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"Gauri ," shivaay walked in on me, just as I slipped on my black dress, loosening my hair and pulling back a few strands of hair away from my face.

"Can we talk?"

"Sure," I threw a look at the clock and started putting on my heels when Shivaay suddenly appeared in front of me and I jolted back before sighing.

"Oh god shivaay, you donʼt have to do that."
I grumbled, stopping to look up at his somewhat serious expression.

"Itʼs kind of serious." He slightly licked his lip and my eyebrows immediately shot up.

"Whatʼs up?" I stepped closer and he instantly fixated our gazes, making the tension grow even more.

"I wanted to ask you something- about us," he spoke softly and my pulse raced at the mention of "us".

"Did we—did I, mean anything to you?" he looked down for a brief second before locking his eyes in mine again.

I almost choked on the air I was breathing.

My hands started to sweat a little and I just stared at him for what seemed like forever before I finally found my voice to speak.

"Shivaay  I—I did like you at some point. You were amazing. You were there for me since the beginning, stood up for me and looked out for me and yes, it did mean something to me at a certain point but,"

"But." Shivaay  closed his eyes and let out a huff before wetting his lips again, slipping his hands into his pockets.

"But I love Omkara . What I had with Omkara was different. I-"

"Yeah, I know. Heʼs Omkara ," he cut me off and I pursued my lips into a thin line.

"I know ,He makes you happy." I saw the hurt flash inside his icy green eyes just as those words left his mouth.

"Shivaay ,Iʼm sorry...I know that this will probably come out as some random cliché excuse of a bullshit, but, I never meant to hurt you or lead you on. I just-"

"Donʼt worry about it Gauri . I know where I stand and its fine. If Omkara makes you happy then you deserve him. You deserve to be happy."
He smiled a little, adjusting the tie on his tuxedo before clearing his throat at my silence.

I felt so guilty that I couldn't even find the right words to say.

"Shivaay ,Iʼm sorry-"

"Gauri , donʼt do that. I just wanted to clear things up," Shivaay took a step forward and I gulped harshly, the sick feeling in my stomach only growing harder than before.

"Look, Omkara is my brother. And youʼre someone I adore from the bottom of my heart. And I just want you two to be happy. I want him to be happy with the person he loves. Heʼs done so much for me in the past, so let me do this much for him...by letting you go, in good terms."

I noticed a muscle in his jawline flick before he gave me a warm smile again.

A fake one.

I was about to say something else when he took a step forward and embraced me into a hug, totally catching me off guard.

"Now stop giving me that look, youʼre making me look like the bad guy." Shivaay  pulled away and I couldnʼt help but laugh a little at his sarcasm.

"Now go, heʼs probably waiting for you."

"Yeah." I smiled a little, giving Shivaay  one last look before walking out of the room, the guilt still piercing through my heart.

I stepped down the spiral staircase and took in the scene, the people gawking at my presence, some with jealousy and others with approval.

"Miss Sharma , how are you?"

"Miss Sharma, do you plan to marry Mr. Oberoi ?"

"Are you parents here?"

"Did they arrive to see the big moment?"

People bombarded me with some questions and as confused as I was, I simply shook them off with a laugh and casual nod here and there, you know, acting like I knew half the shit they were answering.

"Now, now, save the questions for later." Parth appeared out of nowhere and so did the rest of the Oberoi brothers before the reporters nodded, as if they knew something was up.

"I Think they poisoned the food and is planning ways to get out of it?" Bhavya's voice whispered into my ears from behind and I jumped a little before shaking my head with a laugh.

"Heard that." Rudra raised a brow at Bhavya's direction and Bhavya made a face in disgust.

"Yeah, props to your super powers." She tightened her hands across her chest and Rudra frowned in a somewhat annoyed and amused way, if thatʼs even possible.

"Weʼre not deaf, love."

"Well shit, you donʼt say." Bhavya put a hand over her mouth and I chuckled a little.

The reporters were intently watching the two of them quarrel before one of them finally spoke out.

"It seems like we have some romance going on between another vampire and human."

As soon as those words left the reporters mouth, Bhavya scoffed in disbelief and kept making weird noises out of her mouth for straight out 5 seconds.

"Well, you could say that we do have some intense chemistry-" Rudra started, only to be cut off my Bhavya .

"Yeah right." Her words dripped in sarcasm and I watch Rudra's smile instantly fall from his face.

"Why? Think Iʼm not good enough for you, baby girl?"

"I donʼt think honey, I know." She made a face,
emphasizing her words.

"Oh god, somebody kill this guy before I do." Ajay made a face in disgust before Bhavya stomped away and I watched Rudra follow her behind, asking her some questions along the line,

"Seriously though, why canʼt you go out with me?"

I let out a breath and I was about to grab something to drink when I heard some girls and men gasping, whispering to each other and pointing at a direction.

I looked ahead and no doubt about it, it was Omkara , walking in as if he was the best thing that ever happened to this goddamn world.

Okay, maybe I was exaggerating a little and maybe he was literally just attending his own party like a normal person, but thatʼs obviously beside the point.

I watched him talk to some reporters and even from here, I could tell that he was trying not to lose it with their ridiculous questions by putting on a nice little act.

At some point, I noticed the girls bombard him with questions too and the jealousy kicked in like a bitch but since I now know how to react to this in a more professional manner now, I decided to let my frustrations out towards Rithesh , who hissed at me as I punched him on the upper arm.

"What was that for?" he almost whined and I gave him my best smile, only to hear Raj snickering at my little act.

That guyʼs always catching me in my acts.

"Miss Sharma, is it true that you are very close with the Oberoi brothers?" A reporter suddenly popped out of the blue and for a moment, I had forgotten that these people were still hovering around us like flies.

"Oh my god, them?" I laughed, pointing at the boys and then at me.

I watched them frown before Raj opened his mouth to say something but I cut him off.

"Yes, we are close-"

"Well you know , i hardly even talk to them...although..." I paused for dramatic effect and looked at the boys.

"They do act a little too friendly around me. They try too hard to- you know..." I covered half of my mouth and whispered the last part at the reporter.

"Damn ,Sheʼs embarrassing us, letʼs go." I heard Parth mutter through gritted teeth, poking Kevin who hissed at him in annoyance.

"And Whatʼs with you guys and touching me today?!"

He suddenly snapped followed by a "that didnʼt come out right" and I almost choked at his words, muffling in a laugh as the reporters attention turned back to the boys.

"Oh and as you can tell, the rumors about them being gay is true."

I nodded at the reporters in a serious expression and turned away, walking off as the reporters instantly dropped the bomb at the boys, filling the entire room with gasps and questions.

I went back to the drinking table and grabbed a cocktail, turning my attention back to Omkara , who was still talking to some people.

He suddenly stopped to glance around the room before the person asked him something again, to which he responded with a small smile along with a nod.

His eyes shot around the room briefly once again and I couldnʼt help but smile at his failed attempts to find me.

As if he was reading my thoughts, his eyes suddenly landed on mine and I almost spilled the drink from my hand before I regained my composure and looked at Omkara , only to find him smirking at my reaction.

I watched him brush off the reporters for a second, walking right past the girls, with his eyes not leaving mine the entire time.

I noticed the girls scoffing and walking away while the reporters instantly started taking pictures of the moment.

"Iʼve been looking for you ,Jaan."

"Yeah, no kidding." I took another sip of the drink and heard him chuckle lowly.

"May I?" he suddenly stepped in front of me, holding out his hand and I put the glass down before raising a brow at him.

"Ooh, my poor omkie." I teased, placing my hand on his.

"Donʼt ruin it Gauri "

"Okay." I muttered and Omkara laughed shortly before guiding me towards the dance floor.

Couples were already dancing to 'No promises' by Shayn Ward, one of my favorite songs of course, which explains why Omkara chose it for tonight.

I placed a hand on Omkara's shoulder and took his hand with the other, interlocking our fingers.

Omkara's grip around my waist tightened and it caused jolts of electric to crawl up my spine, my heart rate increasing tenfold.

"I remember the first time I came here." I gripped Omkara's shoulder and his eyes locked into mine in a questioning manner.

"Yes and I remembered you were scared shitless."

"Oh and you blame me?" I made a face and Omkara wetted his lip before he chuckled nervously.

"No , Iʼm just saying..." I noticed how the conversation went from sarcasm from both our parts to him suddenly taking it seriously.

"Itʼs not that I am holding onto anything. Iʼm just saying that...itʼs different from the first time I came here. I feel different about you, about this place, about your kind. I want to understand your world better, just like you have come to understand mine." I spoke gently and noticed something flash in his icy blue eyes before he opened mouth to say something but shut it right back.

"What?" "Nothing."

"Come on, tell me." I insisted and Omkara went silent, swiftly turning me around before pulling me in his arms again.

We danced to the music for a while and I decided to brush off whatever he was going to tell me.

Iʼm sure heʼd tell me when he feels-

"Gauri , I want to talk to you about something." He suddenly pulled me close, his lips brushing against my ears, causing a shiver down my spine.

"Yeah?" I stopped to look up and noticed the worry and nervousness grow on his face, making my eyebrows furrow together in confusion. Was something wrong?

"I-you-we- I mean can we be together...forever Gauri ?" It felt like it took him forever to say that sentence.

"Uh, yeah? I mean, weʼll be together for a very long-"

"No, Gauri , I mean forever...literally." He spoke carefully and I frowned at him in confusion as he wetted  his lips slowly.

He was nervous.

This wasnʼt like Omkara at all.

"Gauri , i want to spend the rest of my life with you together...forever." He emphasized and it finally hit me like a tons of bricks.

"You mean..."

"Yeah." His eyes held that desirable hope and disappeared the moment I shook my head, slowly untangling my hands from his, feeling this hollow pit forming in my stomach.

"I canʼt Omkara , I donʼt want to be a-"

"Jaan... Look, I know, I know, hey-" Omkara stopped to hold my wrist in a firm and gentle grip just as I was about to turn around.

"Iʼm not forcing you to make a choice. I am asking you to at least think about it."

"Omkara , I-I donʼt think I will ever change my-"

"Gauri please," his voice suddenly grew all hoarse and soft, holding that desperate tone, making my knees grow weak.

Just don't look at him Gauri .

"Please, for me, for us, just give it some thought?" he started again and I let out a sigh before shaking my head, looking at everywhere but him.

"Om,I canʼt alright? Itʼs just-itʼs just not me." I finally met my own eyes with his and I almost melted to the floor there and then.

The worry and hope in his eyes drove me insane.

It made him look ten times hotter, and thatʼs just cheating, heʼs just cheating in life now!

"Are you mad?" he asked softly, stepping closer as I turned away, not wanted to be persuaded by his sorry- ugly-excuse-of-a-godly face.

"Om..No, I just want to be left alone-"

"Donʼt push me away. I want to talk to you," he kept insisting, refusing to free his grip.

"Gauri , please-"

"Omkara , I am not mad. Why are you acting like this?"

"Because Gauri , I want you. I want this. I want us for the rest of my life and I mean that in every sense of the word and that makes me desperate enough to want to make you change your mind," he loosened the grip and I know for a fact that it took everything in him to push his pride aside and admit to what he just said.

"Gauri ...Listen, I-" he stopped to press both his hands together before placing them under his chin, the tip of his middle fingers brushing against his bottom lip.

"I donʼt want to say anything to scare you away, Gauri . I donʼt want to lose you. I canʼt lose you. And I really donʼt want to make you feel like Iʼm not giving you a choice. I wonʼt force you to do something you donʼt like ever again, you know that. All I am asking is that you give it some thought, thatʼs it." He finished and was about to say something else when some reporters came our way, taking pictures of us.

Omkara suddenly grabbed my shoulders and picked me up in his arms and before I knew it, we ended up in his room before he put me down again.

"Omkara !"

"What? They were getting fucking annoying." He shot back, running a hand through his hair.

"Omkara , Iʼm not going to change my mind okay?"

"And why not?" he raised his voice and I felt a sense of hurt in his tone but he did a good job at covering it up by putting on a stone hard expression.

"Because Omkara , I am a human. And thatʼs what I want to be. This is who I want to be. Do you really want me to change into a vampire?" I folded my hands across my chest and watched Omkara huff before sitting down on the bed, resting his elbows on his knees.

"Youʼre right, yeah. Iʼm sorry." He interlocked his fingers and looked down at the floor.

I let out a sigh and bit my bottom lip before walking up to the bed, bending down to sit on my heels.

"Omkara , I want to spend the rest of my life with you too," I slowly held his face and fixated our gaze.

"But as a human." I mumbled and noticed his eyes flicker in hurt again before he nodded.

I felt like my words physically slapped him in the face.

"I just want you to be a part of my life for the rest of my life. Humans die. You will die too one day, Gauri , and you know what that means right?" he questioned and I felt a pang of guilt pierce through my heart.

"It means that Iʼll never get to hold you again. Iʼll never get to see you or touch you or kiss you or—youʼll be gone from my life forever, Gauri . But Iʼll be here. Iʼll be here for a long time And-" he stopped, gulping down harshly as he kept staring at me.

His eyes wavered before his gaze landed on the floor again.

"And if you leave then...I'll be so lonely. And I know that itʼs selfish, but I canʼt imagine what itʼll be like to lose you forever Gauri. Just the thought of it kept me up for nights, I canʼt sleep, I keep thinking that youʼll disappear one day and if I donʼt hold onto you now, Iʼll never be able to-" he stopped when I wrapped my arms around his neck, pressing my lips against his neck.

For a few seconds, Omkara stayed still before his arms tangled around my waist, his face burying in the crook of my neck.

"Om , i understand. I canʼt imagine what it would be like to lose you either," I whispered, tightening the grip around him before I pulled away.

"But I canʼt pretend to be someone Iʼm not either. I canʼt lose myself like that..." I said softly and watched Omkara's expression fall flat as he nodded again.

"I know..."

"But," I started and noticed how fast his face lit up at that word alone.

"I will keep an open mind about your suggestion. For you, for us." I smiled and Omkara was about to lean into a kiss when I pulled back.

"But Donʼt count on that though."

"Tsk, too late , I'll looking forward to that day." And with that, he pressed his lips on mine, sending my butterflies on a rampage, my whole body quivering at the sudden contact.

Omkara pulled away first and was about to say something when I pressed a finger on his lips.

"Om ,I want to say something too," I started and he nodded.

"Say that I didnʼt turn into a vampire and remained as a human by your side. When my time comes and I have to leave...can I be selfish too..." I felt his hands squeeze my hand, placing them on his lap.

"And ask you to remember me for a long... long time? Can I ask you remember me for as long as you live your life? And even if you do move on one day, can I remain in a special place of your heart forever? Will there be room for me in it?" I asked my last question before Omkara pulled me into tight hug, letting out heavy breaths, his hand pressing the back of my head firmly with trembling fingers.

"Always," he whispered, digging his fingers into my hair and pulling me even closer. "Even though that not going to happen  but I promise you Jaan that you'll be the only one now and forever."

I smiled and blinked away the tears when we pulled away, not wanting to upset Omkara any more than I have.

We stood up and Omkara took my hand in his before taking a strand of hair from my face and placing them behind my ear.

"Letʼs go back. Theyʼll be looking for us." Omkara said and I nodded with a smile.

"Sure, letʼs hope that theyʼll ask you all the weird questions and run out of their stupidity before they get to me." I turned to walk towards the door when a hand grab my shoulders, spinning me around.

Omkara leaned into a kiss, his hand firmly placed around my neck as I tried to stand still and kiss him back.

His body was pressed against mine and I could feel the kiss slowly becoming deep and intense but we both pulled away, knowing where it would lead to if we were to continue any further.

"I love you Jaan ." He gave me a genuine smile and I couldnʼt help but adore and love the man standing before me.

The guy I really want to spend the rest of my life, no matter how cliché that shit sounds.

He is the one was all I ever wanted.

"I love you too Om ."

"Aw, but we love you more." I heard Parth coo from behind the door followed by some familiar voices bursting into laughter.

"Seriously?! How long were they-"

"Not long enough, donʼt worry." Omkara chuckled and I grinned before shaking my head helplessly.

"Seriously though, I hope you both get bored of each other soon. I donʼt know how long I can take this lovey dovey shit." Arjun said out loud and I chuckled before shaking my head.

Omkara was now grinning too before he shook his head in embarrassment.

"Well you can dream on , because that ain't going to happen"

"The dinner is about to start, you guys." Jai shouted before I heard the footsteps retreating back.

I looked at Omkara only to find him staring back at me, our eyes holding each other in place for what seemed like forever before we both chuckled again.

"Jaan ,Letʼs go." Omkara opened the door and stepped aside for me.

Just as I was about to walk out, he brushed me aside and walked right out, leaving me mouth hung open a little in disbelief.

"Damn, your thought Gauri ." I heard him laugh through the hallway and I rolled my eyes, jogging through the hallway to catch up to his face pace.

"Youʼre such an idiot!" I said out loud and heard him laugh shortly again, making my heart race faster than ever.

"An idiot youʼll spend the rest of your life with."

"I told you not count on that,Baby." I snickered
behind him.

"Well , it's too late." He turned to grin at me and I finally caught up to him.

He took my hand and we walked down the stairs together.

People immediately started huddling around us and Omkara slipped a hand around my waist securely before the questions were poured down on us.

Ha, like thatʼs new anymore.

"Do you plan to live together with Miss Sharma?"

"How did you two fall in love?"

"Miss Sharma , are you really in love with Omkara Singh Oberoi "

At that question, I looked at Omkara , only to find him staring down at me too, a smirk playing at the corner of his lips, his eyebrows raised, as if he was challenging me to make a witty comment at those questions.

"Yeah i am," I whispered, only staring at Omkara now.

Hell I couldnʼt care about anyone else but him and the way he looked at me right now, just as those words left my mouth.

"Heʼs all I want now and forever ."

The End.

The higher you build walls around your heart, the harder you fall when someone tears them down.
~Gauri Kumari Sharma~

The mark of a real man, is a man who can allow himself to fall deeply in love with a woman.
~Omkara Singh Oberoi~

She wasn't exactly sure when it happened. Or even when it started. All she knew for sure was that right here and now, she was falling hard .
~Gauri Kumari Sharma~

You can run away from love but it'll find you and make you fall into it.
~Gauri Kumari Sharma~

In life, you have to take the pace that love goes. You don't force it. You just don't force love, you don't force falling in love, you don't force being in love – you just become,you just feel it.
~Omkara Singh Oberoi~

Love does not appear with any warning signs. You fall into it as if pushed from a high diving board. No time to think about what's happening. It's inevitable. An event you can't control. A crazy, heart-stopping, roller-coaster ride that just has to take its course.
~Gauri Kumari Sharma~

I loved you before I even knew the name for it. Everyday I'd sit beside you, inhaling your scent, looking at your beautiful face. Every night, dreaming about you. You eclipsed everything else. It was you. Always you.
~Omkara Singh Oberoi~

Love is a feeling, a feeling of happiness. Love is powerful, too powerful to play with. This feeling is strange and hard to describe, but when you fall in love, you will know it inside.
~Omkara Singh Oberoi~

A priceless moment is when the person that you have fallen in love with, looks you right in the eyes to tells you that they have fallen in love with you.
~Gauri Kumari Sharma~

I fall into him like one would fall into a dream, ready to submit to your subconscious's innermost desires and your deepest fears.
~Gauri Kumari Sharma~

I loved him desperately, completely, and he wasn't threatening to consume me anymore. He already had. Everything that was me was him. My heart, mind and soul all were as much a part of him as they were me.
~Gauri Kumari Sharma~

You reminded me what it feels like to love. You made me fall in love and, fuck, I don't want to lose that. I don't want to lose you.
~Omkara Singh Oberoi~

Falling in love doesn't always lead to heartbreak, honey. With the right man, it can be a one-way ticket to paradise.
~Gauri Kumari Sharma~

So fall in love and rise in love .

With love ,

From .

Yours and yours only ,


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