Chapter 23

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***Please Read The Disclaimer Attached To The Story Info.

This Chapter Contains Mature Content ***

Read at your own risk if you're below 18.***

"You can't even lift..." I shut out Omkara's random muttering and concentrated on getting him to bed without the both of us tripping on the floor.

Seeing that Omkara had no intention to do as I say and actually use his long legs to drag his ass to bed, I had no choice but to help him here.

With another growl, I finally slipped my arms away from his torso and watched him slump on the bed for a second before jolting up.

"I still didn't make you forget what-"

"You don't have to. I promise to keep it a secret, or better, I can forget everything you said by tomorrow." I lied and turned away, quickly occupying myself by adjusting my outfit.

"People don't just forget." he breathed, before attempting to unbutton his shirt but stopping halfway to huff in frustration.

I watched his hands run through his hair in a frustrated manner and gulped softly, noticing two buttons already undone, exposing his collarbones.

"Now that we are done playing friends, can you please leave?" his voice held an annoying and cold tone and I gave him a disappointed look, wishing he could remember who I was right now.

There was so many things I wanted to tell him, for him to know.

But I can't have any of that with him still wasted like this.

I noticed something flash in his eyes as he kept staring at me for a few seconds, but then snapped his head away, muttering something along the lines,

"Don't look at me like that." I brushed it off and quickly sat on my heels on the floor, right in front of the bed where Omkara was sitting, his eyes now intensely looking down at my movements.

"You friend," I started softly, bringing my fingers to help him finish unbuttoning his shirt.

Why did I have to take him to my room anyways? I should've called Shivaay or Rudra  or someone. "I'm sure she wanted to say a lot but never got the chance to." I kept my eyes ahead, slowly taking my time to finish unbuttoning.

"Your friend-she-" I stopped to look at him, only to notice him already staring right back at me, his eyes slightly wavering at our sudden eye contact.

"You should talk to her and see what she has to say too." I blabbered out quickly and gasped when Omkara grabbed my wrist halfway, yanking me up and towards him with a little effort.

"My friend," his voice grew hoarse and low.

"Has nothing to do with you. So stop bringing her up, it's getting me upset." He leaned a bit towards me and I held a breath, his ocean blue eyes making my knees weak to the ground.

"Understood." I gulped once again, biting my bottom lip slightly at how nervous I felt right now.

His eyes flicked down to my lips for a second and I noticed him swallow harshly, all the while still staring at my lips.

"You...Kiss me--then leave." his words caught me off my surprise and I held my breath for a second, wondering if those words really slipped out of his mouth.

"What-" I gasped when his lips cut mine off by surprise, my body stumbling on his but Omkara easily slipped an arm around my waist, helping me to wrap my legs around his torso before I settled on his lap.

"I can't do this. You're still-" my heart almost exploded when his lips engulfed in mine again, a hint of mint and hard liquor making my mind go wild.

One of his hand freely roamed around my back before making its way up, tangling his fingers in my hair in a gentle, yet firm grip.

I savoured his lips and kissed him back passionately, our lips dancing in sync.

My eyes flicked open when our lips parted suddenly and it widened when I noticed Omkara dropped on the bed, drifting into a sleep before I could even say anything.

I stared down at how perfect he was, starting from his hair, to his beautiful structured face, and then down to his almost unbuttoned shirt.

His chest remained exposed and I held a breath, my hormones driving me insane at this point.

I was sitting right on his lap, I only got one kiss after more than a month and that too when he was wasted.

This position, us, him, he could drive me insane if this keeps going.

He was so perfect.

So handsome in every angle. And he had the eyes to look at someone like me.

Well, at one point he did at least.

With a sigh, I climbed off his torso and helped him settle in bed before leaving the room, going downstairs and slumping on my sofa.

I groaned, rubbing my temple, exhausted from everything that's been happening tonight.

"Tomorrow night," I stared up at the cieling, my eyes drooping in sadness.

"I have to go back to him.

Everything I have to say to Omkara before I leave was going to be own words. But Veer told me to make sure those words would allow him to let me go."

I bit my bottom lip harshly, pondering over what I should come up with.

The lie that's supposed to be half the truth and half a lie.

I had to make him leave, whether it was by a lie or not.

Maybe it was better to lie. But then again, Omkara could easily see through my lies.

"Forget it!" I groaned for the millionth time tonight and decided to go to sleep.

Tomorrow, I'll decide what I am going to do.


"Morning." I greeted as Omkara stumbled through the kitchen, shirtless and with his joggers only.

His messy hair and bright blue eyes staring at me for a brief moment made my heart explode into pieces.

"You too," he rested his hands near the sink, his head hung a little, allowing his back muscles to flex as he did so.

I ripped my gaze from him and quickly grabbed the milk carton from the fridge, ready to turn and leave when Omkara also turned from the sink.

My nose almost bumped into his chest and with a gasp, I stumbled back but thanks to Omkara , who grabbed my upper arm just before I lost balance, I was able to straighten up and keep my posture.

"Gauri ,What's gotten into you?" he raised brow and I tore off our gaze, slightly disappointed that he doesn't remember what happened last night.

The kiss, everything we talked about.

"Do you want to do something today?" I swallowed a small lump in my throat, an image of Veer's  face flashing through my mind.

His eyes narrowed slightly before releasing the grip and turning away, causing my stomach to harden.

"I'm busy." was all he had to say for the reality to pull me in again.

He wasn't into me anymore.

He didn't want anything to do with me.

The only reason why he was even staying here was because my parents were away and it was not safe for me.

"Just today--" I grabbed his fingers as he started to leave and he turned to stare down at me.

"Just spend the day with me today Omkara . For one day, is all I ask." He grew silent and when I looked up, he was already looking away.

"If you're bored, I'll call Raj to come over and babysit you." He gently pulled his hand away from mine and I swallowed another lump in my throat.

I can't give up yet.

Today was the only day I could see him.

"I am not bored. I want to spend the day with you Om, that's it." I blurted out and noticed his eyes widen slightly before a muscle in his jawline flicked.

I couldn't tell whether it was from annoyance or frustration anymore.

"Like I said, I have things to do--"

"If you are leaving then I'm going to stay out the whole day and roam around the city." I folded my hands across my chest and stared right into his cold blue, emotionless eyes.

"Do as you please, Gauri ."


I chuckled to myself, glancing back at Omkara as we walked along the pavement, side by side.

He had a stone hard look on his face and I knew better than to ask why he was so grumpy.

"Should we stop by here? I'll buy you a nice shirt."

"No thanks. I've got plenty." he mumbled and I notice a bunch of people now staring at us, whispering and giggling in a cheerful manner.

Let me guess, tomorrow's headline would be, "The blood bag finally realized she couldn't live with her true love so they rekindled their love for each other."

"I'm going in." I marched into the mall and heard Omkara's hiss a little before following me inside.

I noticed that he would hide his face inside his hoodie often and it pricked my nerves.

Who does he think he is? A celebrity or something?

"Try this on."

"No. It's tacky."

"Ta-tacky? Do you know how much it costs?!" I said through gritted teeth and his expressionless look only irritated me even more.

"Wear this while I am being nice. Do you really want me to reveal that Omkara Singh Oberoi is out on a date with his ex mistress?" I saw him flinch slightly before he plastered on a fake smile, grabbing the long sleeved shirt from my hands and getting into change.

He came out wearing it and I gasped in fake surprise. Omkara rolled his eyes and went back in as I chuckled.

"Well ,My taste is not so bad right?" I nudged him playfully before paying the cashier.

"I suppose." he pinched the bridge of his nose and I couldn't help but admire his beautiful face.

"I knew it. The mistress do have good taste." I patted his hand and his lips curled downwards before he followed me behind.

After we finished the mall shopping, I took Omkara to eat ice cream and watched him make faces at how disgusting the cotton candy flavor was.

Well, more for me then.

"Sorry, the mistress is not so good when it comes to taste." I skipped a little, ignoring Omkara's intense staring behind me.

He really must hate it that I brought him out here like this.

But I have to do this.

Even if it's for one-day.

I have to spend a day with him before I leave.

"Do you want to go see a movie?" I turned and caught him off by surprise.

He regained his serious composure and turned away.

His silence grew awkwardness tension between us and I chuckled nervously.

"You are supposed to listen to the mistress when she's- " I gasped when Omkara grabbed my wrist, jerking me closer to him.

"Try to say that one more time." his angry tone made me shiver slightly.

"Why? You don't like movies-?"

"If you even utter a word that's remotely close to the word mistress again," he started in a dangerously low tone and I gulped silently.

"I'll show you what they're really good at myself." he brushed past me and I just stood there in silence before realizing what he meant.

"I'm sorry," I whined, not wanting to ruin this chance of spending the day with him.

"Oh Come on Omkara,I was just joking." I grabbed his hand and stepped in front of him.

He eyes slightly narrowed down at me before he slipped his hands inside his pockets, letting out a deep sigh.

"Fine, but now it's your turn to follow me and go to places I really like to hang out." his voice held an impatient and rude tone and I flinched when he grabbed my hand, dragging me away.


"Omkara , I don't like it here." I grabbed his hoodie as we moved past the drunk and wasted people, most of them who were vampires, while the rest I am assuming as humans.

"And why not?" he spoke loudly enough for me to hear past the wild music.

Why a wild party in the middle of the frikken evening? That too, in a random vampires mansion.

"OMG, I-" I froze when I noticed a bunch of girls sitting down with us on the sofa, one of them making their way around to sit next to Omkara .

I squeezed my hands together on my lap and watched them flirt with Omkara , while he just sat there in silence, sipping on his drink.

I slightly grimaced over the situation before getting up, telling Omkara that I wanted to grab a glass of water.

He didn't say anything so I took that as my leave and quickly pushed through the people and towards the table of drinks.

The place was huge, but with all the people and sick feeling in my stomach, I started to feel claustrophobic within seconds.

"Sorry." I apologized as soon as I bumped into someone and gasped when the guy grabbed my hand roughly, turning me around to face him.

"Sorry? You should have looked where you were going bitch." The  psycho was obviously wasted and I winced when the grip he had around my wrist tightened.

"I apologized. What else do you want me to say?" I didn't mean to raise my voice but I was just as impatient as this guy was.

"You really have the nerve to talk back, huh," his bloodshot brown eyes glared down at me and I cried out a little when he poked my forehead sharply.

"Why? Annoyed much? That's why you should look where you're going, you beautiful little brat." he kept poking my head, digging his nails into my skin sharply as he did.

"Stop that." I brushed his hands away and due to his drunk state, he stumbled back on his own before glaring at me.

"This fucker." I heard him hiss before bolting up to me, grabbing my shoulders roughly and pushing me down on the floor.

My knees hit the floor hard and cried out in pain before attempting to get up.

"Are you fucking insane?!" I heard Omkara's voice cut off my thoughts before I turned to look at him, his hands already balled into a fist, glaring at the guy who had attacked me.

For some reason, seeing the intention of killing flash in Omkara's eyes for a second caused my body to jerk up and the next thing I knew, I was standing in front of Omkara , putting my hands on his chest.

"Omkara , I'm fine. I'm fine, I'm really fine." I tried to push him off but he simply pushed right past me, causing my heart to drop.

In a matter of seconds, I wrapped my arms around him from the back, along with his arms.

"Please stop!" I cried out and felt his body tense up under my touch, making me slightly relieved.

"Let go."

"No, I'm fine. I just want to go home, Omkara . Please." I begged and Omkara finally ripped my hands away from his body before turning around and grabbing my hand.

He practically dragged me outside and took the first cab before we took off, not saying a word to each other the whole time.

By the time we reached home, it was 7 pm and I couldn't help but wonder what's going on in his mind.

He followed me into my room and I watched him rummage through my drawers and cupboards before he finally found the first aid kit.

He grabbed it in such a haste that it slipped and fell on the floor, all the medicines and Band-Aids flying everywhere on the floor.

"Fuck!" he hissed, bending down to grab everything.

I bit my bottom lip slightly and slowly walked over to him as well, bending down to touch his hand that was now holding a bunch of band aids.


"It's your fault. Who asked you to go out there and get hurt?!"

"I didn't ask to get hurt. Plus, I'm fine, Omkara ."

"You call that fine?" he eyes flicked down to my scraped knees and I sighed into his stuborness.

"Sit. And don't move." he practically ordered and I didn't bother to fight back. Instead, I sat back down on the bed and watched him pick up all the medicines quickly before walking over to clean my scrapes.

"Why did you get mad?" I asked out of the blue and watched his movements stop for a second before he continued to clean my cut.

"I drank a bit."

"So why are you helping me when you're still drunk?"

"Just because." he finished cleaning up and got up.

"I'll get you something to eat. Don't go out, it'll take less than a minute anyways." and with that, he disappeared and I stood up before going back downstairs and into the kitchen.

I sat back down on the table and covered my face, Veer's command now itching inside my brain, ready to obey him.

Omkara came in after a few seconds and unpacked a bunch of food on the table, including pasta, burgers along with two doughnut.

I stared at the food and then at him before smiling gratefully.

"Thank you."

"Just eat."

I quickly took a seat and started eating, glancing at Omkara who was leaning against the fridge, watching my every movement.

After I was done, he helped to clean up and then suggested I get some rest.

"Omkara ," I took his arm in my own.

"When my parents come back, do you plan to-"

"I'll be going back." he said in such a firm tone, it crumbled every bit of confidence I had left in us away.

"Oh." I smiled a little and nodded before making my way upstairs with him.

We said our goodnight and I went back into my room.

Veer's words rang through my mind worse than a doorbell and I bit my bottom lip angrily.

Maybe, maybe this was for the better.

If I go to him, I might find a way to convince him to stop haunting Omkara . Maybe he'd give in.

Who knows, I might even be able to make that devil fall in love with me too.

I stopped chuckling, my heart tightening at my own twisted thoughts.

Either way, I can't stay here and burden Omkara anymore.

He clearly doesn't want me around.

He has been making that clear to me for the past few weeks.

After a few more minutes of more contemplation, I finally got up from the bed and made my way to my parents room where Omkara was supposedly sleeping.

I knocked thrice and he finally called me inside.

"What happened?"

"I just wanted to talk to you about something." I fiddled with my fingers when I noticed him get up from the bed and walking up to me.

His shirtless body along with his black short that came up to his knees made my hormones go wild yet again.

I mean, could you blame a girl for falling for some hot abs and a V-line that could literally cut a bitch?

My eyes suddenly landed on a glass of wine along with the bottle and I looked at Omkara with a disappointed look.

"Have you really been drinking?"

"That's none of your business Gauri ."

"Right..." his words hit me like bricks but I couldn't let it get to me.

"None of it does."

"That's not-"

"I came to talk about something." I finally breathed, ready for my little act. Or maybe it doesn't have to be an act anymore. Maybe this is how I really wanted to say our goodbyes.


"About us," I noticed him visibly flinch at those words.

"I wanted to say thank you. For everything you've done for me. For all the sacrifices you made, for tolerating me when I drove you insane, for sticking up for a cry baby like me and making me strong throughout everything. You managed to bring out the worst and the best in me and for that, I am always going to be grateful. You've made me feel things I never felt before. So thank you, thank you for taking care of me, for loving me for what little I had to offer," I kept ranting and watched his face turn into an unreadable expression.

"You really meant something to me and I would never forget that. And I know that telling you all this will mean nothing to you right now but I plan to leave tomorrow and live with my parents in Canada so I just had to let you know." I wetted my lips when I finished and watched his jawline clench a little before he turned away, suddenly bursting into a humorous chuckle.

"Ah, you always do this," he rubbed the side of his temple slowly.

"Leaving when you want to, coming back when it pleases you and then leaving again when it seems fit. You're really selfish, you know that?" his face twisted up in hurt and anger and I bit my bottom lip slightly.

"I know. And I am truly sorry for that-"

"Shut up Gauri . Shut the fuck up." his harsh words made my eyes widen and I watched his hand roam around his dark hair roughly before he turned a little.

"You really couldn't give a fuck about what happened to us, couldn't you? You just don't fucking care, don't you? I find it hard to believe that you'd be this heartless when it comes to me. Not anyone else, just me. You don't give a damn about how I feel, how I felt or how I'd feel when you say this shit outta the blue like you've been planning to leave again from the start."

"I-" I bit the inside of my cheeks to stop myself from spilling anything.

"You- were you really planning to leave again?" I went silent as soon as he asked me that question and watched him lick his now, slightly trembling bottom lip.

"Right. Of course you were. Let me guess, that's why you asked me to go out today? That whole bullshit about wanting to spend the day with me?"

"Omkara , it's not like that-"

"Then tell me what it's like?! You're not even fucking denying it Gauri , the fuck do you mean it's not like that?" he started loosing it and I fiddled with my fingers, swallowing the lump in my throat.

"For a second today, I really thought you did feel sorry for everything. You got my hopes up once again and now you're saying it's all an act? An act out of guilt?"

"Stop. You don't know half the truth of the stuff you are assuming. And you didn't exactly give me a chance to apologize or make it up, Omkara . You weren't interested in giving me a chance either. You made sure of that for the past few weeks when you were busy ignoring me." I started snapping back, unable to hold my tongue anymore.

"You're not a saint yourself. You didn't want me back Omkara!. You pushed me away remember?"

"That Because I was hurt Gauri ! Why the fuck do you think I'd make up some random bullshit of an excuse to come see you again? I swallowed my pride a hundred times just so I could be with you." he shot back and my eyes started to sting from tears.

"How the hell am I supposed to know what's going on in your mind?"

"I came back, Gauri . Isn't that more than enough for you to see that I still want to make this work somehow? Or are you that dense?"

"Yes, yes I am. Unless you tell me clearly, I would never understand what's going on in your mind because that's the kind of person I am! So call me stupid and dense, I don't care because-" I almost bursted into tears when his lips covered mine, his hands cupping my cheeks.

I started to pull away when the tears rolled down my cheek, angry at the situation, at everything wrong with my life up to this point.

"I can't do this. You're still drunk and-"

"I'm not drunk, Gauri ." his lips brushed against mine as he spoke.

That's how close his face was to mine right now. It caused my heart to dance in excitement and happiness but I just couldn't let it get into my head.

Not when I have to leave to Veer.

"We still can't. I have to leave tomorrow and I don't want to start something I can't finish again."

"You're not leaving, Gauri ."

"I am-" I paused to grab his hand that was still resting on my cheeks.

He started pecking my face as I did so and I wanted to pull away, but his touch was so intoxicating, I couldn't help but let him do as he pleased.

Slowly, he guided me back to the bed and towered over me, his eyes now completely captivated by my own.

"If you leave after tonight, I really won't forgive you this time, Gauri ," he brushed a few strands of hair away from my face, his voice becoming all hoarse and low.

"I'll really stop chasing you, hoping that you'd come after me. Wishing you'd feel sorry for leaving me. I'll really stop, so tell me that you're not going to leave. That you have a reason to stay." he urged and it caused a pang of guilt pierce through my hear.

"I don't have a reason to stay." I choked out and he visibly flinched at my words, his eyes wavering before I saw the guilt and hurt fill inside them.


"Because there is not a good enough reason for me to stay." I lied, Veer's words running through my mind again.

If I could kill anyone, him and Ishana would be the first two on my list.

"Then I can give you a good enough reason" and with that, he covered his slightly trembling lips on mine again, before it turned rough.

His lips constantly trembled along mine and I could tell that it was getting hard for him to keep continuing.

Within seconds, he pulled away, sitting up straight before facing his back on the bed. Istared at his back, not knowing what to say.

If I say anything more, he will find out. And I can't have him find out with the compulsion still under control.

"We will talk tomorrow" he said with a huff before standing up marching out, not even leaving me a chance to say sorry.

The tears ran down my cheeks effortlessly and I let it fall, unable to keep it in anymore.

Why is it like this between us? The moment we take a step forward, something pulls us back in and we're right back to where we started. In this case, it was Veer and Ishana.

Just thinking about them boiled anger
inside of me and I brushed off the tears before grabbing my phone and dialing Raj's number.


"Hey Raj, it's me Gauri . Can I ask you something? Bhavya and Ranveer is doing some crazy vampire project shit and wanted to know whether Vampires can be killed or put to sleep or something" I blabbered out all at once, praying he didn't notice the panic and desperation in my voice.

"Come again now, Gauri " I heard him chuckle through the phone in disbelief.

"You want me to tell you how vampires could be killed? Why? You planning to get rid of us already?" he amused and I gave into his short laugh. He's literally never laughed before like this.

"Oh Raj , come on, be serious. It's an important project. In case you don't know,the whole school worships your kind. They want our generation to learn more about your type so yes, the information is necessary if we want the top marks." I was surprised with my own lying skills and wished he would buy it already before he begins to suspect .

"Hmm, well a vampire could be killed with the silver dagger, which you almost stole for Veer I heard, so if you could add that in your project, you'd definitely get an A and be able to-"

"Raj, focus." I interrupted and he sighed on the other line

"Putting a vampire to sleep forever is easy. Just dip the silver dagger into a bottle of vervain and keep it inside the bottle for at least 24 hours before stabbing the person's heart with it. It'll put them to sleep for at least a generation" by the time Raj finished, my heart was beating like crazy. Was I really thinking of doing this?

"Thanks Raj. I noted it down"

"Sure. But if you and your girly friends plan to put one of us to sleep then fat chance sweetheart, because it doesn't work on purebloods and- "

"I'll  keep that in mind too, Raj. Thank you. I really have to go. Bhavya is messing up my clothes" I lied and quickly hung up the phone before he could catch on my lies.

With a deep sigh, I narrowed my eyes at the cieling, pondering over my ideas.

Well, one things for sure in all of this.

It's time to put two vampires into a deep, long sleep.


I woke up around 5am and started packing my things, knowing that I might have to face Omkara in the morning and probably get caught up in the guilt again.

It's not like I had a choice. I had to leave. I had to leave him and go back to Veer, where I'll most likely be used a pawn to draw Omkara in.

The idea and their plan was too simple.
Yet, it seems to be working every time. But not again.
No, I wasn't going to let it happen again.

I turned, still drawn in my own thoughts with a bunch of clothes in my hand when I noticed Omkara standing behind me, making my heart rip right out of my chest and almost drop the clothes.

"What are you doing." It wasn't like a question, but more like a demand.

"Packing." I said, my voice barely above a whisper.

"Your necklace," My heart dropped at those words.

"Where is it?"

"I-I took it off."


"Because, just because. I didn't think you'd want me to wear it anymore, now that we aren't together. Besides, it wasn't anything special." I added but a crack in my voice made my knees tremble nervously.

Will he notice?

Did he see through my lie? Will he-

I paused when a hand reached out to touch mine gently, the tip of his fingertips brushing against mine in a comforting manner.

"I was right," I held a breath, waiting for the long awaited lecture of how he was right all along, that I was nothing more than an ungrateful bitch who left him for no particular reason whatsoever-

"You really are a bad liar Gauri Kumari Sharma." He turned me around to face him and I opened my mouth to protest but no words seemed to cut out.

It was so sudden, I didn't know what to say.

"I have to go."

"Go where?"

"I have to go to my parents and-"

"I called your parents. They didn't have a clue about your little plan of running away. You never called them, you never reached out to them in days, so tell me the truth, Gauri ." I flinched as those accusations left his mouth.

Accusations which were true, of course.

"I-I planned to surprise them."

"Where are you going?" his voice grew impatient and I closed my eyes a little, contemplating to whether I should try to tell him the truth or not.

"Omkara You really can't accept the fact that I am leaving you-"

"You know what. I'm really done playing the nice guy, Gauri . I already have a gist of what's going on, so I'll take my chances and do as I please." he suddenly grabbed a hold of my cheeks and my eyes widened, completing getting sucked right into his blue eyes.

"I'm going to ask you this once Gauri , and I want the truth, am I clear?" he spoke softly, as if he knew that I was already under another compulsion besides his.

"By any chance, did-" he paused and I noticed a ray of hope flash through his blue eyes.

"Did veer  threaten you in any way, while I was gone?" I opened my mouth and no words came out.

I couldn't nod or shake my head, however, a voice in my head demanded that I tell the truth.

That a more powerful authority was now in power, and that I had to obey him no matter what the consequences.

"Gauri , tell me the truth, now."

"Yes." As soon as those words left my mouth
, a breath of relief escaped through his lips before he backed away, covering his face in relief and I felt a million bricks being lifted from my chest as well.

I can't believe it.

He really broke the compulsion.

How? How was it possible?

(Duh 🤦🏽‍♀️ he is pureblood remember)


"I want you to finish that." he raised his eyebrows towards my plate of food.

"You didn't say please."

"Please," he started oh so sweetly.

"Finish your damn food." he finished off in his usual arrogant tone.

I made a face and was about to dig in when he sat down next to me on the table.

"Thank you. For breaking the compulsion."

"I didn't do anything much. My powers are stronger than his so his compulsion is bound to break over mine." he explained and I nodded.

Omkara and I talked the whole day and I explained everything to him, starting from how Veer ambushed me here and how he threatened to kill everyone if I disobeyed him.

However, I did leave out Ishana and how she was a part in all of this.

For good reasons, I decided to leave the worst for the last.

I'll tell Omkara tonight, when everything is set. The Oberoi brothers are on the look out for Veer and Ishana had coincidentally left the mansion for a couple of days.

Oh don't worry, she won't be able to play hide and seek for long.

"Were you planning to kill Veer?" he asked out of the blue and I literally started choking on the water I was drinking.

He gently rubbed my back as I struggled to catch my breath and I looked at him, only to find him staring back at me.

"I-I wasn't exactly-" "Raj told me."

That bloody rat.

"Maybe I was. Why?"

"Why? Because you can't hurt a damn fly even if you wanted to, Gauri , that's why." he leaned in his chair and I ripped my eyes from his bare chest.

"Stop. I don't want you to say that," I got up on my feet, my whole mood dropping at his words.

The memories of Veer's constant mental and physical torture played across my mind and I bit my bottom lip angrily.

What right did he have to make me go through all that?

"I hate him. I hate him and I will make him pay for what he did to me. Constantly blackmailing, kidnapping, abusing me with his powers and hurting the people I care about, I can't take it anymore, I really cant-" I stopped snapping when hands wrapped around my shoulders, pulling me into a hug.

"I know. And you won't have to. Leave that to me. Leave him to me. You don't need to stoop down to his level. I can't let that happen to you Gauri , ever. And I won't." His thumb caressed my shoulders gently as he spoke and I couldn't help but feel relieved and happy with the way he was comforting me.

"You're being extra nice to me." I teased as he pulled away and his face remained unamused.

"Because I'm glad. That you didn't really wanna leave." he leaned against the table and pulled me into his arms.

"I don't know what I'd do if you weren't under his compulsion. Never have I ever been more relieved about something than I was today."

The sincerity in his words made my heart melt and I was genuinely surprised to see this side of him.

He was so sweet, gentle and kind but the best part was that, he wasn't afraid to show any of it right now.

"I like this sweet side of you.  Please continue Omkara Singh Oberoi"  I wrapped my arms around his neck and watched one of his eyebrow lift up.

"Never mind." he started untangling my hands and I Iaughed before pulling myself closer.

An hour or so passed and Omkara and I cleaned up the place a bit, unpacking my things along with him, making several phone calls to his brothers every now and then.

Everything was great, we hadn't fought for one whole day, and hey, in our defense, this was a huge progress.

"I gotta take this." he motioned me to stay and I nodded, slightly feeling queasy for some

"Hey Ishana, where've you been?" And just like that, the pit of my stomach hardened, my mind went blank and my heart almost ripped right through my chest.

"I thought I asked you to stay put and not go out-- Gauri? She's with-" before Omkara could finish the sentence that could ruin all our lives, I jumped right at him, snatching his phone away and hurling it to the sofa.

To think that he almost slipped those words. And for her to have the audacity to call him right now.

"What the hell, Gauri ?!"

"Don't call her. Don't talk to her, don't be around her. Just stay away from her!" I snapped, getting up and brushing the hair away from my face.

My fingers were trembling, my heart will still pounding against my chest and I could tell just how crazy I looked.

"What's gotten into you? You-"

"She is the one who plotted against me with Veer." I blabbered out and watched his movements come to a sudden halt, his eyes widening.

"She was there, the night Veer threatened me. She was there, she was in on this since the beginning. Everything she told was a lie, she wasn't kidnapped, she probably ran away with him after cheating on you and--"


"I am telling the truth! I know that it sounds crazy and I sound crazy right now but it's all-"

"You're right." I stopped and my chest hardened when I noticed his expression.

"You do sound crazy."

"Omkara , how could you just--you really think I'd lie to you?" I blurted out, not knowing where to begin.

Should I keep ranting on about what she did or hold on to the fact that he thought that I was a liar?

"Gauri I think that you're tired. And that that's the reason why you are blowing a fume. I know that you want answers, Gauri . But this is not the way to go. I told you to let me take care of it. I told you to not stoop that low and-- "

"I'm not...why, how could you say those words so easily and-" I forced to swallow down a lump in my throat.

It was hard to hear these words from him.

It was hard to see him defend her like this and not me.

"Gauri , listen to me. She wasn't behind any of this. I know that it's easier to blame this on her but we both know that it was Veer behind--"

"Enough," I forced down another lump in my throat, my eyes stinging as the tears danced inside them, threatening to spill any second.

"I know that I haven't given a good enough reason or solid proof for you to believe me, but my words, my words should be enough for you at this point. I'm not desperate enough to pin anything against anyone and I could never frame an innocent person like that. So stop accusing me of stooping so low when you're the one who's purposely dragging me down to that level even when I am telling the truth."

I let the tears fall, finally not able to keep it in.

"She really was there. I saw her. She forced me to be with you that night when you got drunk, she mixed vervain in your drinks and drugged you that night. I was there. I am not lying." I brushed more tears, crying into my own arms as I broke down on the floor.

The silence grew between us and I finally looked up at Omkara , who had an unreadable expression now plastered on his face.

Confusion, hurt, anger, betrayal, suspicion, all sorts of emotions flashed inside those icy blue eyes and I brushed away more tears.

"I don't have to prove anything to you. You are supposed to believe me. You suppose believe and trust the person you claim to love, not this." I got up and started to leave, angry at him, angry at everything.

"Gauri , wait." I heard him rush towards me but before he could grab my hand, I turned to face him.

"I do believe you, I want to believe you Gauri . I just--I need time. You didn't tell me any of this before."

"Because I was scared. That you'd react like this. I wanted to tell you at the right time, but I was wrong. We don't have time. She is out there, conspiring against us for god knows what reasons and here we are, falling right into her trap once again." I pushed my defense, and Omkara stared at me, his eyes wavering at my words.

"It's-it's just so hard to believe that she would-- that means she's been faking the entire..." he trailed off and suddenly retreated, dropping down on the bed on a sitting position before covering his face in a frustrated manner.

"If you really want to know the truth then compel me and get the truth out of me like you did before." I pulled the long sleeved sweater I was now wearing further down and I watched him rest his elbows on his knees.

"Not planning to do that."

"And why not?"

"Because I love you you  Gauri , I fucking love you ," he paused to fixate his gaze on mine.

"And I don't want to use my power against you like that anymore. If you say that she was behind this, then I do believe you." I almost broke down at his words.

It was such a relief to hear them from him.
Words that I've been dying to hear from him all this time.

He gave me a blank look and suddenly stood up, walking over to the chair and grabbing his shirt, ready to slip it on when I rushed over to him.

"Where are you going?" "Out."

"Out where?"

"To find Ishana, of course. Or Veer. Either one of them is fine." he slipped on his shirt and I shook my head, kind of bummed that he was leaving already.

"Can't you stay for the night? We kind of just talked about everything today and I really want us to spend the rest of the night together too." I lowered my eyelashes to the ground, hoping he'd fall for my pity act.

"Hmm? Spend the rest of the night doing what, exactly?" he amused and I shivered when his breath hit the side of my earlobes.

"Spend the night just doing stuff."

"What kinda stuff?"

"Omkara." I warned.


"A movie is fine." I finally suggested and watched his wry smile turn into a more serious gesture.

"I would love to Gauri , But I still have to talk to Ishana and find her. I want to find out the truth. I want her to say it. I want to confirm it tonight, right now and--" He turned and stopped when I grabbed his hand.

"I know, and so do I. But...I really wish you'd stay for the night. We never got to spend a day like this, Omkara . Not even once, and who knows what's going to happen tomorrow? I just wanna spend the night with you. I don't want you to leave me." I gave him my best puppy dog eyes and watched something flash inside his blue eyes.

"Gauri , it's killing me to not know. I need to know and settle this-"

"Please Omkara ? Only for tonight." I begged harder and smiled when he finally let out a sigh, giving into my pleads.

The rest of the night went fine, except that Omkara would occasionally drift off into his own little world but I couldn't blame him.

I know for a fact that he was still thinking about Ishana  and why she'd do this. Or whether I was telling the truth in all of this.

"Are you still thinking about it?" I questioned as we settled in bed and he shook his head, closing his eyes and mumbling a quick goodnight.

Knowing that there was too much going on in his mind, I decided not to bother him and go to sleep myself.

Tomorrow we can find answers.

Answers to all his questions. But tonight, he needed the sleep.

We both did. And with that thought burned into my mind, I closed my eyes shut and drifted into a sleep.


I peeled my eyes open, my vision coming to focus as soon as I sat up on the bed. I noticed Omkara already sitting up, leaning against the headboard before he saw me draw in closer to him.

"You are still thinking about it."

"Give me a break, Gauri ." he groaned helplessly and I noticed something flash in his eyes again.

That familiar emotion.


Why would he be hurt?

He said that he love me but why he's hurt now .

"Omkara , talk to me." I sat in front of him on my heels and he stopped to look at me, his elbows slumping on his now propped up knees.

"It's just fucked up, alright? This whole thing is-"

"So you are still thinking about her?"

"Can you blame me? This whole time, she's been plotting against me. I honesty thought that she loved me at some point and now that there's a chance that she was lying this entire time--it, it's just so much shit to process." he spoke softly and I nodded.

"I understand. But you'll find out the truth yourself. And you'll find out soon, I promise. I'll help you if I have to and-"

"No. You're not getting involved anymore. I just want to forget about her-" he paused to run a hand through his hair in a frustrated manner.

"All the memories of her .I just want to forget her and erase her from my memories." he turned to a side and I noticed his jawline clench before he swallowed harshly.

He was hurt. He really was hurting right now.

"Then forget about her," my voice turned all soft and low.

"I can make you forget about her once and for all, if you let me." I drew in closer, crawling right between his legs and watched his body tense up.

His eyes met mine for a second before he turned away again.

"Gauri ,You should go sleep." his voice was barely above a whisper.

"Why?" I leaned closer, brushing my lips against his jawline. This was probably the first time I was making a move on him first, and I was more than enjoying it. But this wasn't just about my enjoyment, this was to comfort him too.

To make him forget about her for the night even, anything was fine.

His body stiffened for a minute and I noticed him swallow harshly as I slowly guided my lips down to his neck.

"Gauri , stop-" he breathed, grabbing my shoulders and yanking me away from him.

My stomach hardened when I noticed him staring at me, his eye practically begging me to stay away.

"Not tonight." he brushed the side of his lips, turning away and I felt my cheeks heat up in embarrassment.

I was rejected.

"Sorry, I'll leave you alone then. Guess you still need time to process the fact that she tried to kill me." I spat with venom in my voice.

It was supposed to come off as sweet, but seeing Omkara have doubts and trust issues when it comes to Ishana, pissed me off.

"It's not like that-"

"It is. You don't believe me, Omkara . And I understand that this is hard for you but it's harder for me..." I blinked away some tears, grateful that the room was dark.

"I-I want you to believe in me like you believe in her--" I paused when a hand grabbed my own, pulling me closer.

Arms embraced me into a hug and I kept silent, sniffling quietly.

"You really need to stop doing that Gauri . Drawing out your own conclusions like that," he pulled away and I swallowed down a lump in my throat.

"She's not the one on my mind right now, you are. She's not the one I am worried about, you are, Gauri. I didn't ask you to leave because I wanted to think about her or any of the shit that's been happening lately, I wanted you to leave because I was hu--" he stopped and I flinched slightly, curious for him to finish.

"Hungry. I haven't had anything to eat in a while and since I don't travel with blood bags anymore, it gets harder to deal with the thirst." his eyes wavered and I grew silent for a minute before sighing.

"You could have told me." I sighed a little, pulling my hair to a side, exposing my neck.

"No." he said firmly, turning away, an unamused expression growing on his face again.

"How come?"

"Because I am going to learn how to control and deal with it." he persisted and my eyes trailed down his neck and to his shirtless body.

He looked so pale, so exhausted. I hadn't even notice how weary he looked before, till he mentioned how hungry he was tonight.

"Can you really control yourself? You said my blood was special." I raised a brow, crawling a bit closer to him and it ticked me off when he brushed me away without any hesitations.

"You really don't want any?" I asked softly, purposely seducing him by brushing my fingers on his chest, running circles on them.

His body tensed up under my touch and it pleased me, to know that I had this much affect on him.

Omkara's POV:-

I flinched when her fingers brushed against my skin, causing my chest to heat up.

I could hear her heartbeats way too clear and loud right now, causing my own to go wild.

Her blood pumping in a slow rhythm made my mind go blank for a few seconds before I brushed her hand away, ready to push her away again.

"Gauri , stop-" I froze when I noticed her stop to look up at me, her mouth slightly hung open, innocence with a hint of satisfaction flashing in those big beautiful amber eyes.

"Yes?" she blinked innocently and I bit the inside of my cheeks, swallowing down the cravings one more time.

"You really don't want to? But you're hungry." her soft voice drove me insane.

This girl really has no fucking clue, does she?

"I'm not." I raised my voice and breathed in her scent that was still intoxicated inside the whole room.

Her blood was something else.

I've been around her for months, yet the smell of her blood drove me insane every time.

To the point where I lose control almost every time.

"You're always being stubborn. You never let me win." She made a face, her lips forming into a small pout before she briefly bit her bottom lip, causing my eyes to widen slightly before I licked my own ones, quickly turning away.

Damn! This was bad.

At this rate-

"You can drink from my wrist." she kept insisting and I closed my eyes for a second, shutting out her heartbeats, the sound of her blood pumping through her veins and the exhilarating smell of her blood.

"Gauri , stop already. I said I'm fine." I grabbed her hand just as she was about to hold my hand.

No Omkara .

Don't give in.

Not this time.

"Sorry," she mumbled and I couldn't help but admire the way her hair fell so effortlessly down her face before she lowered her eyelashes.

"I Just wanted to help." She looked up and my pulse raced faster at her expression.


"It's fine. Go to sleep." I mumbled and my eyes froze on hers for a few seconds.

I noticed a glint of disappointment and hurt flash inside them and it tapped my emotions harder.


"Goodnight. And Omkara ? Know that I'm here for you, no matter what." She smiled a little and I grabbed her hand unconsciously, my heart pounding loudly against my chest, my whole mind going blank.



"Yes?" She questioned and my eyes flicked down to her lips before I found myself leaning forward, connecting my lips on her soft ones.

Her response to the kiss caused electric jolts to run down my spine before I deepened the kiss, my arm securely guiding her body till she lay down on the bed.

No ! I can't stop, I can't.

I licked her bottom lip, asking for entrance and she let me in easily, which turned me on even more.

I pushed my tongue inside, exploring her mouth thoroughly, savoring her lips all the while.

I pulled away and started trailing my lips along her jawline and down her neck, leaving kisses all over it.

A moan escaped through her lips when I hit the soft spot and I smirked against her skin, tugging on her it, my mind begging me to just pierce my fangs right into her skin.

"You can drink--" I grabbed her mouth, pushing her back onto the pillow as soon as she started to get up and released my grip, my breathing's becoming more rigid as I kept staring at her exhausted form.

"You really have no clue, Gauri ." A wry smiled threatened to form on my lips and I watched her eyebrows tighten in annoyance.

I loved looking at her like this.

"Starve to death then." she made a face and Icouldn't help but chuckle at her stubbornness.

Her nose twitched in annoyance before she pursued her lips, holding back a smile.

My eyes trailed from her eyes all the way down to her lips and back to her eyes and my heart skipped a beat when she blinked in confusion.

"I love you,Gauri ." my voice turned all soft and low, my whole body stiffening at my own words,anxiously waiting for her to reply, even though it's only been a second since Ijust said it.

She stared at me for a while and it got me even worked up that she wasn't saying anything.

After what felt like forever, her nose twitched again and her lips formed into a grin before she wrapped her arms around my neck.

"I love you too, Om." she licked her lips and Ididn't give her another chance to speak, instead I leaned into another kiss,pressing my body against her.

Her back arched under my hand that was still holding her torso, causing her chest to press harder against mine, which turned me on even more.

I was losing control.

I trailed my hands all the way up her back until they were tangled around her hair, resisting the urge to rip her clothes off and fucking the living hell out of her there and then.

She was getting too hard to resist. Ipulled away when things started to get heated and watched the disappointment grow on her face again.

I couldn't help but enjoy the annoyance on her face.

It amused me.

Damn !

She really amused me.

"Goodnight doll face, we still have a lot to take care of tomorrow ."

I reminded her and she stopped to think before nodding, a small smile plastering on her face.

"Goodnight, Omkara . Tell Ajay to bring some blood bags for you tomorrow." she frowned and I chuckled before nodding.

"Get some sleep." I stared up at the ceiling and smiled a little when her legs wrapped around mine before she settled on my chest, causing my pulse to race faster.

Get a grip, Omkara.

She needs the sleep.

After a few minutes, I heard her hear tbeats become more steady and even, a sign that she had finally drifted into a sleep.

I looked down to stare at her, half of her face now covered with her hair, her lips curled into her usual smile whenever she slept peacefully .

It's been a while since I've seen her sleep so peacefully.

I slowly moved away, her head gently falling down onto the pillow as I did.

I pulled the sheet over her body and watched her snuggle inside, causing a smile to form on my lips again.

Om Don't stare at her for too long.

Ignoring my conscious, I rested an elbow on the bed lazily and placed my head on my palm before watchingthe girl before me sleep peacefully.

"I'm sorry Jaan ," I repeated the lines I've said to her every night, right after she fell asleep.

"For hurting you." I reached to pull a few strands of hair away from her face.

Apologizing tonight didn't hurt as much as it did the other previous nights for the past few months.

Tonight was different .

The guilt was slowly starting to pass, and it was all because of her.

I felt my heart starting to pound loudly against my chest as I kept staring at her, my own lips begging to press against hers,to take what's left of her and make her mine, once and for all.

"Fuck." I groaned, getting up and running a hand through my hair.

"Should've asked Ajay to bring me a bag this morning." I rubbed my neck slowly before turning to see Gauri .

She was still sleeping, laying perfectly still and I smiled again.

She was so clueless.

So innocently annoying, if that's even a thing.

The sound of my phone ringing caused me to bolt up and grab my phone from the table across the room within seconds.

"Shit! man you could have woken her up." I hissed on the phone and sighed when i realised that she hadn't woken up yet.

"Omkara ,he's got Ajay," Shivaay  spat on the other line and my eyebrows tightened in confusion.

"Veer, he must've taken him somewhere because he hasn't returned home since our last search."

"What?! What the hell are you talking about?

You guys were asked to search in groups, not--"

"Fuck it Omkara , he left on his own to get something and never returned. We didn't have the fucking time to check up on him because we were busy alright--just-"

"Where is he? How do you know it's him?" I cut off Shivaay  and heard him huff in frustration.

"He wants to meet you tonight. He sent Varun  to give you the message," Shivaay's voice cracked on the other line and I bit the inside of my cheeks, the anger boiling inside of me threatening to blow right about now.


"Omkara ,it's not a good idea to face him alone when--"

"Where the fuck does he want to meet up?" I tried  my best to keep my voice low, hoping Gauri  wouldn't wake up.

"I don't fucking care right now,tell me where he is-"

"Varun is here. He'll talk to you." Shivaay  said softly and I balled my hands into a fist again.

"Why the fuck is he with you guys? He is supposed to be fucking dead right now!" I snapped and glanced at the bed before holding my mouth and running a hand through my hair in frustration
"They have Ajay,Omkara . We are in no position to negotiate! I'm passing the phone." Shivaay  spat on the other line before Ajay picked up,causing my whole body to tremble in anger and hatred.

"Where is he?" I Closed my eyes briefly, trying to calm down, afraid that I might hurl Just about anything Icould touch at the moment.

"Xyz street, near the old park you guys use to play at. That's what he told me to tell you." Varun spoke on the other line and I nodded, a humorous scoff escaping my throat.

"You tell him, that I'm  on my way. And when Iam done with him? You're next." I finished and hung up, putting the phone away.

I grabbed my jacket and ordered Shivaay to bring at least two of my brothers to look after Gauri  till i return.

He replied back instantly and I touched the pocket inside my pocket, just to make sure that I had my own dagger before looking at Gauri.

Seeing her peaceful sleeping body rinsed away all my anger within seconds and Ifound myself sitting down next to her on the bed,my eyes drooping in sadness and guilt.

"I'm sorry jaan," I gave her a quick kiss on the forehead and wetted my lips slowly, hoping she'd understand when all of this was over.

"I'll be back Jaan , I promise." I caressed my thumb against her cheeks one more time before heading out.

I met Shivaay  and all my brothers except Ajay outside and watched them nod, panic and anger radiating off their body as I approached them.

"I'll take care of him. Nobody's coming after me, that's an order," I pointed to all of them and I noticed Parth and Rithesh  hesitate but nod obediently.

"I'll bring him back, no matter what," I grabbed Shivaay's shoulder and noticed him flinch at my words, as if he knew what was coming next.

"So take care of her until I come back.  Please Keep her safe for me." my order came out as more of a plead but I didn't care.

All I wanted was her to be safe when all of this over.

Shivaay nodded and I disappeared within seconds, ready to face Veer once and for all.

One things for sure though.

After this  fight, only one of us would make it out alive.

*Guys this update is for today and tomorrow, I have combined it . Will be busy tomorrow. And this story going to end very soon*

With love from ,


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