Chapter 20

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Hey people......
Well it's me.... Back again.....
Did you like the previous chapter? Was it funny? 😂
Let it be..... Here is the next part......

Arjun was looking at Shivika while the couple was very tensed. They were holding each others hand tightly with interwind fingers.

Shivaay(tensed voice) : Arjun, what does the reports say?
Arjun(serious voice): Do you me to say directly or with elaboration?
Shivaay: Just tell what is written?
Arjun: After going through your case, I have concluded that you were drugged which caused your miscarriage. Not only that you slipped into coma due to its overdose. Am I right?
Anika: Yes bhai.
Arjun: But did your doctor say you about your condition after that?
Anika: I don't remember anything maybe Shivaay can....
Shivaay: She had just told that Anika can't become a Mother. But she never said and I also forgot to ask her about it because I was too tensed about Anika at that time. She went into depression hearing about her miscarriage.
Arjun(sighing): So that means you both have no idea about what effect the drug had on you?

Shivika nodded their head in negetive while Arjun rubbed his temples in frustration.

Arjun(sighing): How can I tell you now?
Shivaay(holding his hand) : Please Arjun just say whatever is there in the report.
Arjun(sighing): According to the reports, Anika can become pregnant but she won't be able to hold or carry her baby for the full term.
Shivaay: Should it be a good news or bad news for us?
Arjun: Good news that she can conceive but I doubt whether she would be able to complete her full pregnancy.
Shivaay: What can we do about it?
Arjun: Right now her capacity to hold the baby is about 30%. Taking medicines and a proper diet along with healthy environment without any stress can increase the capacity to 60% only. Still it would be risky. Even if she becomes pregnant, it would be risky not only for her but for the baby too. Now it is upto you both. What you want to decide.

Silence prevailed in the room. Shivaay was thinking about the whole thing and was analyzing it. He couldn't think anything straight. For the first time in his life, he felt so much helpless. He couldn't find any other alternative of this situation. He was craving for a symbol of their love but not by risking Anika's life. He knew, he had to do this and he knew it would break everyone's dreams- Dadi's dream of becoming Pardadi, OmRuHi 's dream of becoming Chachu, GauNaYa 's dream of becoming Chachi, Baadi maa and Baade Papa becoming Baadi Dadi and Baadi Dadu, Shakti's dream of becoming Dadu , Sahil's dream of becoming Mamu along with Arnav and Khushi becoming Mami and most importantly Anika's dream of becoming a mother will be shattered. But he has to stay strong and say his decision aloud. He was about to voice out his decision when Anika cut him.

Anika(determined voice) : I am ready for the treatment......
Shivaay: Have you gone nuts Anika. Do you know what are you saying?
Anika: I know what I am saying. (looking at Arjun) What are chances that both mother and baby will be healthy or be alive?
Arjun: Though there is only 20% chances that both mother and baby survive and until now no such cases has been successful.
Shivaay: And I am not going to take this risk. So that's final.
Anika(determined): And I want to go through this..... (looking straight into Shivaay's eyes) And that's final.

Seeing the determination in her eyes, Shivaay couldn't answer back. He was pleading her not to take such decisions but she didn't even move a point inch from her words.

Arjun(sensing them) : I will be back with Anika's chart and medicines.

He left them alone but they remained unaffected. Shivaay just had one question in his mind.

Shivaay(whispering): Why?
Anika(whispering): Because I can't break everyone's dream- Dadi, OmRuHi, GauNaYa, Sahil, Bhaiyu and Bhabi, Baadi maa and Baade papa, Papa and you.
Shivaay(same tone) : What about you?
Anika(same tone) : Seeing others will make me happy. If by risking my life, I am able to give happiness to so many people then I am ready to do it.
Shivaay: What will happen to me if something happens to you?
Anika: Our baby won't let you be alone. You will have so many people around you. You will forget me eventually if I di....
Shivaay(closing her mouth) : Don't utter that word. (keeping his forehead on hers) Don't do this.....
Anika: I am just giving you the happiness you deserve. Trust me.
Shivaay: If something happens to you?
Anika: I have full faith that you won't let anything happen to me and our baby. I also want to live and see our baby grow but if destiny wants then.....
Shivaay(cutting her) : Shivaay will fight with destiny, death and God to bring you back. I promise you Anika, I will always be there by your side. And we both will pass through this phase together.
Anika(showing her little finger) : Pinky promise?
Shivaay(locking his with her) : Pinky promise.....

Arjun stood by the door witnessing the amazing couple. He had tears in eyes seeing their love, support and care for each other. Now he was more determined to make Anika healthy so that their future baby is safe along with her.

Arjun(wiping his tears and thinking) : I promise to you both that I will put all my effort for you both. I promise..... (he entered) So everything emotional and emotional?
Shivaay: You can say that.
Arjun(assuring them) : Don't worry Shivaay. Whatever is there in my hand I will give my best rest all on god.
Anika: But I am aiming at that 20% which gave me strength to go through this treatment.
Arjun: Of course. And the most important thing in this treatment is the patient should think positive then only the treatment will be successful. Not only patient but also her partner needs to have positive thoughts.
Shivaay: I will always think positive.
Arjun: Great, that's the spirit. (handing over some papers) : Here is the prescription and this the food chart. I know that Anika loves oily food specially Aalo puri but from now you have to avoid them. Just a matter of one month. I hope you can manage?
Shivaay(looking at her) : We will manage it..... Together.....
Arjun(smiling): Well then. I want you to meet me after 15 days. I will run through some test and see whether you body is accepting the medicines or not and how much has it improved your state.
Shivaay(getting up): Thank you so much Arjun. You don't know how much relieved I am that you are handling Anika's case. Thank you....
Arjun: Now you will thank you to your friend. Come-on buddy, Anika is like a sister to me.
Shivaay(hugging him) : Thank you.
Arjun(breaking the hug) : Now I will surely hit you. (hugging Anika sideways) Take care and follow the chart properly. Am I clear?
Anika: Sure bhai. When I have a husband like Shivaay then I don't to be worried at all.
Arjun(admiring them) : That's true.

They bid eachother and left.

*On the way*
The ride was a silent one yet comfortable. Shivaay was holding her hand in one hand while with the other one he was driving. They drove until they reached a restaurant.

Anika: Here?
Shivaay: I guess you have forgotten madam but we haven't done our lunch.
Anika: Yaa I forgot. Let's go.

They went in hand and hand and occupied a private cabin for them.

Shivaay and Anika sat beside each other.

Anika: This doesn't look like your international restaurant....
Shivaay: That is because it is an Indian restaurant.
Anika(shocked): You must be kidding? You brought me in an Indian restaurant. You can't be my Shivaay.
Shivaay: Why is it so hard for you to believe?
Anika: Because if I break my head also, you won't take me to an Indian restaurant.
Shivaay(cupping her face) : Calm down meri Jhashi ki Rani. I brought you here because from tomorrow you won't be able to eat these type of food and I know how much you love these. For today only you can have whatever you want but from tomorrow you will be under strict diet and my observation. Am I clear Mrs. Shivaay?
Anika(tears in her eyes) : You love me so much?
Shivaay: You can't think also how much I love you. (wiping her tears) Now stop crying and order whatever you want to eat.
Anika: But you? You can't have this oily food naa. Then? No... No... We will go to some other restaurant.
Shivaay: Just sit down and order and don't worry whatever you will have eat even I will also eat. Because we are going to be together in this phase.
Anika: That means you will follow my diet too?
Shivaay: Without any doubt..... Now order otherwise the rats in my stomach will kill me.

Anika chuckled and ordered food for them which had less oil in it because her dear husband can't tolerate it. Till the food arrived they talked about the treatment and some random stuff. The food arrived and they fed eachother with some light romantic moments. Later they left for OM.

*Oberoi mansion *
Shivika entered hand in hand with a smile on their face. The youngsters saw them and smiled.

Om: I pray they always stay happy.
Gauri: Of course Omkaraji. Nothing bad can happen to them. They have always thought about ours well-being then how can something bad happens to them.
Om: You are right. I need to ask Shivaay something.
Gauri(getting him) : Omkaraji they just arrived. Let them freshen up then we all can go their room and talk.
Om: That's a good idea.
Gauri(murmuring): Hey Shankarji..... Please save everyone.
Om: Did you say something?
Gauri: No. I will get come.

Gauri sneaked out from Om and silently without his notice went to Shivika's room.

*Shivika's room *
Gauri knocked at the door and Anika opened it.

Anika: Chuti.... You here?
Gauri(nervously): Di.... Jiju?
Anika: He is in washroom. You have some work with him?
Gauri: Haa didi actually....
Anika(seeing her tensed face) : Come in.

Gauri went inside and Anika closed the door. In the meantime Shivaay also arrived.

Shivaay: Gauri, you here? All fine?
Gauri(nervously): Di... Jiju.... Omkaraji understood that something has happened with Priyanka and we all are trying to hide it from others.
Shivaay(frustated): Damn it......
Anika: Shivaay, we can't say Om nehi toh he will kill Ranveer.
Gauri: You have to say him because Mahi bhaiya said that after Jiju comes he will only say everything. And now he is waiting for you. He will come up with 10 minutes.
Anika(scared): Shivaay what will you...
Shivaay: I have to tell him and Rudra. They also have a right to know about their sister. Don't worry I will handle him. (to Gauri) You go and call everyone here and bring Raghav too.
Gauri: Ok jiju. And haa Raghav is leaving tomorrow.
Shivaay: Why?
Gauri: Don't know. Suddenly he made a plan. He said Priyanka is fine now and is improving so he is going back tomorrow because his work is at stake.
Shivaay: Okay. I'll think about that later. You go and call others.

Gauri left the room while Shivaay looked at Anika.

Shivaay: Why do you think Raghav is leaving?
Anika: That I will make it out. But before that we need to think about OmRu.
Shivaay: Hmm. You change and come to the poolside.

Anika nodded and went while Shivaay waited for others in the poolside.

*Pool side *
Slowly everyone started showing up and Shivaay gestured everyone to sit. He waited for Anika. Few minutes later she arrived and she saw beside Shivaay. Everyone was in pairs except Raghav.

Om: Shivaay, is there something that you all are hiding from me and Rudra?
Shivaay(looking at Anika) : I guess it would be better if Anika says it to you.

Anika looked at him with a pleading sight but he just encouraged her. Finally accepting defeat she started narrating everything that happened. With every description, Om would tighten his fist more firmly. Not only he but Rudra too had the same expression. When it finally ended, Om got up and left. Everyone became scared seeing his anger. Gauri went behind him to cool him down. While Rudra was burning in rage.

Rudra: How dare he tried to touch my sister! How dare he. I won't leave him. I will surely kill him.
Shivaay: Rudra calm down. Everything is under our control. He is behind the bars so no need to worry about it.
Rudra: How can you sit so quitely bhaiya?
Shivaay: Who said I am sitting quietly? Ranveer is needed that's why is alive otherwise I would have killed him long back.
Rudra: How is he needed?
Shivaay: That you will come to know.
Anika: I guess you both should check Om.
Om(coming back) : Not needed bhabi. I am fine.
Shivaay: But where did you go?
Om: To check Prinku.....
Shivaay: Are you sure you are fine?
Om: Of course Shivaay. I am totally fine. Yaa you were saying that Ranveer is needed. But why?
Shivaay: He can give us information regarding Mrs. Pinky.
OmRu : How?
Shivaay: Because it is Mrs. Pinky who has helped them flee from the jail. Ranveer is caught but Kamini is still missing. So according to him, Kamini and Mrs. Pinky are together.
Om: So you mean, Ranveer will have every information regarding Kamini and Mrs. Pinky?
Shivaay: Exactly and I am sure someone or the other will surely come to free him.
Rudra: That means Ranveer is just a bait for us.
Shivaay: Exactly......
Om: But I don't get it why is Choti maa doing such cheap things?
Anika: That is for us to find.
Gauri(entering with a tray having glasses of juice) : And we all are going to find it out soon.
Soumya: There is some big reason behind it.
Mona: Otherwise why would Pinky Aunty would do something like this.
Anika: We, girls will find that out soon.
Shivaay: Okay. (looking towards Raghav) Raghav I heard you are leaving tomorrow.
Raghav: Yes, bhaiya. Actually Priyanka is fine now and she has her family to look after her. So I guess I will get take my leave. And moreover my work in Delhi is put up on stake. I need to join sooner or later. So why not now.
Shivaay: Do you think Prinku will be fine after today's incident?
Raghav: As a doctor, I would say no. She might have nightmares. But if the family is beside her then I guess she will recover fast.
Shivaay(sighed): Fine whatever you suggest.
Rudra: Bhaiya, we are having a farewell party for Raghav bhaiya in the pool side after dinner.
Shivaay: Fare enough. Call Prinku as well. She will feel better with the change of atmosphere.
Rudra(wicked smile) : Sure bhaiya....
Shivaay: Before you run the wild thoughts of your brain, strictly no alcohol. Am I clear?
Rudra(sunken face) : Okay.
Shivaay: Soumya, you look into that he doesn't spick the drinks.

She nodded and smirked at Rudra. Later the all departed to join at the night except Gauri who stayed back.

Anika: Shivaay you go I am coming in a minute.

He nodded and went not before kissing her forehead.

Anika: Now speak up.
Gauri: How do you know that I want to say you something?
Anika(pulling her cheeks) : Are you forgetting who am I?
Gauri(annoyed): Di..... Okay I am telling. Actually.....

She said what all happened during the lunch and Janvi's sadness regarding hee daughter.

Anika: Hmm. So this is the problem. Maan toh karta hai uus Pinky Aunty ko aisa maaza chakhao ki.... But she is elder to me.
Gauri: That is later. What are you going to do for Maaji?
Anika: Let's go.
Gauri: Where?
Anika: First Baadi maa then Priyanka.

And they left for solving some strained relationship.

*TejVi's room*
Anika and Gauri entered and saw Janvi looking at the photo of her children with tears in her eyes. They looked at each other and exchanged a pity look.

Anika(softly): Baadi maa....
Janvi(got alert and wiped her tears) : Haa.... (looking behind) Oh Anika Gauri. Come naa.
Anika(sitting on one side) : Baadi maa, aren't we your children?
Gauri(sitting on the other side) : Haa maaji. You don't think us as your children?
Janvi: Of course I consider. Why are you asking such a question?
Anika: Then why are you trying to hide your pain and tears from us?
Janvi(avoiding eye contact) : Where? I didn't hide anything. You are just seeing things.
Gauri(wiping a tear from the corner of her eyes) : Still you will say that we are saying things? (showing her the drop)
Anika(holding her hand) : Baadi maa please say us. What is killing you?
Gauri(holding her other hand) : Haa maaji please say.
Janvi(looking at both of them) : You both know what is killing me..... First was Tej, then Om and finally Priyanka. Rudra was also my concern but he was always shown his emotions through tears. But the most reserved one is Om. Priyanka was attached to me. But after that incident she has become more close to you Anika and I don't have any problem in this. But you can very well understand the pain of a mother when her children are not coming to her for comfort but going to someone else. Yesterday, you mended my relation with Tej and I don't know how to thank you for this Anika. When Tej come to me yesterday and apologized for all his deeds, I couldn't believe him. But when you explained me how much Tej was guilty and was waiting for a chance from me, I had to give him because somewhere in the corner of my heart I still love him.
Anika: I haven't done anything Baadi maa. It was my duty to make everything right. And regarding OmRu and Priyanka don't worry they will soon come to their mother for their advice and comfort.  I promise.
Janvi: Thank you so much Anika.
Anika: I just need your blessings.

She blessed both of them and they left the room. They went to Priyanka's room for a talk.

*Priyanka's room*
Priyanka was seemed to be lost in some thoughts when Anika and Gauri entered.

Anika: Priyanka.....
Priyanka: Haa bhabi. Come naa.
Anika(sitting beside her) : How are feeling? It isn't haunting you right?
Priyanka: I'm fine bhabi and now I am feeling so light seeing his true colors. And now I have realized that I never loved him.
Anika: Should it be a good news or a bad news?
Priyanka: I guess good news.
Gauri: Then you would surely allow someone else to enter your life right?
Anika: How about Raghav.....
Priyanka(instantly): He is just my doctor.
Anika(sensing her hesitation) : Well we came her for some other reason.
Priyanka: What is it bhabi?
Gauri: Priyanka, I guess you are unknowninly hurting Maaji.
Priyanka(shocked): What? But I haven't said any harsh words to her.
Anika: That's the problem, you Haven't spoken to her freely after returning from Delhi. Don't you think you should have a heart to heart talk with your Mother? Doesn't she have the right to know about her daughter's well-being?
Priyanka: I never thought about it. 
Anika: Then start thinking and whenever you feel that you are ready to talk to her, just go.
Priyanka: Will she be angry on me ?
Anika: A mother can never be angry on her children. When you will go, she will just accept you with wide arms. Don't fear about anything and just go.
Priyanka(smiles): I will go and talk to Maa now.
Anika: Go. She is in her room. And haa, there is a small party in the pool side today after dinner. Come okay?

She nodded and ran towards TejVi's room to meet her mother.

Gauri: One down two to go.
Anika(amazed): Are we shooting people that you are saying like this?
Gauri(giggling): Well, it is not less than shooting.....
Anika(hitting her head lightly) : Dramebaaz. Chalo we need to cook dinner.
Gauri: Nehi.....
Anika(narrow eyes) : Why?
Gauri(crossed arms) : Because Di, I and Soumya cooked lunch. So now, you and Mona bhabi will cook.
Anika: Okay. Then I won't make your favorite chaat. Thank god one dish less to prepare.
Gauri(instantly): Who said, I won't help. Aare I was saying ki we all will cook dinner together. Let's go and call others.

Gauri ran away to call the other Obrohus while Anika broke into a fit of laughter seeing her. She nodded her head in disbelief and went to the kitchen.

*After dinner*
*Pool side*
Rudra and Soumya were arranging the drinks and light snacks along with the dessert that they have left during the dinner time while Shivaay, Mahi and Om were arranging the cushions for sitting.

Rudra: Soumya....
Soumya: Hmm...
Rudra: Please.....
Soumya: I said no Rudra. Do you want to be bitten up by me?
Rudra: But a small amount won't harm anyone.....
Shivaay(listening his pleas) : It will. When I said no means no Rudra. At least for Anika, don't.
Rudra: What... It will be good for you both. You see wine and then....
Soumya(flushed red) : Rudra have some shame. He is your Baade bhaiya.
Shivaay: And you will get to know why I'm saying. Now no more arguments.
Rudra: He is always a party popper.
Soumya: There must be some good reason Rudra. Try to understand.
Rudra(sunken face) : Fine....

Everyone arrived slowly and started taking up their seats. Rudra and Soumya served everyone and then sat down. Everyone was in pairs except Raghav and Priyanka.

Rudra: So Bhaiyas and Bhabis, I Rudra Singh Oberoi along with Soumya Rudra Singh Oberoi welcome you all to the Farewell party of Raghav bhaiya.

Everyone clapped while Priyanka was shocked hearing it. Anika was noticing each and every move and gesture of both of them.

Priyanka(voicing out her thoughts) : Farewell? But why?
Om: Because he is going back to Delhi tomorrow.
Priyanka: Delhi? But why? Wasn't he supposed to stay here till my course is over?
Mahi: We said him but he is saying that you are fine now and with family so you are recovering fast. And his patients are also waiting for him in Delhi so he is leaving tomorrow.
Priyanka(composing herself) : Oh... That's nice.  I guess everyone will miss him.
Anika(hitting on her words) : Won't you miss him?
Priyanka(fumbling): Yaa... I... Will........ But his career is more important.....

In this whole conversation Raghav was a silent listener. He was observing her facial expressions and he was sighing mentally. Anika could read through the lines between them and very well understood that something had happened and she needs to find out. The party went on with Rudra's silly jokes and Om's shayeris. They had their dessert and Priyanka was the first one to leave the place. And then Raghav.

Shivaay: What is wrong with them?
Anika: That I need to find out.....
Rudra: Bhaiya you said you would tell us something.
Shivaay: Actually today (looking at Anika) We went to hospital.....

And he said everything what Arjun had said to them except the part of complications.

Shivaay: So from tomorrow Anika will be following the diet and I am giving this responsibility to the three of you(looking at GauNaYa) that she shouldn't skip any of them and eat everything. And haa I too will have the same diet as Anika's.
Anika: Shivaay I said you don't need to do it.
Shivaay: And I said, we would do it together. Am I clear Mrs. Shivaay?
Anika: No one can win from you....
Shivaay: That is for sure.....

While the others admired their bond. They called off for the night and went back to their respective rooms.

*On the other side *
Two souls were crying but still they couldn't do anything.

Priyanka(thinking): It is good that he is going tomorrow. Now I won't be able to see him and I will eventually forget him. It is good for him and me as well.

Raghav(thinking): I don't want to go Priyanka. But I can't see hatred for me in your eyes. That's why I have decided to return back tomorrow. I hope you stay happy because you have a family and I am sure they won't let you be alone.

The moon witnessed the broken souls but couldn't do anything. The stars hid behind the clouds unable to see their distress.

*Next day*
Shivaay was in the kitchen making breakfast for himself and Anika before anyone else could see it especially Pinky. In the meantime Gauri entered.

Gauri: Aare jiju, why are you making it? You could have call me, I would have made it.
Shivaay: No need Saali sahiba.  I think you are forgetting that I am a great cook. And moreover I myself wanted to make it for Anika. That's it.
Gauri: No problem.  You make it while I will prepare for others.
Shivaay: Fare enough.

They started preparing breakfast together with some teasing sessions.

Shivaay: Done.  I am taking this to the room and we will join later for tea and coffee. Just manage the situation.
Gauri: No problem jiju.  I will handle it.

Shivaay went with their breakfast while Gauri continued with her work. Out of no where Om appeared in the kitchen. Gauri looked around and shrieked seeing him.

Gauri(panting): Omkaraji..... You scared me.
Om(sorry eyes) : Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you.
Gauri: It's fine. But you here?
Om(hesitating): Actually.... I saw you preparing breakfast alone so thought of helping you out....
Gauri: You want to help me?
Om: If you don't have any problem....
Gauri: Okay come and bake these potatoes.

Om beamed with happiness and started helping her. They talked about random stuff and happily completed preparing it. They set tbe table and waited for others to come.

*Shivika's room *
Shivaay was waiting for Anika to come while he was checking his mails and schedule. The click of the door caught his attention and he looked up to see his wife in a white indo western salwar with wet hairs. She was looking breath taking fresh and he couldn't stop staring at her. She stood in front of the mirror and started getting ready. She looked through the mirror and saw her husband looking at her with love filled eyes. A blush crept up her cheek and he chuckled seeing his effect on her. He went towards her and back hugged her and kept his head on her shoulder.

Shivaay: I never knew that I still had this effect in you.
Anika: You still have the same effect on me like the one you had on our special night.
Shivaay(tighten his hold) : Is it? Well your blush says it all.
Anika: Shut up. Now leave me I need to ready.
Shivaay(seeing her putting sindoor) : Hey! That is my job.

He took it from her and put it on her hairline.

Anika: Why do you do this everyday?
Shivaay: So that I can get married to you everyday.
Anika: You did it when I was in coma also?
Shivaay: Yes. Every single day.

Anika smiled at him and hugged him tightly. He hugged her back with the same intensity. Breaking the hug, he made her sit and gave her a cup.

Anika: What is this? It smells weird.
Shivaay: Green tea.
Anika: That chai which you made me drink once?
Shivaay: Yes. Now drink it without any tantrums.

Anika made faces and took a sip. It was so bitter that she wanted to spit it out but drank it.

Shivaay: I know it is bitter (cupping her face) But we are doing this for us right?
Anika: I will do it.

She drank the whole cup and saw that even her Shivaay was drinking it. She felt blessed to have him in her life. He then feed her fruits and boiled vegetables which with his special magic had given a different flavor, so that she could eat it without any difficulties. She feed him too.

Shivaay: Now juice which we will drink with others down.
Anika: It was so tasty. I didn't even feel like I am having some saada khana.
Shivaay: Because your dear husband has made it for your specially.
Anika: Then I would love to have more from my personal chef.
Shivaay: As you say madam. Now let's go otherwise Dadi will doubt. (remembering something)  Wait medicines. (giving her) Here gulp it down without any faces.

She gulped it and made a disgusting face. He kissed her forehead showing his proudness on her. They went down and joined others. No one doubted them and they sighed in relief.

Raghav: I should leave now. I'm already late.
Shivaay: Sure, Khanna will drop you to the airport.
Anika: Aa... Raghav you won't mind if I join you right. Actually I had go the market for buying some vegetables. So thought why not I drop you and then leave from there.
Raghav: Sure bhabi.  I don't have any problem.
Shivaay: But you can go in some other car also.
Anika: How can I?
Shivaay(confused): Means?
Anika: Bhulakar Singh Oberoi. One car you will take another Mahi. Then one Om and other Rudra. And one Baade papa and Papa will take. Will there be any other car left?
Shivaay: Aare one more is there naa.
Anika: Went to mechanics for repair. When you don't keep records of the house then don't burge into it. Samjhe. And don't worry I will come to you during lunch. (kissing his cheek) Now be a good boy and go. You have a meeting with the foreign delegates.
Shivaay: You surely know how to shut my mouth.
Anika(proudly): Aakhir Biwi kishki ho.

They laughed at their own talk. Shivaay kissed her forehead and said her to be careful. Everyone bid Raghav and wished him 'Happy journey ' except Priyanka. She stood behind the piller and watched everything. But she didn't know that her sweet Anika bhabi had already caught her. Raghav left along with Anika.

*Market Place*
After dropping Raghav and having a good talk with him, Anika was now roaming around the vegetable market near her chawl to pick up fresh onces for home. And as Shivaay had mentioned, Khanna ji was behind her following like a hutch dog.
After about an hour, when Anika seemed satisfied with her marketing, she was returning back to the car along with Khanna when someone went past her almost pushing her. She was about to fall when Khanna ji saved her. He got furious and was about to follow when Anika stopped him. But something caught her eyes.

Anika(thinking): No this can't be true.  I must be hallucinating. No. But I can't be so sure also. She can do anything.  I need to follow her.

She looked towards Khanna ji and said.

Anika: Khanna ji, you keep these bags in the car and come with me. We need to follow someone.
Khanna: Okay madam.

He ran to keep it while Anika started following the person who almost hit her. She was maintaining a safe distance so that she doesn't get caught. Few minutes later Khanna joined her.

Khanna: Ma'am why are we following that person?
Anika: It should be a secret between us only Khanna ji.  I guess that is Pinky Aunty.
Khanna: Pinky ma'am?
Anika: Yes I am hundred percent sure. But I don't get it why is she going like this covered in a shawl and without security?
Khanna: Ma'am I guess, she is upto something.
Anika: That is why I am following. Now keep quiet and let's follow her.

They kept in following her while sometimes Pinky would turn around and look behind if someone was following her or not. This continued till the reached the other end of the market and she went into the jungle. They kept on following silently until they reached an old factory. Pinky said something to the Man at the gate and went in. Anika and Khanna looked at it from the far and went back.

Anika: Something is definitely there in that factory.
Khanna: Ma'am, if you want I can investigate about it and let you know.
Anika: Thanks Khanna ji. You find out what is in that factory and let me know about it. Don't tell it Shivaay or anyone else in the house.
Khanna: Okay ma'am.
Anika: It should remain between us. Now let's go back to OM.

They left from there with so many thoughts roaming around their head.

Precap: Mona meeting Mr. Bajaj........ Talk between Anika and Raghav.......  Om surprising Gauri....... 

Phew!!!!!! 😔😔
Done with the chappy.....

Now shower with your votes and comments......

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