Chapter 29

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Hey people....
Back with next chapter....
Mystery will be getting unfolded and solved....
So ready?

lovelyanju .... for you .... Get well soon...
And for the whole Shivika fandom because of whom Our Shivika has got their rightful achievement....
Thank you so much.....


*Oberoi Mansion*

Anika was shocked hearing Arnav. Her mouth was wide open and eyes wide. She had completely lost her voice to speak.

Anika: Bhaiyu.... I am.... I am shocked. I don't know what to say. I am clueless. Please explain me everything in details.
Arnav: I can't explain you everything here now. Tomorrow come to Raizada Mansion. I will show you every prove and everything regarding her. I can tell you only one thing now..... She is planning something very big and dangerous.
Anika: Before that duplicate Pinky Aunty can do any harm to my family and Shivaay I have to stop her and for that if I have to sacrifice my life also I am ready to do it.
Arnav(shocked): Aru....
Anika: Bhaiyu.... Shivaay has suffered a lot since childhood. I will do everything possible. That Lady has created enough problems in our life. Now it is time to bring back the real Pinky Singh Oberoi back to the Oberoi family.

Seeing her determination, Arnav was a bit scared. He was thinking of all the possible situations.

Arnav(thinking): Whatever happens I will never leave your side Aru. I am accepting your condition of not involving Shivaay in it. But you can't push me away from your plans. I will surely be beside you.
Anika(thinking): Pinky Aunty is not the real Pinky Aunty but Rinky Aunty. Oh god! Mera dimag kharab ho raha. Bahut hi baada raita phelaya hai iss Rinky aur Pinky ne. Before Priyank's wedding,I have to sort everything out. (remembers something) Shivaay.... How will he react when he comes to know that the person whom he considered as his mother for the past 25 years is not his real mother? How will be digest this fact? He is already upset regarding the birth truth which I am 100% sure is not true. He is an Oberoi and so is Mahi. God! So many mysteries..... So many secrets..... Yeh Oberoi khandan hai yaa Raaz 4 ki movie. Aabhi toh Raaz 4 hai... pata nehi baad me kon konsi movies aayegi....

She rubbed her forehead in tension. Arnav saw her thinking something deeply and didn't disturb.

Arnav(thinking): I should leave Aru alone for sometime. Tomorrow, when she will come I will tell her everything about it.

He went leaving her alone and failed to notice that she was about to fall down due to excessive stress. But at the right time,Shivaay came looking for her and saw her fainting. He rushed towards her and caught her before she could touch the ground.

Shivaay(patting her cheek): Anika.... Jaan.... Open your eyes.... Jaan..... (shouts) Somebody get me a some water. Anika.... Jaan.....

Family members rushed towards them. A helper gave water to Shivaay and he sprinkled over her face but no effect. Without wasting any more time,he picked her up in his arms and went towards their room not before informing Om to call the doctor.

Khushi(whispers): Did it happen because of the news?
Arnav(whispers): I think so. She took it too seriously and stressed herself out. I shouldn't have told her about it.
Khushi: But eventually you had to say her about it. She is determined to find out the truth and I am sure she won't stop until she finds out the complete truth and solve this mystery.

Arnav nodded agreeing to her but he couldn't stop thinking about her and her health. He prayed that she gets fine.

*Shivika's room*
Shivaay was rubbing her hands and Gauri was rubbing her feet. But still no effect. He was slowly loosing his sanity when doctor entered. He checked her and gave an injection.

Doctor: Extreme stress. Mr. Oberoi you very well know that stress is very much harmful for her. Then how come this carelessness?
Shivaay: I will look after her doctor. This won't repeat in future.
Doctor: I hope you keep your words otherwise.....
Shivaay: I know Doctor. Thank you. When will she gain consiousness?
Doctor: Within sometime. Feed her something and complete rest for a day.

He nodded at his every words while his eyes were fixed on her. What would have happened suddenly that made her stressed so much?

Arnav heard everything and was feeling guilty.

Arnav: Just because of me Aru is suffering now. I shouldn't have said her only. But how can I keep this matter hidden from her. She needed to know. But I don't know why she took such stress? Is she worried about Shivaay? I guess she is. Otherwise nothing else can stress her out. Doctor told complete rest for her. I will tell her not to come tomorrow. (peeps into the room) Take care Aru.

Party was over and the guests had left. Shivaay didn't leave her side at all. Their hands were interlinked and he was occasionally kissing her hand. He felt her moving and she opened her eyes slowly. Seeing her eyes made him breath normally. He kissed her forehead for sometime making him believe that she is fine.

Shivaay: You scared me....
Anika(cute puppy face): Sorry.....
Shivaay: What had happened? Why you stressed out so much?
Anika(thinking): I can't Shivaay the main reason. I am sorry Shivaay. Once I find out the whole truth I will tell you everything.
Shivaay(jerks her): Where are you lost?
Anika: Nothing.
Shivaay: Then tell me why you took so much stress? What is bothering you?
Anika: Nothing is bothering me Shivaay. I was just thinking about Rudra and Soumya and....(makes an innocent face)
Shivaay(sighed): Jaan..... I told you to stop worrying about them. They are perfectly alright. See you take so much stress regarding everyone and hamper your health. You know right it isn't good for your health.
Anika: I'm sorry Shivaay. I will take care of myself from now onwards. I promise.
Shivaay(showing his little finger): Pinky promise?
Anika(smiles)(joining hers with his): Pinky promise.

Gauri entered the room hurriedly breaking their moment.

Gauri: Jiji .... How are you? You literally scared us.
Anika: I am fine Chutki. Don't worry.
Gauri: How can I not worry? You have just now come back to us and if you don't take of yourself then......
Anika: Gauri.... I am absolutely fine. Don't worry so much.
Shivaay: You both sisters talk, I will get your dinner.
Anika: But I want to eat with everyone.
Shivaay: I am not asking you I am ordering you. Understood Mrs.Shivaay?
Anika(grumbling like a kid): Okay.

He shook his head in disbelief and went leaving the two sisters.

Anika: Chutki I need to discuss something very important with all of you.
Gauri: Not now Jiji. You need complete rest for a day.
Anika(shaking her head): I can't take rest. It's very much important. I need to meet Bhaiyu tomorrow.
Gauri: But Jiji.....
Anika: Gauri,it's about this family. The person whom are thinking not the same person but someone else. And if that person doesn't get out of our life then don't know what disaster will come to the family.
Gauri(getting scared): Jiji I am getting scared. What is going to happen?
Anika: I won't let anything happen. I will finish this chapter once and forever.
Shivaay(entering): Whose chapter you are planning to end wifey?
Anika(stammers): Woh....Woh.....
Gauri: Baada Bhaiya Jiji was talking about Sahil. His studies and everything.
Anika: Haa... right. Sahil...
Shivaay: Don't think about Sahil. I'm there and will help him out. You just take rest and be healthy. Then see automatically everything will become good.
Anika: I will.
Gauri: Jiji take care. I will come tomorrow morning to meet you. (showing some actions)
Anika: Haa Chutki.

She left the room not before indicating that they need to talk about it more. Anika assured her through her eyes that they will talk tomorrow.

Shivaay kept on ranting about her carelessness but was pampering her also. Anika was just listening to him and smiling. Her thoughts were drifting back to him and his reaction. She was just thinking what would he do when he realises it? Will he accept his real mother? Or will it be too much for him to bear? His thoughts were constantly making her worried. Without thinking more, she hugged him tightly. Feeling her hug,he hugged her tightly but he was unaware of the inner turmoil she was going through.

Shivaay: This is a very good of escaping my scolding. But I won't melt so easily.
Anika: I will always listen to you ,Shivaay. I will always stay beside you. I won't let any problem come near you. I will always protect you.
Shivaay: Anika, what happened? (carenessing her hair) What is bothering you so much? Tell me Jaan.
Anika(shrugging more into his chest): Nothing Shivaay. Just bad thoughts came in my mind.
Shivaay(kissing her hair): Don't worry Jaan. Everything is fine now. I just have one more duty left - Prinku's wedding. Then we will leave this family and everything and start our new life. You, Me and our small world.
Anika(thinking): You can't leave this Family Shivaay because it is yours. You have to stay in the family and become the Great Wall of Shivaay Singh Oberoi again. Just few more days then everything will be fine and back to normal.

She closed her eyes as the medicines started showing their effect. She shrugged more into his chest and slept off. Shivaay saw her eyes closed and understood that she slept off. He kissed her hair lovingly and slept off. Both of them were in peace but only she knew what storm was about to hit them.

*Next Day*
*Rikara's room*

Gauri was absent-mindedly doing all her work. Anika's words were continuously troubling her. Om saw her and sighed.

Om(back hugging her): What is Chiraiya thinking so much?
Gauri(trying to free herself): What are you doing Om? Someone might see us.
Om: No one will see us. We are in our room and the door is locked. So now stop moving and tell me what is bothering you so much?
Gauri(thinking): I can't tell Om. Jiji said not to tell anyone about it. I am sorry Om.
Om(shaking her): What are you thinking?
Gauri: Nothing. I was just worried about Jiji. How she became sick suddenly?
Om(keeping his chin on her shoulder): Hmm.... You are right. I don't know what bhabi is thinking so much? I just hope she is not putting herself in some big trouble. Because if anything....anything happens to bhabi ,Shivaay will go mad. They have already gone through so much. Now I only want happiness in their life.
Gauri: I also want that Om.

They sighed and stayed in that position for sometime.

*Rumya's room*
Rudra was involved in his workout session while our Soumya was cracking her head in solving the assignment given to our Rudy boy.

Rudra: Sumo, did you get it how to do?
Soumya: I am almost there. But something is missing here. I think the question is not complete.
Rudra: Yaa, because I had slept off when the professor was explaining.
Soumya(gets angry): Rudra.....
Rudra(drops his dumbles in fear and it falls on his feet): Aahh!!! Mummy..... Papa..... Sumo.....
Soumya(hurries to him): Rudra.... Sit down.... I'm so sorry. I will get ice pack right now.

She was about to go but he pulls her towards him. She falls down on his lap and hits his well built chest. She was shocked. He slowly sneaks his hand around her waist and held her tightly. She looks up and saw his face very close to hers. Sweat was running down his forehead making him more hotter. He went near to her face. His hot breaths was falling on her lips making her shiver. Her eyes lowered automatically and lips shivered. He tightened his hold and was about to place his lips on her when a shrill ring tone broke their moment. She was startled and got up from his lap. She blushed heavily and took her phone. The called id drained all the colour of her face. He noticed the changes of her face and stood beside her. Peeping into the phone, he saw the name 'Swetlana' flashing.

Rudra(holding her shoulder): Pick it up.
Soumya(scared): No.... She will... She....
Rudra: I'm there with you. Nothing will happen. Pick up the call and keep it on speaker.

She did according to his words.

*Phone conversation *
Soumya(stammering): He... Hello....
Swetlana: Hello dear sister. How are you?
Soumya: Why did you call me again? I told you to stay away from my life.
Swetlana: Calm down.... calm down baby sis. You very well know that I'm not leaving you so easily. You are my only way through which I can again enter Oberoi mansion.
Soumya(shouts): Never. I will never allow you to enter the Family and let you destroy it. Never.
Swetlana: Awaz niche. You very well know what I can do if you go again me. I will tell everyone that you.....
Rudra: That she is a Kapoor.
Swetlana(shocked): Rudra?
Rudra: Yes.... Rudra Singh Oberoi. And I'm warning you. In future if you try to threaten my wife or try to interfere in our family.... I will destroy you. Mark my words. And I don't give empty warnings.


Soumya cuts the call and hugs Rudra tightly. She was crying badly and he was carenessing her hair trying to calm her down.

Rudra: Sumo calm down. Everything is sorted out. Now she won't interfere in our lives.
Soumya(crying): Rudra.... I am still ashamed of being related to the Kapoors. I'm feeling so bad.
Rudra: You are not a Kapoor anymore. Understood. You are an Oberoi. You are Rudra Singh Oberoi's wife, Mrs. Soumya Rudra Singh Oberoi. Understood. Now stop crying and cursing yourself. (trying to cheer her up) Waise,you call me crybaby... see now who is being a crybaby.
Soumya(chuckled): You will always be a crybaby no matter what.

They broke the hug and he wiped her tears away. He cupped her face tenderly and kissed her forehead. And she understood that he is with her always.

*Mohi's room *
Well..... Something interesting was going on here. Mona was still sleeping and we can see that our Mahi babu is trying to do something.

Mahi: I don't even know what Mona likes... Tea or coffee? Then how can I surprise her? Idea I will make both of them. That will be better.

He went towards the kitchen to prepare bedtime tea or coffee for his wife.

"Ahem.... Ahem...."

He turned towards the kitchen door to see Shivaay.

Shivaay: Kya baat hai.... Early morning Mahendra Singh Oberoi in the kitchen and (peeping into the container) making tea and coffee both. What is happening?
Mahi: Woh.... Woh.....
Shivaay(taking another container): Waise.... Mona likes tea.... Full of milk and 2 teaspoon sugar.
Mahi(amased): How do you know?
Shivaay(making green tea): Well you have forgotten who am I. But I didn't know about it. Jaan said me to inform you.
Mahi(making tea and teasing): New nickname.... Not bad.
Shivaay(shrugging his shoulder): So what. My wife..... My love ..... I can call her whatever I want. I guess you should also think for a nickname.
Mahi: How can I? I am already so poor in romance and romantic stuff and now nickname. I guess Mona is only good for me.
Shivaay(making his kaali coffee): Then nothing can be done. You are useless.
Mahi: What me and useless? Of course not. Now I will surely find a nickname for My Darling Mona....
Shivaay(teasing): Mona...... Darling.... Not bad.... (arranged the cups on the tray) Baata de jaake sayad thora romance mil jaye....

Shivaay teased Mahi and went back to his room with their morning beverages. While Mahi was grinning finally able to get the suitable nickname for his wife. Happily,he set the tray and he went back to the room to see his wife woken up and cleaning the bed. He silently kept the tray aside and went behind her and hugged her suddenly from behind. She startled due to the sudden hug and kept her hands on his.

Mahi(sweetly): Good morning Mona darling.
Mona(eyes popped out of socket): What did you say?
Mahi: Good morning.
Mona: No after that.
Mahi: Mona darling.

She stumbled and she felt light headed. He caught her at the right time and made her sit.

Mahi(cupping her face): Are you fine?
Mona(shocked in trans): Haa....
Mahi: Are you sure?
Mona: Haa.....
Mahi: Leave all those. I made tea for you.
Mona(one more shock): Tea.... For me?
Mahi(big smile): Yes.
Mona: You made it?
Mahi(wide smile): Yes.
Mona(holding her head): Mahi.... I am feeling dizzy.... I....
Mahi(serious voice): Are you pregnant?
Mona(shocked and shouted): What? No.... How? No....
Mahi: You just said you are feeling dizzy....
Mona(shouts): Mahi....
Mahi(puppy face): Now what did I do?
Mona(sighed loudly and talking to herself): Ok... Calm down Mona. This is normal... This is normal. Calm down.
Mahi: Why are you talking to yourself?
Mona: Trying to make myself believe that whatever I am seeing and hearing is normal.
Mahi(confused): Is it so difficult to believe that I did this for you?
Mona(hesitates): No... I....
Mahi(holding her hands): Mona.... I know that I had never done anything special for you before. And when I am suddenly doing this all you are getting shocked. Just like I had said before I am trying. I'm trying to understand everything.... I'm trying to be romantic.... I'm trying to make you feel special. I know I can't be perfect like Shivaay.... But I will do everything in my hand to make you feel good. And (giving her the cup) Let's start with this morning bed tea of yours.
Mona(sipping tea): Hmm.... How do you know what kind of tea I like?
Mahi(rubbing his neck behind): Shivaay helped me out.... I mean bhabi helped indirectly. Sorry, I don't know your likes and dislikes.
Mona(holding his hand): We are trying....

He smiled and she too. She made him sit beside her and she kept her head on his shoulder while his hand wrapped around her. They both were enjoying their drink and the morning sun through their room window.

Mahi: Waise..... (whispers in her ears): Can I call you.... Mona darling?

She blushed hearing it and hid herself in his embrace. He chuckled seeing her shyness and hugged her tightly.

*Shivika's room*

Shivaay entered the room and saw that his Chaand was lost somewhere in her thoughts. She was sitting on the bed against the headrest looking divine in the morning sun.

Shivaay(fake cough): Ahem.... Ahem.... Seems like my Chaand is lost somewhere. (sitting in front of her)
Anika(smiles lightly): Where do you think your Chaand was lost?
Shivaay: Ammm.... Let me guess.... In Her Sun.
Anika: Of course.... Because she loves her Sun very much.
Shivaay: Kya baat hai.... Subah subah I love you that to from your mouth. Something seems fishy. Hmm...... Tell me what is going in your intelligent brain?
Anika(lost in his face): Nothing. (carenessing his face lovingly) Nothing will happen Shivaay. I will solve everything.
Shivaay: Anika.... Is something bothering you? Since yesterday I am hearing such words from you, especially after the party. Something happened after the party? Tell me Jaan.... Something happened?
Anika(composing herself): Nothing happened Shivaay. And if I'm showering you with love you are suspecting me. (being dramatic)Hai Ram! What type of husband I have got? Here his wife.... No... No ... His fiancee is trying to do romance with him (taking the cup of green tea and sipping it) and even drinking this karwi green tea still he isn't happy. Hai bhagwan Kya hoga Mera?
Shivaay(calming her down): Okay.... Okay... Fine.... Calm down. I am not doubting you. I'm just concerned about you. I don't want you to be in any kind of danger. That's why. And (getting closer to her) who said I am not enjoying your romance and romantic side? Rather I'm very happy to see it. Kaas yeh sab har din milta.
Anika(pushing him away a little): Don't expect too much Mister. It comes once in a while. And be happy that you got it.
Shivaay(goes closer again): I'm happy with a simple cheek kiss also. But.... I want ....
Anika: What do you want?
Shivaay: My morning kiss....
Anika: Didn't you get one before you left for kitchen?
Shivaay(pouts): That was a peck not a kiss.
Anika: Both are same. (turning her face away)
Shivaay(whispers in her ears): Of course not would be wifey.

She shivers under his gaze and proximity. He smirks seeing it. He put his finger under her chin and turned her face towards him. Keeping the cups aside, he shifted closer to her. Her eyes were down all the while. He careneseed her cheeks lightly and her cheeks turned red. He smiled. His finger went towards her lips and brushed them lightly. She shivered under his touch and her breaths were uneven. He reduced the distance between them. His hot breaths were falling on her lips making her more shiver and blush.

Shivaay(whispers): Anika....

She didn't respond and her eyes were still down.

Shivaay(whispers): Jaan.....

Slowly,she looked up and her eyes caught his blue green onces and she got drowned in them.

Shivaay(whispers): I love you.....
Anika(whispers): I love you too......

The last amount of distance was removed and their lips met with each other. He was kissing her slowly and she was responding equally. It was a soft and passionate kiss. Her hands went towards his chest and his heart beats made her happy. She smiled in the kiss and he too smiled feeling her. They kept on kissing for about 10 mins and finally broke away due to lack of oxygen. But he couldn't get over her. He went towards her neck and started giving her wet kisses. She gripped his kurta tightly and prevented herself from moaning. He kissed her sweet spot earning a beautiful moan from her.

Anika(moans): Shivaay.....

She hid her face in his shoulder and breathing heavily. Without any prior thinking,he picked her up in his arms and she locked her arms around his neck.

Shivaay(full of desire): I need you....
Anika(equal passion): I'm all yours.

He got what he wanted. They went to the bathroom and closed the door and.....

Aare choor dete hai inn dono ko..... Thora romance karne dete hai...... 😁😋

*After breakfast*
During the whole breakfast, Anika was blushing a lot and Shivaay was holding her hand under the table. And she bechari had to eat it with her left hand. The youngster were teasing them but Shivaay didn't stay back and teased the other couples as well. Anika was looking at Shivaay and her eyes were holding an unknown happiness and fear. Gauri saw it and kept silent. She knew that many things are coming up.

Anika(complaining like a kid): But what is need for you to stay back? See everyone is here to look after me.
Shivaay: No ways. I can't take risk with your health.
Anika: But....
Gauri: Baade Bhaiya.... don't worry I will look after Jiji.
Shivaay(concerned): But....
Gauri: Don't worry Baade Bhaiya. Have faith on this sister of yours. I will take good care of Your Anika. Don't worry. And not only me everyone will take take of her.
Anika: Now you are satisfied?
Shivaay: I have no doubt on my sisters. But you very well know that I won't be able to concentrate on my work when I know that you are not well.
Anika: Chutki, can you please leave us alone for sometime?
Gauri(smiles): Sure Jiji. ( she went out)
Anika(holding his hands): Shivaay, I can understand your concern for me and your love for me too. But, Shivaay..... I think I am becoming your weakness.
Shivaay(reacts instantly and cups her face): No Jaan..... Not at all. You are my strength. You give me the most needed strength that I need to fight the world. How can you be my weakness?
Anika(removes his hands): No Shivaay. I'm becoming your weakness. See just because I stressed myself out and fainted,you are very much tensed and don't want to go for work. I can understand that you care about me and think about my health too much. You have almost lost me twice and you are very scared if anything happens to me. But that doesn't mean that I will become your weakness. Shivaay,please don't get me wrong. I.... I want to be your strength not your weakness.

A small tear escaped his eye which he wiped it out fast. She saw it and felt bad.

Anika: Shivaay.....
Shivaay(looking other side): Hmm....
Anika(choking voice with tears): I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. I'm sorry......(starts crying)
Shivaay(cups her face): Anika.... Jaan.... Don't cry please. I'm not hurt.
Anika: No I have hurt you. I shouldn't have said like that. I should have understood your feelings. I'm sorry.
Shivaay: Jaan, you haven't hurt my feeling at all. And you are right. I should be strong. But my strength comes only when you are beside me. With you beside me,I can conquer the whole world. You just stay beside me. That's all I want. And never think that you are my weakness. Okay?
Anika(teary eyes): I am sorry.
Shivaay(wiping her tears): No more Sorry. You didn't hurt me at all. (keeping her hand on his left chest) Can you feel it? (She nods) Is it crying? (she nods no) What is it saying?
Anika(cute face): I don't know.
Shivaay: It is saying that My Jaan doesn't look good while crying. And she should always smile and never blame herself.

Finally, she smiled and he sighed in relief. Wiping any all the traces of tears from her eyes, He kissed her forehead lovingly.

Shivaay: Okay fine. I'm going to office. But.....
Anika(completing his words): I have to take care of myself and not step out of the room. Eat my lunch and medicines on time. Don't worry Shivaay. The Obrobahus are there to look after me. Okay?
Shivaay(smiles): Okay. Take care. I will be back soon.

Giving her the final lip and forehead kiss,he went. Anika smiled and waved him bye. She silently prayed for his safe journey and safety.

Anika: I need to talk with Chutki and others. I should call them. (calling Gauri) Chutki bring everyone to my room. (calls ends) Now I need to concentrate on that matter and finish it once and forever.

The Obrobahus arrived and Anika said them to shut the door. Everyone settled around her with a confused face except Gauri.

Mona: Bhabi, all fine?
Soumya: Yaa, suddenly you called all of us together. Any serious matter?
Anika: Actually, I wouldn't have called you all but I can't do this alone.
Mona: Bhabi, you are scaring us. Please tell us what happened? Is it related to your health?
Gauri: No... it's about Choti maaji.
Soumya(confused): Pinky Aunty?
Anika(serious voice): This matter is very serious Girls. Whom we are thinking as Pinky Aunty is not the real Pinky Aunty.
Mona(confused): Means?
Anika: The one staying in the Oberoi mansion with the Oberoifamily for the past 25years is not Pinky Singh Oberoi but her duplicate Rinky Singh.
GauNaMya(shocked): What?
Anika(sighed): Yes.... And Bhaiyu is supposed to give me full information about her. I need to meet him.
Gauri: But jiji you can't go. You are not well.
Anika: Chutki.... I need to go. It's very much important. I need to solve this matter before Priyanka's wedding.
Soumya: Bhabi... I guess we all should go. It will be better. We can't leave you alone like this in such a condition.
Mona: And if Shivaay Bhaiya comes to know about it then...
Anika(instantly): No..... Shivaay shouldn't come to about it at all. Okay,fine. Let's all go together. In one way we can plan for the further moves as well. Let's take Khanna ji also with us. I need his help very much in this.

Everyone agreed to it. They sneaked out of the mansion without anyone's notice. Taking Khanna ji, they drove towards Raizada mansion.

*Raizada mansion*
*Study room*
Arnav was thinking ways to find out more about the 2 ladies, when Khushi entered hurriedly.

Khushi: Anika and others are here.
Arnav(shocked): What? But she wasn't supposed to come. She needed rest.
Khushi: I don't know. Now handle your stubborn sister.
Arnav(sighed): Okay. Send them.

She nodded and went. Arnav sighed seeing his sister's stubbornness.

Arnav: God know why is she so stubborn? What would have happened if she took rest for a day and came tomorrow.
Anika(entering): That is because I can't waste a single minute now to expose that duplicate lady.
Arnav(seeing towards the door): Aru....
Anika(hugging him): Don't worry bhaiyu. I am fine.
Arnav(breaking the hug): Yaa I can see that.
Gauri(hugging him): Now,you only tell her bhaiyu. Jiji has decided not to hear anyone's advice.
Arnav(breaking the hug): I need to take a good class of her now. How are you Naina?
Gauri(smiles): I'm fine bhaiyu. But will surely go mad one day because of Jiji.
Arnav(chuckled): Can't be helped. She was like that only from birth. (To Mona and Soumya) How are my other sisters?(opening his arms for them for hug)
SoumNa (hugging him): We are fine Bhaiya.
Anika(impatiently): If your bhai behan milap is over then can we discuss?
Arnav(sighed): She will never change.

Others chuckled. Arnav set everything that he had got.

Arnav(showing two pictures): These are the 2 ladies. One of them is the real Pinky Singh Oberoi and other is duplicate.
Anika: Which one is Shivaay's mother?
Arnav(showing Pinky's picture): This is Shivaay's mother aka the real Pinky Singh Oberoi.

Gauri: That means the other one is....
Arnav: The duplicate Rinky Singh.

Mona(astonished): Both look exactly the same.
Arnav: Yes.... but this isn't Rinky's real face.
Anika(confused): Means?
Arnav(taking out a file): Read the file.
Anika(shocked reading the file): Oh my God.... That means.... (Arnav nodded)
Soumya: What is written in it Bhabhi?
Anika: Rinky had a plastic surgery and she took up the face of Pinky Aunty.

Everyone was shocked.

Gauri: But why would she do something like that?
Arnav(passing Anika another file): For that you need to read this file.
Anika(reading it): Rinky Singh..... PA of Mr. Shakti Singh Oberoi.
Mona: That means she had some kind of greed over Oberoi property?
Soumya: Or maybe she wanted Shakti Uncle?
Anika: Or maybe She wanted both of them.
Gauri: Now how do we find out about it?
Arnav: I have set up my Men around the factory and they are trying to enter into it. But seems like tight goon security.
Anika: In no way we can enter?
Arnav: No... there is some pass code and I am unable to decipher.
Gauri: What is the hint of the code?
Arnav: Life changing day.
Anika: For Rinky ,her life changing day would be the day she took Pinky Aunty's place in Oberoi mansion....
Mona: That means....
Anika: Shivaay and Mahi's birth date which is 15th January. That means she will try to do something on that day also.
Arnav(clicks him): Why didn't it click in my mind? Then I would have solved the mystery more.
Anika: No worries bhaiyu. We still have time. We still have 1 month before she does anything. Before that we need to know her each and every motive.
Arnav: Don't worry. Now that I know the code. My men can easily enter and get every info.
Soumya: Why don't we fix a microphone there and we can sit here and operate it?
Anika: That's a very good idea. In this way,we can even record her whole confession and provide as an evidence to the police.
Arnav: Then I will tell my Men to fix a microphone.
Anika: Now, we need to wait till we get the recordings.

Everyone had a serious face yet was scared to hell. Anika was thinking a lot about it. Because she knew how much Shivaay is affected by all these. She doesn't know what will happen but she will make sure that he doesn't get hurt any way. She will protect him in every way.

Anika: How much time will it take bhaiyu?
Arnav: It will take about a day's time.
Anika: No problem Bhaiyu. Till then I will try to keep a watch on her from Oberoi mansion.
Arnav: You all should leave now.
Gauri: Yes bhaiyu. Jiji we should get going. You need rest. If Baade Bhaiya comes to know about your absence then he will become Rudra.
Soumya(confused): How can Shivaay Bhaiya become Rudra?
Mona: She means to say Shivaay Bhaiya will become angry and take up the Rudra form of Shiv bhagwan ji.
Soumya: Oh....
Mona: You are becoming like Rudra now a days staying with him.
Soumya: Really? Oh my maata.
Gauri: Why are getting shocked?
Soumya: I am becoming Duffer like Rudra.
Mona(rolling her eyes): That is nothing new.
Gauri: I guess we should be going now. Jiji...( saw that Anika is lost somewhere)
Anika: Haa....
Gauri: We should be going. You need rest and take your medicines.
Anika: Gauri you all leave. I have some work. ( she leaves)
Gauri(tries to stop her): Jiji..... Bhaiyu where did she go?
Arnav: I guess to the old mill.
Gauri(scared): It is dangerous. She shouldn't be going there alone.
Arnav: Don't worry. She won't do anything wrong. And after that she will go to Shivaay.
Mona: How do you that Bhai?
Arnav: Her constant fear is regarding Shivaay. Like the way Shivaay is possessive about her in the same way Aru is also possessive about him. After getting the news about this mother fiasco she is scared. She is highly scared about his reaction. That is why she wants to stay with him now. ( puts his hands into the pocket) Let her be with him. It will be good for both of them.

All of them were visible scared but they had a hope in their heart that everything will fine.

*Anika's side*

Anika was driving the car lost in her thoughts. Her mind was full of instances of Shivaay and Pinky no no Rinky. She changed the gear harshly remembering the amount of respect and love Shivaay had for That Lady. She can't even imagine what will be his reaction when he..... No no she can't even interpret what is in store for them. She increased the speed and reached the Old mill. Getting out of the car, she walked towards the mill to see some men in arms guarding it. Secretly,she took notice of everything and waited for sometime to notice any activity. After about an hour when she didn't notice anything unusual,she decided to go. She was about to sit in the car when she saw her..... Kamini. She hid herself behind the bushes and saw her going towards the mill. Slowly without any noice, she went behind her and attached the microphone in her sari pallu. She went back to the car and connected with the microphone.

*Old Mill*
(All these are heard by Anika)

Rinky: Where did you vanish?
Kamini: I went to bring medicine for this Pinky.
Rinky: You won't believe what happened?
Kamini: What happened?
Rinky: I have finally achieved what I had been doing for the last 25 years. I have finally got the whole property of the Oberoi's in my name.
Kamini: But I didn't understand one thing. Why did it take so much time? I mean if you need property then you can just simply get sighs of the share holders.
Rinky: I had also thought that way. But these turned out to be very cleaver that I had thought. Prithviraj Singh Oberoi had started this empire from zero. Then due to his sudden death, it automatically went to his sons. Naturally, the properties were supposed to pass on to his sons Tej and Shakti. But no. He had written in his will that grand children would get the shares of property and maximum was given to the eldest one. But the clause to this was if any of them try to sell the property then it would automatically go to the orphanage. So I had to wait for all of them to be at least 20 years to complete my plan. When got to know about it, he forced Janvi to have a baby but she was career oriented Lady and didn't want a baby. In the meantime Pinky got pregnant and naturally the major portion would have gone to her kids. Shakti was very much aloof from all these shares and properties. I was his secretary and I used to love him with all my heart. But this Pinky came in between and ruined everything. But I didn't loose my hopes. I befriended with Her and took the opportunity. I had only made the accident and showed that Rinky,that is me, is dead. Pinky was in her last stage of pregnancy. To save the baby, they operated her. It turned out that she was carrying twins. But I needed only one. So I gave you the other one. Pinky wasn't in the state to defend herself. Very easily, I switched places with her taking up her face and everything. I had to nourish Shivaay but whenever I saw him,my blood boiled because he was Pinky's son. But he turned out to the brightest. I misguided him. Taught him about blood family and linkage. I thought making him arrogant and self centered I will make him get married to rich family and make mergers. Then the Oberoi valuation will also increase. But.... He had to marry that road side trash Anika and ruin everything. I tried to separate them but don't know what force is there between that they always come back together. I was trying to harm Shivaay thinking that Anika will leave. But soon realised that Anika is the weak point. So I snatched their only source of happiness..... Their symbol of Love and I had given her such a strong drug that she would never become a mother again. Anika went the problem was with Gauri and Soumya. Soumya was already out of picture and left was Gauri. It was simple to remove her. When the girls were away from their husbands, I took this opportunity and took sighs of Omkara and Rudra. And Priyanka sighed during the marriage registration only. Problem was with Shivaay. He is clever and would have very easily caught me. So I only have his signature left to be taken. And (seeing the file) finally The whole Oberoi empire will be mine. 25 years ...... I have waited for this day to come. Shakti Singh Oberoi had rejected my proposal and he thought I will leave him so easily. No.... Never. He has to pay for it and not only him.... His family has to pay for it. Get ready Oberois to be ruined.

She started laughing loudly.

*Anika's side*

Hearing everything, she was in shock. So much planning and plotting not for few months but for the past 25 years. How can a person have so much hatred in her heart? How? And what were the medicines that is given to Pinky Aunty?

She got down from the car again and went further inside. She searched around the place and found empty medicine packets. Slowly with steady steps, she went towards it when she heard some foot steps. She backed off and hid herself. When she saw the person going away,she heaved a sigh of relief. She again went and took the packet. Keeping it securely in her pant pocket, she went back. She started the car and drove away.

*A. S. Enterprise *

Anika made herself presentable and entered. All the staffs greeted her while she smiled at them. Riya, Shivaay's PA came up to her.

Riya: Ma'am sir is a meeting. Should I inform him about your arrival?
Anika: No. Don't disturb him. I will just wait for him.
Riya: Okay ma'am. Would you like to have some tea or coffee or cold drink?
Anika(smiles): Just some water will do. And stop calling me Ma'am.
Riya: Okay Anika bhabi. I will send it right away.

Smiling to her, Anika went to the personal room of Shivaay. She entered and dropped her on the couch feeling very exhausted suddenly. A knock disturbed her.

Anika(weak voice): Come in.

A peon gave water and went. She drank the water and relaxed herself. She remembered about the medicine. Fishing out her phone and the empty medicine packet, she called Arjun.

*Phone conversation *
Anika: Bhai....
Arjun: Anika... You suddenly? Any problem? Are you fine?
Anika: I'm fine bhai. Yesterday I just stressed myself a lot and fainted.
Arjun: Anika, you know that stress is good for you at all. Then why are you taking so much stress?
Anika: Bhai I'm in a very big mess right now. And please don't ask me about it now. When time comes I will say you everything. Currently I need your help very urgently.
Arjun: What help?
Anika: I am send you a picture of a medicine packet. Can you please tell me about it? But promise me that you won't tell anything to Shivaay. Please Bhai.
Arjun: But....
Anika(strong voice): You have my swear bhai.
Arjun(sighed): Okay. I won't tell anything to Shivaay.
Anika: Thank you so much bhai. And one more thing. I will call you to know about it. Till then don't call me.
Arjun: Okay.
Anika: Thank you bhai. Thank you so much.
Arjun: You just be safe that is only thing I want.
Anika: I will take care of me bhai. Don't worry.
Arjun: Promise?
Anika: Pinky promise.

*Conversation ends*

She sends a picture of the medicine and kept them away. She sighed and let her head fall back on the couch. She switched off the lights and covered the windows to prevent light from entering. She was in high need of darkness.m, even though she is scared of it. Her thoughts were drifting back to the conversation between Rinky and Kamini. She can't get over it at all.


A loud noise startled her. She looked towards the door to see a figure. Due to darkness she was unable to recognise it. The figure reached her and held her hands in a rough grip. She became scared and started freeing herself. But it kept on tightening his hold. She screamed to gain attention but her mouth got covered. She was struggling to free herself. She was moving continuously when someone shook her hard.

"Anika.... Anika..."

Her eyes opened and in front of her was the blue eyed man highly worried. She looked around and saw Mahi and Riya too. She closed her eyes once more and breath deeply.

Shivaay: Anika, you are fine?
Anika(opening her eyes): Yes Shivaay. I'm fine.
Shivaay: Are you sure?
Anika(smiles lightly): I'm fine absolutely fine Shivaay. Don't worry.
Mahi: Bhabi, you here? You were advised to take bed rest right?
Shivaay: Exactly. What are you doing here?
Anika(complaining tone): I mean what type of husband and devar I have got. I thought of surprising you both and thought of having lunch together. But no. Both of them are on their investigation mode. I was getting bored at home. So thought of paying a visit you both. And before you ask why didn't I bring Mona then let me tell you she didn't want to come. So I came alone. If you want , then you can take out.
Mahi(smiles widely): Thanks bhabi. ( he runs out to call her)
Anika: Riya, I am fine. You can go now. ( she smiles and leaves)
Shivaay: Done?
Anika: What done?
Shivaay: Anika... You can't speak lie on my face. Now tell me why did you come here when doctor had strictly told you bed rest?
Anika(sighed): I just wanted to see you. That's it. I.... I was missing you so much. But I guess I took a wrong decision to come here.
Shivaay: It's nothing like that Jaan. I.... (sighs) I am just worried about your health that's it.
Anika(carenessing his cheek): I can understand Shivaay. And I am totally fine. I just wanted to spend some time with you.
Shivaay(smiles lightly): Okay fine. ( rubbing her cheek) But Jaan why were you screaming in your sleep? Did you see a bad dream?
Anika(remembers but keeps silent): Nothing Shivaay. Just....leave it naa. I'm very hungry. ( she pouts)
Shivaay: Chalo let's go to our favourite restaurant.
Anika(excited): Really?
Shivaay(chuckles): Yes. Only for today....

She smiles widely and jumps on him. He holds her tightly so that she doesn't fall.

Anika: Let's go.
Shivaay(raised eyebrows): Like this?
Anika(demanding): Yes. I don't want to walk anymore.
Shivaay: Anika,you are fine?
Anika(fake anger): Why are you asking such question?
Shivaay: Because....(leaves it) Nevermind. I will be honoured to carry you out our office in front of our employers.
Anika: Yaa so.... (realises what she said) No... I mean to say that....
Shivaay(picks her up in his arms): Now toh surely I will take you like this. Let's go.
Anika: Shivaay please put me down. Don't do like this. It will be so embarrassing.
Shivaay(walks out of the room with her): Nothing will be embarrassing Jaan. You are my wife.... naa fiance and I am carrying you. What is the big thing?
Anika(blushes due to shyness): But Shivaay. I'm feeling shy.
Shivaay(whispers): You can do one thing.
Anika: What?
Shivaay(whispers): Hide your face in my chest and you can.....
Anika(hides her face and blushes): Shivaay......

He laughs lightly and kisses her hair lovingly. Every stuff saw the couple and smiles seeing their love for each other. Mahi showed a thumbs up to Shivaay and gave him a teasing smile. Shaking his head, Shivaay walked out of the office with his highly blushing red wife cum fiance.

*Oberoi Mansion*

Everyone had returned back home. The Youngster were in their own dream land and not to mention the new couple in their list were TejVi. They were in their own little bubble of love and everyone smiled seeing them.

Dadi was very happy seeing her family happy after a long time. But still something was missing. She looked at Shakti who was sitting at the corner and reading some papers. Her smile went away seeing him. Why didn't he get his share of happiness? What was his fault? A soft hold on her shoulder broke her thoughts. Anika stood beside her and looked at Shakti.

Anika: Don't worry Dadi. I will fix everything.
Dadi(confused): What are you talking about puttar?
Anika(smiles sadly): Dadi, sometimes something happens which we had never thought would have happened in our life and at the end it leaves us fully empty.
Dadi(scared): What are you talking about Puttar? You are scaring me.
Anika: Nothing Dadi. When time comes you will understand everything. But I want something from you.
Dadi: Haa puttar bol na kya chahiye.
Anika(holding her hand gently): One Promise.... not one actually two. Promise me Dadi that you will take very good care Shivaay, Mahi and Shakti Uncle. Please Dadi. Promise me.
Dadi(confused): I will Puttar but what is the matter?
Anika: I can't tell you now Dadi. But I can tell you one thing that whatever will happen will surely shake up the whole Oberoi Family.

Anika looked at Shakti, Mahi and last Shivaay with some unusual look which Dadi couldn't decipher. But she understood one thing, whatever the matter is , it is related to her younger son's family. She could just pray that everything gets back to normal and no other storm hit them.

*Hour later*

The pandit was called and he was matching the kundlis of Priyanka and Raghav. The couple was very much excited about it. They were holding their hands tightly and so were Shivika.

Pandit: Both of the kundlis are perfect.
Dadi: Pandit ji give us the auspicious dates for marriage.
Pandit: There is one in the next month and next is one year later.
Dadi: I guess the one for next month is good. What do you all think?
Jhanvi: Yes mummyji. It will be perfect. And it is Shivaay's birthday month also.
Dadi: What is the date Pandit ji?
Pandit: 15th January.

The Obrobahus looked at each other and Anika became shocked. No it can't be happening. She can't ruin Priyanka's happiness like that.
Shivaay felt her loosing the hold. He looked up to see her shocked eyes and expression.

Shivaay(whispers): What happened Jaan? So happy to hear our marriage date?
Anika(composing herself): Nothing like that Shivaay.
Shivaay: Then why such a shocked expression?
Anika(fake smiles): Nothing Shivaay. I'm so happy. Our Priyanka is getting married.
Shivaay: Not only Priyanka but we too. Did you forget?
Anika(blushes): Shivaay....
Shivaay(sidehugs her): What Shivaay Jaan?
Rudra(interrupted them): Bhaiya.... Prinku is happy I can understand. But why are you so happy?
Shivaay(murmurs): Aagaya.... Kabab me haddi.
Rudra(dramatically): Bhaiya.... Say naa.
Shivaay(standing up): I have an announcement to make.
Dadi: What announcement Billu?
Shivaay(forwarding his hand to Anika): Anika....(she holds his hand and stands beside him) I know that we have been married and we have already taken vows again..... ( turning towards Anika and holding both of her hands) But something still remains incomplete. Anika wanted a Chistian wedding and I fulfilled the wish happily. But still.... something was missing. I wanted to create new memories with her so that she forgets our first marriage. ( she nods her head as no with tear filled eyes). But I realised that she always wanted to live and enjoy those rituals which she had been deprived off. That is why, I have decided to fulfill her next wish.... A Punjabi wedding. I want to marry Her again, I want to claim her as my wife again and I want to keep her with me always and forever....... And for that if I have to get married to her again and again I am always ready for it.

The hall echoed with claps. She had a wide smile on her lips and a few tears trickled down her eyes. He wiped them and nodded as no. Cupping her face gently, he kissed her forehead lovingly while she closed her eyes to feel his love.

Dadi(blessing them): Haii.... Kisi ki nazar naa laage.
Shivaay: One thing I forgot to ask.
Anika: What?
Shivaay(to PriGhav): You both won't mind if we....
Priyanka(cutting him in the middle): Bhaiya.... We will be more than happy.
Raghav: Yes Bhaiya. We will be very happy.
Om: Actually.... I also have to say something.
Dadi: Now you also don't me that you want to marry Gauri again.
Om(shocked): How did you know that Dadi?
Dadi: Hai bhagwan.... Rudra Mahi are you two also planning something like this?
RuHi(embarrassed): Dadi.... Actually....
Shivaay(fake cries): This is cheating. Jaan....
OmRuHiPri(teasing): Jaan.....
Anika(blushing and hit his shoulder): Shivaay....
Dadi: Chalo.... Saab mere Billu aur Billi ko cherna baand karo.
OmRuHiPri: But...
Dadi: Many things are to be done. Not one but we have 5 weddings. Oh my God so much work and very less time.
AniNaRiYa: Don't worry Dadi. Everything will be done. We will manage everything.
Dadi: But how can you all prepare for your own marriage?
Anika: Dadi.... Shaadi Priyanka ki hai.
Mona: Yes Dadi.
Gauri: Not ours.
Soumya: Our dulhan is Priyanka not us.
ShivOmRuHi: But.....
Anika: Puri baat toh sun lijiye. Dadi, we know why this Oberoi brothers want to remarry again.
Mona: Because they are guilty of their past actions.
Gauri: Because they want to give us our dream wedding.
Soumya: Because they want you to see your Grandson's marriage.
AniNaRiya(looking at the Obros): Are we right?
ShivOmRuHi (nodding their head): Yes....
Anika: So that means....
Mona: We are not the brides but Priyanka.
Gauri: We will manage everything fully.
Soumya: And We will it the best day for our Priyanka.
AniNaRiya: But.... We will follow each and every ritual like Priyanka. Now is it okay for you(to dadi) and you all(obros)?
Dadi(smiles with tears): I don't know what good thing had I done that I got such understanding Bahus.
Anika(wiping her tears): Now preserve these tears for Priyanka's vidai. You will needing it a lot.

Dadi smiled and blessed the Obrobahus. Shivaay had a proud smile on his face. Anika looked at him and he blinked his eyes showing that he is happy.

Priyanka: Bhaiyas, my engagement is done. What about my bhabis now?
Shivaay: Ours is also done.
Everyone(except Anika): When?
Shivaay: Along with Priyanka and Raghav.
Everyone(shocked): What!!
Rudra(teasing): Bhaiya aap baare chuparustam nikle.
Gauri(clicking her mind): That is why I saw a new kundan ring on Bhaujai's finger today.
Mona: Oh my God. How is it possible that we didn't notice it?
Soumya: Anika bhabi you should have told us about it.
Anika: Nothing like that. I wanted to say you all. But....
Dadi: Baas. Leave them alone. Now when Billu and Anika have already done engagement then let us conduct a small ceremony for the other couple tomorrow.
Rudra: Yes Dadi. And party also.
Dadi: Chup kar khotiye. No party. Only engagement. Anika....
Anika: I will manage everything Dadi. You just sit back and relax.
Jhanvi: I will look into the dresses and the jewellery.
Tej: I will help my boys.
Jhanvi: In what?
Tej: Something...
Jhanvi: Tej....
Tej: What? I am just being a good father.

Jhanvi nods her head in disbelief. Shakti was a silent spectator. He was so happy that the younger generation was doing so much for their wives. He looked at TejVi and was happy for his Bhaisahab and Bhabi. But is he happy? NO..... But he has never show that. He doesn't know what went wrong in his married life that it had to shatter like this. Did he ignore Pinky so much initially that now she has become ignorant towards him? Or was there some gap in his love? He sighed. He looked up to his happy family and smiled. At this was giving him the much needed happiness in his life now.

Anika watched her father in law keenly and understood what might be going on in his mind. A prep talk is needed for this old man too.

*Old mill*

Admist of all these happiness there was someone who was plotting against them.

Rinky: Get ready Obeoris to be destroyed forever. Enjoy as much as you want now. Because this might be your last happiness in all of hour lives.

She started laughing like a mad woman and kept on looking at the file.

Precap: Shakti-Anika talk..... Anika gets to know about the medicine.... The Oberoi engagements....


Major revelations done.... Action is yet to happen.

So the whole younger generation is set to get remarried again. Excited?

Rinky is on full destruction mood....
Anika is on full saving mood....

Let's see who wins....

Anika Shivaay Singh Oberoi or Rinky Singh.....

Views through votes and comments......😊😊

*Important note*
Next update will be after dussera because I won't be able to type out a new chapter as I have durga puja in my house. So please spare me....

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