Chapter 5

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"You wouldnʼt dare..." I barely choked out and he took a step forward, decreasing the space between us but I didnʼt dare to rip my eyes away from his face.

"Try me, doll face." He challenged, slightly leaning his face closer and I fixated my gaze inside his blue eyes, searching for any sign of lie but there was none. He was being sincere right now.

"Why are you doing this-"

"Go back to your room," he cut me off, taking a step back and giving me a glare. "Now!" he yelled, causing me to jump us and scurry out of the room like a scared puppy.

As soon as I opened my room, I slammed the door behind me, releasing any anger I had left and plopping on the bed. I buried my face inside the pillows and went over Omkara's threats.

Thereʼs no way he would turn me into a vampire. Itʼs not only because I have a weak heart but itʼs also because he canʼt risk the chance of losing his image.

"How ironic, becoming the one thing you despise the most. Shall we try it?" these words swam through my mind for the next half an before my eyelids gave in and I drifted off into a deep sleep.


"How long do we have to wait?" I heard  whine across the table and I glanced at the empty seat next to mine, where Omkara usually sat.

Everyoneʼs been waiting for breakfast and Omkara has still not woken up which was highly unusual.

He was almost never late.

"Gauri's , why donʼt you go call him?" I heard Shivaay's voice and my heart almost ripped out of my chest at his words.


"Iʼll go, she doesnʼt have to." Ananya interrupted impatiently, her tone slightly turning annoyed and I couldnʼt help but feel relieved.

"I didnʼt ask you to, did I?" Shivaay  asked softly, his tone turning unexpectedly serious and annoyed which was strange because he was almost always sweet and gentle when he spoke to me.

I always felt like he was picking his words carefully when it comes to me but then again, this could be his way of getting on my good side.

"Sorry." I heard Ananya mutter before sitting back down and I looked at Shivaay, giving him my pleading look but he wasnʼt going to take "no" for an answer.

"Go, you want to get on his good side? This is your chance." He stated, placing his elbows on the table and interlocking his fingers before giving me a small smile.

"I never wanted to-"

"Gauri , are you going to go or not? Weʼre going to start without him and if he gets upset about it, Iʼm blaming you for it." Raj growled and I snapped my head towards him before shooting up from my position and rushing towards the door.

"Was that really necessary?" I heard Shivaay's  voice before I walked out of the room and practically jogged upstairs. I honestly cannot get into trouble today and I certainly cannot get blamed for something I had nothing to do with.

"Which room was it anyways?" I pondered, trying to remember the last time I saw Omkara walk into his room. The door was definitely a black wooden door but thatʼs about all I got.

As I passed through the hallway, I took a left turn and came across the familiar black, wooden door, which I assumed was Omkara's room.

Taking one last breath, I knocked on the door several times but there was no response so I opened the door, walking in slowly, praying I didnʼt anger him by walking inside without his permission.

To my surprise, Omkara was still lying on the bed, shirtless, revealing all his strong muscles, not to mention his six-packs.

Damn! Snap out of it, Gauri . I quickly walked up to his bed and stared at his perfectly still body, his tattooed arm that had wrapped around a pillow.

Someone could actually think he looked somewhat innocent from this perspective. His lips were curled in the most innocent way and he looked genuinely peaceful.

I was about to call him when I noticed his eyelids suddenly tightening up, his lips curling downwards in displeasure or concern before letting out a soft groan.

"Get...away from her...," he started painfully and I noticed a sweat rolling down from his forehead and along his perfectly structured jawline. "Veer..." he choked out, the color on his face draining away and I couldnʼt help but reach out to touch his face, hoping he would calm down at my touch.

My fingers barely grazed against his skin before he grabbed my wrists roughly, his eyes flattering open and I gasped when he jerked me towards him but somehow I managed to pull back in time without falling down on top of him.

"What are you doing?" he questioned, sitting up from his position and I took a step back, holding my hands together from trembling.

"I was just here to wake you up." I said softly and he gave me a look before bringing up one of his knees and slumping an arm on it, letting out a long sigh.

"Everyone was waiting for you and they got worried." I explained and he went silent for a few seconds which was surprising and new for me beyond words. Guess that nightmare really shook him up. Funny, I didnʼt know Vampires had nightmares?

"Okay." He said rather softly, another sign of a not- normal-Omkara .

"You seemed troubled. Were you having a nightmare?" I couldnʼt help but question out of curiosity and I watched Omkara look at me from the corner of his eyes before averting his gaze.

"You donʼt have to know," he muttered, his voice returning back to his normal one. "Get lost." He mumbled and I made a face before sighing softly.

"Iʼm sorry, I was just curious." I said bitterly, lowering my eyelashes and I heard him mutter something under his breath before looking up at me.

"Itʼs about my ex-girlfriend." He started and my jaws slightly dropped at his words. I donʼt know which was more surprising, the fact that he was actually opening up to me or the fact that someone like him was actually able to get a girlfriend.

"What happened to her?" I asked, feeling a little awkward that I was willing to actually have a small-talk with this guy.

"Are you going to stand there like an idiot or come sit down?" he asked, not turning to look at me and I contemplated to whether I should actually sit down or not.

"Sorry." I mumbled, sitting down next to him on the bed and he "tsked" before turning away.

"Stop apologizing for every damn thing, itʼs annoying." He muttered and I couldnʼt help but blabber out another apology to which he responded with a hiss, shooting me a glare in the process.

"An-anyways, what happened to her?" I changed the subject and he leaned back a little.

"She was murdered." He said shortly and my eyes widened at his words.

"By who-"

"By my best friend." He barely muttered under his breath and at this point, I didnʼt know what to say.

He sure doesnʼt know how to take a conversation slow, does he?

"How...why?" I questioned, moving closer to him from a side.

"She cheated on me with him and ended up getting brutally murdered, simple." His answers remained short and more questions started pouring into my head but I managed to hold them intact.

I donʼt think itʼs my place to ask him personal questions. Plus, Iʼm having a hard time believing his story.

"Iʼm so sorry for your loss." I said finally, not really wanting to continue this conversation any longer.

Donʼt get me wrong, I do feel bad for the girl and for what happened to him but thatʼs no excuse as to why he became a heartless monster. Your past shouldnʼt define who you are but I guess this was probably his excuse as to why he was a merciless, short-tempered jerk. But was that good enough to justify his mistakes? No, not a chance. At least for me, it isnʼt.

"You know," he started softly, moving closer to my body and my heart skipped a beat when I realized the bed getting sunk as he settled behind me.

"You remind me so much of her." He said softly and I froze when I felt his cold hand slip around my chin from behind, his breath hitting the back of my neck, causing my heart to drop.

"She was a fighter, just like you, kind, beautiful and alluring..." he whispered in my ears and my breath hitched at his words. I wanted to move but I couldnʼt, itʼs like my body was glued to the very spot now and I swallowed the lump in my throat as I tried to find the right words to say.

"She was breathtakingly beautiful," he whispered, his tone remaining disturbingly soft and sexy, might I add, but Iʼm glad I wasnʼt feeling it. "Just like you." He finished and my eyes widened when I felt his lips graze against my neck before he placed a soft and gentle kiss on them, causing goosebumps to rise all over my body.

"Donʼt!" I found myself snapping, breaking from his grip and standing up.

"Please..." I quickly added, remembering my "place" and I watched Omkara tilt his head to a side before an amused smirk crept up on his face and I couldnʼt help but frown at him.

"Youʼre blushing." He stated and I pressed my lips together into a thin line.

Donʼt misunderstand, itʼs just a normal reaction. Anybody would-" before I could finish, Omkara appeared in front of me and poked my forehead sharply, sending me stumbling back with a hiss. Iʼm guessing this was going to be a habit of his.

"Get lost." He said, his tone remaining soft and I gave him one last look before walking out of the room, my heart racing ten times faster than it was before. What was that?

That night, Omkara and I never spoke a word to one another, which relieved me immensely. Iʼm glad that he didnʼt bring up the incident which happened this morning.

That would be too awkward.

"So Gauri, are you getting used to living together with us?" I heard Rithesh voice and I answered with a quick nod, an obvious lie but I didnʼt care.

"We donʼt like liars." I heard Raj say rudely but I ignored his words. The boys and girls kept chattering for a while longer, going on about holding some ball- party or something but I didnʼt pay any attention to their conversation anymore.

Instead, I ate my food and was about to get up when Omkara's phone started ringing and we all looked at him as he picked up, motioning us to continue what we were doing.

"Yes, she is." I heard his voice before he looked at me and I gave him a look in confusion.

"One moment." He mumbled, giving me another long look before handing me the phone and I didnʼt bother to question who it was and instead, pressed it against my ears.

"Gauri , us." My motherʼs voice barely choked out from the other line and I bolted up from my position, sweat already rolling down my face upon hearing her unsettled voice.

"Whatʼs wrong? Are you okay?!" I questioned and I heard her mumble something before taking another deep breath.

"Vampires..." she choked out softly, her voice trembling and I bit my bottom lip to stop the tears from streaming down my face.

"Theyʼre everywhere, killing everybody." She stated softly and I was about to say something when she spoke again.

"Theyʼre not the Oberoi's , Iʼm certain of it." She said and I opened her mouth
to question where she was when I heard her gasp before she hung up the phone.

"Whatʼs wrong Gauri ?" I heard Shivaay's  voice but it was barely audible enough for me to hear now.

"My parents are in trouble..." I choked out, looking at Omkara who looked at me in both confusion and annoyance.

"Theyʼre under attack by some vampires." I said, raising my voice, panic striking my body.


"Itʼs not one of us for sure."

"If itʼs not one of the Oberoi's then whoʼs invading our territory?"

"Itʼs not of our business. The humans are probably over reacting."

By now everyone was standing up from their position, including Omkara , but none of them were getting ready to leave.

"Who cares?! Theyʼre my parents, please!" I started begging, slamming my hands on the table, tears rolling down my face as I looked at everyoneʼs faces before half of them sat back down, their expressions remaining indifferent.

"Itʼs probably the Rathore's family. We canʼt get involved if their only here to feed, theyʼre not breaking any rules." Jai said finally and his cold words pricked my nerves.

"Please, theyʼre not just feeding, theyʼre draining people completely!" I cried out and I could hear one of the girlʼs snap at me to sit down but I shook my head, brushing away my tears and taking several steps back from the table.

"How could you be so cruel?! There are innocent people getting killed right now and youʼre all just sitting around-"

"Shut the fuck up, who the hell do you think you are to order us around?!" Raj spat, bolting up from his position and I cowered back in fear, my eyes filling with both hatred and desperation.

Every bone in my body is coming to resent these pathetic vampires and I donʼt know how long I can put up with them.

"Calm down Raj, sheʼs just worried about her parents. But we can only go on Omkara's orders, sorry Gauri ." Shivaay said softly, giving me an apologetic look and my head snapped towards Omkara , who was now giving me a sickly sweet smile, as if he was expecting me to beg him right about now.

"Please," I started as he stood up again, his expressions turning all serious.

"They need help." I begged, moving closer, disgusted with myself for giving him exactly what he wanted.

"Itʼs a waste of my time." He said coldly and I found myself gripping his shirt, moving even closer, the tears Iʼve been trying to hold in, rolling down my face helplessly.

"Please, Iʼm not asking you Omkara , Iʼm begging you," I started, gripping his shirt even tighter, looking up to meet his cold, piercing gaze.

"Theyʼre my parents. Please, I would do anything, I swear." I begged harder, burying my face inside his shirt involuntarily, the soft material soaking in tears but at this point, I didnʼt care.

"Please Omkara ..." I sobbed and froze when I felt a large palm gently being placed on top of my head before he spoke.

"Fine, now stop crying, itʼs annoying as fck!." I heard him mumble and I looked up at him with the most idiotic smile ever.

Itʼs as if a thousand bricks had been lifted from my chest and I hadnʼt even noticed the boys groaning as they muttered something to themselves before I heard the sound of scraping chairs.

"Weʼre leaving now, the five of you are staying here. If I find out any of you tried to escape while we were gone-" Omkara paused to look down at me as he gripped my wrists before ripping my hands away from his shirt roughly.

"If I find out you were trying to escape," he corrected, frowning down at me and I gulped softly.

"Well, letʼs just say that your parents will be the least of your worries then." He stated, walking past me and I brushed away my tears.

"Unbelievable." I heard Ananya hiss, bolting up from her seat and marching out of the room. It wasnʼt long before everyone disappeared, leaving me and the three girls inside the room along with 2 more butlers.

"Great going, cry baby." Neha sneered, bumping against my shoulder roughly before leaving the room but I didnʼt care. I was happy and relieved.

I still canʼt believe Omkara agreed to go. Never in a million years would I have expected him to say "yes."

"Is there anything youʼd like to eat maʼam?" I heard one of the butler ask and I shook my head, the smile on my face not fading away for even a second. I watched the butlers bow a little before walking out of the room, leaving me alone and I let out a sigh.

"Theyʼre going to be fine now, everythingʼs going to be fine now." I repeated these words in my head.

"The Oberoi's are the strongest of their kind, there is no way theyʼre going to lose." I told myself before turning around to face an unfamiliar male, making my heart almost rip out of my chest as I stumbled back with a gasp.


"Hello, Gauri ." his voice was awfully familiar and my eyes widened when I realized it was the same guy I had met on the day of the speech event.

He was the one who told me to use Omkara as an escape route. What the hell was he doing here?!

"What are you doing here?! And how did you get in here?!" I whisper-shouted, glancing around the room, paranoid that somebody could be listening to us now and he chuckled softly, slipping a hand inside his pockets calmly.

I noticed he wasnʼt wearing his hoodie tonight, revealing his messy, brown hair spiking on top of his head that went well will his eyes.

They were icy blue and so alluring which complimented his perfectly structured face.

"Relax, I saw the guys leave, sweetheart." He said, walking past me and up to the old painted pictures that hung on the wall.

"Still, you could get in trouble!" I hissed, grabbing his arm and he glanced at my hand before looking at me, giving me a small smile.

"The bracelet, did you take it off?" he asked and I froze at his questions, my pulse racing at his words.

Wait, what?
"How-how do you-"

"I gave that to you, thatʼs how." He cut in, letting out a deep chuckle and I looked at him in both fear and confusion as I took a step back away from him.

"Oh come on, relax. I met you that night and gave it. I figured itʼd come in handy," he explained turning around and taking a step forward. "I didnʼt mean to come off as a stalker, I was just trying to help." He stated and I gave him a long look before nodding slowly.

This was not the right time to bombard him with my questions. Omkara could be here any minute.

"You should go, itʼs not safe for humans in here." I said and he groaned in a playful manner before grinning.

"Donʼt worry, I have to go anyways." He said and I nodded.

"Also, next time we meet, I want you to explain what happened that night. I want to know where you met up with me and why you gave me that bracelet," I started and he was about to say something when I spoke again.

"The real reason why you gave it." I corrected, giving him my serious look, knowing very well that it was no coincidence that he met up with me that night and ended up here as well. This guy was definitely up to something.

"Smart girl, okay then." He grinned, taking a step back and walking towards the door to leave.

"Wait, I didnʼt catch your name?" I asked out loud and he came to a sudden halt before turning to glance at me, a grin creeping up on his face and I couldnʼt help but shudder at his behavior. It was getting awfully creepy now.

"You can call me Veer."


"Can I talk to them?" I asked, rushing towards Omkara and he didnʼt even bother to turn around to look at me. Instead, he responded with a quick "no" and kept walking along the hallway as I straddled behind to keep up.

"But my parents-"

"I already told you, theyʼre fine." He cut me off, coming to a halt and turning around to face me and I bit my bottom lip to shut myself.

"Iʼm just worried about them..." I murmured, twirling some strands of hair between my fingers and I heard him let out another frustrated sigh before glancing up at the ceiling.

"Youʼre seriously driving me insane, Gauri." His voice sounded surprisingly exhausted and I went silent for a few minutes, a blush creeping on my face.

Itʼs not like his opinion mattered to me but knowing the fact that someone was at that point where my existence was actually getting tiring for them to handle did embarrass me a little.

Not to mention my pride that just crumbled into a million pieces.


"Iʼll call your parents for you, if it means you shutting up for even a second." He said, with a hint of annoyance in his voice before marching towards his room and walking inside.

"Your parents are fine, Gauri , calm down already"

"Itʼs late," I heard Shivaay's voice as I walked through the dark hallway before coming face to face with him.

"You should be in bed." He stated, standing in front of me and I was about to say something when a sudden image of Veer flashed through my mind.

"Why did he give me that bracelet? And how was he able to enter the mansion tonight without being seen? Why would he take that risk and-"

"Hey, you okay?" Shivaay cut off my thoughts, reaching out and cupping the side of my cheek, causing me to flinch.

"Hunh? Y-yeah, Iʼm fine." I said and was about to brush his hands away when he slightly lifted my cheeks and I looked up to meet his icy blue eyes.

"Are you really okay?" he asked softly, fixating his eyes into my amber ones as I got absorbed into them.

"No, Iʼm scared and confused because I saw him tonight." I blabbered out the truth and my eyes widened when I realized I was under his compulsion now. Ignoring Shivaay's surprised expression, I spun around and started walking, more like marching, back to my room, my pulse racing faster than ever.

How could he just do that?! My thoughts are supposed to private and only heard by me.

How could he just invade them like itʼs nothing?

"Wait, what do you mean?" He demanded, grabbing my wrist and spinning me around but I managed to brush them away.

"Nothing, Iʼm talking about Omkara ." I blurted out the first lie that popped into my head and I saw something flash in his eyes before he turned serious again.

"Youʼre lying-"

"I want my Bracelet back, can you get it from Omkara ?" I asked, cutting him off and Shivaay gave me another look before grabbing my hands and marching through the hallway, dragging me along next to him.

"Stop, where are you going?" I questioned, my heart pounding loudly against my chest when we came to a sudden halt near Omkara's room.

"If you want it back, then get it back." He forced a smile, releasing his grip and I was about to say something when he disappeared from my sight.

What was his problem anyways? Why couldnʼt he just get it for me? Why do I have to go through this?

I turned to look at Omkara's door and was about to knock but stopped to think for a moment.

Do I really need that bracelet?

"Of course you do, you need to protect yourself from them." I hissed at myself and was about to knock on the door when it flew open and in front of me stood Omkara , once again, shirtless and holding a towel in his hand.

"What do you want?" he asked, slumping the towel on his shoulders and raising a brow.

"I could hear your heartbeat from a mile away, itʼs annoying." He hissed and I tugged at the end of my cap sleeved, burgundy dress before giving him a weak smile.

"I wanted to ask you something." I said softly and he gave me a look before opening the door and walking back inside.

I took this as a sign of "welcome" and walked inside, awkwardly standing in front of him as I fiddled with my fingers.

"Spill already." He said shortly, opening a huge black wardrobe and was about to grab something when I spoke.

"I was wondering if I could have my bracelet back...please." I mumbled, taking a small step back as Omkara closed the wardrobe, or more like slammed it back.

"And what may be the reason, may I ask?" he raised a brow, his voice turning suspiciously polite as he slipped on a dark, blue shirt that went really well with his black joggers.

"I-I just want it back." I responded above a whisper, regretting the fact that I had asked for it in the first place. Of course he was going to suspect me now!

"Did you remember what happened that night?" Omkara asked, reaching into his pockets and taking out the bracelet. He really carries it around 24/7?

"I donʼt." I mumbled and he let out a dark chuckle before slipping the bracelet back inside his pockets.

"You," he started, taking a step forward and I took a step back, feeling intimidated by his presence already.

"Really-shouldnʼt-take-me," with each word, he took a step forward and I backed away before bumping against the nearest wall.

Oh, no.

"For a fool." He finished, closing in and I could literally feel the heat radiating off from his body.

"Iʼm serious, I really donʼt know." I said, lowering my eyelashes and froze when I felt his hands grip my chin before lifting them up, a sign that he was either really serious or very pissed.

"Do you remember what happened that night?" he asked and I could feel my eyes instantly getting absorbed inside his mesmerizing, icy blue orbs.

"No," I found myself answering but he fixated his gaze for a while longer, as if he was searching for something more.

"You just compelled me and made me spill the truth. What more of a reassurance do you want?" I asked softly and I watched his eyes narrow down at me before freeing his grip from my chin.

"Iʼm not returning this back to you. Now get out." He said, raising his voice a little and I watched him walk up to his bed.

"But I need it to protect myself-"

"From who? Me?! I can assure you, doll face, a dumb fucking bracelet cannot stop me from getting whatever the fuck I want from you." he retorted, turning around and glaring at me as I quickly shook my head.

"From other vampires." I tried to convince him but he wasnʼt buying it anymore and motioned me to leave again.

I watched him keep some books aside near his beds and let out a small sigh. There was no point in trying to talk to this monster, I was only wasting my breath.

"Itʼs not like you even know who gave that to you so-"

"Even if I did, it wouldnʼt make a difference." I barely muttered under my breath and my breath hitched when I realized what I had just spilled.

I watched Omkara freeze in his position before turning around and I used this chance to turn my back towards him, not daring to face him.

"What did you say?" he asked, painfully slow, walking up to me as I started to walk towards the door and I stiffened in my position before taking a deep breath and turning around to face his serious expression.

"Iʼm saying that-"

"Your heartbeats were really fast just now." He cut me off and without warning, I turned to rush out of the room when two large hands grabbed my shoulders before pushing me against the nearest wall.

I let out a gasp and looked at Omkara who was now frowning at me, his blue orbs flickering with suspicion and annoyance.

To be honest, Iʼm surprised it wasnʼt with anger or hatred, for once.

"I canʼt tell him I met Veer, he might find him and beat him up for sneaking inside the mansion and for giving me that bracelet." I thought, biting my bottom lip hesitantly.

"Who gave that to you, Gauri ?" he asked, pressing his lower arm against my collarbones before using the other hand to lift up my chin to meet his gaze.

He was definitely planning to compel me next so I did the one thing I thought would work for me in this situation.

I closed my eyes shut and judging by the silence that clouded around the room for the next few seconds, Iʼm assuming Omkara was quiet surprised with my reaction.

"Look at me," he started soft then let out a frustrated growl when I didnʼt obey him.

"Fcking look at me before I make you, Gauri!" he snapped and I let out a soft whimper upon feeling his breath hit against my lips. I canʼt, I canʼt put an innocent human being at risk because of something I did.

"I-I told you, I donʼt know..." I choked out and gripped his hands, hoping he would loosen the grip.

"Then open your eyes before I do something thatʼs going to make you regret this!" he spat and I pressed my lips together into a thin line, my eyes only tightening up at his words.

"Have it your way then, doll face." He mumbled and my heart dropped when I felt something soft being pressed against my lips.

Two large hands grabbed my cheeks as I peeled my eyes open to reveal Omkara's lips covered in mine and my eyes widened when I realized what was going on.

"Stop, what are you doing?!" I snapped, tears glistening in my eyes as I pressed my hands firmly against his solid, hard chest and used everything I got to give him a hard push.

"I warned you," he said awfully calm and I rubbed my lips with the back of my palm furiously, fighting back my tears.

"Now, are you ready to tell me the truth?" he asked and the disgusted thoughts about that small kiss immediately faded away as I glanced at Omkara who reached into his pockets to take the bracelet again.

"Who gave this to you?" he asked, emphasizing each word and I started to panic again.

Think of something to distract him, anything!

Without even thinking straight, I bolted up to him, grabbed the bracelet and used the sharp, pointy edges of the bracelet to stab my right palm with everything I got. What the hell was wrong with me?!

I cried out in pain as I threw the bracelet and watched the blood dripping on the floor, repeatedly asking myself why I did what I did just now.

"What the fcking hell has gotten into you?!" I heard Omkara snap as he wrapped an arm around my shoulders before grabbing my blood dripping hand away from my dress.

"I-it was an accident" I lied, slightly grateful that he didnʼt ask any more questions about Veer. If he compelled me into telling him that it was Veer who gave me that bracelet, there is a high chance that Omkara going to ask him how we met, which means that eventually, Omkara's going to find out I was trying to use him as an escape route, although I never actually tried to use him-yet.

But imagine how pissed that would have gotten him? Compared to that, hurting myself as a means of distraction is nothing, if it means that he will stop asking me any more questions.

"Iʼm fine, Omkara ..." I trailed away when he jerked my hands towards his lips. Before I could say anything, Omkara started licking off the blood and I winced in pain when his tongue grazed against my cut.

"You need it cleaned." He growled as soon as I tried to brush his hand away. I went silent and gulped silently when his eyes grew a shade darker before he closed his lips against my palm again, his eyes not leaving mine for even a second.

"Fck," I heard him let out a moan as he licked off some more blood and I used this chance to jerk myself away. It felt like he was slowly about to lose it.

"I-Iʼll be leaving-" I choked out and turned to leave when Omkara tangled his arms around
my shoulders, causing shivers down my spine.

What have I done?

"Iʼm not ready..." a whimper escaped through my lips when I felt his hot breath hit against the back of my neck. He seemed to ignore my pleadings and instead, placed a soft kiss on my neck, grazing his lips against my skin and breathing in my scent.

My knees started to tremble and I fought back the tears that were threatening to fall.

Do something, Gauri !

"You shouldnʼt have gotten hurt," he whispered into my ears and I turned my head slightly to meet his gaze, my eyes glistening with tears as I mouthed the words

"Please, donʼt" silently. I saw something flash in his eyes but it disappeared within seconds and I turned away, trying my very best to keep myself together.

"Iʼm not going to do anything," I heard him say and my eyes widened at his words. His grip loosened from my shoulders and I heard the sound of footsteps retreating back, causing me to shudder.

"Wh-why?" I asked, dumbstruck with the fact that he didnʼt make a move. It was shocking that he keeps letting me go. Why? Was he playing with my head right now?

"What do you mean "why"?" he asked, shooting me a glare and I realized just how stupid I sounded.

Of course itʼs because he knew I didnʼt want it.

Why else would a blood thirsty vampire force to stop himself every time?

"Thank you..." I trailed off, not having the energy to actually put on a grateful smile.

"Thank you for letting me go..." I forced a smile before turning around, the knot in my stomach untangling as I clutched the doorknob to leave. Just as I opened the door to leave, a hand slammed it back from behind and I gasped in surprise, my heart almost ripping out my chest.

"Oh, but who said anything about letting you go, doll face?" his cold voice made me shudder and regret this whole plan, starting from the point where I told Shivaay  that I wanted my bracelet back.

"Wh-what do you mean...?" I stammered, turning to face him as he leaned closer, his hand still placed on the door, right on top of my head.

Those blue eyes bored into mine and suddenly I felt oxygen-deprived. I wanted to push him away but I was too scared to even move now.

How was he able to have this effect on me?

"Why, because youʼre sleeping here tonight, doll face," he started, a grin cracking up on his face upon seeing the sight of my shocked expression.

"With me."

"What do you mean?" I asked, my voice barely audible as he reached in to lock the door before turning around and walking up to his bed.

"I donʼt like to repeat myself." He mumbled, sitting on the bed and I stiffened in my position as he motioned me to sit down next to him.

"I donʼt want to sleep here," I whispered, pressing my back harder against the door and I watched him stand up from his position, his eyes shooting a million daggers at me, causing goosebumps to rise all over my body.

"May I please go back to my room?" I asked softly as he appeared in front of me, fixating his gaze on mine before shaking his head ignorantly.

"Are you going to do as I say or do I have to make you?" he threatened and I went silent at his words. Think of an excuse, Gauri .

"My clothes are back in the room!" I blabbered out and he gave me a long look before raising a brow.

"Iʼll give you five minutes to go change." He said finally and I used this chance to turn around and open the door, bolting out of his room.

"What am I going to do?" I started panicking as I marched through the hallway, nibbling on my bottom lip before reaching my room.

"Maybe nothingʼs going to happen." I told myself, walking inside and opening my wardrobe.

Yeah, right. But what choice do I have besides hope for the best? Itʼs not like heʼs going to change his mind or do as I say.

Feeling helpless, I picked out a cream colored plain top with a pair of blue shorts and quickly stripped off my clothes before slipping them on.

I needed something to cover my arms so I grabbed a grey cardigan before wearing them and took a deep breath as I closed the wardrobe.

After checking out my outfit a million times to make sure it wasnʼt too revealing, I walked out and headed towards Omkara's room, my pulse racing faster with every step I took.

"Come in," I heard Omkara's voice from inside the room before I could even knock on the door.

Taking one last shaky breath, I walked inside and my eyes widened when I noticed him actually reading a book on the bed.

The blanket had covered half of his chest and I gulped softly when he turned to look at me, his eyes narrowing down at my clothes before shifting his gaze back on the book.

Weʼre just going to sleep together, nothing more right? Right. So there was no need for me to get worked about it.

I took a few steps forward and hurried my pace towards the bed when Omkara hissed at me, a sign that he was getting impatient. But then again, when was he ever not?

"Take that off, it's not that cold in here." He stated, pointing at the cardigan and my eyes widened before I gulped softly.


"I said," he raised his voice, his eyes turning a shade darker, sending a shiver down my spine.

"Take-it-off." He said through gritted teeth and I quickly slipped them off to reveal my bare arms before dropping them down on the floor, not even bothering to hang it in the wardrobe.

"Now lie down." He mumbled and I stared at him in silence before giving him a pleading look.

I don't want to sleep next to this monster.
"Itʼs not that fcking hard!" he suddenly snapped, grabbing my wrists and pulling me down as soon as I walked up to his bed.

With a gasp, I landed right next to him and swiftly turned my back towards him, my whole body trembling as I lay absolutely still, not even daring to breathe too loudly incase it got him upset.

"Goodnight." He muttered, turning off the lamp next to him and the darkness surrounded the room as I tried to even my heartbeats.

If it wasnʼt for the moonlight that shone through his window and inside the room, I would have been scared to death by now. And why would he even want to do this in the first place? I thought he hated my presence.

"Omkara ," I choked out, suddenly remembering the promise he made earlier tonight.

"You said I can talk to my parents." I mumbled to which he responded with complete silence.

"Goodnight, Gauri ." He finally muttered, not even bothering to consider what I had just said.

"But you said I can." I started, turning around and froze when I met his piercing blue eyes.

"I lied." He stated bluntly and I bit my bottom lip helplessly. I shouldʼve seen that coming.

"On second thought, how about we strike a deal?" he asked softly, his eyes flickering on my lips and I stared at him in confusion. I find it awfully disturbing when his voice turns all soft and sweet.

"Iʼll let you make a five minute phone to your parents call if..." he trailed away and I nodded eagerly.

"If what?" I questioned at his silence and I watched the corner of his lips curl upwards before he spoke.

"If you kiss me," he inched closer and I flinched at his words before shaking my head.

He did not just say that, did he?

"Wh-what did you say?" I stammered slightly and he moved even closer as I brought my hands closer to my lips.

"I said, kiss-me." He grinned, somehow finding my uncomfortable situation amusing.

"No." I said sharply, inhaling deeply and his smirk grew wider.

"As you wish," he mumbled and was about to turn around when I grabbed his arms involuntarily.

"Promise me youʼll let me call them?" I asked and I watched him turn around, his eyes growing a shade darker at my words.

Did I anger him?

"I already told you I would." He raised his voice and I gulped softly before nodding. Without further questioning, I inched closer, so close that his nose was almost touching mine.

I took one last shaky breath before bringing my trembling hands to rest on the side of his jawline.

His eyes bored into mine and I returned the stare, my heart skipping a beat as we just lay there for the next few seconds, fixating our gaze, as if we were both searching for something inside them.

Please do it and get it over with, Gauri . Itʼs just a small peck, it doesnʼt have to last even a second.

"This is getting boring-" before he could turn around, I leaned into a kiss, covering my lips perfectly on his and it didnʼt even take seconds for him to respond, an arm already wrapping around my neck as he deepened the kiss.

Our lips moved in sync and I held back the urge to gag as he licked my bottom lip, asking for entrance.

I denied, earning a growl from him but that didnʼt seem to stop him. I badly wanted to pull away already but judging by Omkara's actions, I knew he had no intention of doing the same.

He bit my bottom lip before tugging it and I gasped, my heart slightly skipping a beat when he leaned into another rough and lustful kiss, one of his arms tangling around my waist and yanking my body closer to his.

I wasnʼt enjoying this, not even one bit and behind my closed eyelids, I was praying for the kiss to end before I literally throw up in his mouth.

I drew in a shaky breath and finally pulled away before glancing at Omkara , whose breath came out in a short gasp as our lips parted.

His eyes grew a shade darker, filling in lust completely as he leaned closer for another kiss but I kept a palm on his chest, my heart pounding loudly against my chest.

There is no way I am doing that again, unless he really wants me to throw up this time.

"The phone-call." I reminded him and I watched him roll his eyes before turning around and letting out a sigh, obviously not pleased with the fact that I was "ruining" the moment.

Not that this actually was a moment or anything. At least not for me, and I really hope he felt the same way.

"You have three minutes." He said, slipping his hands inside his grey joggers and taking out his phone.

"But you said five minutes." I complained, sitting up straight and he unlocked the phone before sitting up as well.

"I lied." He muttered, frowning down at me and I bit my bottom lip angrily. How could he just lie?! He seriously cannot comprehend how hard it was for me to kiss him just now!


"Three fucking minutes, Gauri . Donʼt make me change my mind." He raised his voice, handing me the phone and I held back the urge to cry as I took the phone. What a bloody  jerk.

I turned around and dialed my fatherʼs number, twirling some strands of hair between my fingers nervously.

"Hello? Dad, itʼs me." I said as soon as he picked up.

"Gauri ? Hello, darling. How are you doing?" he asked on the other line and I glanced back at Omkara , who was now staring at me, his eyes not ripping away from my face for even a second as he studied my movements.

"Iʼm fine dad, how are you? What happened tonight? Is mom okay?" I poured in my questions and I heard him sigh on the other line.

"Weʼre fine, Gauri. Thank you for sending help. I heard Omkara arrived on your request. Iʼm proud of you." His voice turned all pleased and I bit my bottom lip hesitantly.

"Itʼs not like that." I started to explain.

"Two minutes." Omkara said softly, and I flinched when his breath hit against my shoulders from the back.

"Listen, about your mother, I heard she told you that we donʼt want you back." He said on the other line and I went silent.

"Itʼs not true, we would never abandon you, Gauri . But you know how much this means to us. We only want whatʼs best for you." He explained softly and at this point, I wanted to scream at him to make him understand just how wrong he was.

Only tonight, Iʼve been forced to kiss the vampire I despised the most. How is this whatʼs best for me?!

"One minute." Omkara whispered and I gasped when he placed a kiss on my shoulders, his fingers grazing against my upper arm and I exhaled deeply, trying my very best to ignore his presence.

"This is not what I want. I want to go back." I mumbled weakly and I heard him mutter something on the other line.

"I know, Gauri , but please try for us," He said, his voice turning all cold and I went silent again.

"Maybe you can come visit us on the weekend." He stated softly and my heart skipped a beat at his words.

"Yes, I would love to! When are we-" before I could finish, a hand ripped the phone away from my hands abruptly and I spun around to look at Omkara , who hung up the phone.

"Time's up, doll face." He muttered and I reached to grab it when he poked my forehead sharply.

"Please, just one more call!" I begged and he shook his head before lying down on the bed.

"Omkara , itʼs important..." I choked out, tears welling in my eyes in frustration. Why does he have to act like an ignorant prick 24/7?

"I gave you three minutes, now go to sleep." He muttered, placing his palms under his head on the pillow and closing his eyes ignorantly.

"Please, my parents wants to see me this weekend so I was wondering when-"

"The fcking makes you think Iʼll let you see them?" he raised his voice, his eyes flattering open and my heart ached at his words.


"No, and itʼs fucking final so donʼt bother wasting your breath." He concluded rudely and I brushed away the tear that had fallen down on my cheek before turning away.

He stared at my broken state for a few seconds before turning around and I swallowed the lump in my throat before moving closer to him.

"Omkara ..." I choked out, tugging his arm gently, hoping I could somehow persuade him into changing his mind. "Omkara , please." I begged and gasped when he suddenly turned around and grabbed my wrist, ripping them away from his arm and bolting up in his position.

"Shut the Fck up!" he snapped, grabbing my shoulders roughly and I whimpered at his sudden outburst.

"Just what the hell is wrong with you?! If I get mad, you start fcking crying and if I do something nice, you either beg for more or is never grateful for it! Why canʼt you be satisfied and content with whatever I have to offer you?!" he yelled and I let the tears roll down my cheeks, swallowing down a sob as I took in his selfish words.

"I-I..." I started stumbling on my words and he released his grip before lying down again.

"Go to sleep!" He spat and I lay down on the bed before turning around, bringing my hands closer to my lips as I closed my eyes tightly.

"I hate you, Omkara Sigh Oberoi ." My thoughts screamed at him as I let more tears stream down my face, crying silently.

"I really hate you."

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