Chapter 4

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Hey people.....
I'm back......
Let's stop with our bak bak and start our journey....

*Same day night*
*Shivika's room *
Shivaay entered to see a dark room. Dark!! How? So it means Anika isn't here because she is afraid of darkness. He turned around to go out in search of his wife when he spotted a figure standing by the window and looking outside. For a moment he thought that the person is Anika but how can it be possible. Still he went towards the person and was shocked to see Anika standing there.....
Shivaay(panicked): Anika what are you doing in the darkness... Are you fine? You are scared of it naa then...
She turned towards him and kept on looking at the person standing in front of her. Is he the same Shivaay whom she met months ago or someone else.
Anika(blankly): Who are you?
Shivaay: Hah...
Anika:You aren't the Shivaay I know.... You are so soft hearted , caring,loving and most importantly so sweet... The Shivaay I know was an angry young man whose anger would also be on his nose who would always break things in anger or his phone would be in thrash. This Shivaay is quite unknown to me....
He couldn't understand what was she trying to say but one thing he understood that she has lost the faith in herself and situation. He slowly took her hands in his and interwinded it. He looked at her eyes and saw so many confusion in them. He slowly pulled her towards himself and held her lightly yet possissively.
Shivaay: This Shivaay is exclusively for you and you have created him....
She kept on looking at him and after sometime kept her head on his chest. No words were spoken between them yet they understood what they wanted to say each other. Shivaay sighed and kept his chin on her head and closed his eyes feeling the moment. Sometime later Anika's voice startled him.
Anika:I'm hungry.....
Shivaay:You didn't have dinner with others?
She nodded her head in no and became quite.
Shivaay:When will you learn to take care of yourself?
Shivaay: And why is that so?
Anika: You are there to take care of me.....
She said it so innocently that Shivaay couldn't help a small smile broke in his face.
Shivaay: Hmm so let's go and feed my wife...
He held her hand and went towards the kitchen. He made her sit on the kitchen counter and got food for them- his favorite Pasta....
Shivaay(thinking): Pasta? Who made it? Must be OmRu... I said them to make or order the cooks to prepare Anika's favorite dishes but... Nevermind...
He brought the plate and placed a bite of spoon in front of her. She denied having it and turned the spoon towards him and pushed it in his mouth. He ate it but felt quite different.
Shivaay(thinking):Why does it taste different? It isn't the one OmRu makes then who made it?
When he was lost in his thoughts Anika took another spoon and fed him. His eyes caught her curious onces and he understood that she had made it for him and that too for the first time correctly. He felt very happy and thought to tease her.
Shivaay: I would love to kiss the hands of the cook who made this tasty pasta....
Anika:Seriously you would do that?
Shivaay: Hmm... Why not? Akhir yeh itna tasty jo bana hai....
Anika: Even if the cook is someone whom you don't know???
He couldn't control anymore and came near her took her hands in his and kissed each of them...
Shivaay: If I already know the person who cooked it then I would surely do it....
Anika: How did you know I made it?
Shivaay: I never said you made it....
She got caught in his trick and faked her anger.
Shivaay: Aacha aab gussa maat karo... I saw that you were looking curiously at me while I was having it. From that only I got to know you made it that too perfectly.....
Anika: You always get to know everything even before telling.....
Shivaay: That I do.....
Anika: Then you should know what I want.....
Shivaay knew it very well but he can't fulfill it now. He was bound and he can't cross that....
Anika: Your eyes are telling me that you know and you aren't able to give me that.... Why? Have I lost that position in your life? Tell me Shivaay... Tell me...
Shivaay: You position in life never changed, hasn't changed and will never change... Get this in your head for ever... Whatever be the situation whatever be the circumstances I will never leave you.... Never....
She felt it promising and hugged him. In this whole thing she didn't shed a single tear which tensed Shivaay a lot.
Shivaay( thinking) : Anika has to cry in order to express her emotions. I have to do something before it is too late....
She broke the hug and he fed her. They completed their dinner in silence. This whole quite dinner was watched by OmRu who prayed that their bhabi recover soon and Pinky who was determined to bring out that thing that was forcing Anika to not look into Shivaay's eyes.

*Shivika's room *
After a silent dinner which was quite unusual for them, they returned back to the room. Anika went to freshen up in the washroom while Shivaay changed in the room. Anika returned and Shivaay gave her medicines. She unwillingly took them and they both retired to bed, but sleep was far away. Both of them were lost in their own thoughts. After about half an hour the silence of the room was broken.
Shivaay: Not getting sleep?
Anika: No...
Shivaay: Thinking about past?
Anika: Somewhat and about the recent informations I got today from Baadi maa....
Shivaay (turning towards her) :What informations?
Anika(facing him) :The reasons behind the state of the House...
Shivaay(carenessing her cheek with his thumb) :And you want to fix them all. Am I right Mrs. Oberoi?
Anika: Hmm... This is the only way I can distract myself from the past.... And I hope you don't have any problem with it?
Shivaay: Unless you don't stress yourself too much... I don't have any problem. But you won't go anywhere alone. Either OmRu or Mahi or Khanna will stay with you. Okay?
Anika(slightly smiling) :Okay Mr. Protective Singh Oberoi..... But while finding my devranis I won't take help from any of them except Khanna ji.... (saw him trying to protest) and it's my final decision no more arguments on it...
He sighed and pulled her to his chest and his rhythmic heart beat played like a lullaby to her and she slept. Seeing her sleeping peacefully he kissed her hair murmuring "I love you " and slept. But he failed to notice the lone tear that escaped from her eyes and she too said "I love you" to his sleeping form.

*Next Day*
Sunrays peeped through the curtains and disturbing our couple. Shivaay opened his eyes to see his wife sleeping on him, tightly holding onto him as if she feared of loosing him. He understood her insecurities and thought of removing it permanently. He kept on staring at her and occasionally brushing her hairs away from her forehead. This brought a smile in her face and he smiled too. His ringing phone disturbed his thoughts. He picked it up immediately so that Anika doesn't wake up.
Shivaay : Yes Khanna?
Shivaay : Okay good... Very good.... And I wanted to say you that Anika might be needing you for some work. Help her and keep a close eye on her. Don't leave her alone ever. Am I clear?
Shivaay: Good.... Very good....
After finishing his call he saw Anika wide awake.
Shivaay: Good morning.... (while kissing her forehead)
Anika: Good morning.
Shivaay: So ready for the day?
Anika: Hmn....
Shivaay: But promise me that you will take care of yourself and be safe........
Anika:I promise.... So let's start MISSION BUILDING OBEROI FAMILY AGAIN....
Both of them had their own mission but one was fully aware about both and the other had knowledge of her owns only.

*Pinky's room*
Pinky was fuming from yesterday night and was trying to find some plan to get rid of Anika forever.
Pinky: What to do so that this Anika gets out of this house forever? I had blackmailed her then and she accepted it and left the house. But now toh Shivaay himself brought her back. But how? The way she acted that day Shivaay would never allow her to come back. Then? And moreover I even destroyed the only way through which she could have return back. Then what is the reason behind her comeback? And why is Shivaay listening to her and not me. Did he get to know the truth? If he had also then why didn't he question me back? Oh my maata so much questions are eating up my heads. But the first thing I need to do is to find that clue to separate Shivaay and Anika.
She smiled evily. But to her misfortune (for us very much fortunate) someone recorded the whole thing in a secret camera kept in her room and she's totally unaware about it.

* Shivika's room *
Anika was walking to and fro and trying to figure out from where to start.
Anika (thinking) : Gauri is missing, Soumya is unavailable, Priyanka detached from world, Dadi unwell, Maya not ready to listen, Kamini and Pinky aunty's truth and lastly Shivaay.... So much to do and I don't know from to start. Kaash Shivaay hote yaha toh he would have given me some ideas.....
"And I would be happy to give you some ideas.... ", said a voice from behind and it was none other than the great Shivaay.....
Anika:And how on the Earth you came to know that I need your help??
Shivaay(coming towards her):Well you see I have this extra ordinary power to read your mind and thoughts... So got to know about it...
Anika:Really?? From when did you get this new quality...
Shivaay: Leave all those and tell me what are you planning to do. How are you going to go forward with your investigation.
Anika(covering the distance between them and placing her head on his chest) : I seriously don't know from where to start. Should I serach for Gauri or Soumya or Mona or should I bring Dadi back or should I bring Priyanka back or should I expose Kamini and Pinky aunty... I seriously don't know....
She sighed and he wrapped his arms around her.
Shivaay: I know that you would find the right way.... If you need any help just tell me....
She nodded and remained in his warm embrace trying to gather her lost strength from him.... As he had said that she shouldn't be afraid of anything as he is the Sun and would remove every darkness from her life.....

Their sweet time was witnessed by the Oberoi brothers as well as Pinky... They wished happiness for them while Pinky wished destruction (as if it is so easy😂).

*Same day later*
Anika went to Dadi's room and sat down beside her.
Anika: Dadi see I came to see you. How are you today? You have to be fine otherwise how will others be fine. Now you know that I have come back please wake up fast and come into action. The house is nothing without you. Now wake up fast.

She was massaging Dadi's hands and legs so that it doesn't get stiff. While doing she kept on blabbering and blabbering as if trying to make her bore so that she wake up and shuts her mouth. But alas she remained unaffected. Anika was loosing hope but then only she saw some movements in her fingers and toes. She became excited and called everyone. They all rushed towards Dadi's room upon hearing Anika's voice.
Shivaay:What happened Anika? Are you fine? Is Dadi fine?
Anika: Shivaay I saw movement in Dadi's fingers and toes. I think she is recovering.....
Om: Let me call the doctor.
Om went out and Shivaay sat beside Dadi to see some miracle. Then something clicked in his mind. He held Anika's hand and they together held her hand and miracle did happen. Dadi slowly slowly opened her eyes and turned towards them. Shivaay and Anika became happy seeing her awake. She tried to tell something but the mask wasn't allowing her. In the meantime, doctor arrived and they left her to be checked.
Doctor: It's truly a miracle.... She's out of danger but very weak. Proper care has to be taken.
Janvi: Don't worry doctor jab ghar ki khushi wapas aa gayi hai toh sab thik ho jayega... And when Anika is there Mummyji will be fit very soon....
Everyone agreed with her but Pinky was.... 😡😤
Om was finally feeling guilt free and Rudra was as usual crying but now in happiness. Shivaay didn't show any emotion. He just walked out of the room. Anika saw him going and thought to follow but she was held back by Dadi. One by one everyone came and talked with Dadi and ordered her to get well soon. At last when everyone left Anika got her chance but Dadi just turned her face away. This shocked her the most and her eyes got filled with tears.
Anika(shaky voice) :Dadi you are angry with me? I know I did wrong but I was helpless. I never wanted to leave this house, you, OmRu or Shivaay. But I was forced to. I thought till I don't return Gauri will look after the house but I failed as an elder daughter in law. I failed to understand that there is some kind of tension between Om and Gauri. I am sorry Dadi.... I am sorry.... (ran out of the room)
Though Dadi was upset still she can't see her favorite poti in tears. She was just trying to make her understand that leaving the house isn't the solution. But we guess she was too late. Anika had already left her room.

* Study room *
Seeing his Dadi fine couldn't control his tears but he being The Great Wall of Shivaay Singh Oberoi can't break in front of all. Though he has broke in front of his brothers and Baadi maa but he can't in front of his family. He was happy that Anika could bring Dadi back.
Mahi: Dadi is fine then why are you still crying Shivaay?
Shivaay: Happy tears Mahi as Anika says Khusi ke aasu.... I can't show this to others but you all....
Mahi:That I understood... But did you talk with Anika after it?
Shivaay: No...
Mahi: Then why are standing here go and talk to her. She must be....
He was cut off by the hard opening of the door and a panting Rudra entered.
Rudra: Bhaiya..... Bhabi....
Shivaay (panicked): Bhabi kya Rudra???
Rudra:Bhabi.... Crying..... Room..... Locked..... Jaldi chalo bhaiya.....
Shivaay rushed out while Mahi prayed silently for her safety.

*Shivika's room *
Om and Janvi were banging the door and were repeatedly telling her to open the door. But futile. Shivaay saw the situation and went to the other way. He entered the room through the window of the poolside. He saw a shivering Anika sitting on the bed and murmuring something.
Anika(murmuring): Everything happened because of me.... I'm responsible.... I'm bad..... I couldn't prevent the happenings...... I'm responsible.... I'm.....
She kept on murmuring and was shivering too. Shivaay enter the room and went towards her. He just hugged her from the back and kept on rocking her back and forth and informed Om through message that everything is fine.
Shivaay: Shh.... Anika see you haven't done anything. Everything is good... Everything is fine... Don't worry nothing has happened. You are successful in your mission. You brought Dadi back to the family. Dadi is fine.... See Anika Dadi is fine.... Sshh...

He kept on saying soothing words to her and after sometime she calmed down but was still in his arms. He kissed her forehead and left her.
Shivaay: Feeling better now?
Anika(nodding her head):Hmm...
Shivaay (cupping her face):You have accomplished your first mission. You have brought Dadi back...
Anika:But she isn't talking to me....
Shivaay:Give her some time maybe she is just hurt that you left everything and went....
Anika(correcting him):Forced to leave.... But she will talk with me naa ?
Shivaay:Of course she will. You are her favorite poti how can she be angry on you for long? Now let's go and meet her okay?
Anika(innocently):You will stay with me?
Shivaay(with a smile): Without any doubt....
They went out hand in hand towards Dadi's room to see OmRuHi and Janvi already present. Dadi saw Anika and called her in indication. She just ran to her and hugged her safely. Both of them were having their own sweet moments. At last ONE MISSION ACCOMPLISHED..... Shivaay's phone rang and he went out to attend it.
Dadi(feeble voice) : Anika,putter tu bhag kiyu gayi thi? Mai gussa thi par gussr se zyada dukh tha mujhe... Tu kisi ke zabardasti par ghar chorke chali gayi?
Anika: What to do Dadi? I was helpless. I had to save Shivaay from breaking down....
Dadi:But didn't you have faith in your love? Didn't you have faith in Billu? You thought he would break down so easily. You had to become his strength not his weakness......
Anika:I know Dadi but for me his happiness always came first....
Dadi: And you think, you leaving him will make him happy?

Anika knew she was wrong but she had to do it.

Anika: I am sorry Dadi.....
Dadi: I know whatever you did wasn't right but you selflessly love Billu and can do anything. Then why am I able to sense some sort of a tension between you two? And what is this Farzi doing here?
Anika:Nothing like that Dadi.... It's that ki I am just showing some Tadi to him and he being Baggard billa is also showing his Tadi... So that's it.... And (pointing towards Mahi) Mahi is Shivaay's twin brother.
Dadi: How?
Anika: Trust me Dadi ..... After some days you will come to know everything. But right now Mahi is also you pota..... And he's the one who saved Shivaay from Kamini's attacks. So he isn't bad Dadi..... Trust me....
Om:Haa Dadi..... Mahi came here just because Kamini​ had sent him but he never harmed anyone from our family because how can he harm his own family? He was also forced to do it.... Don't worry Dadi.... He's very good.....

Dadi looked at Mahi and spread her hands.
Dadi:Mahi, puttar apni Dadi se nehi milega?

Mahi nodded and ran towards her and hugged her.

Mahi: You don't Dadi... How much happy I'm today. It's all because of Anika.... That I'm with my family today.....
Dadi: Anika..... Not Bhabi??
Mahi: Yaa right.... Anika bhabi... (looking at OmRu) Our Anika Bhabi....

Anika smiled at her Devars and hugged them.

Dadi: Anika, putter you are truly the bahu of this house.....
Anika:Nothing like that Dadi..... Your blessings and love has made all these possible....
Dadi hugged her. Anika indicated through her eyes to her devars and Janvi that Dadi shouldn't know about hers and Shivaay miseries. They nodded in agreement.

Shivaay entered the room breaking the moment.
Shivaay: Did I miss something?
Dadi: Aaja Billu... Dadi se nehi milega....

He went and hugged her.
Shivaay: I missed you Dadi......
Dadi:Me too....
Anika(breaking their moment): Shivaay, Sahil is coming back from hostel today? Will you bring him please?
Mahi(before Shivaay could reply): Don't worry bhabi I will bring him today.... And I am supposed to go towards that direction only... So I will bring him.....
Anika(confused): Okay you can bring him.... But what work you have at that side? Your office is in the other direction....
Shivaay (cutting her off): Some... Some ..... Client meetings.... Right Mahi?
Mahi(agreeing with him):Yaa... Yaa.... Client meetings.... Yaa....
Anika: Okay.....

(Now for the confused people's.... Let me clear you about the relationship between Mahi and office.... So the suspense is that....... Mahi works under Shivaay but no one knows about it except OmRu and Anika..... Now how Mahi and business then wait for the further chapters😉)

Mahi and Shivaay left together while OmRu and Janvi stayed back with Anika and Dadi.

*Outside OM*
Mahi: Shivaay I'm going to bring Sahil but how will you get Anika's childhood photo?
Shivaay:For that reason only I had to wait till Sahil returned. As far as I remembered he said he has a family photography. So I just need that....
Mahi:But how will you convince him for the photo?
Shivaay: That you leave it on me... You just pick him up and bring him to the office. I will be waiting for you both there and then we will discuss further what to do....

Mahi nodded and left while Shivaay left towards his office. (his office doesn't mean Oberoi industries..... 😋 Wait and watch)

*St. John Boarding School*
Mahi was waiting for Sahil to come. He was here and there to locate him. Suddenly his eyes noticed someone....
Yes my dear friends... Our hero caught the sight of his Lady.... Mona.... His wife.....
Mahi: Mona here? But why? No no I must be having hallucination. But she looks like her only....  Let's go and see.
He was about to go towards her when he saw a girl running towards her and hugged her by her legs.
Mahi(shocked):Ma.... Mona has moved on.... And has a kid too... But how is it possible.... It is only 2 months that We have been separated... And how is it possible? No no something is missing...... But seeing her it is clear that she has moved on.... She seems to be so happy.... (getting angry) How can she forget me so easily? She always said that she loves me then what happened now..... No Mahi you can't assume things like this... You need to find out the truth before it is too late... I know I did wrong by letting her go.... I always feared of getting love and when this girl came as an angel in my life to light it up.... I destroyed it myself..... I know we were married under unusual circumstances but what was her mistake that she fell in love with me during this time.... No I can't let her go now..... I will bring her back to my life by any means... It is Mahendra Singh Oberoi's promise.....

He was brought back to the present by a tug on his coat. He looked around and found Sahil looking at him with suspencious eyes.

(Here Sahil has been operated and now he can stand on his own feet.... I don't like him like that in the show.... So I just made him fine....)

Sahil:Mahi Bhaiya if you are done watching Mona didi then can we proceed to OM. I want to meet Anika didi.....
Mahi(stammering): Who..... Who..... Told you I was seeing Mona..... And why will she be here.....
Sahil: Tell these lame excuses to someone else.... Now let's go otherwise Anika didi will be very tensed.
Mahi:But we won't be going to OM.
Sahil:Where will we go?
Mahi:Shivaay has called you in his office for some urgent work. Now further questions you ask him only when we reach. Now let's go otherwise your Shivaay jiju will kill me....

And they left from there..... But one person them from afar..... She is..... Mona (right guess...😂)......
Mona(monologue): I miss you Mahi.... But it was important for both of us. If I wouldn't had left you, you would never have understood my importance and love in your life...... I did all this because Anika bhabi told me to do so..... She had called me and informed about you coming here.... So I came here to pick up my niece..... Now I am sure bhabi will surely do something to make you realize..... I love you Mahi.......
She wiped her tears and went away.....

(So Anika is on her second mission already.... Let's see what happens next.....)

*A.S Enterprise*(Anika Shivaay Enterprise..... The story behind it will also be revealed later......)

A huge building full of glass is shown. It has approximately 10 floors. Let's get in and see what's happening. Everyone is working on their own and seems to be busy. All are happily doing their work. If we go further we come across a room which attracted us. If we enter, we are welcomed by a huge photo..... Of Anika.... Looking stunning......
And blue walls with soft lighting. It seems as if it is someone's personal cabin....

A man is standing in front of it and admiring it.
"Shivaay...",someone entered the room breaking his trans. He turned around to see Mahi and Sahil standing at the door.
Shivaay (going towards them): Sahil.... How are you buddy??(hugged him) What will you like to have? Your favorite chocolate milkshake?
Sahil:I'm fine jiju.... But why did you call me here? Mahi Bhaiya said you want to talk sometime very important.
Shivaay:Yaa that's right... You see Man to Man talk....
Sahil: Okay... But did you inform Anika didi?
Shivaay: Has... Baba... I informed.... So now can we please discuss about it.
Sahil(sitting down): Okay... Tell what you want to say....
Sahil:Just ask jiju..... I understood that you want to ask something related to Anika didi...
Shivaay: It's about Anika only.... But let me tell you one thing I didn't want to do this ever again. It is just that I want to give Anika the happiness of a family... I agree that my family is there to fill that void but still I think there is somewhere in her heart she still wants to know about her family and enjoy its pleasure. So that's why I am doing this. I have got some information regarding her long lost family and if it is truth then.....
Sahil: Then Anika didi will get her family and no one will able to point finger at her being illegitimate and she will have a 'Naam Khoon and Khanda '.....
Shivaay: No Sahil.... Anika has a name.... She is my wife..... She is Anika Shivaay Singh Oberoi..... I just want to give her the pleasure of having a family that's it..... I don't care what her past was.... I know only one thing that she's my wife.... My love..... That's it.....

He said all these by looking at the big photo in his room....
Sahil: I know jiju...... My didi is very lucky to have you in her life....
Shivaay: No Sahil..... I am lucky to have her in my life......
Sahil: What do you want to know?

Shivaay looked at Mahi and he nodded. Mahi started asking some questions to Sahil regarding their childhood and last ask for a photo having his and Anika's childhood picture. When Mahi saw it he was shocked.
Mahi: Shivaay..... The same girl.....
Shivaay(after seeing the photo):Which Mr.Bajaj showed us....
Mahi:But according to him he had helped Anika and another girl and dropped them in the orphanage. Then how couldn't he recognized Anika then?
Shivaay:There is something that we are missing out and I have to find it out..... Sahil please don't tell Anika about this at all I want to go the depth of this and then when I see that it is true then only I will inform her.... Or surprise her...
All agreed with him and Shivaay looked at Anika's picture......

Precap: Encounter between Anika and.......... Shivaay and his brothers meeting Mr. Bajaj....

Done with the chapter....
So long OMG.......
Just enjoy......
And vote and comment.....

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