confusion.

"What kind of herb?" I questioned curiously.

"An herb that helps us to regain our powers again. Weʼve been running the whole night for hours, itʼs bound to have some effect, even on vampireʼs."

"So theyʼre sleeping now?"

"Probably wonʼt wake up anytime soon. Everyone, including Omkara took a high dose before we slept. Reason why weʼre fucking exhausted right now, I can barely stay awake right now even." Rudra explained and I watched Shivaay slump back on the sofa before closing his eyes too.

Wow, they must have really searched the entire night.

"Sorry...I really am..." I said softly, giving them another apologetic look and Rithesh grinned at me.

"Maybe if I wasnʼt so tired, I wouldn't mind to kiss you but-"

"Shut up or go sleep in your room." Shivaay grumbled in annoyance, his eyes still closed shut the entire time.

"Iʼll be going then." I turned around and started to go back when I heard someone open the main door, followed by heavy footsteps.

"Ah, what a pleasant surprise." Veer's voice almost made my heart jump right out of my chest and I slowly turned around to face him and the Rathore brothers, who were now literally standing right in front of the door.

"Ve-Veer...wh-what are you doing-"

"You almost sound like you genuinely donʼt know my reasons to come here," he flashed me a grin and I could feel my legs starting to shake as I started to shake my head repeatedly.

"Why Iʼm here to take you back."

"Sheʼs not going anywhere." Shivaay stood in front of me and Ajay, Rudra and Rithesh joined next to him, all of them shooting each other a million daggers in hatred.

Thank god...I almost forgot they were here. I wasn't alone.

"Oh, what are you? Her bodyguards now?" Karan and Varun chuckled, taking a step forward and out of instinct, I grabbed Shivaay's arm, my eyes already glistening in tears.

"Take one more step, I dare you." Rudra spat and I heard Veer chuckle humorlessly before shaking his head.

"Howʼs that herb working out for you guys?" he titled his head to a side and I could feel Shivaay's body tense up under my touch, causing me to panic as well.

"Donʼt fuck around with us, Veer. We can still beat the shit out of you all, with or without the herb." Ajay took a dangerous step forward and I watched Veer grin from ear to ear, causing a shiver down my spine.

Itʼs his confidence that really makes me crumble into a million pieces.

He always gets what he wants.

"I hardly doubt that right now." Without warning, the Rathore brothers lunged towards Ajay and Rudra and I gasped when they all started throwing punches and hurling each other to the walls.

"Letʼs go." Shivaay  picked me up and I saw Veer give me one last sadistic smirk before my head started to feel dizzy, my surroundings becoming more and more blurry.

I heard a hiss in pain before Shivaay froze, his body suddenly drooping down on the floor along with mine as we scooted to the nearest room.

I closed the door shut, locking it and backed away with Shivaay before searching for a small window but to my dismay, there was none.

"Why did you take us to a study room?!" I turned to question Shivaay and my eyes widened when I saw him on the floor, leaning against the wall as he took deep heavy breaths, almost as if he was in pain now.

"Whatʼs wrong?! Are you okay?" I questioned, sitting down next to him and taking his hands as he motioned me to keep quiet.

"Iʼm fine. Itʼs that fucking herb and using my powers just now only weakened my body." He let out a painful groan before meeting my eyes.

"Shivaay, youʼre burning up." My eyes widened in disbelief. I didnʼt even know vampires could get sick.

Wasnʼt that impossible?

"Iʼm fine, just stop talking, if Veer hears us-"
"No..." I cut him off, shaking my head repeatedly, my whole body trembling at the thought of Veer taking me away again.

"No, no, I donʼt want him to, I-I-donʼt-" I stopped when Shivaay grabbed my hands, squeezing them tightly as I looked up at him, petrified.

"Heʼs not going to take you away, alright? Trust me, I wonʼt let him." he was desperately trying to convince me but the panic in his voice made me feel otherwise.

"Oh sweetheart," Veer sang near the door and my eyes widened before I looked at Shivaay, who was now letting out another painful groan.

"I can smell you from a mile away, you know? You canʼt hide from me forever now, can you? Letʼs play nice, yeah?" his sickly sweet voice makes me tremble and I couldnʼt help but let the tears roll down my cheeks as I gripped onto Shivaay, burying myself inside his chest.

"Wh-what do we do?" I barely choked out and I could see Shivaay  taking more heavy breaths, trying to keep himself together now.

"Unless you want Omkara dead, which I can easily do right now, then I suggest you come out now, love." He emphasized in a warning tone and I looked at Shivaay, my eyes widening in fear as he shook his head.

"Gauri , you better not! Heʼs lying, if he really wanted to kill Omkara , he would have by now." Shivaay grabbed my hand as I started to get up and I shook my head, not knowing what to do or say anymore.

"Alright then, I guess weʼll have to do this the hard way then, hunh?" Veer's voice turned all cold and deep, causing me to stiffen in fear.

A long bang on the door caused me to gasp before I let out a sob, shaking my head as Veer started kicking the door repeatedly.

"Gauri , listen to me, hey," Shivaay  grabbed both my wrists and I opened my eyes to look at him.

"Iʼll push him off for as long as I can, I want you to run okay? Run and go upstairs to call Omkara -"

"No! I canʼt leave you like that. What if he-"
"Damn it Gauri , we donʼt have time! Do as I say and run!" he snapped, causing another sob to escape through my lips.

"Iʼm sca-" I froze at the sound of the door breaking open and before long, Shivaay had gotten up from his position, lunging towards Veer before slamming him to the nearest wall.

"Run!" he snapped at me before Veer connected his forehead to Shivaay in such a force that sent Shivaay  stumbling back in a daze.

"Youʼre next, sweetheart." He grinned at me and just as he was about to grab me, Shivaay pulled him back, kicking him right in the stomach.

"Go Gauri!" Shivaay yelled and this time, I used all my strength to start running, brushing away my tears as I stumbled my way through the hallway.

No, No, No!

"Please, save me. Somebody save me!" I was repeatedly screaming these words in my mind and soon, it escaped through my lungs as I bolted towards my room.

Just as I was about to grab the doorknob to the nearest room to hide, a hand grabbed my mouth, roughly jerking me back as I muffled out another scream.

"Itʼs no use, sweetheart, theyʼre never going to wake up anytime soon." Veer breathed in my ears, causing my trembling legs to finally give away on the floor.

Veer followed my movement and I struggled to take deep breaths as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders, the other still tightly clutched on my mouth.

It was useless to fight him now. I was no match for his weight, nor his power and I knew better than to waste my breath trying.

"Shame that you never play nice with me, sweetheart. Almost makes me feel sad." He finally released the hand on my mouth and I let out a sob as he did, ready to scream when he hissed in my ears.

"Pl-please, Veer, enough...Iʼm begging you..." he simple "tsked" at my words and my body stiffened when his lips brushed against my ears.

"Oh but sweetheart," he breathed softly. "Iʼve only just begun."

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