Chapter 9 Part A

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Hey people.....
I am back.....
So let's start with the Delhi tour of our Obro Bahus.......
*Shivika's room *
An unusual scene is being witnessed by us. The Great Shivaay is packing bag for his wife. Isn't it unusual!!!!! 😱😱

Anika: Shivaay I will do it.
Shivaay: Naa you rest.  I will do it for you and I know you will forget something or the other and most importantly your medicines.  I can't risk about it so I will do it.
Anika(murmurring): Stubborn Singh Oberoi.....
Shivaay: I heard that.
Anika: So what? You are acting like that only now.
Shivaay: But what to do when I have a careless wife then I have to do it naa.
Anika: I'm not careless......
Shivaay: Aww.....  Now don't be angry. By the way you look cute when you become angry. (she glared at him)  Okay okay sorry. Now get ready fast you have flight in an hour.

She went to get ready while he completed everything. He called someone.

Shivaay: Are you both ready?
Shivaay: Then I'm sending driver to pick you two up. We will meet directly at the airport.

He completed the call and by that time Anika returned wearing a jeans and white shirt. She looked different yet beautiful. He went towards her and caged her in his arms.

Shivaay: New style. Not bad Mrs. Oberoi.....
Anika: Nah. Just wanted to avoid wearing suits and saris while traveling. That's it.
Shivaay: What ever it is you are looking stunning in your outfit as always.
Anika: For you I'm always stunning. Leave me I need to go otherwise you will only argue with me if we become late.
Shivaay: Okay fine. Let's go Jhasi ki Rani.....

They went down and was about to go out when Dadi stopped them.

Dadi:Anika putter kaha jaa rehi hai?
Anika:Dadi woh ......
Shivaay:Dadi Anika woh Delhi jaa rehi hai kuch important kaam hai.
Shivaay:No Dadi..... Ga....
Anika(cutting him in between): Chanda..... Haa..... Chanda is going with me also....... So don't worry Dadi. I will come back within 5 days.(hugging her) Take care of yourself and don't forget to take your medicines on time.
Dadi: I won't forget. But you come back soon. This house has no light without you.

They bid her bye and went. But their conversation was heard by our villian Pinky auntyji.

Pinky(thinking):Don't worry Anika this will be the last trip in your life and the last appearance to this world. Let's see how can you return back......... 😈😈
(😱😱 What is she up to??)

Shivaay and Anika reached and saw Gauri and Mona waiting for them with some security people. They went towards them.

Shivaay: So girls ready for you trip?
Gauri: Yaa Baade Bhaiya. At least I will get some fresh air.
Shivaay:Why what happened?
Mona: Nothing. She is just exhausted due to work load. We were planning of taking some days off and rest in the home when you said us to accompany bhabi to Delhi. So it was a profit for us.
Shivaay:Oh that's fine. I can't Anika alone in this condition. So I had to ask your help.
Gauri:Baade Bhaiya don't worry. We will take care of Bhaujai very well.
Shivaay:That's why I can leave her. (turning towards Anika)And you. Take care of yourself and don't need to stress yourself too much. Did you get it?
Anika:Hmm..... You too take care and (whispering) try to find out the person behind Gauri's misconception.
Shivaay: Don't worry wifey. I will find it out. And haa I have arranged a car for you all and a driver too. He will take you wherever you want to go. And he's a trained bodyguard too.
Anika: Overprotective Singh Oberoi......

He smiled and hugged her and kissed her forehead. Then they left towards the airport with some security.

Shivaay(thinking):I hope this trip at least brings some changes in Anika and she becomes a bit normal. Till then I have to think something about Mrs. Pinky Singh Oberoi.

*Delhi Airport*
The girl gang (right now Anika,Gauri and Mona. Later others will join😂😂) landed in Delhi and as soon as Anika switched on her phone it started ringing.

Anika(picking up the call): Haa Shivaay we just reached. Don't worry we will handle. Now do your work quitely and don't disturb me now. Aacha send me the address of Priyanka's hospital and I will call you at night. Now bye.....
Gauri: Bhaujayi was it Baade bhaiya?
Anika: Hmm.....  Always protective about me.
Gauri: You should be happy and feel lucky.
Anika(thinking): I want to feel lucky Gauri but I don't know what is stored in my destiny.  I know Shivaay loves me a lot and can do anything for me. I feel blessed to have him in my dark life. But there is this only thing that I can never forget ever in my life and for that I can never give happiness.
Mona: Bhabi are you fine? You seem to be zoning out.
Anika: I am fine. I was thinking about......

"Ting",her phone beeped notifining her that she received a message. She checked it and smiled a bit.

Anika: Girls ready for our mission?
GauNa: Yes Bhaujayi /Bhabi
Anika: Mission bring Priyanka back starts......

She put her hand in front and the other two accepted it. They were escorted out by their security team and a car as said by Shivaay was waiting for them. They got into the car and started their journey towards Priyanka's hospital. While traveling Anika insisted on turning on the radio. Slow romantic songs were played in the background and the memory of their 6 month anniversary came rushing back to her mind. She smiled remembering it and thought how Shivaay had done all the arrangements for her and their dinner date and dance and lastly his gift to her. Her thoughts were broken by the voice of the RJ.

RJ: So people of Delhi. How is your day going on today? Though the weather isn't romantic but still you can become romantic anytime and anywhere. But don't worry when you romantic RJ Love Angel is here toh why to fear. Within the next 15 minutes our lines will be open for you all to make a call to me and describe your feelings for that special person in your life. So hurry up pick up your phones and be ready cause after this romantic song we will hear your romantic lines for your loved ones. So the song Janam Janam for you all from the movie Dilwale. Enjoy and keep your phones ready.......

As the song started to play, Anika shouted.

Anika(shouted in excitement ): Found my third devrani.......  I found Soumya.....

GauNa were shocked seeing Anika so excited whereas Anika was beaming with joy. She couldn't hold on to her emotions and called Shivaay.

Anika: Shivaay..... Shivaay..... Guess what?
Anika: I found Soumya......
Anika: Working as RJ Love Angel in one of the radio station in Delhi. Just now I  heard her voice and I'm calling you.
Anika: Yaa now I can complete two of my missions together and then bring back everyone to the house.
Anika: I will search for her don't worry. Haa baba I will take care. Bye...... (cutting the call) Aacha hua ek tir se doo nishana.....  Priyanka and Soumya both in one city. Great. Now I just need to find her office and confront her. (looking at GauNa) What happened to both of you?
Gauri: Just shocked to see your excitement and determination.
Anika: Hmm.....  I just want everything to be settled as soon as possible.(something clicked her head) Aare our driver can help us find her. Sharma ji can you help us?
Sharma ji: Yes ma'am tell me what to do?
Anika: Did you hear the RJ talking right now? RJ Love Angel I want all the information regarding her. Every details.
Sharma ji: Okay ma'am I will let you know within 3 hours.

Anika relaxed and waited for their destination. After half an hour they reached and Anika instructed the driver to get the information soon. He left and they entered the hospital.

Anika, Gauri and Mona went towards the reception.

Anika: I want to meet Miss. Priyanka Oberoi.
Receptionist: I'm sorry ma'am but you can't meet her.
Anika: But why?
Receptionist: Without Mr. Shivaay Singh Oberoi's orders we can't allow anyone to meet her. It's his strick orders.  I am sorry ma'am.

Anika sighed and called him.

Anika: Mr. Oberoi will you please tell the hospital authority to allow us to meet Priyanka.
Anika(giving the phone to the receptionist) : Here talk to him.
Receptionist: Hello. Yes Mr. Oberoi. Sure Sir.  I am sorry Sir I didn't know about it Sir. (giving the phone back)  Sorry ma'am I didn't know that you are Mrs. Shivaay Singh Oberoi.
Anika: It's absolutely fine.  I know you were just doing your duty so I didn't mind at all.
Receptionist: Thank you for understanding ma'am. Here are your passes and she is in room no 205 second floor.
Anika : Thank you so much.

She took the passes and went towards the elevator with GauNa.

Mona:Such tight security for Priyanka. Seriously Shivaay Bhaiya is very much protective for his siblings.
Anika:Jaan basti hai Shivaay ki un me. Toh he will do anything that is within his limit to protect his siblings. And Priyanka is the only girl child of their family. So every brother is protective for her. Everyone........
Mona(heavy voice):I also hope that I too had a family.
Anika(hugging her sideways):Aare we are there naa. Don't you consider us as your family?
Mona:Of course bhabi.
Anika:You are like a sister to me more than devrani understood?(she nodded) Now you don't be sad. Come you are also my sister!(she said while looking at Gauri)

They shared a group hug and proceeded towards the room. They stood in front of room no 205 and was debating whether to enter or not. Finally they settled on Anika should enter as she is not only her bhabi but also her friend. So Anika entered the room. She saw the room was an exact replica of Priyanka's room in OM. She understood who could it be. She looked around and found Priyanka sitting by the window lost. She was wearing a simple light green salwar and her hair was left loose. She has lost the charm in her eyes and even looked like she is totally detached from the whole world.

Anika(controlling her emotions): Priyanka.....

As soon as the word escaped her lips, she flinched. She turned around and saw her but gave no reaction.

Anika(murmuring):It's not going to be so much easy. I need to work hard on her.

She went towards her and carenessed her hair.

Anika: Priyanka see who has come to meet you. Me and your two other bhabis too have come. Won't you meet them?

No reaction. Anika sighed and concluded still a very long way to go. While the time she was thinking doctor entered the room and he seem to have unnoticed Anika.

Doctor: So Miss Priyanka. How are you today? I hope that you are doing well. You know today the weather outside is so good and here a beautiful lady like you is sitting and wasting her time. I must say you.......

He had to stop speaking when he noticed someone else too present other than them.

Doctor:Sorry I didn't see you.
Anika: It's absolutely fine. So you must be Priyanka's doctor?
Doctor: Yes ma'am. Myself Doctor Raghav, a
psychiatrist and currently handling Miss Priyanka's case. May I know your relationship with the patient?
Anika: Myself Anika.... Anika Singh Oberoi, her bhabi and her friend. I have come here  to meet her and also to take her back fully recovered. I am not alone. Her two more bhabis have also come. Sice she knows me very well so I came first to meet her. Tell me doctor what is her progress so far?
Raghav:Call me Raghav please bhabi..... I hope you don't me calling you that because Shivaay is like a Bhaiya to me.
Anika(smiling a bit):Of course why not.
Raghav: So according to her reports she isn't responding to any kind of reflexed. Always just lost in her thoughts. I am trying level best to bring her out and I guess I am a bit successful because few days back she started gesturing to me and some nurses. And from what condition she was in I will say that it is a big improvement.
Anika: Do you think Family support is necessary for her?
Raghav: Yaa of course. Family support and love is always very important but right now I guess you three can help her a lot. The most important thing that is necessary right now is that she has to overcome her fear and speak out or burst out.
Anika:Thank you so much Raghav.  I will look at it and haa don't think ki we have come that means your duty is over. Your duty has increased more and from now you have to help me in bringing her back too.
Raghav(lost in Priyanka): I will do every possible thing to make her normal.

Anika saw the way Raghav was looking at Priyanka and could estimate something out of it. But currently she had to make her normal. Raghav left and Gauri and Mona entered. Seeing Priyanka's condition they couldn't hold back their tears.

Gauri:Kya ho gaya hai Priyanka ko? The smiling and glowing Priyanka has lost somewhere. I can't see her like this Bhaujai...... I can't.......

Mona hadn't meet her before. But whatever she has heard from Mahi and Anika she could easily make out her nature and now seeing her like this pained her too. Anika consoled them and gave strength to handle the situation.

Anika: Don't loose hope. We need to stay strong and help her out.

They nodded and were determined to bring her back.

Anika: Priyanka see who has come to meet you? Won't you meet your bhabis?

She just looked at her and then behind her but no emotions or reactions. She again went back to her lost land.  Anika was thinking about a way to talk to her. But nothing came up. Just then the nurse entered with her lunch. Anika took the opportunity and came forward.

Anika:Give it to me. I will feed her.

Nurse handed over the plate to her and went away. Anika sat in front of her and started feeding her.

Anika: Priyanka you know, everyone is eagerly waiting for you to return. Specially your brothers. They toh everyday talk about you. How is Priyanka doing?When will she return back to us? Our sister has become so big that she isn't even talking to us. But I know very well that you are also eagerly waiting to meet them. (turning her face towards her) Just because of some mere outsiders you are destroying your life. Not only that you are also giving pain to your family, that family who loves you so much. Is it right? Is it justice to those people who have cared for you for 20 years? I can understand that you are mentally disturbed but at least think about your family. Aacha not family but your brothers at least who loves you immensely and for whom you are their princess. Please Priyanka come back and live your life. Forget those people who tortured you and didn't support you. I will tell you one thing if you be like this naa then they will win and you will loose. Not only you but your brothers too will loose. Can you accept that your brothers loose? No I guess. Fight with your inner turmoil and come out. Come out Priyanka....... Come out..... Be your brother's fierce princess and fight out...... Fight Priyanka..... Fight......

And the dam broke and tears finally flowed down her eyes. First she was crying silently but then she screamed and took out all pent up emotions. She cried hysterically while hugging Anika and kept on crying and crying. Hearing her scream Raghav entered the room tensed. Seeing her cry he worried but also felt good that finally she is crying. Anika was trying to console her but wasn't able to. Finally Raghav came forward and gave her an injection. Slowly sleep took over Priyanka and she feel into deep slumber.

Anika:I guess after this she will speak out.
Raghav:Even I think so. Let me put her on bed.

He picked her up and placed her on the bed and covered her with the comforter. In all this Gauri and Mona wasn't able to speak anything. Seeing Anika made them respect her more. She's truly fits in the position of Baadi Bahu of the house. She's the best bhabi who can handle any situation. It's said that naa 'bhabi maa ka roop hota hai' , today Anika proved it very well. She handled Priyanka like a mother.

Gauri:Mona Bhaujai did you see Anika Bhaujai? How softly she handled Priyanka. Isn't she the best?
Mona: Yes Gauri. She is the best. Not only she but Shivaay Bhaiya is also the best. Both make a great couple and for both of them family comes first. I know Anika is trying to mend my and Mahi's relation and I am 100% sure that she will be successful in it.
Gauri:Even she will mend My and Omkaraji's relation too. I know very well. She's always thinking about others but in all these she forgets to think about herself and Baade Bhaiya. I just hope their relation becomes more strong.
Mona: Don't worry their relation would become more strong and now toh Shivaay Bhaiya is trying to find out Anika bhabi's family. And if he is successful then she would be very happy.
Gauri:Really? Baade Bhaiya is trying to find out Anika Bhaujai's family? Then it will be very good. At least she would have in her life to be called as her own.
Mona: Why Shivaay Bhaiya isn't her own?
Gauri:No I didn't mean that. I said ki at least she would get the love of a mother and father which is so important for a person.
Mona(thinking about Mahi):Hmm you are right.......
Anika(interrupting them):If your ghutergu is over then shall we leave?
Gauri:Haa Bhaujai. But Priyanka?
Anika:She will be sleeping for a long time and Raghav would be there with her. She won't wake up before tomorrow morning. We will come tomorrow and meet her. Now let's go and catch Soumya.
Mona:But bhabi you need to have lunch and your medicines too.
Anika:Not only me but you all also need to have lunch. So we will have lunch and then raid Soumya's office. Let's go.

They left the hospital. On their way they had their lunch and Sharma ji informed Anika the full past history of Soumya.

Anika:This Soumya was in India only and we thought she left for Australia. When I get her Naa I will kill her. Let's go and attack her.

*Radio station office*
Soumya was leaving her office and came out when she halted in her place. She became shocked seeing the person in front of her.

Soumya(shocked):Anika didi......

Yes people our great Anika was standing in front of her and munching chips.

Anika:Soumya if you are done staring then let's move. Someone else is also waiting for you and me.
Soumya:Par bhabhi who?
Anika:Aare Chalo toh..... And I need explaination from you. So don't talk much and sit.

She followed her orders quitely and they left for the guesthouse where girl gang was staying.

Anika(shouting while entering): Gauri Mona come out and see who has come to meet us!!! Our  sabse choti devrani Soumya.....
Soumya:Bhabi who are Gauri and Mona?
Anika:Gauri Om's wife and Mona Mahi's wife.
Soumya(shocked):Mahi.... You mean that duplicate who had taken Shivaay Bhaiya's place?
Anika:Hmm.... So many things happened after you left the house. Before you know what all happened you have to tell me why did you leave the house? And if you have left also then why didn't you contact anyone after that?
Gauri: Aare so you are Soumya Rudy bhai's wife! So sweet you are.......
Mona:Right Gauri..... She is very sweet.....
Soumya: Hi Gauri bhabi.... Hi Mona bhabi.....
Anika:All introduction done. Now let's talk over tea..... What say?
Gauri:I will get it right now. Till then you both freshen up.

Anika nodded and went away while Mona guided Soumya to a room. After freshing up they all settled down in the balcony.

Anika(sipping her tea):Now start Soumya..... Let me hear your version of story.......
Soumya: Actually bhabi I left Rudra because of only one reason....
Anika:That is?
Soumya: He.... He..... First of all didn't accept the marriage and secondly he had accused me for all the happenings in the house. Right from the time Tia was there till Priyanka's marriage problems. You only tell me bhabi how am I responsible for all those? I have always considered him as my friend but he never did. During Romi's trap too I had warned him but he didn't listen and later accused me. I still over heard and continued to help him. I never forced him to accept our relation. And when Kamini aunty had kidnapped me and made me hostage then also he didn't feel bad for me. I know he was finding me because I was a responsibility to him. After all that was over still he never cared or thought about me. So you only tell me bhabi should I continue living in the house? If yes then for whom and why? I know others are very much worried about me and I am sorry for that but I can't stay in that house where my own husband doesn't considers the marriage and doesn't know to respect me..... Love is long way to come........
Anika:And if I say Rudra is repenting and wants you back?
Soumya(shocked): Impossible.....
Anika: Really he is why would I give you false hopes. Basically your all husbands are repenting for their mistakes.  I think you should give them one chance at least.
Mona:But bhabi you only say how can we give them? They have broke our heart and we don't want to go through the phase again.
Anika: Do you think I am telling you just like that? I have gone through more heart breaks, more mistrusts but still I have given Shivaay a chance not once but many times. He had forcefully made me marry to him that to by keeping my brother Sahil in captive.  I should have shouted on him, hit me, put a case on him but you all know what I did when his truth came out in front of his family,everyone I mean everyone had turned their face away from him even his brothers.  I had talked with his family and explained his point of view and why he did that. Then everyone forgave him. If someone else had been in my place then she would have taken advantage of it but I didn't do so because I know for him family is everything. Then when he had put a finger on my character during Daksh's entry I still forgave him. When he had forced me to sign the divorce papers because of Tia I just kept quite and did it. When everyone had thought that Tia's child is Shivaay's only I was the one who stood by him and believed that the child wasn't his. When I can give so many chances to Shivaay and forgive him then why can't you all give your husbands at least one chance?  Think about it because agar time nikal gaya then you can't rectify your mistakes.

Anika left them in thoughts. She went back to her room and sat down with the support of the head rest and closed her eyes due to tiredness. Whole day she had to run around the city and on top of that her medicines were making her more fatigue. She wanted to avoid those medicines but stricked orders from her husband not to skip any of them. While making her devranis understand she realized how much long journey they had covered but still no one could separate them. Though Pinky auntyji tried to but they were again back together. But are they really back?

Anika(thinking): Everything is sorted out. Now I need to think about our relationship.  I can't let Shivaay suffer more.  I have to....

Her ringing phone paused her thoughts. Without looking at the screen she answered.

Anika: Say Shivaay.....
(such a connection between them.....  Aww so cute...... 😍😍)
Shivaay: Tired?
Anika: Hmm....
Shivaay: Had dinner?
Anika: No..... You?
Shivaay: Not yet. But will have after sometimes. You seem to be very tired. Have your dinner amd go to sleep.
Anika: Hmm...... But I want to tell you what all I did today!!
Shivaay: But Anika you are tired and you should rest......
Anika: Please. I want to tell and waise bhi dinner aabhi tak bana nehi. So let me tell you.

And she narratating her whole day incidents. Shivaay could clearly understand that she was very tired but she is very stubborn and wouldn't listen to anyone.

Shivaay: That's very good. You have almost completed your mission.
Anika(tired voice) : Hmm.... Now only one thing left.....
Shivaay: What else is left?
Anika: You.....
Shivaay: Me? How?
Anika(not in her senses) : You have done so much for me so I also have to do something for you right.....  That is only left.....
Shivaay: You don't need to do anything Anika.....  You come back to yourself and become my old Anika whom I use to love and I still love that is only needed for me......  Anika.....  Anika are you there? (snoring sound was heard) She slept. Good night Anika... I love you.....
Anika(in sleep) : I love you too Shivaay...... I am sorry for not giving you happiness. Don't worry I will do something......... I will do something....... You will get your happiness that is when I go away from you....... I am only a burden for you........ I will leave you Shivaay to give you happiness........ I want your happiness Shivaay.......  Your happiness........

She slept but she was unaware that everything was heard by Shivaay. He cut the call when he understood that she finally slept. He had tears in his eyes hearing her.

Shivaay: Anika why can't you understand you are my happiness. Without me I am nothing. You aren't a burden on me. Since you can't give the happiness that doesn't mean you will leave me.  I will not let you leave me. You had promised me you won't leave me. (in rage)  This has happened just because of Mrs. Pinky Singh Oberoi. Let just Anika be fine and come back to herself then I will show her what hell is. Be ready Mrs. Pinky Singh Oberoi to face Anika's Shivaay.......

*Next Day*
Anika woke up due to the sun rays peeping through the curtains. She opened her eyes and looked around to find Shivaay. Then she remembered that she was in Delhi with the girl gang. She sighed and got up and her phone ringed.

Anika: Hello.....
Shivaay: Good morning.......
Anika: Good morning......
Shivaay: Ready for Day 2 of your trip?
Anika: Hmm.....  I need to visit Priyanka and talk to her and pursue her to come back. Then talk with my devranis.
Shivaay: You would be able to do it very efficiently. I know. Now just get ready fast and haa don't forget to have your breakfast. You skipped your dinner yesterday night and your medicines too.
Anika: Haa baba I will have it. Now you get ready and leave for office and let me leave too.  I will talk to you at night. Bye....
Shivaay: Bye.......

Anika hanged up and went to freshen up. She returned and got ready in a white indo western salwar with red flowers on it. She wore her only ornaments and went down to the kitchen where she saw her devranis laughing and making breakfast. She felt happy seeing them smile.

Anika: Aare wah!  Having fun without me. Very bad.
Soumya: Nothing like that bhabi. You were very tired yesterday and you slept without even having dinner so we thought not to disturb you.
Gauri: Haa Bhaujayi and waise bhi we were about to call you for breakfast. So let's have breakfast and haa a very good news is that Soumya is also staying with us.
Anika: That's a very good news. So our girls gang have a new member now. Welcome to our group Soumya.
Soumya: Thanks bhabi.

They hugged each other and later on everyone had their breakfast.  Anika wanted to ask them about their decision but let it go. After breakfast everyone went to the hospital to meet Priyanka.

The girls gang entered Priyanka's room to see an unexpected scene. Priyanka was talking with Raghav and interacting with him.

Anika: What are great improvement!!  Priyanka how are you?

They looked towards the door and saw the girls gang standing.

Raghav: Aare bhabi. Please come.  I was waiting for you all only.
Anika( walking towards them) : But it didn't seem like.
Raghav: It's nothing like that bhabi. Actually I want to talk to privately please.
Anika: Sure. Priyanka you talk with your other bhabis I am coming right now.

They walked out of the room towards his chamber. She settled down in front of him and he too sat down.

Anika: What did you want to talk Doctor?
Raghav: Bhabi actually yesterday after you all left Priyanka was under the effect of medicine. But still I didn't leave her the whole night. Suddenly she started having nightmares and was shouting and sweating.  I forcefully woke her up and she....  She......
Anika: She what?
Raghav: She hugged me and started crying. She was continuously murmuring something like save me from her save me from her.  I pacified her and she slept again. Today morning she woke up and for the first time she greated me. Then she talking about random stuffs.
Anika: So according to you how is she?
Raghav: Quite normal and it is a great improvement on her side.
Anika: That's a good news after all. Then when will I able to take her back home?
Raghav(shocked): Her home? I mean......

Anika sensed the hesitation in him and her doubt was some what getting cleared about his feelings for her.

Anika: Don't worry you would also come with us till she recovers fully and you can't deny my as it is a bhabi's order.
Raghav: Okay bhabi.....
Anika: Now I will take leave and meet Priyanka.

He nodded and Anika left. She entered the room and went towards Priyanka.

Anika: How are you Priyanka?
Priyanka: I'm fine bhabi. Thank you so much for yesterday's talk bhabi. I have understood how much I have hurt my family and brothers.......
Anika: You don't need to thank me Priyanka. First of all I am your friend and then your bhabi. So I had to do this right. Now tell me everything, every torture, every pain that Lady had given you. Everything.....  Don't worry we all here to support you. Okay just go ahead and speak..... Speak out your pain.
Priyanka(held Anika's hand firmly) : It all started a few days after marriage. I was working in the kitchen and then I went to bring something.  I clearly remembered turning off the gas but Kamini aunty created a scene and said that I have gone mad and left the gas open.  I still agreed that may be I have forgotten so I let it go. Then the next day while taking bath suddenly coloured water started flowing.  I got scared and ran out. But when Ranveer saw everything was normal.  I was really getting scared. Then every night when Ranveer used to go for his duty some shadow used to lure over my bedroom and wouldn't let me sleep. One day toh Kamini aunty crossed all barriers. She held me captive and was giving me electric shocks and then even physically tortured me. She bet me and what not. She did all these things in the absence of Ranveer. And when he returned I wasn't in a state to talk or defend me. She misguided him and filled his ears against me telling that I have gone mad. Then he just called the mental hospital and sent me away. I tried to tell me but he was just blinded.  I thought he loves me but he didn't......  He never loved me..... Never....... First he wanted revenge and then wanted to make me suffer......

She started crying hysterically and hugged Anika. Everyone except Anika had tears in their eyes. But no one noticed the other pair of eyes and ears outside the door and he was our dear Raghav. He had tears in his eyes as well as anger.  Anika broke the hug and carenessed her hair.

Anika: Don't worry now everything will be good. You take rest. I will go and get your medicines. (to her devranis)  Take care of her.  I am just coming.

They tried to protest her but she left. While leaving she saw Raghav around the room and understood that he has heard everything. She thought of asking him later and went out. She took the car keys from the driver and left. But she was unaware of the other black car that was following her. She was driving in normal speed but the car behind hers was continuously honking her. She even gave way to it but it didn't go. So she ignored and went on. Suddenly the car from behind hit hers and she lost her balance and straight away hit a tree at the roadside. Her head banged on the window and then on the steering wheel and she became unconscious with blood dripping from her forehead. The man from the black car came out and saw her. He took out his phone to call someone.

Man: Work is done......  She's in a critical condition and I think will die within few hours. There is no one on this lonely road.  I am sure no medical help will reach here.......

He felt Anika in that condition and went away. Here Anika's breathing rate was slowing down with time......

Precap: What will happen to Anika?  Will she survive? Or will she leave even before completing her work? Will her Shivaay be able to understand that his Anika is in danger? Let's see what I want...........😂
Wait for next part to know the answers of the questions............
Till then enjoy this chappy.......
I have divided the Delhi trip into two parts......  This is the first one with Girls gang and next part will have......... Let's see who comes.......

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