Part 21

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Thank you so much for waiting for me to update all these days❤️😊
And thanks for voting and commenting on the previous update..😍😘
Here comes the next update..

Singh's Residence, Bhatinda (Punjab)

The Oberois and the Malhotras reached the house in the morning. Omkara went and rung the doorbell.It was Roop who opened the door.

Rp: (excitedly) Come inside..

Shakti introduced his friend Akshay and family to Roop and her husband Gurpreet Singh.

Soon they were all having breakfast at the dining table being served by Roop,Jhanvi,Pinky and Annika...

Gauri, Bhavya and Priyanka were sitting at one side of the table with Nandini and Akshay whereas Ranveer, Omkara and Rudra were sitting on the opposite side with Shivaay, Tej and Shakti.

Om: Bua..Where is Mallika didi..?And Daksh bhaiya, Soumya, Ishana and Romi...Where is everyone..?

Rp: Om Puttar..They all went with Mallika for some shopping..They will be back in the evening..And Maa is taking rest in her room..You all go and meet her after having food..

Gu: They were telling that they would have lunch from outside too...

Pr:(frowns)Oh no!! These people..They know that we are coming in the morning..Can't they wait for us for sometime..?!

Pi: What is this, Priyanka..They will come soon, right..?

Pr:Hmm...(feels bad)

Mallika's wedding was going to happen in a few days and thats why the Singh family could not come and attend the triple engagement function of Omkara, Rudra and Priyanka.

Dadi had gone from Oberoi Mansion to visit Roop a month ago and so she also couldn't come for the event, as the Oberois were already coming here to Bhatinda.

Akshay and family were also invited for Mallika's wedding as they all became a family now and also because everyone including Dadi could meet and spend time with Gauri, Bhavya and Ranveer before they all went back to Australia after their vacation.

They had their breakfast and they all went to meet their Dadi who was taking rest in her room.

Omkara and the others went to Dadi's room and knocked the door.It was locked from inside.

Ka:(from inside the room)I am coming..

Om:(to the others) Strange..?Dadi doesn't usually lock this room..

Shi:Dadi...Its me...Your Billu...Open the door fast..

Ka:(happily) Billuu....

Ru: We all are here Dadi..

Suddenly the room was opened and some people came running out of the room and started hugging Omkara, Shivaay, Rudra and Priyanka and many yells like"Yeaaa","Oye", "bhaiyya"etc were heard.

Oberoi juniors were totally surprised and shocked.It was only after sometime that he realised that they were none other than their cousins. They all hugged each other.

Om:(laughing)You guys were here only..?!

Ru: Trying to fool us, right..!!

So:Right Rudy...This plan was made by me and Romi.. Did you like it..?(naughty look)

Ru:(tries to hit her) Somuu..

Soumya moved away from her brother's reach and laughed..

Dadi was laughing heartily seeing all the children together...

Om: Really Romii...(pinches her ear softly)

Ro:Aaaaghh.. bhaiyya..leave me..!!

Om:(leaves her)Hmm..Daksh bhaiya and Mallika guys are also with them...?

Dk:(grins) Of course..!

Mallika smiled at them and then looked at Ranveer, Gauri and Bhavya.

Ma: Prinku..Omkara, Rudra..Introduce them to us na, please..

Ru:One minute..Let us meet Dadi first..!

They all walked inside Dadi's room.

They all took her aashirwaad.

Ka: Jeetey raho..Jeetey raho..

Om:Dadii..(hugs her)

Ka:(smiling) Ommm.....

Ru:(kisses her cheek)Dadi...How are you..?

Ka: (smiles wide) Ohh.. I am good, Rudra..(touches his cheek)

Dadi noticed Priyanka who was smiling at her from a corner of the room.

Ka: Prinku.. come to me..Since when did you become so shy..?!

Priyanka ran to her and hugged her with love..

Pr: (tears in her eyes) Missed you Dadi..!

Ka:(hugging her) Aww my dear..!

Pr: (smiles) Love you..(kisses her cheek)

She left Dadi and then stepped aside.

Ka: Now I want to see the jodis(pairs)..All of you stand with your respective partners..

Three pairs — Bhavya-Rudra, Omkara-Gauri and Priyanka-Ranveer stood shoulder to shoulder and Dadi felt very happy looking at their pairs

Ka: Wow..You all are looking good like Shiv and Parvathy's jodi.. May god bless you all..!!

Then they all introduced Gauri, Bhavya and Ranveer to all of them.

Soon the elders left the room and went out into the drawing room to talk and the younger crowd were all sitting and chatting in Dadi's room..

An: Ok...So what all plans for the wedding? And where is Ishana..?

Shi: are right Annika..Ishana is not being seen..?!

So: Oh bhaiyya..She is not here..She has gone to her friend's house in Amritsar..

Ro: She will be back tomorrow..

Pr: Oh alright.. Mallika di..Show us jeeju's pic first..

Ma: Ok Prinku...I will..(Shows the pic on her mobile)

Pr: He is really handsome..! Isn't it Gauri..?

Gauri took the phone from her to view.

Ga: Yes..he looks great..!

Omkara found an excuse to be near Gauri and he went and sat with her and moved really closer to her and looked into the photo.

Om: That's really true, Gauri..

So:(nudges Romi and whispers) See...

Ro:Hmm...(giggles without making sound)

Gauri felt irritated because of Omkara's closeness and gave a nice pinch to Omkara's arm without getting noticed by anyone.

Om:Ouch....(touches his arm)

Omkara felt irritated and he went and sat near Ranveer.

Everyone saw the photo and told Mallika that both of them were made for each other..Mallika felt really happy..

Bh:So..What all plans for the wedding..? Did all the shopping?

Dk: Yes Bhavya...Shall we all go for an outing today..What do you say..?

Pr:Wow bhaiya! Can we all go for a film..??

Bh: That will be great Daksh bhaiyya...Please..?

Da: Ok sure..!

Ru: And we will go for shopping tomorrow..alright..?

Om: Well its decided then..!

After lunch, they all came out of the house to go for the outing.

Om: Gauri.....

Ga: Hmm..

Om: Will you come with me on the bike.. ? I am taking Daksh bhaiya's bike..

Ga:(happily)Why not..?!

Omkara felt really happy. He thought "For the first time I am taking her on the bike..Wow!!!"

But Gauri didn't really like travelling in a bike. In fact, she was a bit afraid of travelling in a bike. She thought "Bike??!!Oh God....But poor Omkara...He is asking me so sweetly...."

Mallika,Soumya,Romi and Rudra got inside a car which Daksh was driving and Ranveer,Rudra,Bhavya, Priyanka and Annika got inside Shivaay's car.

Omkara sat on his bike and looked at Gauri who was standing beside it with a nervous face.

Om:What happened, Gauri...?

Ga: (tries to smile)Err..its nothing Omkara..

Om: Then just come..

Gauri sat at the back of Omkara's bike and placed her hands on his shoulders..

Both the cars started from the house.

Om:What is this, Gauri..?Hold me properly..

Ga:How Omkara...?

Om:(takes her hands and puts around his waist)Now hold me tightly ok.....

Ga:Ok....(and tightened her grasp)

Omkara smiled to himself and started the bike.....


The bike was off at super speed.......

Ga:(holds him tight)Omkara...Please....A bit slowly ok...

Om:Don't worry Gauri...You will enjoy this ride...I am here with you right..


Gauri was really afraid and she sat closer to him and hugged him tightly..The wind was blowing hard on her face and she closed her eyes tightly and leaned on to his back.Omkara was enjoying her hug and he was smiling to himself.

After sometime they reached the mall and the others were already waiting for them outside the building. Omkara stopped the bike and Gauri opened her eyes. get down..

Ga:Ok...(and got down)

Both of them walked to the others.

Ma:Where were you both...?

Ru: Yes Om...Why are you so late..?!

Dk: We've been waiting for 15 minutes...... !!

Om:(smiles)Sorry Daksh bhaiyya...We were caught in a traffic block...You people had overtook us a long time before....

Ga: (frowns) But....

Om:(nudged her to keep quiet) That's why you people got early...Isn't it Gauri..?

Ga: (uncertainly) Y-yes..!

Om: And well...The film will start only at 2:30...Its only 2:10 now... !

Ro: Still bhaiyya....We were waiting for so long..!

Om:Ok..Ok...I'm so sorry dear....(smiles at Romi)

Pr: Its ok Romi...Now come on..Lets get inside...The show will start soon... !!

They all walked in to the theatre. Gauri was tagged along by Priyanka, Soumya and Romi. Rudra walked with Omkara.

Ru: Om...Why were you late actually...?I don't think that it was because of the traffic...(smiles)

Om:(smiles)Well...!!I took another route to the mall ....One longer route...(winks)So that I could be with Gauri for more time....(grins wide)

********* End of Part 21*********
Hope you all enjoyed it, I am not sure of it..😃 but please do tell me..through votes and comments..

I will update regularly from now on..Next I will update TLHPJ


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