Chapter 24

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Hey people......
New chapter.... New twists.... New turns.....
Let's see what's in store for you.....

*Oberoi mansion *
Shivika saw Priyanka leaving and sighed.

Anika: I just hope, Raghav is fine....
Shivaay: He is absolutely fine. Nothing happened to him....
Anika(shocked): What? Shivaay... (glaring at him)
Shivaay: What? You think only you have ideas to help people in love. Did you forget I am also an ishqbaaz..... (holding her by the waist) and I know what triggers whom....
Anika: Quite impressive Mr. Oberoi....
Shivaay: Only Shivaay.... No Oberoi....
Anika: But....
Shivaay(cutting her off) : Please I don't want to discuss about this matter now. Let's go and open our fast.
Anika: Okay.... But Priyanka?
Shivaay: Her concerned to be husband will do that honor. Now let's go.....

Shivaay literally dragged her towards the backward of the garden while she was confused.

Anika: Shivaay where are you taking me? Everyone is in the poolside for the puja.
Shivaay : Everyone but us will stay there. Because I have planned something for you.
Anika(huge smile) : What have to done?
Shivaay(slight smile) : Something called as surprise....

She just smiled and let hin do whatever he wanted to. They reached and saw the backward beautifully decorated with lights of various colours and a small table with all the required items for puja were kept along with their dinner. She smiled seeing it and admired with her eyes fully.

Anika: This is so beautiful Shivaay. When did you plan all these?
Shivaay: Yesterday only I had planned and thought of giving you a surprise but later I overheard about Karva Chaute and did the surprise here only. Did you like it?
Anika: I loved it.... Thank you so much Shivaay..... You are the best.....
Shivaay: I know... Now hurry and break the fast otherwise you will fall sick. The whole day you were working and working. I had told you not to do it but you didn't listen.
Anika: Haa toh... I am not so weak that I can't work also....
Shivaay: Haa... You forgot about your fever two days back and your condition after that incident but I didn't. So quietly do your puja and eat something fast.
Anika(murmuring): Saadu Singh Oberoi.....
Shivaay: I heard....

She stuck her tongue out to him and went to grab her puja plate.

(Every couple is doing the same thing. So writing a common thing)

Ladies saw the moon through the channi and then their respective husbands. Shivaay and Om smiled at their partners while the others were just neutral with various thoughts. Puja was done and now drinking water and breaking the fast.

*Shivika's side *
Shivaay was about to make Anika drink water when she started feeling dizzy. He noticed her and held her hand to prevent her from falling. He made her sit on the chair and himself sat in front of her.

Shivaay: Anika.... (patting her cheeks lightly) Anika... Open your eyes.... (placing the glass of water in front of her) drink this....

She drank the water slowly and opened her eyes.

Shivaay: Feeling better?
Anika(nodding her head) : Hmm.... You also have it.... Other wise you will also fall sick.

She turned the glass towards him and made him drink.

Shivaay: I had said you not to fast but you never listen to me. See now you aren't well also.
Anika: I'm fine Shivaay. It's just normal dizziness due to not having food.
Shivaay : Yaa, not having food.  You never take care of yourself.
Anika: You are there naa for me. Now let's have dinner.  I am very hungry. By the way what is there? I haven't even seen the menu today.
Shivaay: Anika.... Your's is different from others remember...
Anika: Of course I remember and is what I am saying.  I haven't seen what is specially there for me and you. And whatever it is it will be very tasty because my husband has made it especially for me.

He chuckled hearing her and settled himself opposite to her for dinner. He served her and himself and they spent some quality time.

*Rikara's side *
After the puja, Om took Gauri to their room which was decorated beautifully. Gauri was surprised seeing it.

Gauri: When did you do all these Omkaraji?
Om: When all the ladies were busy in bribing the moon to come out. Did you like it?
Gauri: It is so beautiful. Thank you for doing so much for me.
Om: I didn't do this to hear a thank you from you.
Gauri(confused): Then?
Om(whispering in her ears making her shiver) : I wanted to hear '' I love you '' from your mouth.

She blushed and avated her gaze downwards in shyness. He smiled seeing his effect on her.

Om: You still feel shy..... You should get used to it now.
Gauri: Hmm.....
Om(lovingly): Gauri..... Look at me......
Gauri(nodding her in no) : No..... I feel shy....
Om(lifting her chin up to make her face him) : Never look down in front of me. Always look straight and match with my eyes. Understood?
Gauri: Hmm....
Om: Let's have dinner.  I am very hungry.
Gauri: Oh god I forgot that you had also fasted with me. Come let's have dinner.

Gauri dragged him towards the balcony where, table was set for them. They sat down and he served them. They eat while feeding each other in between along with some basic talks here and there.

*Mohi's side *
After breaking Mona's fast Mahi was facing difficultly in breathing. He was far away from the others and sat down at the other end of the poolside. He didn't want to disturb others due to him, so he made himself distant. Mona was searching for him but was unable to find. She was holding a plate full of food food him to feed him and herself.

Mona(seeing Rudra) : Rudra, did you see Mahi?
Rudra: No bhabi. But what happened?
Mona: I am unable to find him and I am having a very bad feeling that something is wrong with him.
Rudra: Don't worry, bhabi.  I am looking for him.  You don't worry.

After assuring her, Rudra went in search of Mahi. Mona was also searching for him. She went towards the other end of the poolside and saw it empty. She was about to go back when she heard someone taking deep breaths. She followed and the scene in front of her made her still. The plate slipped from her hand and made a loud noise. This gained his attention and he looked at her. She was having a horrifing expression on her face. He tried to stand up but couldn't. She ran towards him and held his shoulders.

Mona(horrified): Mahi what happened? Why are you breathing so heavily?
Mahi(stammering): I.... I..... Didn't..... Taa... Take.... My... My..... Medicines........
Mona(shocked):   What? But why?
Mahi(tried to speak) : Fa.... Fas.... Fast....

He couldn't say it and became unconscious on her shoulder. She became scared seeing him loosing his senses.

Mona(patting his cheek): Mahi..... Mahi... Open your eyes....... (shouting) Rudra...... Om.... Baade bhaiya.... Someone help..... Mahi... Get up..... Om... Rudra..... Baade bhaiya......

Everyone came listening to her shouts. ShivOmRu were the first to reach along with others. They were shocked seeing their brother lying unconscious.

Shivaay: What happened to him?
Mona(crying): I don't know baade bhaiya. He was having difficulty in breathing and I tried to ask him but he became senseless. Bhaiya I am very scared.
Om: We should take him to the room.
Shivaay: Right. Rudra call the doctor. Mona don't worry nothing will happen to him.

ShivOm supported Mahi and took him to the room and laid him down. Mona was crying uncontrollably while AniGauYa were trying to control her. Even the other members of the family were tensed. Soon doctor arrived and checked him.

Shivaay: Doctor, What happened to Mahi suddenly?
Doctor: I guess he hasn't eaten anything since morning and is he under some medication?
Mona: Yes, doctor. He is a heart patient and has to take 3 medicines.
Doctor: Then I guess, he has skipped that too which lead to breathlessness and then he fainted.  I am giving him an injection. He will gain consciousness within an hour then make him eat something and give him his medicines.
Om: Sure doctor. 

Doctor gave injection and left with Om. Mona went and sat beside him. She held her hand in hers and started crying silently. Everyone left the room leaving the youngsters alone and prayed for Mahi's speedy recovery. Anika went towards Mona and held her shoulder.

Anika: Mona... Shant ho jaa. Nothing will happen to him. He will be fine.
Mona(crying): Bhabi.... I was thinking that why isn't he keeping fast for me when other husbands were.  You know I even said him heartless in my mind but I never knew that he will be keeping fast. Yesterday I thought he was joking that he would keep fast for himself.  I never knew that he is keeping for me like others. And now he is lying here because he didn't take his medicines.  I am so bad bhabi.... So bad.....
Anika(hugging her) : Sshh..... Nothing will happen. When you are there for him then what can happen to him. Don't worry he will be fine. You be with him. If you need any help don't hesitate to call us okay?
Mona: Hmm....
Anika(to others) : I guess we should leave them alone. We will come when he gains consciousness.
Shivaay: That's right. But Mona you said Mahi is a heart patient. How?
Mona: You both are twins bhaiya. So he has also inherited the same heart disease.
Shivaay: Then why did he become breathless without having medicine and I didn't?
Anika(shocked): Shivaay.....
Mona: I know you would ask this bhaiya. Actually, he has started his treatment recently I mean after we got married. So any skip of medicine will be harmful for him.  I should have remembered it. But I was so engrossed in my thoughts that I forgot.
Anika: I guess we should leave them alone. Call whenever you need.

Mona nodded and everyone left the room. Shivaay saw the change in Anika's face after the discussion. He thought of talking to her in their room.

*Priyanka's side*
Priyanka was standing in front of the hospital where she was being treated for almost 4 months. She feared that she won't be able to see his worst condition. She went into flashback what had happened before coming.

Priyanka along with Other ladies were waiting patiently for the moon, when suddenly Shivaay came up to Anika and said her something in whispers.

Shivaay(whispers): Anika, come with me. It's urgent.
Anika(whispers): But what happened Shivaay?
Shivaay(said a bit loudly deliberately to make Priyanka hear) : It's about Raghav and it's very important.
Anika: Okay.

They went a little far to talk and Priyanka kept on looking at their expressions. Anika was shocked hearing something and said something to Shivaay. Priyanka couldn't hold anymore and went towards them and the statement from Shivaay made her still in place.

Shivaay: Raghav isn't in danger still his condition can't be ignored.
Priyanka(shocked voice) : What happened to Him?

Shivika were shocked seeing her.

Priyanka: Bhaiya, what happened to Raghav? You were talking something about him.
Shivaay: Nothing... It's about someone else.
Priyanka: No bhaiya, I know very well you are talking about Raghav. Please say me what has happened to him?
Shivaay(sighed): He met with an accident in the morning while going to the hospital.

This was a bomb for her and she stumbled. But the right moment Anika held her.

Anika: Priyanka control yourself. Nothing will happen to him. Don't worry.
Priyanka(crying): Bhabi, he....... Accident.......
Shivaay: Sshh.... Priyanka nothing is serious. It was a minor accident but he has lost a lot of blood due to which doctors are saying his condition can't be ignored.
Priyanka: Bhaiya..... I want to go to him.  I want to meet him please bhaiya.....
Shivaay: But why? Who is he to you?
Priyanka(shouted): I love him..... Yes I love him.....

And she started crying hysterically. Anika consoled her......
(rest as the previous chapter last part)


She opened her eyes when she heard a familiar voice.

''Give me the report of this patient every hour and look into her case properly..... ''

She looked at the person standing in front of her with a small bandage on his head. She practically ran towards him and hugged him tightly. He was shocked seeing someone hugging him so tightly. He was about to break the hug only to be tighten more.

Priyanka(happy with tears) : Raghav, you are fine.  You don't know how much scared I became hearing about your accident. Thank god you are fine.
Raghav(confused): But how did you get to about the accident?
Priyanka(breaking the hug) : Shivaay bhaiya said it to me. He said that you were out of danger still your condition can't be ignored.
Raghav(confused): But how did he get to know that I fell from the stairs and hurt my head?
Priyanka(shocked): What?
Raghav: Haa, I was coming down the stairs hurriedly and missed my steps and fell down. But why did you come here for such a small incident?
Priyanka(murmuring): But Shivaay bhaiya said, he met with an accident while coming to the hospital and he is saying that he injured himself in the stairs. Why did Bhaiya said like this to me?

Raghav shook her and raised his eyebrows to ask what happened. She just kept on looked at him and a ting sound from her mobile grabbed her attention. She fetched her phone and saw a message from Shivaay. She opened it and read.

I know when you will get to know that Raghav had only a minor accident, you will surely want to kill me. But what could I do ,seeing your sad face only thing came up in my mind that is to send you to him because you can't live without him. Now stop being angry and break your fast from his hand and speak out your feelings.
Enjoy with him for few days and return with him only.

Shock would be an understatement that Priyanka was experiencing now. For the past 3 hours she was feeling as if she is going to loose someone very close to her and here her Elder brother was busy setting her up with her love. Thinking so much made her feel light headed and she was about to fall down but the right time she was saved by none other than her Prince Charming. She smiled and said which wanted to say to him for so long.

Priyanka(whispered): I love you Raghav......

And closed her eyes becoming senseless.

*An hour later *
Priyanka flickered her eyes and immediately closed them due to the light. She opened it again and looked at her surroundings and found herself on a hospital bed. She got up and was about to get down from the bed when a voice stopped her.
''Stay right there, Miss. Priyanka. Dare you put your foot on the ground..... ''
She looked up and found Raghav entering with a plate full of food and water.

Raghav: Who said you to leave?
Priyanka: I was just....
Raghav: Shut up. Did you even realize what would have happened to you?
Priyanka: What would have happened?
Raghav: Nothing. Now have dinner. We will talk about it later.
Priyanka: I can't.
Raghav: Why?
Priyanka: Because.....
Raghav: Because you have kept a fast and didn't eat anything since morning. Am I right?
Priyanka(shocked): How do you know?
Raghav(chuckling): I guess you are forgetting that I am a doctor. So I can come to know what has happened to my patients. Now drink this water and break the fast.
Priyanka(in mind) : But I want you to break the fast.
Raghav(in mind) : I know what you want but unless and until you, yourself say me to do it I won't.  Let's see who wins in this. (he smiled secretly) I was shocked hearing your confession and thought of distant myself from you. But Anika bhabi's talks rang in my ears. So I am behaving normally with you. Let's see what extant you go and confess again that to in your full senses.

Priyanka was taking the glass from the tray but acted like feeling weak. He understood her intentions and held the glass with her and made her drink it. She smiled secretly and so did he.  Now about food, what should be done. She was about to think when she saw him feeding her. No words were spoken between them still they felt comfortable with each other. After dinner, he was leaving the room when her voice stopped him.

Priyanka: I...... I...... Want to talk to you.
Raghav: But I have night shift tonight.
Priyanka (sad face) : Oh.....
Raghav: But if you can wait for me till 12 then we can talk.
Priyanka(happy): Sure. Where should I wait for you?
Raghav: Wait here only.  I will come. Now take rest.

Saying this he went away smiling and she also smiled at his retreating figure.
Seems like a new love story is about to start........

*Oberoi mansion *
*Rumya's room *
Rudra was walking to and fro the room and murmuring to himself.

Rudra: Rudra, who said you fast. Now see you haven't even opened your fast. How will you do also. Did you inform Sumo about it. No. You wanted to keep it as a secret. Now bear the consequences. God, please do something and send some angel to rescue me from this hungry.

Just then Soumya entered and saw him murmuring to himself.

Soumya: What's wrong with him? He is behaving weirdly today.  I should ask him. (calling him out) Rudra....
Rudra(became happy seeing her) : Sumo......

He hugged her tightly expressing his happiness. She stilled in her place seeing his action. She came back to present when he left her.

Rudra: You don't know how much happy I'm seeing you now.
Soumya(composing herself) : Why?
Rudra(said in a flow) : Because I am hungry and can't eat until you open my fast.

Her eyes widened hearing him and she was in shock. She didn't know what to think. She should be happy or excited or what she doesn't know. She kept on looking at him in shock. Rudra looked at her and saw her shocked face.

Rudra: What happened? Why are you looking so shocked?
Soumya(shocked): Did..... Did.... You keep fast for me.....
Rudra: Of course. Or for whom did you expect.
Soumya: No one.... But why?
Rudra: Because I also wanted to see how it feels to do something for someone special.
Soumya: You didn't do it in compulsion right?
Rudra(holding her shoulders) : I did it with my own will from my heart. Trust me.
Soumya(low voice) : I do..... Always..... And will be doing always......

He smiled at her and felt happy seeing her trust on him.

Rudra: Thank you for trusting me. But now I am very hungry. Please.....

He made a cute puppy face and she laughed seeing it. She freed herself and went to bring their dinner. On returning back, she made him drink water and soon enough he pounced on the food as if he was hungry for days. She chuckled seeing his antics. He saw her staring at him and he gestured what. She nodded in nothing and he just shrugged his shoulders and went back to his dinner. She too had hers.

*Mohi's room *
Mahi was still unconscious and Mona was still crying holding his hand.

Mona: Why did you do like this Mahi? Who told you to keep fast? If something happens to you then..... (got scared suddenly) no..... no..... Nothing will happen to you...... You can't leave me alone..... No..... Please get up..... Please.......

She kept on crying wetting his hand with her tears. His hand gripped hers a bit tightly which brought back her attention. She looked at his face and saw that he is trying to open his eyes. She came happy seeing it and came closer to him cupping his face in hers.

Mona: Mahi.... Open your eyes Mahi..... Open your eyes......

He opened his eyes slowly and saw his wife hovering over him with a tear stricken face. He came confused seeing her state.

Mahi: Were you crying Mona?

Unable to answer anything, she let herself fall on him on his chest and hugged him tightly. Her tears came out in flow and she started crying. He became concerned seeing her like this.

Mahi(carenessing her hair) : Mona..... What happened? Why are you crying?
Mona: You are responsible for this state of mine.
Mahi(confused): Me?
Mona(looking up at him) : Yes, you. Who told you keep a fast when you know you can't skip any of your medicines and if you do it will cost your life.
Mahi(avoiding eye contact) : I was just....
Mona(turning his face towards her) : You were just what. And for whom did you keep the fast?
Mahi(murmuring): For you......
Mona: What?
Mahi: Nothing....
Mona(getting up) : No I heard something. What was it?
Mahi: Aare, nothing.  I just kept it because everyone was doing...
Mona: You didn't had to keep it because everyone had.  I would have been happy if you hadn't kept it.
Mahi(with the flow) : Even when I had kept it for you, you will say like this?
Mona(shocked): What?
Mahi(realising what he said) : Oh god. She caught me. Now I am dead.
Mona(stammering): You..... You..... Had.... Kept it for me?
Mahi(acting casually) : I guess that is what I said just now.
Mona(coming out of shock) : Really? But why.....
Mahi: I just did what I felt it right. Now if your interrogation is over then please can we eat. I am hungry and I need to take my medicines also.
Mona: Bringing.

She went out to bring it while he got up and sat with the help of the bedrest. He recalled what happened before he fainted and went into deep thoughts.

Mahi: I have seen her so scared before. She still has such strong feelings for me.  I am scared..... Will I able to reciprocate her feelings back with the same intensity? If I fail...... Then will she leave me and go? No..... I can't loose her..... I can't.......

He was jerked out of his thoughts by a shake. He looked in front to see his wife standing with a worried look.

Mona: What happened Mahi? Are you feeling sick again? Should I call the doctor?
Mahi: I'm fine and you don't have to think so much.
Mona: Okay. Let's eat you need rest also.

He nodded and she made him eat and he did too. She gave his medicines which he gulped down within a second. They retired for the day but Mahi was wide away. He looked at his side to see his beautiful wife...... Beautiful, he thought. Of course she was but he was too blind to notice her beauty.

Mahi(thinking): I need to settle my restless heart and come to a conclusion soon otherwise either of us will be hurt. I need to settle this fast.

He drifted off to sleep while looking at her.

*Shivika's room*
Shivaay was constantly observing the changed behavior of Anika but was unable to comprehend anything. What shocked him the most was that she slept off without any good night or anything. He thought maybe she was tired and let the matter go. He too laid down beside her and was trying to get some sleep when some sobbing sound distracted him. He immediately understood who it was and instantly pulled her on top of him. And he was right. His wife was crying silently with eyes closed and big fat tears rolling down her eyes. He kept on wiping them but seems like they aren't ready to stop so soon.

Shivaay(softly): Anika..... What happened? Why are you crying baccha?
Anika(sniffing): I won't say.
Shivaay: Not even to me? (she nodded no) At least open your eyes princess..... (again no) Please..... For me.... Please.....

She finally obeyed and opened her honey-brown eyes and his heart squeezed seeing her glistering tears and red eyes.

Shivaay(cupping her face) : What happened Anika? Why are you crying? Did I do something wrong? Tell me.....
Anika(stammering): I.... I.... Got scared as well as angry.
Shivaay: Why?
Anika: When, you asked why didn't you fall sick like Mahi I was angry with you. And scared because if something really happens to you then? If today because of fasting your health detoriated then?
Shivaay(calming her down) : Sshh..... Nothing happened to me. You know why? (nodded in no) Because my wife, my life had kept a fast for my long life. Then how do you think something wrong will happen to me? And your anger is fully justified.  I didn't mean to say it intentionally. It just came out spontiniously. I didn't mean to hurt you Anika.  I am sorry.
Anika: I won't talk to you.  You have hurt me badly.
Shivaay: So you will not talk to me? (she nodded no) *sighed* Then what should I do to get your forgiveness? (again no) You don't no?(nodded no) Let's see.....

He kissed her forehead lovingly, then went towards her eyes and kissed each of them, then cheeks one by one. At last he was about to place his lips on hers when she shied away and buried her face in his chest. He laughed at her shyness and hugged her tightly.

Shivaay: Never end the day with confusion or anger or sadness. We will talk it out but always keep smiling. Okay?
Anika: Hmm.

He smiled and closed his eyes with her still on him. He felt her kissing over his chest and murmuring ''I love you.... ''.He smiled and kissed her crown murmuring back ''Love you too..... ''

Priyanka was eagerly waiting for Raghav and looking outside the window and observing the moon.

Priyanka(thinking): I have always seen Shivaay bhaiya and Anika bhabi looking at the moon and talking about their feelings.  I also have done it and I guess it has worked out. Now I will say about it to him when he comes.  I can't wait anymore.

Someone entered the room saying, '' I am sorry for being late.... Actually there was some emergency case.... ''

Priyanka(without turning) : I love you Raghav.....
Raghav(shocked): What?
Priyanka(turning towards him) : Yes, I love you and I know you also do.
Raghav: How do you know?
Priyanka: Just say that someone knocked some sense in my brain.
Raghav: And who is that someone?
Priyanka: Mom....
Raghav(surprised): Janvi Aunty?
Priyanka: Hmm.... Apparently everyone saw the feelings in your eyes except me.... (lowered her eyes and teared up)
Raghav(lifting her chin up) : You saw but was scared to accept it. Am I right?
Priyanka: Hmm.... I was thinking about you and your future.  I didn't want to associate myself with you so that you have me. I am already useless and I didn't want to make your life hell.
Raghav(cupping her face) : And why would you do that? You are such a pure soul. And it is the fault of that person who couldn't understand your value. Never think your inferior. Never.
Priyanka: Will you accept me like whatever I am?
Raghav(sincerely): I had accepted you the day when you arrived in this hospital....... Your calm face, blank eyes which searched for very deep answers caught me captive. Your pure heart had captured my heart..... Hearing about your past, I felt like killing that basterd..... And your tears were like knives to my heart...... I can stand everything but not your hatred, ignorance and tears.
Priyanka(smiled with tears) : You loved me since then.....
Raghav: Hmm.... And maybe I will be loving you henceforth.....
Priyanka: I want to hear it.....
Raghav(acting innocent) : What you want to hear? It was supposed to me who was waiting for you. So technically, you said and I accept your proposal.
Priyanka(shocked): What do you mean by you were waiting for me? Excuse me....
Raghav(giving her way) : You are excused......
Priyanka(hitting him lightly) : Raghav....
Raghav(giving up) : Okay baba.... (sitting on his knees in front of her) So Ms. Priyanka Singh Oberoi, you already know that I love you.... But still without any cheese lines.... I love you Priyanka..... Will you allow me to hold your hand? Will you allow me to be a part of your life? Will you allow me to live in your heart? Will you marry me?

Priyanka was smiling all the time and tears of happiness was flowing down from her eyes. She just couldn't say anything and nodded her head in agreement. He smiled and stood up. He wiped her tears while shaking his head as no and hugged her tightly. She hugged him back tightly.

Raghav: I'm sorry.... I don't have anything to give you except this.... (showing a simple chain with a small star......just like Anika's mangalsutra, except black beads it is simple gold chain)
Priyanka: This is so beautiful. Whose's it is?
Raghav: My mother's.  I have heard that when Dad had proposed her, he had given this chain to her and I am just following his steps. May I?

She moved her hair to one side and he slowly with delicacy placed the star chain around her neck, silently promising to bring the stars for her if she ever demands. She too smiled seeing it around her neck and touched it with her hand and instantly fell in love with it.

Raghav(holding her shoulder) : Did you like it?
Priyanka: I loved it.  You know this is not just a chain but blessings of your parents for me... For us....

He simply smiled and looked at her eyes. They were just lost in each others eyes. He slowly looked at her lips and then at her eyes which showed some sort of hesitation. Still she closed her eyes. She was ready for it and was waiting when she felt his lips on her forehead giving her the feelings of warmth and affection. She smiled and maybe again fell in love with him.

Raghav: I know you what you want.....
Priyanka(hugged him) : No doubt......

He smiled and sealed their new relationship happily with a love filled hug.

*Next Day*
*Raizada Industry *

Arnav was walking around the room with a tensed face. He didn't know how to say this to Anika.

Arnav(thinking): How will I say this to Aru? I don't know.  I think I should wait for the detective to come and give me the information about the factory again.  I shouldn't jump to conclusions. But if it is true then.... Not only Anika but Shivaay along with others will break.  I don't know what to do... I am just blank.

He threw all the things on his table away and it all crashed on the floor creating a loud noise. Someone opened the door with a bang and was shocked seeing the condition of the room.

''Are, you crazy Arnav? Who does that? It would have hurt you. ''

Arnav: Khushi, I am fine. (controlling himself) You say why are you here?
Khushi: I had come with your lunch. That we would sit and have it together and spend sometime. But seeing your hulk mode, I am thinking of changing the plan.
Arnav(sighed): I'm sorry Khushi.  I didn't mean to scare you. Actually, I am stressed out due to some work.
Khushi: You can share with me. I'm always free.
Arnav(smiling a bit) : I know that's why I can relax a bit. Let's talk over lunch.
Khushi: Sure, hubby dear.

She set the plates and arranged the lunch for them. While having lunch, Arnav said her everything which was bothering him. Hearing him, she was totally shocked.

Khushi: What are you saying? Is it true?
Arnav: I just hope, it isn't. Otherwise, I don't know what will happen to Oberoi family especially Shivaay. If he breaks, then I won't be able to save Aru. She will also die along with him.  I don't know what to do.
Khushi(holding his hand in hers) : Don't worry, Arnav. I am sure, God won't do anything  wrong with them. They have already faced so much in their lives and I have a feeling that now whatever will happen henceforth will be good for them.
Arnav: I just hope nothing wrong happens to them now.  I just want them to have a peaceful and happy life.
Khushi: Don't worry everything will be fine.

He nodded and hugged her tightly. He doesn't know what the future has in store for them but he has nothing in his hands. He can just pray and go on with his work.

*5 days leap*
There wasn't any major incident that happened in their lifes. Everyone was in their own world and least bothered about others. But still they were well aware what was going on in the house.
Anika was busy solving the mystery of the factory and Pinky Aunty while Shivaay was busy in some other stuff.  Mahi was still confused about his feelings as well as Rudy boy. Om and Gauri just enjoying in their new found love. Priyanka and Raghav , well working together and increasing their trust and love.
In all these, they had forgotten something very important but our Hero, Shivaay can never forget. Let's see what he is upto.

*A. S Enterprise*
Shivaay was thinking something deeply and trying to find some solution. Mahi entered his room and saw him in great thoughts.

Mahi: Shivaay, what are you thinking?
Shivaay(serious tone) : Of getting married again.....
Mahi(shocked): What? Have you gone nuts? You.... You... Are planning of getting married again and cheat on Anika bhabi. No... I will never let you do this.  I will never let you cheat on her. No... Wait I will just call OmRu and they will take a good class of yours.
Shivaay: Call them, but still I won't change my mind.

Mahi was shocked hearing him and didn't know what to do. He just called OmRu and told them to come immediately. Shivaay was still not moving away from his decision and was firm on it.

Precap: What is Shivaay upto? Is he really leaving Anika? Or some other plans?
Wow I just love doing it......

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