Happy Ending

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Hello peeps...  Here I am with my crazy one shot on current track... Okay my sedative controlling me so no more blah blah... I am feeling sleepy.... But you all can enjoy this...👇👇👇👇

Pinky: Marks my words Anika within 48 hours you'll be out of this house and our life.

And before Anika can reply to her she depart to her room from there and Anika with her worried and blank mind started walking towards poolside she wants to have few alone time to accept hatred of Pinky and yet she is not over of Shivay's anger and in this all she didn't noticed Rikara who are coming to their room to make sure that everything is sorted out between Shivika and seeing Anika in this state they come up with instant plan.

And according to their plan Gauri pushed Anika in pool without any warning and this make Anika scream loud and Om who is on the way to inform Shivay about this saw him running towards poolside and he smirked seeing him and he signalled and Gauri and silently both depart from there.

At Poolside

As soon as Shivay saw Anika's struggle to come out jump in water and within blinking of eyes he reached to her and hold her close to him and in worried tone he speak

Shivay: Anika are you alright?

And Anika nodded her head and soon she lost her self in deep blue orbs which are reflecting concern and love for her and Shivay lost in her chocolate brown orbs and soon he noticed her puffy eyes indicating that she must gave cried for lil longer time and he felt guilty for making her cry and slowly he take out her from pool in bridleway and in same position he bring her to bathroom and he stand below shower and started hot water shower and slowly and gently he make her stand and by now Anika have turned red out of shyness and crimson red blush is making her more adorable and in shyness she bit her lower lip feeling Shivay's penetrating gaze over her body and she pushed him out.

And soon she come out changing in comfy clothes but she didn't find Shivay in room and she is about to step out of room in his search but he come in front of her with a mug in his hand and he hand over it to her and speak

Shivay: Hot ginger tea for you so you won't catch cold.

Anika's heart started dancing out of happiness seeing his care and concern for her but before it can last long loud voice of Pinky caught their attention and they run in direction and soon they saw all family member worriedly standing in Prinku's room and seeing bed empty they understood reason of their worry and before either of them can utter a word Pinky started her blame game and speak

Pinky: Anika why you let go Prinku out of this house? I know you are her friend but now you are bahu of this home so you've to think about our reputation too. And you know Ranveer is not a good boy then too you let her leave home with him. Why are you doing this all Anika???

And she started crying loudly and Anika become totally blank with this one more blame on her and this press wrong nerve of Shivay and all of sudden he hold Anika's wrist tightly and drag her out from their but knowing his anger all started following them and Shivay bring her in hall and speak

Shivay: Anika never in my dreams I've thought that you'll do this all. And before I'll take step which won't be good for you leave this house.

Anika: Shivay but listen me once I've not done anything. I was with you how will I do...

But Pinky cut her in between and speak

Pinky: Oh my mata so you wants to tells k anyones of us have done this han?? Keep in mind none of us can do that only you can do that and Shivay that Ranveer have already tolds us that she have helped him earlier, I knows that this time too you've helped Prinku Shivay what will happen to our Prinku??? I am so worried for her...

Shivay: Anika see this all is happening cause of you,

Anika: (cutting him in between) But Shivay.

Pinky: (Cutting her in between) stops your dramas now we don't wants to listen your lies. Shivay plz bring our Prinku back plz Shivay.

And hugging Shivay see started crying bitterly and loudly and within few more seconds she fainted in his arms and worried Shivay make her laid down on sofa and Anika rush to kitchen and bring glass of water but before she can sprinkle in Pinky Shivay jerked her hand and pushed her and losing her balance she fell down and her head hurt by table's corner and Shivay turns to her and mercilessly he hold her hand and make her stand and ignoring her injury he speak

Shivay: I am shame of trusting on girl like you, marrying a girl like you who don't have any surname and not aware of her own blood and lineage. Just because you don't have that it does not mean that you can spoil others. I hate you a lot Anika you've spoiled life of my sister, you've ruined our family's reputation leave this house now before I do things which won't be good.

And Anika with broken heart and shattered self left from there and all the family members are standing there like a silent audience they want to stop her but just because laid trap of Pinky they too believe that Anika have helped Prinku in running away so they stop themselves and soon one by one all started departing to their own room and blank mind Shivay with shattered trust and broken self enter in his room thought corner of his heart and mind are still not believing that "HIS Anika" can't do that but all the proof in front of his eyes not letting himself trusting her and blankly he sit on bed and moved his hand on Anika's side of bed and her pillow but soon vibration of phone on side table broke his attention and with absent mind he received call but very next second all his senses run to his mind and listening callers voice and talk he felt like someone is stabbing him with knife.

And as soon as call get disconnected from other side he fetched car key from side table and rush to Om's room and instead of knocking he started banging and within second sleepy Gauri open door and pushing her on side he enter inside and he wake up Om and speak

Shivay: Om hurry up we need to search Anika. She is innocent she have not done anything and before we lost her we need to search her. Come Om.

And Om nod his head and get up and soon both brothers started their search for Anika but all in vain they have search for her almost every bus stop, railway station, Anika's friends home but she is no where and Shivay felt like killing his own self for speaking all that to her, for hurting her with his words and now no sign of her at any place drowning him deep in pool of guilty and soon he lost control over his emotions and hugging Om he started crying and first Om surprised seeing him in this condition but he hugged him tightly and let him cry and once he stopped Om speak

Om: What happened Shivay???

Shivay: Om, Anika was right. She have not done anything this all are Pinky anuty's move to trap her and she and me and we all fall into that trap and I hurt her.

Now Om's confusion increased more and he speak

Om: Wait Shivay what are you talking about? And why are you calling chhotti ma aunty???

Shivay: Cause she is not my mom.

And he went back in flashback

As soon as call is connected caller from other side speak

Caller: I tolds you Anika that I'll make sure that Shivay will throw you out of this house and our life and see that only happens, (Yes caller is Pinky.😐😐😡😡) You know what I don't hate you because of your blood and lineage but I hate you because you've bring happiness in that Shivay's life since childhood I've make sure that he never be happy but first his brothers and now you've filled his life with happiness he don't deserves it, he is dirt, result of his father Shakti's affair with Kamini but just to have more business he bring him home as my child and cause of him I've to abort my child and I hate him most so I'll make sure he never be happy so only I throw you out of this house and soon. I'll break bond of that brothers.

And as soon as flashback ends Shivay once again broken into pieces and Om is having hard time in adjusting with newly found information and before they can continue their conversation Shivay's phone rang catching their attention and seeing caller name Tia he ignored but once again it ring but this time with Rudra's name so Om received it and speak

Om: Rudra can I call you...

But his words stop in between listening to Rudra's voice from other side

Rudra: Bhiya come to Tia's home, I've texted you address, it's urgent. Anika Bhabhi is with us but she is unconscious.

And disconnecting call he informed this to Shivay soon both settled in car and drive to destination and once in home Shivay rush to room where Anika is and seeing her unconscious he run to her and kiss her forehead and other side Om ask Rudra and Tia where they find Anika?

And Tia informed him that she and Dushyant are coming back from dinner when on nick time Dushyant save Anika who is walking aimlessly on road and soon she fell down and they bring her home and try to call Shivay but his phone is out of reach at that time so she informed to Rudy and then Rudra informed him that how he hired chopper as no one at home answering his call and both of their phone is out of reach and once in Mumbai he come here.

And then Rudra ask Om about why this all happen??? And seeing his hesitant of speaking in front of her Tia excuse her self with excuse of helping Dushyant in making coffee and Om brief Rudra about all the thing in short and Rudra cup his mouth and he don't know how to react and what to speak. So he choose to keep mum.

And soon Tia and Dushyant are back with coffee and all are sitting near Anika waiting for her to gain consciousness.

Almost after an hour Anika murmur in her sleep rather to say unconscious state

Anika: Shivay trust me I've not done anything. I can't break your trust. Don't send me away from you Shivay plz listen me once plz.

Unannounced tears make their way from Shivay's eyes and he gently caresses her hair and wiping tears which are rolling from Anika's eyes he speak

Shivay: Don't cry Anika. See I am here with you. I trust you Anika. Plz open your eyes see I am here.

And seems like his words reach to her ears, mind and heart and she winced in her place and slowly open her eyes and holding her head she speak

Anika: Shivay.

Shivay: (Holding her in his arms) I am here Anika.

Not believing what she is seeing she try to touch him and Shivay bring himself more close to her and kiss her forehead and she too forgetting all the thing hugged him tightly which is reciprocate by Shivay with same passion and intensity ignoring all the present persons in room they lost in each other.

But soon all the words said by him started rewinding in Anika's mind and she push him and speak

Anika: What are you doing here??? And why are you hugging me???

Shivay: Anika I know that Prinku...

Anika: Stop Shivay I already told you I've not done anything. Still you are behind me for...

Shivay: (keeping his finger her lips) Sshh.. I know you've not done anything and you are not involved in it and I know who have done this all and you too need to know one more thing.

Anika raised her eyebrow in reply

Shivay: (Continue) Anika I am not an Oberoi. I am not a legitimate child too and I am sorry for insulting you all the while for your blood lineage and surname while I myself is...

Seeing him breaking down Anika keep her finger on his lips and speak

Anika: Sshh Shivay. I don't want to listen to anything about that all. We already have spend so much time in all that so can we just stop discussing that all???

Shivay is stunned to see her like that though he have broken her heart in million pieces but right now she is mending his heart forgetting that all. And he speak

Shivay: Anika can we've fresh start away from this all just as Anika and Shivay???

Anika nodded her head controlling her tears and Shivay hugged her tightly and he speak

Shivay: I love you Anika.

Anika: I love you too Shivay.

Shivay: I love you more Anika.

Anika: No Billuji I love you more and...

But before she can continue Shivay cupped her lips with his and kissed her passionately which broken by him after hearing whistle and hooting of his brothers.

And soon he informed his decision to OmRu that he'll leave India with Anika and they will start their new life as just Shivay and Anika without tag of Oberoi. And next day informing all the truth to Dadi and all other excluding ShaNky they left OM for forever ignoring pleading of elders to stop and stay.

And till the time procedure of Anika and Sahil's passport and visa is going on they stayed at Anika's home and live normal middle class life with daily struggle and once in London Shivay started his own company and due to his knowledge and capability within few years he is owner of three successful companies and later OmRu with their respective life partner Gauri and Saumya and Dadi join them in London and all are living their happy life away from all problems and envy.

So now hit star leave your feedback... And I am recovering from my illness so slowly slowly I'll update my works....🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏☺☺☺☺☺

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