Chapter 21

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Hey people.....
It's me..... Back again.....
Is the story gripping your heart?
Want answers to it......
Now with new chapter......

*Bajaj Industry*
Mahi and Mona were standing in front of the huge building while she was clueless about why is she here.

Mona: Mahi why are we here?
Mahi: Please get me wrong.
Mona: You are scaring me Mahi.
Mahi: I... I tried to find out about your family without your consent.
Mona(shocked): What?
Mahi(guilty): I know I shouldn't have done that. But seeing your father's face, I recalled somebody. So just to be clear about it, I came to meet him. And fortunately, both the person are same.
Mona(shocked voice) : What do you mean to say?
Mahi: You are Mr. Bajaj's grand-daughter. That means your actual surname was Bajaj and not Rathode.
Mona(shocked): What? But how?
Mahi: I guess you should ask your grandfather about this only.

He guided her towards the cabin where Mr. Bajaj was already waiting for them. He looked at her and she also looked at him. He came towards her in slow steps and finally stood in front of her. He hesitated and thought what to do. She too was in the same state. Mahi remained the silent viewer of the whole thing.

Mr. Bajaj(cracked voice) : You are my grand-daughter?
Mona: That is what I am hearing from my husband.
Mr. Bajaj: Your father, Abhimanyu right?
Mona: Yes.....
Mr. Bajaj(forwarding a picture) : Is he the one?
Mona(shocked): How did you get this? And how do you know my father?
Mr. Bajaj: Your father is my Son, child.
Mona(shocked): What?

He nodded siletly thinking about the turmoil going on within her. She looked at Mahi and he nodded in agreement as if agreeing to the fact. She couldn't understand whether to cry in happiness that she got a family or with sadness that she had to remain orphan for such a long time.

Mona(stammering): I...... I...... Don't know what to say or what to do.....
Mr. Bajaj: Don't worry dear.  I can understand that you are in a dilemma. Take your time, think and whenever you feel better just come to me.
Mona: Thank you....
Mr. Bajaj: No need to be beta.  I can call you beta right? (she nodded with tears) God bless you my child..... (keeping his hand on her head hesitatedly)

She smiled with tears. Mahi came towards them. He held her shoulders in an affectionate manner.

Mahi: Don't worry Uncle. I am sure, she will come back to you soon.
Mr. Bajaj: That even I also pray son. And by the way what is this uncle, I am your grand father in law.
Mahi : I know Uncle but until Mona accepts you I can't too.
Mr. Bajaj: She is blessed to have you as her husband.

She smiled looking at Mahi which he returned. They felt from there promising to be back soon.

Mona was silent than usual and it was disgusting Mahi. So he thought of making her mood light. He turned to a different direction to go somewhere else. Mona noticed and asked.

Mona(confused): This isn't the route back home.
Mahi: I know....
Mona: So where are we going?
Mahi: Somewhere......
Mona: But where?
Mahi: You will get to know ......

She sat back and waited for him to take them somewhere.

*Half an hour later*
The car stopped on a lonely road. She looked around and was confused.

Mona(confused): Where are we?
Mahi: Beach.....
Mona(excited): Beach.....
Mahi: Hmm.....
Mona: Let's go.....

She got down from the car hurriedly and ran towards the beach. Mahi chuckled seeing her excitement. He followed her. She saw the blue clear water and started playing with it. Mahi kept on gazing her with a smile. She saw him standing alone and pulled him into the water with her. They played for sometime and finally sat down on the sand being exhausted.

Mona: I missed this....
Mahi: I know that's why I brought you here.
Mona: You have noticed me.....
Mahi: No.... Observed you...... If you want you can share anything with me.
Mona: I know...... But I need time to sort this out within myself.
Mahi: Take your time..... And whatever decision you make I will support you. But I would like to say you one thing- Think about that old man too. He has lost his son and now when he has got his grand-daughter , he won't be able to stay away from you at all. So think wisely before you come to any decision.

She smiled at him and nodded in yes and looked at the sea to find her answers.

*A. S. Enterprise *

Shivaay entered his personal cabin and saw his life standing in front of the window completely lost in her world. She was so much lost in herself that she left to understand someone's presence in the room. He went towards her slowly and back hugged.

Shivaay: What is my Anika thinking so much?
Anika(sighing and leaned on him) : Nothing..... Just thinking about Priyanka and Raghav and some other things.
Shivaay: What happened between them?
Anika(closed eyes): Priyanka is trying to ignore Raghav.
Shivaay(tightening his grip) : But why?
Anika(saw him with side face) : Because she doesn't want to get attached to him so much.
Shivaay: Really?
Anika: I guess, I can understand what is the problem. Priyanka doesn't want to get involved in Raghav because she thinks she isn't good for him. But she isn't understanding one thing that Raghav loves her.
Shivaay(shocked and leaves her) : What Raghav loves her? And you are telling me now?.
Anika(crossed arm) : Why? What would you have done?
Shivaay: I would have done a background check of him. Is he good for Prinku or not? Hell, his family? And....
Anika(calming him down) : Mr. Shivaay, if you are reacting like this for your sister then I pity our daughter. What will you do when she makes friends with boys?
Shivaay(shocked): What boy- friends? No never.... I will keep her 10 feet away from them.....

He kept on ranting and later realized that they were discussing about what.

Anika(tears): Shivaay, will I be to see our daughter naa?
Shivaay(wiping her tears) : Of Course Anika.... Now stop crying and let's have lunch.  I am very hungry. And you will continue with what Raghav said.
Anika: How do you know that Raghav said all these?
Shivaay: Mrs. Shivaay, you are forgetting who am I? I understood when you went to drop him. Now let's talk over lunch.

Anika served for them while Shivaay sat down beside her.

Shivaay(keeping a spoon full food in front of her ): Open your mouth.
Anika: Shivaay, it's your.  You eat I will have it myself.
Shivaay: I know you can't eat  all these so I am making you eat it from my hand.  You say me while I will make you eat.
Anika: And you?
Shivaay: I will eat after you. Now eat, you need to take medicines. Fast.

She opened her mouth and he stuffed it with food. She became emotional seeing him.

Anika: You care for me so much?
Shivaay: Without any doubt. Now say what he said.
Anika: I stared talking normally and later went into Priyanka's topic. ......


Anika: So Raghav, how many patients are waiting for you?
Raghav: Actually bhabi, some are my old patients and some new ones.
Anika: So Priyanka is completely fine now?
Raghav(hesitation): Yes she is fine. Totally fine. Her... Her family is with her.... Then what is the problem.
Anika: But she needs a doctor also to monitor her right?
Raghav: Whatever was needed I have already done it and I think no more doctor is needed.
Anika: But, yesterday only she went through so much and today only you are leaving her. Do you think she will be fine? I mean as a friend you should have been beside her.....
Raghav: As a doctor I was treating her. And I don't mix my professional life with personal life. I don't make my patients as my friend.
Anika: Really? But I have something else about you?
Raghav(stammering): What have you heard bhabi?
Anika: I won't tell you but you have tell me what happened?
Raghav: What are you talking about?
Anika: Between you and Priyanka. What happened?
Raghav(avoiding eye contact) : Nothing happened bhabi.
Anika: You can fool others but not me. Seeing the tension between you two I understood something happened. Say me. Feel free about it.
Raghav(stammering): I... I....
Anika(placing her hand on his shoulder) : You consider as your bhabi right? (he nodded) Then say me what happened.  I can clearly see that you aren't happy with this decision of yours. Say me what happened?

Raghav after a lot of hesitation said her what all had happened after returning from college.

Raghav: I can do anything for her, I can bear anything but not her hatred and ignorance.
Anika: But why?.
Raghav(closing his eyes in fear) : Because I love her.....
Anika: I knew it.
Raghav(shocked): What? But how? I mean I never said......
Anika: Bhabi hu sabki. Pata chaal jata hai ki kya kya ho raha hai ghar me aar sabki life me...... Don't worry it will be sorted.
Raghav: But how bhabi. She doesn't even want to see me as her friend then how can all these be sorted out?
Anika: Why to fear when Anika is here.  I will sort out everything and see within 7 days she will come back to you.
Raghav: Still the problem won't be solved Bhabi.....
Anika: Why?
Raghav(with tears) : I don't have a family...... I.... I am an orphan. And Shivaay Sir won't accept me.
Anika: You said you had a mother.....
Raghav: The babysitter who used to look after me in childhood has turned up to my mother after my parent's death.  I never knew that she wasn't my mother until my 18th birthday, she said me everything. Though she isn't my biological mother but she is not less than my mother.
Anika: Don't worry that will be solved too. Now currently, Priyanka has to understand her feelings for you.
Raghav: Bhabi, I just want to say you one thing. If she isn't agreeing to it then please don't force her. Her happiness is what matters to me the most. If me staying away from her makes her happy then I am willing to do that for ever.
Anika: Now I am sure that you are good for our Priyanka. Now I will definitely make you both together. And your decision of going back now is excellent. This will trigger some kind of feelings in her heart. And then a little push from her bhabis....... A wedding coming up...... Be ready to take your dulhaniya away......
Raghav(shy): Don't tease me bhabi.
Anika(laughing): Hahahahaha...... Don't worry Raghav, everything will be sorted.
Raghav: Thank you so much bhabi.
Anika: Mention not. See airport came. (getting down fron the car) Have a safe journey and call me when you reach. Okay?
Raghav: Sure bhabi.  I am geeting late. I should leave.
Anika: Yes...(waving her hand) Bye..... (he waved her back) And be ready for dulhaniya.... (she shouted)

Raghav ran into the airport to avoid further teasing while Anika laughed at his state.


Anika: That is what all happened.
Shivaay(eating his food) :Hmm.....
Anika: You won't comment on it?
Shivaay: What should I comment? You are there to handle it naa then why should I bother?
Anika(guilty): Are you angry on me that I didn't talk with you and took the decision?.
Shivaay(keeping his plate and talking her hands in his) : Did I ever said that I am angry or annoyed on you that you haven't take my advice on any family matters? (she nodded no) Then why are you thinking like this? I said that because you have taken away the burden from me and I don't want to interrupt or invade in your decisions. I have given you the freedom rather the right to take the decisions on these matters. So never think like that.
Anika: Sorry.....
Shivaay(hugging her) : Don't be...... I am not angry.  You know what is right and what is wrong and as I have said whenever you need my help just say me. I will be there beside you......

Anika hugged him tightly and they lived the moment fully.

*Mohi's side *
Mahi was observing Mona keenly. Her face was devoid of any emotions, it seemed as if she was in some deep thought. Only some occasional sighs were heard from her. He couldn't hold on more and asked her.

Mahi: Mona....
Mona: Hmm....
Mahi: It's almost past lunch time. We haven't eaten anything. Let's go and grab something to eat.
Mona: I am not hungry......
Mahi: But, you need to eat something otherwise you will fall ill. Let's go and have something light.
Mona: I am seriously not a mood to have anything. If you can then please leave me alone.  You go and do whatever you want.

Mahi was shocked hearing her reply. She wasn't rude to him but her words hurt him but he didn't understand why. He silently left from there leaving her alone. After sometime she realized what she did and started cursing her.

Mona(to herself) : Have you gone mad? Who shouts like that. He was just trying to help you out and you just shouted on him and pushed him away. (rubbing her face) God, I just screwed up.

Suddenly, she smelt something near her. She frowned and removed her hand to see and was shocked to see chaat in front of her. She looked up and saw Mahi looking at her intently. He gestured her to have it. She took it and about to say something but he went away. She looked at him going towards the vendor and payed him. He again came back and sat behind her with some distance silently. She sighed seeing him.

Mona: Have you eaten anything?

Mahi was surprised hearing her but decided not to talk. He just nodded his head as no. She glared at him and went closer to him.

Mona(putting a spoon full of food in front of him) : Open your mouth and eat.

He again nodded as no and she became confused.

Mona: Why aren't you talking?
Mahi(murmuring): Because you said so.
Mona: What?
Mahi(low voice) : You said not to talk.
Mona: When did I say?
Mahi(low voice) : Not directly but your words meant just shut up and leave me alone. But you see, I can't leave you alone here so I was maintaining the distance between us and sat quietly.
Mona(sighed): You don't need to do anything like that.  I am sorry.  I was just stressed and took out all the frustrations on you. I am sorry.
Mahi: It is absolutely fine.  I should have understood your inner turmoil. But I couldn't sit here and let you stay hungry. So I just asked you.
Mona: I know and I should have understood your concern also.  I am sorry. Now please eat this so that I can also eat.
Mahi: You have, I don't want.
Mona: You are still angry on me?
Mahi: No not at all. I wasn't even angry on you at all.
Mona: Then why aren't you eating?
Mahi: Okay, fine I am eating.

He opened his mouth and she stuffed it. He made her eat too. The setting sun witnessed the upcoming love story.

*Oberoi mansion *
Anika returned back and was going to enter when she saw Pinky entering. She frowned seeing her in her regular attire. She just let it go but halted seeing her dress torn at one end due to some sharp thing. Her doubt increased.

Anika(thinking): While going into the jungle there wasn't any thorny bushes around then how did her dress get torn? It means that something happened in that factory or someone did it? But who? I have to solve this mystery of this factory.

Pinky saw Anika and thought of a wicked plan.

Pinky(thinking): Just start counting your days here because very soon you will be sent up.....
But before that let's do something to bring peace to my heart.

She called a servent and said something to her. Anika wasn't aware about her as she was talking with Dadi regarding something.

Pinky(thinking): Now when you will be tortured then your husband will feel like killing himself which will give me peace. Get ready Anika..... Today you will get some special treatment from your dearest MIL.....

She smirked while thinking and went away to execute her plan.

*Rikara's room *
Om was pacing around the room and thinking something. Anika who just passed by saw him. She looked confused and entered after knocking.

Om(looking at the door) : Aare bhabi.... Come na....
Anika: Why are you walking like this and this tensed lines on your forehead? Everything is fine between you and Gauri?
Om: Everything is fine bhabi but I am not getting any idea......
Anika: Idea for?
Om(hesitating): Actually..... I want to make her feel special and I don't know how to do it.....
Anika: Baas itni si baat hai.... You are a fool.
Om: Why bhabi?
Anika: Being a painter and a poet how can you run out of ideas I don't understand.... Whatever you want ideas?
Om(gleaming with joy) : You have?
Anika(casually): Yes I have but before that one thing I want to make it clear to you.  If you hurt Gauri again then I and Bhaiyu won't leave you alive. Am I clear?
Om(holding her hand) : Don't worry bhabi.  I won't let such situation come up only.  I promise to keep your sister happy.
Anika: I have full faith in you. Okay, so the surprise that you can her is....... (muted)
Om(after hearing her) : Are you sure, it will work?
Anika: Nothing can be more better than this. So hurry now and go.
Om: Thanks bhabi.... You are the best.

He ran out to make the preparations while Anika chuckled seeing his excitement.

Anika was preparing dinner for everyone when she realized that oil is over.

Anika: How is it possible? Two days back only I had opened the new packet. I guess I have to bring another one. (seeing a servent) Niru....
Niru: Yes ma'am.
Anika: Is there any extra packet of oil in the home?.
Niru(recalling): Yes, ma'am in the storage room. Shall I bring it?
Anika: No, you let it be I will bring it. Till then you look over this curry. I will be back.

Anika went away while Pinky smirked while holding another jar of oil.

Pinky: Go, Anika and enjoy your tour.....

*Storage room*
Anika reached the room and left a bit uneasy.

Anika: Why it is cooler than usual? I guess because of the vegetables. Anika you are also crazy who buys so much all together.  I understood that you got all fresh and you bought without even thinking. Now what can be done. Let me find the oil and ran out of here otherwise I will freeze any moment.

She was already freezing but she ignored it and started her search. She looked around where the grocery were kept and grinned seeing the packet and picked it up. She was about to go back when the lights went off leaving her in absolute darkness. She instantly became conscious about it and tried to keep her fears away but it seemed to be taking over her control. She was already shivering due to cold and now because of darkness she was shivering more. She tried to move towards the door but a loud bang made her realise that someone closed it. She became white due to fear and started shouting.

Anika: Koi hai? Someone open the door.  I am stuck in here. Someone open the door.

She kept on banging the door but it seemed to be useless. The atmosphere around her started dropping more and she started shivering more. Nothing was coming up in her head what to do. She remembered that she was carrying her phone with her. She took it out with shivering hands and dialed the person who came in her mind.

Anika(shivering voice) : Hello..... Sh.... Shiv...... Shivaay........

And the phone dropped from her hand along with her making her unconscious.

*Rikara's room *
Gauri was arranging the cloths in the cupboard when Om entered.

Om: Gauri...
Gauri : Haa boliye Omkaraji....
Om(giving her a packet) : There is a dress in this. Get ready in it.
Gauri: But where are we going?
Om(smile): Somewhere.....

He smiled and went out leaving her in confusion. She just shrugged her thoughts away and went to change. After sometime she came out wearing a white coloured sari with white blouse and her unique ear rings(the gift Om gave Gauri before the separation). Her mangalsutra was enhancing her beauty. Om entered to be awestrucked in his position. The beauty in front of him was just gorgeous. He snapped out of his thoughts.

Om: Ready?
Gauri: Yes. But where are we going?
Om: Why do you girls always have to ask so many questions. Come let's go.
Gauri: But, let me inform didi and come.
Om: She already knows. Now let's go.

He left the room and she followed him. They settled in the car and zoomed out of the mansion.

*Storage room*
Here Anika's condition was getting worse. She was shivering way too much. No one was aware of her condition or where abouts. Suddenly the door opened and someone entered. He was Shivaay. He was shocked seeing her condition. He immediately sat beside her.

Shivaay(patting her cheek) : Anika.... Get up.... Anika..... (checking her pulse) It's dropping. No Anika you can't leave me.... Anika.... Get up....

He shook her vigorously and a faint voice was heard.

Anika(faint voice) : Shivaay.....

He got a hope and took her out of the room.

*Shivika's room *
Shivaay placed Anika on the bed and covered her properly with lots of blankets to provide her warmth. He started rubbing her hands and feet.

Shivaay: Anika.... Get up..... Nothing will happen to you..... Get up Anika.....

Rudra entered the room casually but was shocked seeing the condition of his superwoman.

Rudra: Bhaiya... What happened to bhabi?
Shivaay: I tell you later. Call the doctor fast.

Rudra went out and called the doctor and told Soumya too about it. She immediately came to the room with hot water and started compressing her hands and feet. After a few minutes , doctor arrived.

Doctor: She is extremely cold. How did this happen?
Shivaay: I actually don't know. She called me and just called my name before the call went blank.  I immediately returned home and started finding her. When someone said that she is the storage room. When I went there, the door was locked from outside and I entered to see her like this.
Doctor: Is the storage room some kind of cold storage?
Rudra: Yes, doctor. We keep the extra grocery and vegetables in it. But it is always in the minimal temperature not so low.
Doctor: I am afraid that someone tried to kill her.
Shivaay(shocked): What?
Doctor: Yes, Mr. Oberoi. Otherwise I don't think she should be in this condition in that temperature.
Shivaay: Even I also left that the temperature was too low for the room.
Doctor: See, I told you. But still she isn't out of danger. Though her breathing is quite back to normal. Still the changes of frost bite is very high.
Shivaay(scared voice) : Then what should be done doctor? Please tell me.
Doctor: In this condition only you can save her Mr. Oberoi.
Rudra: How bhaiya?
Doctor(seeing Shivaay's gaze on Anika) : I guess he has understood what I mean to say.
Shivaay: Yes, doctor.  I understood.
Doctor: Then I will take leave and tomorrow she might have  severe headache and slight fever. Don't worry about it it's quite normal. Give her this medicine in that case.
Rudra: I leave you till the door.

Rudra and doctor left. While Soumya was still in the room thinking what to do.

Shivaay: Soumya, can you give me...... (muted)
Soumya: Sure baade bhaiya. (she left)
Shivaay(carenessing Anika's hair) : I very well know who did it and I swear I won't leave her. But before that you need to be alright. Please forgive me for whatever I will be doing. (kissing her forehead) I love you.......

Soumya returned and left after Shivaay instructed her that no one should come to know about it especially Dadi. He closed the door and turned around to see Anika. He switched off the lights and......... (what happened?? Don't know.... 😜😜 Next chapter)

*Rumya's room *
Rudra was continuously murmuring something and that time Soumya entered.

Rudra: What did the doctor mean by only Bhaiya can save bhabi? I am getting confused.  I don't know what was the meaning behind it.

Soumya who heard him was trying to control heir urge to bang her own head listening to him.

Soumya: Hey bhagwan, what type of husband you have given me. He doesn't understand anything. Now this also I have to teach him.
Rudra(seeing her) : Soumya, did you understand what the doctor meant? (she was about to answer) Aare how will you know, when I couldn't understand then how will you.  You aren't intelligent like me right.
Soumya(angry): What do you mean to say that... That.... I am a fool.
Rudra(casually): Of course.
Soumya(angry): Rudra.....

He realised his blunder and ran away from her. She too ran behind her. They ran around the whole room when suddenly his foot tripped and he fell on the bed with her on the top. Their eyes met and created magic. They kept on staring eachother. He slowly tucked the loose end of her hair behind the ear making her blush. Her rosy lips were attracting him. He bend forward and she closed her eyes in anticipation. He was about to place his lips when.......

*Rikara's side*
Slow romantic song was playing in the background and both were having a constant smile on their faces. After sometime they stopped somewhere. Gauri looked around and found darkness all around.

Gauri(confused): Omkaraji where are we?
Om: Somewhere.... Now I will be tying this scarf around your eyes and dare you shout or protest.

He tied it around her eyes while she silently accepted it. He got out of the car and helped her out. She held his hand tightly. After walking for some distance, Om tried to free his hand but she held it more tightly.

Gauri: Where are you going?
Om: Do you trust me?
Gauri : More than myself.
Om: Then, wait here till I don't say anything.

Om left her there alone and went somewhere. She was waiting patiently. Few minutes later ,she heard him say to open her eyes. She opened the scarf and the scene in front of her made her shock. She was standing in front of room where paintings were kept. Those weren't ordinary paintings. It was She in those in every possible angle and every possible nature. Words were falling short in front of thses masterpieces. Om saw her shock face.

Om: Did you like it?
Gauri: Are these real? I mean ..... I don't how to express my thoughts and feelings. I am just.... I don't know.....
Om(smiling): Don't worry you will soon understand. Now let's go in and see.

He held her hand and walked in to see all the masterpieces. She was indeed very lucky to have a husband like him who has made her his inspiration. Her eyes weren't leaving. More than the paintings, the person who made it is making her feel so special.

Precap: Rikara's date continues...... Did the kiss get completed between Rumya??? How did Shivaay save Anika??? Will Mona accept Mr. Bajaj??? Priyanka......

Some are just random. But I guess it does come out to be good.

Making this SS into FF. Isn't alright for everyone?

Let me know through your votes and comments.....

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