Chapter 25 (Silver jubilee special)

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Hey people......
Can't express my happiness seeing the chapter number....
Let's see what this chapter is storing for you all......


*A. S Enterprise *
Mahi was walking to and fro in front of the office corridor waiting for OmRu to show up. Omru walked in and went to Mahi.

Om: What happened? Why did you call us so urgently?
Mahi: Om, I don't know how to tell you both.
Rudra: Bhaiya, don't tell me you want to propose Mona bhabi and called us here.
OmHi: Shut up Rudra.
Om: You tell me. What happened?
Mahi(dropping the bomb) : Shivaay is planning of getting married again......
Omru(shocked): What?
Om: No you must be kidding right. Shivaay would never do that. He loves Anika bhabi a lot. No you are mistaken.
Mahi: I also thought that I have heard it wrong. But his serious tone, made me stop. He was damn serious about it.
Rudra: We need to talk with bhaiya and make him understand that he can't do like this. He just cannot cheat Anika bhabi like this.
Om: Exactly. And if he thinks that he will support him then he is thinking it very wrong. We will never leave our bhabi like this. Never. Let's go and talk to him.

Three of them just budged into the room but the talks of Shivaay stopped him.

Shivaay: Yes, exactly I want the best wedding collection of your store. I really don't care about the price. I just want the best one for my wife(with admiration in his eyes). Yes, I want you to deliver it a day before. Exactly.... And.....

He kept on talking and instructing to the person over phone while the others just left the room silently without making any noise. They were shocked to hear it.

Rudra: Bhaiya is actually preparing for his wedding and has already ordered the wedding gown for his wife. Now what should we do Om?
Om: I don't know what to do.

''What are you guys upto? '',came a voice and they all looked towards it to find Arnav standing. Seeing him, made them turn white instantly. He was the last person, they wanted to meet right now. They kept on looking at each other with a horrified look and didn't know what to say. Arnav saw their horrifying expression and became confused.

Arnav: Guys, why are you looking so scared seeing me? Am I looking like a ghost?
Rudra(murmuring): Right now, you are....
Arnav: Huh....
Om(composing himself) : Nothing he is just blabbering. You say, here suddenly.
Arnav: Is you are forgetting then let me remind you that me and Shivaay are doing a project together and for that he need to have meetings. So I came here for a meeting.
Mahi(stopping him) : But Shivaay isn't here.
Arnav(confused): Shivaay, isn't here? Then where is he? He knew that we were supposed to have a meeting today.
Mahi(making some excuse) : Maybe, he forgot or something. Why don't you come tomorrow?
Arnav(sighed): Maybe. No worries, I will come tomorrow. Bye guys.
OmRuHi : Bye..... Don't come back....
Arnav: Did you all say something?
Om: No nothing. You go safely.
Arnav(shrugging his shoulder): Okay.

He was about to go when he heard Shivaay's shouting voice. He, instantly turned around and looked for it. While, the others were like ''Gone... ''.

Arnav: Guys, I just heard Shivaay's voice. Did you hear?
Mahi: No, you must be mistaken. (looking at Omru) Am I right?
OmRu : Yes.... You must have mistaken.
Arnav: But, I clearly heard it. I think I should check it.

He crossed them and went towards Shivaay's personal room. OmRuHi were thinking how to stop him, but before they could anything he entered the room. They followed him as well.

*Shivaay's personal room*

Shivaay(angry voice) : How can you say that places aren't vacant? I had booked for it one month ago. Then how can you just cancel my appointment? You don't know with whom you are messing up. It is my wedding, the great Shivaays wedding and you are saying that you just forgot. Now tell me how am I going to convince my would be wife? I don't know anything. You have to make my arrangements otherwise I shut your business within fews minutes. Am I clear?

Shivaay stopped himself from breaking his phone in anger. He turned around and saw his brothers and brother in law standing. He smiled at them.

Shivaay: Aare, when did you all come? And why are you all standing there? Come in. And thank god Arnav, you came. I was about to call you only.
Arnav(controlling himself) : Why?
Shivaay: There is so many works to do and so many preparations to be done. And you know right I can't handle all these type of management things. Anika is expert on this.
Arnav(grinding his teeth) : So you remember that Anika exists?
Shivaay(confused): Why would I ever forget her? She is my wife, my love.
Arnav(bursts out): Exactly, she is your wife. Then why are planning to leave her?
Shivaay(more confused) : Huh.... Why did I say that I am leaving her?
Arnav(angry): Don't act innocent Shivaay. I very well know what you are upto.
Shivaay(happy): Really? Then please don't Anika about this. It is a surprise for her.
Arnav(shouts out): What kind of surprise... That her husband is getting married in front of her with someone else.
Shivaay(shocked): What? How? When did I say I am getting married?
Mahi: From the morning you are saying the same thing. And you have planned everything from dress to venue to everything.
Om: How can you do this Shivaay? How?
Rudra: Why bhaiya? Why are cheating on bhabi?
Arnav(angry voice) : Why the hell are you doing this Mr. Shivaay? Why are you trying to ruin my sister's life?

Shivaay was hearing everyone. Be couldn't understand what was actually happening around him.

Arnav: Now will you speak up or not?
Shivaay: If at all you all give me the opportunity to speak.
Arnav: Just say why are doing this?
Shivaay: First of all you all have a big misunderstanding. And tell me one thing guys, why would I marry someone else when I am already married.
Mahi: But you, yourself said that you want to get married again.
Shivaay: Yes, I said but that doesn't mean that I am marrying someone else. It can be that I want to get married to the same again.
Mahi: Then why did you say that you won't change your decision even if OmRu come?
Shivaay: Even now also, I am not changing my mind. I will get married and you all have to help me.
Om: That means, you want to get married to Bhabi again?
Shivaay: Exactly. What did you think?
Rudra: That you are getting married to someone else and cheating on bhabi.
Shivaay: Guys..... Are you nuts? Why would I even do that? Oh god... I hope you all haven't said anything to Anika, otherwise she will break due to your silly thoughts.
Arnav(cooling down): No we haven't. Then why is all these orderings, dress and venue?
Shivaay: Seriously, you all have forgotten. (they gave a clueless expression) after five days i. e Friday is our First marraige anniversary and I have decided to get marraige to Anika once again just like the way she wanted.....

Everyone was overwhelmed and shouted and hooted in excitement.

Rudra: Wah! Bhaiya this is like a bumper surprise.
Om: Exactly. Shivaay, you just won my heart again.
Mahi: This is the best thing that you are doing. I am so happy for it.
Arnav: I didn't know that my sister is so lucky to have a husband like you. I am sorry for doubting you, Shivaay. I shouldn't have done that.
Shivaay: It's fine. I understand your feelings very well.
Arnav: But what ever you are doing is worth it. Though I am angry on the fact that you married her forcefully but now hearing from you about remarraige, I am happy that she will get her deserved wedding.
Shivaay: I had thought of doing this in our 6 month anniversary but, thought upon doing this in the first anniversary.
Om: So, what are your plans?
Shivaay: So the plan is...... (muted will be further in the chapter)
Arnav: Excellent. But how did you get to know that she always wanted this of marraige?
Shivaay(smirking) : I have sources.
Arnav: Whatever. So any particular works for us?
Shivaay: Not so much. I have managed almost everything. The only thing left is to go to the destination.
Mahi: When are we leaving? And aren't you going to invite family?
Shivaay: I have managed everything. We will be leaving tomorrow. Everyone of us which includes you too along with Khushi and Arshi.
Arnav: How will we go?
Shivaay: My private jet. So tomorrow by 7 be ready and reach airport, we will meet you directly there.
Arnav: Okay. So I guess, I should leave now.
Shivaay: Wait. Actually I had to ask you something.
Arnav: What?
Shivaay: I want to ask your Sister Arundhuti's rather Anika's hand for marraige. Will you allow me to be your sister's betterhalf?
Arnav: Shivaay, why are you asking this? Aru is already your wife. Then why all these?
Shivaay: I know, Anika is my wife. But I want to marry her with all the customs and rituals this time. And if I am not wrong then the first custom of marraige is to ask for bride's hand from her Father. Since he is not in this world, you being her elder brother, I am asking you. Will you allow me to hold her hand forever?
Arnav(overwhelmed): Shivaay, you won my heart once again. I can't understand how to express my thoughts to you. I am so happy for Aru now. Of course, I give my Sister's hand to you. But remember, if ever any tear comes out her eyes because of you I won't wait for anyone and kill you the next instant. Am I clear?
Shivaay(assuring him) : I assure you Arnav, Not a single drop of tear will escape Anika's eyes. I promise. This is Shivaay's promise to you and you know that I never break any promises. (looking at others) And you all are the witness to this agreement of alliance.
OmRuHi (happy) : Of course, without any doubt.
Rudra: Bhaiya, don't worry I have already recorded.
Shivaay(rolling his eyes) : You are crazy. I guess, we should be get going. Because tomorrow we are leaving for the destination and from day after tomorrow all the marriage ritual starts.
Arnav: As you say. So I am taking your leave. Meet you all at the airport tomorrow.
ShivOmRuHi: See you tomorrow.

Arnav left while the others stayed back to have a small discussion about it. Later they also left for home.

*Oberoi mansion *
Obros were entering the mansion when Shivaay stopped everyone.

Shivaay: Guys, please don't anything to Anika. Please. I want to give her a surprise.
Om: Don't worry, we won't.
Rudra: Bhaiya, you don't do anything naughty with bhabi okay?
ShiOmHi: Shut up Rudra.
Mahi: We should inform our wives naa.
Shivaay: Yes, but please tell them not to disclose anything.
OmRuHi: As you say, highness. Now can we leave?
Shivaay(chuckling): Yes, go. All desperate onces to go to their wives.
OmRuHi: Says, the one who is always in his wife's thoughts.
Shivaay(avoiding the topic) : Okay, guys. I guess we should get going. We have a long day tomorrow.
OmRuHi: And a long week ahead. Shivaay: Yaa... Bye. Meet you all in dinner.

*Shivika's room *
Shivaay entered to see his wife talking over phone with someone.

Anika: Haa, baba I will take care of myself. And you too take care of your yourself. I love you too.... Bye.

She hanged up and smiled brightly while Shivaay was fuming in jealousy. She turned around and saw Shivaay.

Anika(happy): Aare, Shivaay when did you come?
Shivaay(jealous voice) : When you were busy with your phone.
Anika(teasing him) : Did you hear everything? (making a faked shocked face) Haww! Now what will happen. You got to know everything about me.
Shivaay(pulls her towards him and locked her hands behind her back) : Whoever it was I don't care. But you should remember one thing that YOU ARE MINE and no one can ever take you away from me. (said in a possessive tone)
Anika(looking straight into his eyes)f You don't trust me?
Shivaay: I don't trust the other person. We have already suffered so much due to trust issues and now also you are asking me about it.
Anika(smiled a bit) : So that means you are jealous. Am I right?
Shivaay: Without any doubt.
Anika: Aww.... You look so cute when you are jealous.
Shivaay(irritated): Stop calling me cute. Aare girls die for a single glance of me and say how handsome I am but here my wife is calling me cute.
Anika(getting possessive) : Who calls you handsome? And why do hear to them?
Shivaay(teasing voice) : So someone is jealous.
Anika(avoiding eye contact) : Who said that? I am just telling that those girls don't have eyes. From which angel you look handsome.
Shivaay(slow husky voice) : So I am not handsome?
Anika(whispering): Shivaay, what are you doing. Someone will see us and moreover door is open too.
Shivaay: No one will see. Everyone is busy with their work. Now say me am I handsome or not?
Anika(whispering): Yes..... But only Mine.....
Shivaay(smiled): That's like my girl.....
Anika: Now let me go. I have so many work to do.
Shivaay(tightening his hold) : But you still didn't tell me whom were you talking to?
Anika: Sahil..... He was freaking out about his Maths exam tomorrow so I had called him to motivate him.
Shivaay: Hmm.... Not bad.
Anika: As always....
Shivaay(leaving her) : Now you have to do so many things.
Anika: What?
Shivaay: Tomorrow, I am going for a business meeting to Goa.....
Anika: Business meeting and that too in Goa. No you won't go alone. There girls were so short dresses. Haw, everyone is so Chepde..... Haw....
Shivaay(closing her mouth): Shant, meri Jhansi ki Rani..... Let me complete the whole matter then speak. Now I am removing my hand and dare you speak anything. Okay? (she nodded) Good(removing his hand). You are also coming with me. Don't worry everyone else is also coming. OmRuHi and GauNaYa along with Arnav and Khushi also.
Anika: Why everyone is going?
Shivaay: I and Arnav were supposed to go. But thought why not to take our wives along with us. It would a great for us as well. Even OmRu had some meeting too. So.... And Mahi, he needs to be there with me as we are joint memebers. And moreover (spoke huskily) Let's think this as our honeymoon too. What do you say wifey?
Anika(blushed): Shivaay......
Shivaay: Aww.... You are blushing Anika. Now hurry and pack some important stuffs only. We will be staying for 2 weeks approximately.
Anika(shocked): Two weeks? Who will manage the house in our absence?
Shivaay: Baadi maa is there naa. Don't worry. Now pack fast and we need to have an early dinner.
Anika: Shivaay, aren't you forgetting something?
Shivaay: No, I am not. That's why I said early dinner because we need to visit Arjun for your check up. (cupping your face) I remember it,Anika. Since, we are leaving tomorrow, I asked him for an appointment today. He said to come after 10. He will be on night duty and he will check you.
Anika(scared): Shivaay, what if there isn't any improvement?
Shivaay: I won't stop loving you.
Anika(tear filled eyes) : Are, you saying the truth?
Shivaay: Without any second thought. Now hurry. I will help you with it.
Anika: No, you freshen up first. I will manage. Go....

She pushed him towards the bathroom and herself started packing for the trip.

While on the other side, the other couples were excited about Shivika's remarraige and had started planning for their gifts as well.

Shivika were waiting for Arjun to show up who had gone for his routine round. They were silently waiting holding each others hand as support. Arjun entered breaking their trans.

Arjun: Sorry to keep you waiting guys.
Shivaay: It's fine.
Arjun: So shall we start? Are you ready Anika?
Anika(looking into Shivaay's eyes): Hmm. I am ready bhai.
Arjun: Let's go then. Shivaay, you wait here. We will be back. (he left them)
Shivaay(holding her hand tightly): Don't be scared and always remember that I love you.
Anika: Love you too.

He let go of her hand and she moved out with Arjun. He sat down on the couch and could do only one thing that is to pray.

*After 15 minutes*
Arjun entered and Shivaay stood up seeing him.

Shivaay(scared): Arjun, how is Anika? She is fine right? Any..... Improvement....
Arjun(smiled): I must say Shivaay. You love Anika a lot. Whatever I had expected the results to be is way more better.
Shivaay(confused): I am unable to understand what are you trying to say. Please explain.
Arjun: Like I had said after the treatment for one month, her chances of becoming pregnant and completing the full term was 60%. But seeing the results now, I am fully sure that her changes have increased to 70%. Which is quite remarkable.
Shivaay(happy): You are telling the truth right?
Arjun: Why would I lie to you Shivaay? But that doesn't mean that the threat upon her has reduced. If by any chance, she conceives twin babies then it will again be dangerous for her.
Shivaay(shocked): What can be done for it?
Arjun(sighed): I guess, then we have to abort one of them.
''Never!!!! ",came a loud voice. They turned around and saw Anika standing by the door with tears flowing down her eyes.
Anika: I would never do that. If by chance I have twin babies, I will keep them and no one can even dare me to abort one of them. And I am very serious about it. (said while looking at Shivaay with a strong determination)

Shivaay could just stare at her. Her eyes full of determination was making him weak to argue with her. Arjun sensed the situation and left them alone. Shivaay couldn't hold himself anymore and sat down on the couch with a thud and let his tears flow down. He didn't want to show them but he was helpless right now. He just couldn't stand against his wife seeing her determined look. He covered his face and cried silently. Anika saw him breaking in front of her and she just couldn't possibly do this. She sat beside him and hold his shoulder.

Anika: Shivaay.... Please.....
Shivaay(crying voice) : What do you expect me to do Anika other than crying over our fate? I am helpless. For the second time in my life, I am feeling so helpless Anika.
Anika: Have faith on God Shivaay. He won't do anything wrong.
Shivaay: But you say me why are you doing this? What happens if you are actually pregnant with twins? Then I have to loose you. No.... Anika.... I will die if something happens to...... No.....
Anika: Shivaay.... Shant ho jayiye.....
Shivaay: I can't do this.... No you will leave me..... No....
Anika(shouted): Shivaay.......(cupped his face) Listen to me carefully okay and don't interrupt in between. (he nodded) What had you said me when we first came to the hospital for my treatment? Do you remember? (he nodded) . What had you said to me?
Shivaay(whispering): Shivaay will fight with destiny, death and God to bring you back. I promise you Anika, I will always be there by your side. And we both will pass through this phase together.
Anika(whisper): See, you remember everything that you had said to me then why are you backing out of it?
Shivaay(whisper): Daar lagta hai.... Tumhe khone ka.... Tab bhi tha aaj bhi hai.....
Anika: Toh iss daar ko bhula do....
Shivaay: How?
Anika: Have faith in your yourself.... Have faith in me..... Have faith in God..... Have faith in our love..... And lastly have faith in us..... Shivaay, we have crossed so many hurdles so many problems in our live together. And I am sure, this time also we will cross the hurdle together....
(placing her hand in front of him) We will do it together right?
Shivaay(keeping his hand on hers) : We will..... And we will be surely succeed.

She smiled and hugged him tightly, suddenly feeling scared as to what will happen to him if she actually goes away. He, too hugged her tightly fearing of losing her. Arjun was the silent spectator of that. He too had tears after seeing their love for each other.

Arjun(talking to himself) : I will surely try everything what ever is there in my hand to save both Anika and her baby. I will not break this happy family so easily. (entering the room and disturbed them) Ahem...... Ahem..
Shivaay (breaking the hug) : You had to come now only?
Arjun: What to do. I had to interrupt. Because it's already midnight and I guess you should go home and rest. Don't forget Anika is under medication and her proper rest is very important.
Shivaay : I remember no need to tell me (looking towards her )You go to the parking lot I am coming in some time (she nodded and went out of the room. He turned towards Arjun) I want to ask you something very important will it be fine if I try to be close to Anika?
Arjun: Close means what?
Shivaay(sighed): Actually......

And he said him all his planning of remarraige.

Arjun: So you mean to say that close.....
Shivaay: Yes.... Nothing should be hidden from you since you are Anika's doctor now. So.... You see our first time wasn't in our will means we were intoxicated and then...... You understand right? So I want to do something special for her this time as our First night.... You understanding naa?
Arjund(teasing mood) : I never knew that I had to hear about my best friend's private moments.
Shivaay(embarrassed): Arjun please....
Arjun(laughed out) : Sorry, I was just joking. But on a serious note, I think you can but remember upto a certain limit only. When you see or sense that she is tired just leave. Otherwise it would be dangerous.
Shivaay: I keep it in my mind. And yes, you are also invited in our marriage. We are leaving tomorrow. Want to come with us?
Arjun: No bro. I am a doctor so I can't take leave like this randomly. Don't worry I will surely attend your wedding.
Shivaay: As you say. Well I should leave otherwise Jhashi ki Rani will kill me.
Arjun(laughed): Okay.. Bye.... Good night and take care of her.

Shivaay left and reached the parking lot to see his wife sleeping peacefully on the back seat. Thank god he had brought Khanna with him because he was too nervous to drive. He ordered him and settled himself beside her. The car roared through the dark night while our couple slept off in each others embrace.

*Next day *
*Oberoi mansion *
The youngsters were getting ready for the trip. And were almost ready for the journey. Except Anika, everyone knew the exact reason for the trip which made them all the more excited. They all arrived for breakfast and completed immediately.

Shivaay: We need to get going otherwise we will be late.
Dadi: Enjoy your trip and happy and safe journey.
Janvi: Anika, enjoy the trip to the fullest and don't let worry or sadness came in between.
Anika: Of course Baadi maa. But you know how Shivaay is when it comes to work. He forgets everything and becomes busy in it. Then you tell me how am I supposed to enjoy? Thank god atleast the Girls are going too otherwise I would have been so bored.
Janvi: Don't worry he won't be busy at all.
Anika(confused): Huh....
Shivaay(managing the situation) : Nothing. We should get going. Bye Baadi maa.... Bye Dadi.....
JanDi: Bye kids. Enjoy.....

They left the Mansion and that moment only Pinky(or Rinky) came out from her room.
(Guys I know you all are confused. So let me tell you, when Rinky is in OM she will be addressed as Pinky and when with Kamini then as Rinky. Am I able to clear your doubts)

Pinky: Oh my maata, they again went away for a trip. Fews days ago only they went for one again they went. Good knows who will look after the household chores.
Janvi: Pinky, stop over reacting. Now is the time for their adventures and outing. If they don't go for trips then who will? And don't worry, I will manage the house. You don't have to do anything. (taking dadi with her) Chaliye mummyji.

Janvi and Dadi left while Pinky smirked.

Pinky: Now when they are away from the house, I can go to the factory and work on my further plans. I need to do everything fast otherwise that Anika will do something. 20 years of hardwork just can't be ruined by some random person.

She too went out silently.

The Oberois reached the Airport and was patiently waiting for the Raizadas. And within few minutes they too showed up. Arshi, upon seeing Anika just ran towards her.

Arshi: Bua......
Anika(opening her arms for her) : Arshi.... (hugged her tightly) I missed you so much.
Arshi: I missed you too. You didn't come my house after that day.
Anika(covering her mouth) : Arshi, please don't talk about that day. Please.
Arshi(nodding her head) : Okay. But when will you come? I want to play with you.
Anika: I will come. Pukka..... Won't you meet others.
Arshi: Yes..... (she went towards others to greet them)
Arnav: After getting your niece, you have forgotten you Bhaiyu....
Anika: How is it even possible that I will forget you?
Arnav(hugging her sideways and kissed her crown) : That's like my sister. (whispering into her ears) Are you fine? That day you had fever...
Anika(whispering back) : I am fine bhaiyu and it was 10 days back.
Arnav: Still....
Gauri(pouting): Huh!! You both always forget me.
Arnav(hugging her sideways and kissing her crown) : How is it possible? So how is my little sis?
Gauri: Good.... Very good....
Arnav: Accha... So what is reason behind your so happy and joyful mood?
Gauri(blushed away): Nothing bhaiyu....
Arnav: Seeing your blush, I can predict that something good must have happened. Am I right? (she nodded) I am so happy for both of you(looking at both of his sisters with admiration)
Arshi(standing with her hands on the waist) : Dad, you forgot my other two buas.
Arnav(leaving GauNika) : No I didn't. (looking towards SoumNa) Won't you meet your brother?
SoumNa(with tears) : Bhai.... (hugged him) We missed you.
Arnav: Me too.
Shivaay(interuppting them) : Guys if your family time is over then can we please get going. We are already late.

Everyone nodded and they went into the airport. Their checking was done separately as they were Special Guests.... 😂😂😂😂 and boarded the flight. It was beautiful from inside with all types of facilities. Everyone settled themselves like sitting in couples and the flight took off. Airhostess came and served juices for everyone.

Anika: Shivaay, this is the first time I am traveling with you.
Shivaay: I know that why special food has been made for you.
Anika(excited): Really? What is it?
Shivaay: Why don't you see it yourself.

The Airhostess served her and Anika jumped with joy.

Anika: Pav bhaji and Aalo puri....
Shivaay: Hmm... Just like the way you love.
Anika: But I can't have these....
Shivaay: Why?
Anika: Did you forget I am under medication and I have to eat only boiled food.
Shivaay: Then, Mrs. Shivaay let me tell you that I haven't forgotten anything and this is purely made in low oil or almost no oil. So eat it fast before it becomes cold.
Anika: Okay.....

Anika dived into her food and was just enjoying the flavor. She didn't realise that it was made in Olive oil. By the time, she finished her head was spinning.

Anika: Shivaay, I am feeling dizzy. I don't know why?
Shivaay: Oh nothing to worry Anika. Maybe due to pressure change you are experiencing.
Anika: Maybe.... I will just come from washroom. (she stumbled wjile getting up)
Shivaay(holding her) : Anika.... Wait I will help you.

Shivaay helped her reach but before that only she fainted in his arms. He picked her up instantly.

Shivaay(thinking): I am sorry Anika. But I had to make you sleep. So I had asked the hostess to add sleeping pills in your food. Please forgive me.

He took her towards the bedroom and made her lie down softly and covered her with conforter. Arnav saw it and rushed towards them.

Arnav(concerned voice) : What happened to Aru suddenly?
Shivaay: Nothing. I just gave sleeping pills to her so that she sleeps till we reach. Don't worry. I just want to surprise her.
Arnav: As you wish.

He went out and Shivaay stayed back with Anika. He sat beside her and carenessed her hair.

Shivaay(thinking): From today, your life will be full of colour, Anika. And today is the first step towards your Fairy Tale Journey.....

He kissed her forehead softly and sat there silently seeing her beautiful face.

*Evening time*
Anika opened her eyes to find herself in an unknown place. She was confused and then recalled that she had fainted in Shivaay's arms in flight and how she is in some sort of cottage. So she concluded that they had reached and she was in their allotted room. Her eyes caught something on the side table and she picked it up.

Woke up? Good.... Now don't panic and listen carefully. We have reached Goa and since you had fainted and was sleeping I didn't feel like waking you up.
Now like a good girl, go and open the cupboard.....

She frowned, cupboard but why? She got up from the bed and opened it. Her breath hinjed seeing the beautiful green gown in front of her. She slowly traced her hand over it feeling the soft fabric under her skin. She smiled and a note caught her attention. She took it out and read.

Green is that colour that shows lively hood and your smile is the one that brings life in me.....
So, did you like it? Of course you would after all it's your husband's choice. So now quickly get yourself into the dress and wait for your devranis and bhabi to show their magic on you.

She just couldn't stop the smile on her face. She quickly took the gown and got herself into in. She stood in front of the mirror and saw her reflection and couldn't stop admiring her. A knock broke her trans. She knew who would be and opened the door. There stood her devranis and bhabi with a huge smile.

Khushi: Come on Girl. Time to make you look pretty......
Gauri: Didi you are looking so beautiful.... I must say Baade bhaiya has good sense of fasion.
Soumya: Let's do our work fast otherwise Baade bhaiya will eat up our heads if we are late.

They all rushed in and made Anika sit in front of the mirror. She was about to ask them the reason for this but they just shut her up. Helplessly she sat and allowed them to do whatever they wanted to.After 20 minutes, they finished their work and said her to open her eyes.

Khushi: Now you opened your eyes slowly.

Anika did, as told and she gasped seeing the lady in front of her. She couldn't recognize herself at all. Messy bun with some curls, shiny bright eyes with light make up and light pink lips.

Anika: This is amazing. I look so different.
Gauri: You look not less than a princess today. I am sure Jiju will forget about his surprise.
Anika(confused): Surprise?
Mona: Nothing bhabi. Now our work is done. Next will be done by your devars and Bhai.
Anika: I am not at all understanding what is happening here. Will you all tell me?
Soumya: You will come to know soon bhabi. We must leave now. Bye.....
Anika: But.....

They just left the room abruptly without even giving her any explanations. Anika thought what was going on and why is everyone doing such things. She thought maybe some party had arrived and so she was being decked up. But little did she know the actual reason for it. Few minutes later, another knock came and she opened to see her devars and Bhai.

Arnav: Now this is how I wanted my sister to look. Just like a princess.
Anika: Thanks bhaiyu. But what is happening? I am unable to understand.
Rudra: Nothing bhabi, just some....
Om: Why don't you come with us and see it yourself.
Mahi: And I bet you would love it.
Anika: Okay, let's see what you all are upto. By the way you all are looking good in this suits.
Arnav: Thank you sister. Now let's get going.
Rudra: We are here to escort you.
Anika: Escort where?
Arnav: Curiosity killed the cat. So please sister have patience and wait for it.

Without any further talks, Anika locked her hand with Arnav's and walked out. Others followed them behind. Later their wives joined them wearing gowns of the same colour as hers and Khushi held Anika's other hand. She smiled at them and came the private beach of the hotel at the back of the hotel. The beach was beautifully decorated with lights and flowers and slow winds were blowing to make the ambiance soothing. She looked around and smiled. The thing that caught her attention was the bannner.

''Welcome to Shivika's engagement ''

She was shocked seeing it and looked at Arnav for an explanation.

Arnav: Yes, you read it correctly. It's your and Shivaay's engagement today.
Anika: How? I mean I can't understand anything...

''I will make you understand Love... '' She turned and saw her husband as usual looking handsome in his suit with matching green tie as her gown. She couldn't help but stare at his handsome face.

Shivaay: I know that I am looking hot but that doesn't mean that you will keep staring at me like this.
Anika(shied away) : I wasn't staring at you.
Arnav(whispering): I also have to agree that you were actually staring at him.
Anika(embarrassed): Bhaiyu.....
Shivaay: Okay Arnav now stop teasing her. (asking for her hand) Will you do the honor please My Lady?
Anika(giggled and gave her hand): From When did you become so cheesy?
Shivaay(pulling her towards him slowly) : From the time I realised that I love you.....
Arnav: Shivaay, you can't flirt with my Sister openly and that too in front of me.
Khushi(silencing him) : You are her brother not father.... So being so strict.
Arnav(puppy face) : At least let me enjoy teasing them.
Khushi: No ways..... (to shivika) What are you guys waiting for. Go on......
Shivaay: Come.....

He was guiding her and on the way Priyanka, Raghav and Sahil were waiting for them.

Priyanka(hugging her) : Bhabi, I am so happy for you. You looking so pretty.....
Anika(breaking the hug) : Thanks Priyanka. And I guess, you have got your happiness.... (looking at the way Raghav was holding her by the waist)
Priyanka(blushed): Just because of you and bhaiya....... Otherwise, I would have lost him forever......
Anika: Never....... I wouldn't have allowed it to happen.....
Raghav: I should say thank you to you bhabi.... For you I got my love......
Anika: Now, you are making me feel as if I have done some big job. It was my duty..... Or rather my wish to see both of you happy....
Shivaay(cutting them in between) : If your Nanand-Bhabi talk is over then can I please proceed with my plans?
Priyanka(giggled): Sure bhaiya.....
Anika(confused): What plan?
Shivaay: You will get to know soon. Now let me take you somewhere.
Anika: Where?
Shivaay: Patience......

He took her more ahead and she became shocked seeing the view.

Shivaay: Did you like it?
Anika: How did you know that I always wanted to have my engagement on a beach and a swing setup with white flowers?
Shivaay: Nothing is impossible for me to know about you. Now let's go.
Anika(stopping him) : Not before, you give me an explanation of this?
Shivaay(talking a deep breath and holds her hands in his) : Anika, the first time we got married was out of force. I had blackmailed you to get married to me by keeping your brother in captive. And the next day, I gave you the divorce papers to leave my house. But somehow, Dadi made you stay back and I think that was the best decision she had taken. Then, Daksh tried to snatch you away from me. Believe me, Anika that time I was so scared seeing you lying there unconscious in my arms, I just couldn't understand why. When Mrs. Oberoi doubted me upon Tia's pregnancy, you stood by me even when I had done so much wrong with you. When, that shooter was aiming at you, just one thing came in my mind that I can't see you hurt and I took the bullet for you and after that when you weren't in front of me in the hospital, I panicked that something happened to you, but your single touch made me alive. You always held a soft corner of heart but I always ignored it. I realised that when you took the bullet for me. Seeing you bleed in my arms just made me mad. From then, I started seeing you in a very different angle. But from no where my ideologies came up in my head. But OmRu made me realize that, the person is more important than their name. The night in the jungle where we two souls became one was the most beautiful moment of my life. I wanted it to happen it beautifully but it didn't go according to our wishes. Then our Love confession and 6 month anniversary, just became all the more good. Your wish of seeing me successful without my surname was again a big milestone of our relationship. Then came the most happiest news of our life, Your Pregnancy..... You don't know how much happy I was thinking that someone will come to make us complete. Hearing about it, I just thought that I don't anything more from my life. But I realized that you never got the marriage you deserved. But again Dadi came as a Savior and said of conducting all the rituals and I was happy thinking that you will get the type of marraige you always wanted. But I guess, our happiness didn't want to last for long as some bad eyes had fallen over it. Knowing about my illegitimate truth, my plan of saving you and our baby by pretending to through you away, loosing our baby, you slipping into coma, Dadi getting heart attack, you attempting suicide and later going into depression. Everything was so much for me that I couldn't handle it. My extreme hardwork to bring you back became fruitful as well as you getting your family back were the good things that had happened. When I realised that our First marraige anniversary was coming, I couldn't understand what to do for you to make you feel special. Then suddenly this idea came up in my mind.... Why don't I give you the type of marraige you always wanted? I asked Gauri about your wishes and dreams for your marriage and I came to know that you always wanted a Christian wedding..... So here we are, Miss Raizada........ To get married again..... according to your wishes...... (sees her crying and wipes her tears) Hey! I didn't say all these to make you cry.... You know I can't tolerate tears in your eyes.
Anika: You love me so much?
Shivaay: Beyond the world.
Anika: Are you doing this, just because you are guilty of your doings?
Shivaay: Partially guilt and partially because I want to see you happy and enjoy your own wedding.
Anika: If you are doing this because of guilt then I will not get married to you.
Shivaay: No please.....
Anika: Okay, I will but I have two conditions.....
Shivaay: What is it my Lady?
Anika: First, I will get married to you as Anika.... Just Anika.... Not as Arundhuti Singh Raizada...... And secondly, I want this marraige to be out of Love...... Not as a remedy of being guilty..... If you agree to these two conditions then only I will be ready Mr. Shivaay otherwise you know how my husband is.... Very possessive and if he comes to know that his wife is marrying someone else then......
Shivaay(chuckled): You are seriously impossible...... I agree to both of your conditions..... Miss. Anika.....
Anika: Now that's what is called as a deal......
Shivaay: Let's move other wise your brother will send a search team for us.
Anika(giggled): Let's go.....

They walked hand in hand and saw everyone ready with the rings and the Father.

Arnav: Where did you both vanish?
Shivaay(looking at Anika) : Were having some very serious talks.... Before we step into our new life....
Om: Let's start the engagement....
Gauri: Yes.... Let's start. Di sit down here..... (making her sit on the swing)
Anika : Only we will be here. No family.....
Shivaay: Look there.... (pointing towards her side)

She saw Sahil holding the laptop and Dadi, Janvi, Tej and Shakti were visible.

Dadi: Anika, putter, tu bohut sunder lag rehi hai..... Hai kisi ki nazar na laage.....
Janvi: Anika, you are looking very pretty.....
Anika: Thanks Dadi... Thanks Baadi maa..... Why didn't you come with us here? It would have been so much fun.
Janvi: We didn't want to disturb you beta and moreover, We couldn't let Pinky know about this otherwise she would have done something to stop all this. After so many days, you are getting your happiness, live it and enjoy. And we are always by your side.. Our blessings are always with you.......
Anika(teary eyes): Thank you so much Baadi maa.....
Dadi: Now stop crying and Billu.... Start with the ceremony.
Shivaay: Jii Dadi....... Father shall we?
Father: Sure my child.....

Shivaay took the ring given my Priyanka and looked into Anika's eyes. He held her hand slowly and slipped the diamond ring into her finger where the ring from their previous engagement was also present. Arshi forwarded the plate having ring to Anika, and she took it not before smiling at her. She looked at his blue green eyes and drowned herself into it. She held his hand firmly and slipped the ring along with his previous engagement ring. Everyone clapped for them while the Father blessed the couple. Oberoi elders too blessed the couple and went offline.

Shivaay(going behind her standing behind the swing) : So how does it feel to be engaged Miss. Anika?
Anika: Too happy to express.....
Shivaay: So let's do something good.
Anika: Like?
Shivaay: Like this.....

He pushed the swing lightly and she laughed feeling good about it. Everytime he pushed her, she laughed loudly making the atmosphere lively. Arnav saw her sister's happy face was a lone tear escaped his eyes. He wiped it immediately and looked up at the sky as if talking to their parents.

Arnav: I hope now you are happy seeing your daughters happy. I have fulfilled my promise that I had made. I know before I couldn't but now I am doing it. Thank you for giving me strength and thank you for giving me a chance to pour my love to them.

Khushi saw everything but didn't feel to interrupt him because she knew that he needed space. She could do only thing that is to thank her late in-laws for giving back his sisters to him.

*After dinner*
Everyone was still in the table as Shivaay had some important announcement to make.

Shivaay: Well, thank you everyone for making my plan so successful and making our moment so special.
Mahi: Are we some stanger to you that you are thanking us?
OmRu : Exactly.......
Shivaay: Nothing like that. Okay fine I take back my words. So as you all know that the coming Friday that is 30th November is (holding Anika's hand) Our anniversary and the day when we will reconsider our vows again. Before that we have 2 more functions that is Bridal shower and Bacholers party. We will conduct Bridal shower but not bachelor's party.
Rudra: Why bhaiya? Please keep the bachelor's party.
Shivaay: If you are forgetting then let me remind you that none of us are bachelor here except Raghav and I guess he doesn't want that. Am I right Raghav? (he nodded) Yes, so no bachelor's party but instead we can have a night out with movies, drinks and whatever you like but with our wives or girlfriend. Is it fine? (everyone nodded in agreement) So bridal shower will be on Wednesday and then Thursday night out. Is it okay? (all agreed) So let's get going(looking at her lovingly) We need to prepare for the function grandly.

She blushed hearing him. Later everyone departed to their rooms.

(Guys, since chapter is only on Shivika so I will be concentrating only on them. Don't worry the other couples will also get their importance but not in this chapter. I am sorry if I have hurt your feelings)

*Shivika's room*
Anika was feeling as if she is above the skies seeing Shivaay's care and love for her. She just couldn't express her happiness. She was staring at her ring and was continuously smiling.

Shivaay: So I guess you like it.
Anika: Of course, not liked but loved it.  I just can't express how happy I am today. It feels as if I am living my dream again that I had dreamt in childhood and even during our previous marriage. (she became gloomy thinking about it)
Shivaay(sensing her) : Anika, I just want you to forget all our bitter past and start our journey again with happiness and love.
Anika(fearful voice) : But I am scared Shivaay. Last time also we had tried to start everything afresh forgetting everything of the past. But..... But...... I.... Not.... Only...... Lost my Love but also (touching her stomach) our baby..... the symbol of our love...... (looking at him with fear) If something like that happens this time too then...... No..... I can't bear to loose anything more.... No......
Shivaay(cupping her face) : Sshh..... Anika..... calm down. Nothing like this will happen this time.  I promise to you..... No-one will dere to snatch our happiness from us this time.... No-one means no one......
Anika(hugged him tightly) : If anything happens like that again then I don't know what will I do.... Last time I went to coma and then depression.... This time I will die..... if something happens.... I will die.....
Shivaay(breaks the hug and looked at her angrily): How many times do I have to say you that never take that word in front of me.  I can't tolerate that...... You know very well that before death comes to you it has to face me...... And you are my Life...... And my life will not go so easily...... You have hurt me Anika...... You proved that you don't trust me..... You have hurt me......

He left her and went towards the balcony. She realized that she had gone to much ahead. She needs to apologize. She went towards him and back-hugged him tightly. But he remained uneffected. He knows that she is insecure and scared but that doesn't mean she will speak whatever she feels like. He has tolerated enough but now she needs to know. She needs to know about the intensity of his love for her.

Anika: I am sorry Shivaay.  I didn't mean to say those words. But I was scared.  I am sorry for not understanding your love.  I promise to not repeat it again.
Shivaay: You everytime do this Anika. And this time you have not only trusted me but you haven't trusted my love for you too.  I am hurt ....... Very badly.....
Anika(turning him towards her) : What should I do to mend your paining heart? (while rubbing his left chest)
Shivaay: Don't know...... You think it is very easy for me. No Anika.....
Anika: Shivaay, I can understand your feelings.....
Shivaay(moving away from her) : No you don't know.  You don't know what I went through.... you don't know what was my condition seeing you lying there...... you don't know what I went through seeing you in front of me and you aren't reacting to me.... you don't know anything.... you don't know......

Anika was shocked seeing him. He was crying and was broken. She knew that not only she but he had also went through severe pain.

Anika(hugging him tightly) : Shivaay........ I am sorry Shivaay.... I didn't know that I am hurting you so much.... I am sorry.....
Shivaay: Don't say sorry Anika..... You aren't at fault..... It was fate and destiny that is always creating problems for us.... (wiping his tears) And I am sorry for being rude to you..... I shouldn't have done that....
Anika: You will now hide your pain from me. (he looked away) Please Shivaay, if you can say me to forget everything and start a new life then why can't you do it? Let your tears flow out of your eyes today.... let all your pains vanish today...... Just like we had been with each other in every situation now also we will let our fears, our pain and our past flow away. Don't hold yourself back..... I am there with you.....

That was enough for him and he hugged her tightly and started crying his heart out. Not only he, but she was shedding her tears too. More than her pain, his broken state was making her cry. After sometime she didn't hear any noise and looked down to him sleeping peacefully while holding her tightly. She smiled seeing his cute face and kissed his forehead lightly. She too closed her eyes and sleep took over her.

*Next day*
As usual sunlight came to interrupt them and Shivaay was forced to open his eyes. His head felt heavy and he growned. Hearing him, Anika's sleep broke and she saw him in pain.

Anika(carenessing his hair) : Shivaay...... Are you fine?
Shivaay: Head is paining.....
Anika: Don't worry nothing will happen.  You get up and freshen up, I will get your Sairabanu.
Shivaay: It's Americano..... (opened his eyes and saw their position) Why are we on the floor?
Anika(hesitating): Actually, yesterday night.... you....
Shivaay(remembered everything) : Don't tell me that you were sitting like this the whole night and slept off too?
Anika(nodding her head) : Hmm.....
Shivaay(got up instantly) : Are you crazy? You could have just woken me up. It is so uncomfortable like this.... Oh god..... (picked her up in his arms) You shouldn't have done like this..... (placing her on the bed) You take rest.... I will get our breakfast here in the room.....
Anika(holding his hand) : Shivaay, your head is paining.  You rest I will do it.
Shivaay: No already yesterday night you had to go through so much because of me.  I won't let you do anything now.
Anika: Shivaay, we both are not good. So I think we should ask someone else to bring it for us. Wait I will call Om and say him. And you (pulled him on the bed beside her) Come and rest with me.
Shivaay: But there are so many things felt to be done. Your bridal shower preparations then marraige preparation.
Anika(carenessing his hand) : You know sometimes if we take a break from our daily life then it becomes very much relaxing for us. So today, we the couple will be just sitting in the room and speand some quality time with each other. Is it fine?
Shivaay(smiled): Not a bad idea I guess.
Anika: Let me call Om and tell him for breakfast.
Shivaay: I will freshen up by then.
Anika: Okay......

Shivaay went for freshing up while Anika called up Om and instructed him.

Anika: Om, today me and Shivaay won't be coming out because we both need rest. Shivaay isn't well so we thought of resting today and We seriously need to have some good talk. If you don't mind can you please send our food in the time and look into the preparations of the marraige. I suppose Shivaay has said everything to you. Can you please do it?
Om: Bhabi, why are you requesting me? You should just order me. And of course we will look into the preparations. And don't worry no-one will disturb you both today.  I guess, Shivaay needs some time with you alone.  I will inform others and send your breakfast right away.
Anika: Thanks Om. And don't forget his Sairabanu.
Om(chuckled): Sure bhabi.....

They hung up the call and Shivaay came back. She smiled at him and went to freshen up. In the mean time their breakfast arrived and Shivaay waited for her. She too came and both of them enjoyed their food. She gave him a medicine to cure his headache and they again went under the covers.

Anika: This feels so good you know..... Sleeping the whole day without any work.  I always wanted to do it sometime.
Shivaay: You could have said me.....
Anika: How could I say? When you yourself are so boring.......
Shivaay(shocked): What!!!! I am boring?
Anika : Without any doubt....
Shivaay: So let's show you who is boring and how much?

He stared tickling her and she was laughing wholeheartedly.

Anika: Shivaay stop...... Okay.... I am sorry to say you boring...... Okay stop it.......
Shivaay: Now say, that I am boring?
Anika(breathing heavily) :No you aren't boring..... My fault that I called that......
Shivaay: That's what is called as good girl.....
Anika: Shivaay, on a very serious note. (cupping his face) Why didn't you tell me about your pain and the turmoils you went through? Didn't you find me good enough to share all your feelings with?
Shivaay: It's nothing like that Anika.  You know very well that I don't show my weak side to anyone so easily.  I have learnt to hide all my feelings inside my heart. So I could never open up to you.
Anika: Promise me Shivaay that from now onwards you will share everything with me, be it good bad or anything. Pinky promise?
Shivaay: Pinky promise......
Anika(smiled and saw his eyes drooping) : Shivaay, you should sleep now.  Your eyes are dropping due to medicine effect. Sleep.....
Shivaay(almost closed eyes) - You also sleep.......

Their eyes were drooping and finally, sleep took over them and our couple slept off hoding each others hand.

The continue ringing of the phone broke Shivaay's sleep. He opened his eyes and saw the most beautiful face, his Anika was hugging him tightly and had hid her face in his chest. He smiled at her but the frown on her face disturbed him. He, then realised that the phone was ringing. He fetched it and answered it.

Shivaay: Haa, Om........ Yes, send our lunch and can you do a favor?......... Okay sorry I said favor........ Can you arrange a private dinner for us in the roof top with......... (revealed later)..... Thanks...... Okay sorry no thanks...... Bye.......

He smiled and cut the call. He kept his phone aside and looked at her, who was still sleeping. He hugged her tightly which disturbed her.

Anika: Aahh.... ha..... Shivaay.... leave me.....
Shivaay(loosening his hold on her) : What happened?
Anika(looked up at him with a pout ) : You are squeezing me.
Shivaay(felt so cute seeing her pout) : But I can't stay without hugging you, you know naa.
Anika: But who said you to squeeze me like this.
Shivaay(hugging her again) : I will do..... Because I like doing it......
Anika(kept her face on his chest and looked at him) : So, I also like doing this......
Shivaay(confused): What?

She slowly moved her hand towards his waist and started tickling him. He left her and taking this as an opportunity she got up.

Anika: You still can't win from me.
Shivaay(smirked): Let's see who wins now...... I won't leave you......

He got up and ran towards her. She saw him coming and ran away from him. She kept running around the room and he, behind her trying to catch her. The room echoed with their laughter. Finally, Shivaay caught her by the waist from behind and lifted her up in the air. She shrieked and later laughed out loud along with him.

Anika: Put me down Shivaay.
Shivaay: No you will again run away.
Anika: I won't run. Now put me down please.

He put her down but still didn't leave her hand. She saw it and his grip on her was tight enough. She looked up to his eyes which reflected........ 'Fear'. But why, was the instant question that struck her. She calmly held him hand and asked softly.

Anika(softly): Shivaay, aapke aakho me daar? Kiyu......
Shivaay(shaky voice) : Darta hu..... Tumse dur jaane se darta hu..... You won't leave me...... Ever.... promise me Anika.... You will never leave me.....
Anika(carenessed his face) : I promise you Shivaay..... I will never leave you...... And if I ever try to also.... I know you will surely bring me back.....
Shivaay: I will......
Anika: Now show me your smile and you know I don't like this type of Shivaay..... who always fears or breaks down easily. The Shivaay I like the most is that Tadibaaz Baagad Billa whose words were ultimatum and no-one dared to over rule it well exception is Me.  I want that Shivaay..... Can I get him?
Shivaay(smiled): Of course..... you will get back that Tadibaaz Bagaad billa of yours..... I promise......
Anika(smiled and placed her head on his chest) : Good, but don't completely became Saado Singh Oberoi. Stay a little Romantic Singh Oberoi too.
Shivaay(caging her in his arms and chuckled) : As you say Madame......

They stayed like this till the door bell rang for their lunch. Lunch came and they ate it with lots and lots of 'Anika's talks'.

*Around the night time*
Shivaay was guiding Anika somewhere as She was blind-folded by him.

Anika: Shivaay, where are taking me..... At least tell me once.
Shivaay: Shant, meri Jhashi ki Rani.  You will get to know soon. Have a little patience please....... (after some more walk) Now I am blindfold and you slowly open your eyes.

She nodded her head and he opened it. She opened her eyes and saw that the terrace was beautifully decorated with candles and balloons and the sea was clearly visible from there. It looked so beautiful that it made her smile.

Anika: You did all these? But when? The whole day you were with me only naa.
Shivaay(backhugging her) : Well, idea is mine but all these are done by your dear devars.  I just instructed them on phone.
Anika(teasing him) : So I should say thanks to them only. Let me go and meet them.
Shivaay(stopping her) : You aren't going anywhere. Aare, I did for you and you are going.
Anika: Aww.... You know you look so cute when you become annoyed.  I feel like pulling your cheeks.
Shivaay: Don't call me cute.....
Anika: Aww...... Cute... cute..... cute.....
Shivaay(pulled her towards him very closely) : Now say that I am cute.......(seeing her breathing heavily due to their proximity) Say Anika.......
Anika(whispers): Shivaay..... please......
Shivaay(comes close to her ears and whispers) : You know, you are looking hot in this black dress..... I feel like...... (whispers something in her ears)
Anika(pushes him and looks at him in shock): Haw.... I did knew that you were so chepde.....
Shivaay(laughed out) : Oh god Anika, you are still so naive....... Okay, I won't say it again.... but don't forget (whispers in her ears) our first night is still left baby.......

She blushed and avated her gaze. He smirked seeing his effect on her. They proceeded towards the end of the terrace to find a candle light dinner set for them.  They settled themselves and had their dinner with again lots of Anika's talk. (I  guess she is never out of stock of her talks...... 😂😂)

*Next day*
Everyone was running here and there doing last moment preparation for the special function- Bridal shower. Anika was getting ready in the room with the help of her devranis in a sky blue colour balle gown. As usual she was looking breath taking after all her Shivaay had chosen it for her. Though she was happy all the happenings around her still somewhere in heart she wanted the others from the Family too specially today and on the marriage day. She was able to hide her sadness from others but from Shivaay? Let's see.....

Gauri: Di, you just looking gorgeous.  I am sure Jiju will forget everything around him after seeing you.
Anika(blushed): I don't know that.... (teased her back) But I am sure Om would surely be.....
Gauri(blushed): Di.....
Mona: I guess we should get going. Guests have started coming in.
Soumya : Yes. Let's go bhabi.

They helped her get up and went towards the garden of the hotel where the function was organized. Theme was "Rainbow'' depicting that her married life will be full of colours, happiness and love. Anika smiled as she knew whose idea it was. Khushi came to her and her devranis left her with her to be taken.

Khushi: Did you like it?
Anika: Of course....... and the theme is so........ colourful.
Khushi: After all your dear husband had chosen it. You understood the meaning behind it?
Anika: Who wouldn't. It shows that, ''My future life with my husband will be full of colours, happiness and love........ '' Am I right?
Khushi: Yes you are right.  You know how much that Man does for you? His world now revolves around you and only you.
Anika: And that is what is making me scared.
Khushi: Why are you thinking like that Anika?
Anika: Bhabi, Shivaay shouldn't be only thinking about me or his world shouldn't be only me..... He wasn't like this. His world was his Family, his brothers and sisters and His business.  I am not complaining that he is including me in his world. But in all these he is developing insecurities and fears which I never wanted.  I know after that incident in our life, he is very shakened up. But that has made him weak. And I never wanted that.  I want my old Shivaay back...... I want him back.
Khushi: I can understand your feelings Anika and I would just tell you one thing that only you can bring him back. And I have full confidence that you will surely succeed.
Anika(hugged her) : Thanks for giving me strength bhabi.
Khushi(breaking the hug) : Any time. Now let's make our bride sit in her throne, so that we can start our function.

Anika giggled and Khushi lead her towards the special seat made for her. She made her sit and later a helper came up with a covered tray. Anika looked at it with curious eyes.

Khushi: You will get to see wait. (opened the cover) This is your tiara which your father had given it to you when you had turned one year. Though it is small, but it has  great importance. It has blessing from your parents.
Anika(teary eyes) : It is so beautiful bhabi.  I just can't express how much happy I'm now.
Khushi: I know..... so will you put you on?
Anika: Of course, is it a question to be asked.
Khushi(chuckled): Okay......

Khushi delicately picked up the tiara and placed it securely on Anika's head just infront. Anika felt blessed and closed her eyes feeling her parents hands on her head as if giving her blessings.

Khushi(wiping her tears) : Don't cry. Today is a very special day for you.
Anika: These are happy tears bhabi.
Khushi: Whatever it may be, if you shed a tear then your two bodyguards will attack me.
Anika(chuckled): They are too much. By the way where are others?
Khushi: All are coming and if you are expecting Shivaay here then let me tell you madam, you won't be able to see him henceforth till your marriage is done.
Anika(shocked): What? No....You muat be joking, right bhabi?
Khushi: No I am not. It isn't good to see grooms face before marraige. So you both have to stay away from eachother for 3 days.
Anika: Does Shivaay know about it?
Khushi: Arnav is supposed to inform him. If not then don't worry, he will be coming here at the last then we will inform him.
Anika(thinking): I'm sure he will oppose it and become frustated hearing the news. God, not only him but I also can't live without seeing his face. Now what to do?

Anika was thinking deeply about it. Her tensed didn't go unnoticed by Khushi.

Khushi: What happened?
Anika: Shivaay, won't agree to it. He will be mad when he will hear that.
Khushi(teasing her) : Oh ho so concerned about your husband. Hai me maar jawa......
Anika(blushed): Bhabi please.....
Khushi: Let's see what happens to him. Now you......

"Bhabi.......'', Came a voice. Anika looked beyond Khushi to see her little devar Rudra entering. He literally ran towards her and hugged her.

Rudra: I missed you so much Bhabi.
Anika: Aww...... no worries Rudra.  I will be coming to OM only after marriage.
Rudra: Still......
Soumya: Cry baby leave bhabi. You are spoiling  her dress.
Rudra: You are jealous that bhabi loves me more than you.
Soumya(hitting her head) : Why would I be? Okay now leave her.
Rudra(stubborn): No.....
Shivaay(coming to them) : Rudy.... Leave my wife now.
Rudra: She isn't your wife yet.
Shivaay(rolling his eyes) : Fine.... at least leave her.
Rudra: No......
Anika(carenessing his hair) : Rudra..... Now leave me. See everyone is looking at you and they will say that you are a cry baby. Will you like it? (he nodded no) Then leave me now.
Rudra: Only on one condition. Promise me that you will stay with me during the movie night and not with bhaiya.
Shivaay: Hai.... that's not possible.
Anika: Okay I promise.
Rudra: Yeah..... Bhaiya now you can't romance with bhabi.
Shivaay: I will see you later.
Rudra: We will see. (to soumya) Sumo listen naa......
Soumya(walking away) : You are still a kid.
Rudra(going behind her) : Aare listen na.....
Shivaay(sighed in relief) : Finally he went. (looking at Anika and smiled) You are looking stunning in this gown.
Anika: Of course, whose choice it is.
Shivaay(sitting in front of her on his knees) : Are you happy?
Anika(holding his hands) : Is it a question to ask? Of course I am. And why won't I be?
Shivaay: Then I am happy too and by the way your tiara looks so cute on your head.
Anika: Is it? I want to see how am I looking wearing it but there isn't any mirror here.(looking around) 
Shivaay(taking out his mobile) : Anika.......
Anika(turned towards him) : Haa..... (and click) Did you just click my photo?
Shivaay(looking at the photo) : Shouldn't I? And you are looking really good in it. See.... (showing her)
Anika: Yes.....
Shivaay: Now this will be my wallpaper.
Anika: Aww....
Shivaay: What aww?
Anika: Your cuteness......
Shivaay: Okay fine no cute.... call me handsome but not cute.
Arnav(cutting them) : If both of yours fun is over then can we start the function?
Shivaay(getting up) : Sure.  I will be right here.
Anika(holding his hand) : Where are you going?
Shivaay: It's bridal shower and groom shouldn't be here apparently. But I couldn't stay back. So I came to see you.  Don't worry everyone will be here.  I will be in our room. Enjoy your day...... It is your day today.
Anika: My day won't be enjoyable and complete if you aren't there with me. Please stay back.
Shivaay: But.... how can I.....
Khushi(interuppting them) : Shivaay, I guess you should stay back with her. What is the point in this function if she doesn't enjoy? And if her happiness lies in your pressence beside her then (looking at Arnav and he nodded) We don't any problem with it. You can stay in the function. It can be both Bridal and Groom shower. What say people?
Everyone(shouted): Yes!!!!
Shivaay(hesitating): But Khushi you know right it isn't good for the groom and bride to stay together before marriage then?
Anika(wide eyes) : You already know about it?
Shivaay: Hmm.... and this time I want to follow all the rituals sincerely and get marraiged to you.
Khushi: It is. But for any function you can. So now just shut up and stay back.
Shivaay(looking at everyone and Anika) : Okay fine......
Anika(hugged him in excitement) : Yeah!!  Love you.....
Arnav(teasing): Sissy, don't you think you are becoming too bold now a days?
Anika(glared at him) : So what? I am doing it with my husband. Do you have any problem? If at all you have then it isn't my problem.
Shivaay(chuckled): Shant meri jhashi ki rani..... Now sit down.
Anika: You?
Shivaay(sitting on the handle of the chair and put his arm around her shoulder) : Here. Okay?
Anika(placing her head on his shoulder) : Super okay.
Rudra: Bhaiya, if your romance is over then can we start now?
Shivaay(looking at Anika) : Sure.....
Rudra: Ladies and gentlemen....
Soumya: Boys and girls......
Rudra: We welcome you all in our beloved Shivaay bhaiya and Anika bhabi's Bridal and Groom shower or lets just say Sangeet.....
Soumya: But before we start with our programs, Bhabi a small gift for you from our Baade bhaiya.....
Anika(confused and looked at Shivaay) : What gift?
Shivaay(smiled): Have patience my love.

She looked confused and turned towards the entrance. The youngsters moved aside to give place and seeing it made me shocked.

Anika: Dadi, Baadi maa, Baade papa.......
Shivaay(whispered in her ears) : Surprise Love.
Anika(smiled with tears) : I love you.....
Shivaay(chuckled): I know. Won't you meet them?

She smiled and walked towards them to receive.

Anika(hugging Dadi and Janvi) : Dadi, Baadi maa... you all are here....... you didn't even inform me when I called you in the morning.
Dadi: We wanted to give you surprise and moreover Billu said that you were missing us so much. So we just took the next flight and came. Now you are happy naa?
Anika: Very happy Dadi.......
Shivaay(coming to them) : Wow! Forget me.....
Dadi(hitting him on his shoulder) : Khotiye, why didn't you bring us along with you all?
Shivaay: Dadi, you know the reason.
Dadi: Chal koi naa. Anika, you are looking so beautiful my child.
Anika: Thank you Dadi....
Rudra: If introduction is over then can we proceed?
Dadi: Haa, chaal.
Anika: Aa.... Dadi I wanted to tell you something.
Dadi: Kya baat hai Puttar?
Anika(bringing Arshi) : Dadi, this is my and Gauri's family..... My elder brother Arnav Singh Raizada and his wife Khushi and their daughter Arshi. Dadi, Gauri is my sister and I am not Anika, but Arundhuti Singh Raizada and Gauri is Naina Singh Raizada. I wanted to tell you about it but never got the right time to say.......
Dadi(looking at Arnav) : Are you Randhir bhaisahab's grandson?
Arnav(shocked): How do you know him?
Dadi(with tears) : Aare, Arnav beta pehechana mujhe. Aare mai Kallu Dadi.....
Arnav(shocked): Oh my god, Kallu Dadi...... How are you?
Dadi: Very happy seeing you here. It has been so many years that I have last seen you. Where is Sandhir and Advay and Chandni? And when did your sisters born?
Arnav(with tears) : Dadi.... they.... they..... (Khushi squeezed his shoulder)
Shivaay(sensing the situation) : Aa... Dadi why don't we start with the function and later discuss about this.
Dadi: Par....
Shivaay: Dadi, function still hasn't started let's go.

Arnav silently thanked him while he just blinked his eyes in assurance. Everyone settled down and the function began.

Rudra: You know guys, our bhaiya and bhabi had a very unique love story.
Soumya: Yes, where it started with takrar, then naftar and lastly love......
Rudra: So we, the Obros are here presenting you the journey of their love story. Sit back and enjoy.......

A white sheet was set up and the projector started. The first scene was of Shivika's first meet in the mandir. Mahi and Mona came up and danced showing their tadi like them on the song' Aa dekhe zara kisme kitna hai daam'.  Though they were depicting Shivika, MoHi could experience their own thoughts. Claps brought them out of their thoughts and the slide continued. The next scene was when Anika was working in Oberoi mansion and Shivaay was secretly seeing her. Rudra and Soumya took up the stage and had a slow dance on the song ' Dil kiyu ye mera shor kare'.  The song was not only showing Shivaay's confusion but was depicting Rudra's too. He too was confused about his feelings for Soumya. Claps were heard and the slide changed to the scene where Shivika were getting married. Voice said, ''Though they were showing hatred to each other but in their heart they were connected and were meant to be connected..... ''. Slide changed and the next was after Shivaay had rescued Anika from Daksh's clutches. Om and Gauri came up the stage and danced on the song ' Tu hi re (only one para) '.  Om too could understand as he too had gone through the same feelings. Slide changed and next came up when Anika took Shivaay's side when he was accused of Tia's pregnancy. Voice said, '' That time, Bhabi not only believed him but from that instants they realised that they were meant to be together. '' Slide changed and it showed up when Shivaay took the bullet for Anika. Mahi and Mona took up the stage and danced on the song ' Tu mujhe chor jaye yeh nehi ho sakta'.  Mona was conveying her emotions to Mahi through the song. Slide changed and showed up when Anika had lost her memory and Shivaay was dancing with her in Shivtia's sangeet. Rudra and Soumya took the stage and danced exactly as Shivika had dance on the song ' Roke na roke naina'.  Rudra again felt his emptiness which he felt when Soumya had felt him. Slide changed and showed when Anika had found Shivaay after he went missing. Om and Gauri came up and danced on the song ' Tu mere pass rehena'. Slide changed and showed when Anika took bullet for Shivaay. Voice said, '' Though Bhabi had taken the bullet but it seemed as if Bhaiya was dying.....This is called as true love..... ''. Slide changed and showed when Shivika got engaged. Voice said, '' And this made the beginning of their love story...... but seems like someone was jealous and the thing happened which we could never imagine...... ''. Slide changed to the scene where Shivaay throws Anika out of the house along with divorce papers. Mahi and Mona took up the stage and danced on the song ' Chanse jo tute koi sapna..... '. Voice said, '' Though they separated physically but from heart they were always connected...... After 3 months..... She returned...... no.... He brought her back..... in his arms....... And this time they were meant to be together for ever. '' Om and Gauri took the stage and danced on the song ' Aye mere humsafar'. Song ended and claps roared throughout the garden. Shivika were overwhelmed seeing it and just couldn't expree their feelings.

Rudra(coming up the stage) : I hope you both enjoyed it  Bhaiya and bhabi. Par picture aabhi baki hai mere dost......

All the youngsters including Arshi came up the stage and danced together on the song 'Salam-e-ishq'.

Rudra: Thank you so much people. But will be good if our couple doesn't have a couple dance? Of course not. Bhaiya bhabi...... couple dance......
Shivaay(asking her hand) : Will you do the honor?
Anika(giving her hand) : Sure enough........

They slowly proceeded towards the stage and had a slow dance on the song 'Dekha hazaro dafah aapko'. They were lost in each others eyes. The song was over but still they were lost.

Rudra: Bhaiya..... Song is over. Now you can leave bhabi.

They became embarrassed and left the stage.

Dadi: If all the performances are over then let's start with the gift giving. Anika sit down beta.

Anika sat down and Arnav and Khushi first gave her gift.

Arnav: This was our mother's which she had got from our grandmother after she had come to the house. You might ask me how I know then Grandma said me one day. Now I'm giving you this tiara.
Anika: Thanks bhaiyu. But why me? If you will give me everything then what wil be there for Gauri?
Khushi: Don't worry Anika. Even Gauri also her share. So don't worry about it.
Arnav: I would be happy if you wear this once.
Shivaay: She will wear it on the marriage day. Don't worry.

Anika looked at him with gratitude and he smiled at her. Next Dadi came.

Dadi: Anika, this is our khandani necklace which my mother-in-law had given it to me. Now I'm giving it to you.
Anika: I'm so honored to have this Dadi. And I promise I will try to keep up it's glory.
Dadi: I would be happy if you......
Shivaay: Dadi, she will wear it during our reception party. Happy?
Dadi: Very happy......

One by one everyone came and gave her something or the other. She received everything with a smile but waited patiently for his gift.

Shivaay: You will get your gift as your wedding gown on the day of wedding directly.
Anika(pouted): I thought you will give me something.
Shivaay: I already gave you one.
Anika: What?
Shivaay: Aare, I brought Dadi, Baadi maa and Baade papa and someone else is also coming.
Anika : Who else is coming?

''He is talking about me, beautiful..... ''
She looked back and saw Arjun standing.

Anika(smiled): Bhai.....
Arjun: So how was my surprise sister?
Anika: Ekdum Khidkitod.
Arnav: Arjun, care to explain how do you know Anika?
Arjun: Actually, she is my pa...
Shivaay(cutting him in between) : He met her in one of the business parties. And then all recognization and everything.
Arnav: But you never said me.....
Shivaay: Aare I had forgotten. Now I'm telling naa.
Arjun(whispering to Shivaay) : Why did you hide it?
Shivaay(whispering back) : Because I don't want anyone to know about it now or never. Please I request you don't say anything about Anika's condition to anyone.  I don't want anyone to know what had happened.
Arjun: Okay, as you say. Are you taking care of her?
Shivaay: Do you think I won't?
Arjun: No you would because I can see the massive improvement in her condition.
Shivaay: By the way, how come you agreed to me so easily for coming today?
Arjun: Just felt like taking a break and it's Goa dude.  I hope that I too find someone for me.
Shivaay: You will never change.
Arnav: You both forgot about me completely. Great.
Arjun: Kaise bhul sakte hai tujhe. Come for a friend hug.

Arjun pulled Arnav and Shivaay in a hug. The three friends, though got separated but still fate brought them together again.

Dadi: Chalo.... Acha hua.... I think we should get moving.
Shivaay: Yes, Dadi. Come I will show you all your rooms.
Dadi: Billu, you know naa you can't see Anika before marriage.
Shivaay: Haa Dadi.  I know. And I have arranged everything for that too.
Anika(shocked): You arranged everything without even informing me. (said with the flow) How will I stay without you for 2 days?
Everyone(except Shivaay  gasped) : Hoooo!!!!
Shivaayd(embarrassed): Anika....
Anika(realised what she said) : I didn't mean it in that way..... I was just....... (put her head down in embarrassment) 
Dadi: Koi baat nei Anika it's just for 2 days. It will pass like this only and you won't be able to realise when time went by. And you will be meeting Billu on Thursday night also for the movie night. Now happy?
Anika(still sad but didn't show it) : Yes, Dadi happy.
Dadi: Chalo let's have lunch and prepare for the wedding.

Everyone went in to have lunch but Anika was still sad. She thought that Shivaay would at least oppose but he himself had mxade arrangements for him and her to stay away without even seeing their face. Shivaay noticed her sadness. He understood that he did mistake in not telling her about it before but he had forgotten about it completely  because of the function and now his wife was upset. He has to do something to make her cheerful and he knew that talking to her would only make her cool down. So he decided to talk to her in the night after everyone sleeps.

The whole day Anika had put up a fake smile just to show that she was enjoying but from inside she was very angry and upset. And even Shivaay didn't come up to her to explain his act. This made her more angry. It had become night and still he didn't even bother to come and talk to her and explain her. She was lying down on the bed with Gauri but sleep was far away from her eyes.  She was so engrossed in her thoughts that she didn't even notice someone entering the room and slowly picked her up. She realized that and was about to shout when a cloth was put into her mouth. She was so scared. She thought that she's being kidnapped and she can't even do anything. She was struggling to free herself but the voice stopped her.

''Stop moving Mad woman.... ''

She understood that he was Shivaay and stopped moving. Shivaay took her to the roof top and set her down on the chair. He brought a duppata and covered her head till her face.

Shivaay: I will be removing the cloth dare you shout. (she nodded)
Anika: Why did you do like that?
Shivaay: Do what?
Anika: Kidnap me from my room.
Shivaay: It's called carrying your angry wife away.
Anika: Who said I am angry?
Shivaay: That means you are.
Anika: Yes, I am and why shouldn't I be. And why is this duppata.
Shivaay: To cover your face so that I can't see your face.
Anika(angry): So now you don't want to see my face also. Then why did you bring me here. I am going.
Shivaay: Anika...... I know that you are angry at me and you should be but at least listen to me once please. (she ignored) Please once...... (she nodded) I just wanted to follow all the rituals and customs rightfully.  I don't want our future to be insure or threatening anymore. If by not seeing you for 2 days will give us a life long secure then why can't I do it? Even I also didn't want to follow it but when I heard about it's importance, I agreed to do it. Can't you do this much for me.... for us?
Anika(understanding him) : If that is what you want then I will surely follow it, Shivaay. (pouted) but what will I do if I don't get sleep? You know naa, I can't sleep without your embrace.
Shivaay: Hmmm..... That's a big problem. What can be done?
Anika(pouted): I don't know....
Shivaay(pulling her towards him) : Dadi said not to see your face but that doesn't mean that we can't hug eachother right?
Anika(smiled brightly) : Exactly..... So now everything is sorted.... (closed her eyes finally) And now I can sleep.....
Shivaay(putting her head on his shoulder and patting her head softly) : Sleep......
Anika: Hmmm....... You are too good...... I love you Shivaay.....
Shivaay(kissing her forehead) : Love you too dear.....

The next day Anika found herself on the bed and understood who it was. She looked around and found herself alone in the room. She was getting down for freshening up when something on the side table caught her attention - a half bloomed rose and a letter. She carefully picked up the flower and it's fregnance just captive her heart. It's delicate petals made her smile. She took the letter and started reading.

'' A beautiful flower for the most beautiful woman in my life.... ''
Good morning Love.....
A day without seeing your face in the morning..... You don't know how much torturing it is for me..... But what to do.... Just for few more hours then we will meet at night..... Now smile and welcome the day....
Meet you at night......

She smiled reading it and folded the paper neatly. She kept the flower close to her heart and whispered, '' Come fast at night.... I can't wait for you...... ''

As she had wished, the day flew by quite fast and night came up. Anika was constantly asking Gauri about their arrival as she unable to wait anymore to meet him. The whole day she hadn't seen him just occasional calls and that to from her side..... She was eagerly waiting for him.

Anika(impatiently): Chutki bolna kab ayegenge Shivaay?
Gauri(irritated): Offo didi.... you are constantly asking me the same question and I am telling you the same answer that they will be here in some time.
Anika(pouted): What to do? Do you even know how does it feel to stay away from your husband whome you love like hell?
Gauri(folding her hands in front of her) : Forgive me.... I give up.... you are worst than a teenager....
Shivaay(entering the room) : What do you give up Gauri?
Gauri(haved a sigh of relief) : Thank god you came Jiju otherwise didi would have eaten up my head. Now you handle her.  I am going. I will help others till that time. (she ran away from there as if saving herself from Anika)
Shivaay(looking at Gauri and then Anika) : What did just happen now?
Anika(covering her face with a duppata) : Just irritating her about asking you continuously.... Leave all that. You tell me why didn't you call me once also.  The whole day I only called you....
Shivaay(back hugged her) : So my would be wife is angry on me that I didn't call her?
Anika: What would be? I am your wife did you get that. And shouldn't I be angry?
Shivaay: Of course... But I am sorry about it.... I was busy with our wedding preparations.... I wanted to make it the most memorable day for you.... So I was busy with all the work.... I am sorry....
Anika: It's okay. (leaned back) I just missed you too much.....
Shivaay: I missed you too....
Anika: Am I behaving normally? Or am I being too extravagant about this missing thing?
Shivaay(chuckled): You aren't extravaganting. It's absolutely normal. Every bride before their wedding feels nervous, excited as well as miss their would be husband.
Anika: Then why didn't I feel all these for our first marriage?
Shivaay(guilt voice) : Because I had forced you to do it.... And I will always regret it in my life....
Anika(understood what she did) : I am sorry Shivaay....I didn't mean to hurt you.... I am sorry....
Shivaay: It's okay Anika... You didn't hurt me at all.... Now let's go and enjoy our movie night.... (seeing her gloomy face) What will I do with you....

He pulled her towards him and kissed her forehead tightly. She closed her eyes feeling his love. He broke the kiss and looked at her who was already looking at her.

Shivaay: Now better? (she nodded) Let's go otherwise Rudra will start thinking something horrible.

She giggled and they went.  The theatre room was ready for the movie night with snacks and cold drinks. The room was dark and seeing it Anika gripped his hand tightly.

Shivaay: Don't worry I am there with you.
Anika: I know that's why I am still standing here.
Shivaay: Come.... and I promise I won't leave your hand ever.....

He led her towards the sofa and made her sit and sat beside her. Rudra arranged everything and the film started after everyone settled down. Except for Shivika everyone was into the movie. Our couple were in their own world with interlocked hand and silent company.

By the time the third movie ended everyone had fallen asleep except Shivaay. He looked at everyone and then at her. She was sleeping peacefully while hugging him by the waist. He didn't intend to wake her up but he has to. He slightly shook her only to be unsuccessful. He sighed and called out for Om and Mahi and asked them to go to their room. In this, Arnav also woke up and was about to take Anika when Shivay stopped him saying that he would do it. He, then picked Anika up and went towards the room, made her lie down on the bed softly and covered her with the comforter. He kissed her forehead murmuring a good night and sweet dreams and went out to handle his brother and sister. He made Rudra lie down properly and Soumya too and went towards Priyanka to see her comfortably sleeping with Raghav. He didn't disturb them went. He went back to Anika's room and made himself confortable beside her and slept off thinking about the big day.

*Next Day*
*First Anniversary *
*Big Day*

Anika opened her eyes and welcomed the bright day of her life, the day when she will agin become Mrs. Shivaay Singh Oberoi...... Though the first time it was fully against her wish but now it seems like her fairy tale story coming true. She got up and again got the precious little half bloomed rose with a letter on the side table. Taking both the things, she started reading the letter.

You must be thinking what happened to your Tazibaaz Baggad Billa that he is sending you rose and letters? Then let me tell you Mrs. Tazidaaz that this change has been brought about by you in me..... A good change and I am enjoying it.......
Now on the very important point- Our First Marraige anniversary.......
Happy Anniversary Love.....
Today will be the last day when you would be waking up alone in the morning......because from today whatever and wherever you go I will always accompany you..... Even if it means Death.....
More promises are to be made and for that you need to come to me as the most beautiful bride to the wedding alter...... Your dress is in the cupboard.... Freshen up and your favorite devranis , nanad and bhabi will help you out for the day......
I will be waiting for you..... Come soon......


His whole speech was good except for the fact where he mentioned about death..... She was angry that he was using such words on such an auspicious day. She knew how to handle such baggad billa. So she went to freshen up for her big day......

*After an hour*
Anika was said to sit quietly with ber eyes closed because everyone was doing something or the other on her.

Anika(irritated): Are you all done? How much more?
Khushi: Almost done.
Gauri: You shouldn't look less than a princess. Strick orders from Baade bhaiya.
Anika: You and your baade bhaiya....
Mona: Aha.... Dare you say anything against our Baade bhaiya.... He is the sweetest of all....
Soumya:  The most romantic of all....
Gauri: And the bestest of all.....
Anika: Guys, you all are praising about my husband in front of me only.... So please....
Khushi: Someone is jealous....
Anika: Not jealous..... But that baggad billa shouldn't be getting so much praises otherwise he will be having balti bhar bhar ke ego in him and I have to name him 'Shivaay ego bhandhar'
Arnav(walking in) : Seriously Sis? Shivaay ego bhandar...... I must say you have a great talent of naming people appropriately.
Anika(pulling her imaginary collar) : That toh I have.... Now tell me why are you here?
Arnav: To escort you to your Prince Charming.....
Anika(pouted): But I haven't seen myself yet and you are here to escort me....
Khushi: If someone is too busy talking about her husband then how are we supposed to go ahead with our work....
Gauri: Exactly bhabi.....
Arnav(defending Anika) : Now enough of teasing my Sister. Let her see herself.

Anika stood up slowly due to her heavy gown and the girls helped her till the mirror. They opened her blindfold and said to open her eyes. A small gasp escaped her mouth seeing the Lady in front of her. She can't even imagine that it was she, who was standing all decked up in a white gown with an amazingly styled make up and her mother's tiara. She smiled seeing herself and a her eyes became glassy.

Khushi: Dare, you shed a tear. Otherwise all our hardwork will go away with your tears.
Anika: These are tears of happiness.
Gauri: Whatever maybe... You are forbidden to do so.
Arnav: You are looking beautiful, Aru. Just like the way you always wanted it to be.
Anika: Thanks bhaiyu.....
Arnav: Not me.... Your husband should get this compliment. It is all his choice and decision. If you are done then shall we proceed? Otherwise your Romeo will kill me.
Anika: He isn't that bad you see. Don't make him a murderer in your mind.
Soumya(teasing): Oh ho bhabi... From now only being protective towards Baade bhaiya..... Not bad....
Mona(teasing): Exactly Soumya.... Someone is very possessive about someone.....
Anika(fake angry) : You both......

She was interrupted by a knock on the door and entered Dadi with Janvi.

Janvi: Wow Anika...... You are looking so beautiful today.... I am sure Shivaay will surely go crazy......
Dadi(removing all evils from her) : Kissi ki nazar naa lage meri bahu ko.... Kitni soni lag rehi hai.... Billu toh zarur diwana ho jayega tujhe dekhkar.....
Anika(shied away) : Dadi.....
Janvi: I guess we should get going otherwise we will be late for the ceremony....
Arnav: Yes, Aunty.
Dadi(holding Anika's hand) : Beta, whatever happened with your family, I can't fix it or mend it but I can assure you that this family will always love you and you, along with the other bahus will be the daughters of the house. We will try to fill the void of your life in every possible way. This is Kalyani Singh Oberoi's promise to you.
Anika(hugged her tightly) : Dadi, your blessings and love are enough for me.
Arnav: Now let's get going or we will be late.

Anika looped her arm around Arnav's and walked out of the room. She, then noticed that the girls were wearing peach color gowns and she wondered why all of them wore the same colour dress. She thought of asking later and went. She became shocked seeing her ride.

Anika: Are you kidding me?
Arnav: Of course not....
Anika: You want me to go in this horse carriage.... I mean are you even in your senses ?
Arnav: Not me... Your dear husband's idea. Go and tell him.
Anika: He is already getting something from me....
Arnav: What are you blabbering?
Anika: Nothing.
Arnav: So let's go...

Anika was about to aboard the carriage when three hands came in front of her for support.

Anika : OmRuHi..... what is this now?
OmRuHi : To show that from now onwards we are always by your side no matter what happens..... As your brothers....
Anika: Are you all planning to make me emosional on my wedding day so that I cry and ruin my makeup? (everyone nodded no) Then stop being so chessy .
OmRuHi : Can't help your husba...
Anika: Iss bagaad bille ko toh mei nehi chorungi...
Om: Bhabi, is your done cursing Shivaay then can we?

She gave her hand and they helped her in getting up. She settled herself and other girls joined her too while the boys took over the duty of the horses. Anika was getting nervous as well as excited. She was thinking what will she say in the aisle... She had prepared a good speech but she was sure that she would forget but before that she has to teach that Baggad billa a good lesson for using that word.

*Wedding venue*
Anika got down and looked around to see that the whole of the beach was beautifully decorated with white and pink  roses. She had a huge smile on her face seeing it. A stage was set with the Father standing but where did her Ganzi aakho wala Baggad billa go?

Arnav: Finding for someone?
Anika: Why would I?
Arnav: I thought you are quite eager to see him... Aaa... Never mind I will tell him not to...
Anika: Okay, stop teasing me bhaiyu. How can you change your side like this?
Arnav: Just trying to ease your nervousness. See it worked.
Anika: You are the best brother.
Arnav: Yeah... yeah.... I know.... (looking behind her) Oh see, your loverboy came.

Anika turned around and saw Shivaay and she became lost in him. Black tuxedo with matching tie as her gown with a small flower attached. He was looking so handsome that she wanted to hide him somewhere far away from every girl, her possessive side took control of her mind.

Arnav(whispering): Stop looking at him like that.... People will think wrong about your intentions.
Anika(blushed): Bhaiyu...
Rudra: It's time Bhabi.... Let's get you married to Bhaiya.... Again.....

Anika nodded her head and took a deep breath saying to herself, ''Let's go for it ''. Khushi gave her a bouquet of white and pink roses, Arnav held her one hand while she felt someone holding her other hand, Sahil.... Of course how can she forget him. She looked at Arnav and he just smiled.

The music started and Arshi went first throwing flowers paving the ways for the bride to welcome. Then went Rikara, the couple looking in newly found love followed by Mahira, the couple perfect for eachother but yet to realise that and then Rumya, the hot couple who could beat anyone together but not yet stopped fighting with eachother. Finally, our bride entered with slow and steady steps along with her brothers and bhabi in tou with her. She had kept her eyes down in shy but could feel the intense graze on her. She blushed and she tightened her hold on her brother. He just squeezed his hand back in return gesturing her to be normal. Finally, they came in front of Shivaay and he forwarded his hand to her. Arnav was about to give her hand but Anika stopped. Everyone was confused seeing it

Arnav: What happened Aru?
Anika: Bhaiyu, I will not marry him.......

Everyone was shocked hearing it specially Shivaay.

Arnav: But why?  Something happened tell me... Did he do something wrong?
Anika: He did a very very big mistake.... No not mistake sin...
Shivaay(shaky voice) : What... did.... I... do... Anika?
Anika: Who writes about death in the letter and that to on the day when we are becoming one? How can you even think about it?

Everyone sighed hearing her and Shivaay visibly relaxed.

Shivaay: For this reason you won't marry me?
Anika: Yes.... Do you think it is very funny talking about it like that?
Shivaay: I know it is not but whatever cane in my mind I just wrote it down. Try to understand my feelings through it.
Anika: Feelings gaya aapka tel lene. And what about me?
Shivaay: Acha baba, I am sorry.  I won't do like this henceforth. Now let's get married please.
Anika: No.... I won't....
Shivaay: Then you haven't left me with any other option.
Anika(confused): Wha....

Before she could complete it, Shivaay picked her up in his arms and walked towards the Father for the ceremony.

Anika: You can't force me like this.
Shivaay(towards others) : Anyone having any problem with this? (everyone nodded no) Good.... Father please start otherwise this Jangli billi will run away from me again.

(People, I don't know what all happens in the Christian wedding, I mean the right orders so I am just skipping that part and dirtly going to the past part of it)

Father said Shivaay about his vows which he said without any second throught while for Anika, well our SSO had to go back to SSO mode for it.

Father: By God's blessings and love, I pronounce you both as husband and wife..... You may kiss the bride now.
Rudra(shouted): Bhaiya, think about the surrounding and.......

Shivaay left everyone stunned when he kissed her forehead lovingly...... Without any control, Anika blushed and a sweet smile lingered her lips. The guests clapped and Shivaay proudly, stepped down with her still in his arms.

Anika(shied away) : Shivaay, put me down everyone is seeing us.
Shivaay: Let them, after all I am carrying my legally wedded wife. So chill Mrs. Anika Shivaay Singh Oberoi.....
Anika(hid her face in his chest) : Beshram.....
Shivaay(kissing her forehead) : For you darling.....

Precap: Reception party and other couples talks..... And their... first.... 😄😄
Phew!  Done, with the longest chapter and I am so happy..... Finally, they are married.....

A very belated happy birthday to you dear AnjliKingrani . This chapter is exclusively for you....

Tell me your views through votes and comments....

*Last update for this month ....Next update at the end of this month.... My exams are going on still I managed this one... please spare me... *

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