Shot 2

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Hello peeps... 🙋🙋🙋🙋 Here I am with final shot of this fiction... I hope you all will enjoy it...

Rudra drive car like maniac not minding people's anger on him for rash driving. He just wanted to reach hospital as soon as possible while Om is trying his best to calm down Shivay who is on verge of breaking down. And within few more minutes car stopped and they rush inside and run towards ICU but situation in front of them are building tension and fear inside them.

Pinky and Dadi are crying bitterly hugging each other while Prinku and Saumya are hugging Jahnavi and sobbing badly and Jahnavi is trying hard to stop her own tears and handling both them. While Shakti and Tej are calming down Pinky and Dadi. Seeing them all Shivay felt like he lost all his strength and he is about to collapse in land but OmRu hold him and Om speak

Om: Chotte papa what happened???

Shakti is fighting with his inner self and his unshed tears and composing himself he speak

Shakti: Beta wo Anika...

Shivay: What happened to her papa????

But before he can continue Dr. make his entry and desperate Shivay rush to him and asked him 

Shivay: Dr. plz tell me what happened to her???

Dr.: Mr. Oberoi we thought that bullet were somewhere in her chest but we were wrong that bullet is pierce a corner of your wife's heart and this make condition critical and her chances of survival is .01% and right now she have gain her consciousness you can meet her one last time before operation...  

And Dr. place his hand on Shivay's shoulder and left from there and Shivay is devastated hearing this and he is about to collapsed but OmRu hold him on time and Shivay speak

Shivay: Om this can't be possible Anika can't leave me and I need to talk to her.

And he rush inside and seeing her lying on hospital bad with machine attached to her and needle piercing her skin ache his heart but composing himself he move towards her and by now whole family also followed him inside and and after reaching her bed Shivay caresses her hair which make her open her eyes and with difficulties Anika speak

Anika: Shivay...

And before she can continue further Shivay place his finger on her lips and he speak

Shivay: Sshhh Anika... Do not speak and you know what Dr.told that operation will be successful and you'll be discharge tomorrow... (He is fighting with his inner-self and his tears want to make their way but he have controlled them) And then... (But by now his throat went dry and he is not able to utter one more word) And knowing him and his state Anika hold his hand and speak)

Anika;Shivay you are very bad liar, you can't lie to me Shivay...

Shivay: Anika all are lying, nothing will happen to you I won't let anything happen to you and you know you are precious to me so promise me Anika you'll never leave me...

With great difficulties Anika speak

Anika: I promise Shivay...

As soon as words escape from her Shivay lost his control and his tears are started making their way from his eyes and before they can continue further Dr. and his team enter and they told Obeori clan to leave and Anika's operation started.

  And after an hour or so Dr.come out with flat face and in his nonchalant voice he said

Dr.: We are sorry Mr.Oberoi we can't save your wife... (And he left from there along with his team)

 Shivay is feeling stunned, shocked and all same feelings and next second he rush inside and he saw her lying on bed without any movement and Cardio machine is sawing flat movement on it and seeing this Obeoroi ladies broke down and they started crying bitterly and Shivay speak

Shivay: Why are you all are crying nothing happened to her. Nothing can happen to her... She have promised me that she will be with me she won't leave she can't leave me... (His voice is shaken)...

Everyone is shocked at his words and Shakti move towards him and keeping his hand on Shivay's shoulder he speak

Shakti: Shivay beta, Anika is dead she is no more you heard Dr. why are you not accepting it???

Shivay: Papa how can you say that??? That Dr. is lying I know my Anika she don't break her promise... (And he move towards Anika's bed)

And all are shocked and sad seeing him like this and they are scared if he behave like same then may he he'll be affected badly with Anika's death and before any of them can react Shivay shook Anika's body and speak

Shivay: Anika see what everyone is saying??? they are lying Anika I know you, I told them that you promised me that you'll always be with me so you can't leave me and go just like that but they are not trusting me so please wake up just once and tell them that You are still  here please wake up... (He pleaded to her) (But his words didn't get ant heed by her so he continue) Anika, stop your drama I know you are just acting so wake up damn it enough of your drama (Lil angrily and he shake her body vigorously) (But still no effect of his words) Anika if you don't open your eyes now then I won't ever talk to you and trust me I am serious this time... (And he patted her cheeks but no response) Om, Rudra please tell her that she need to stop her drama and need to talk to me... (Turning towards OmRu he speak)

All are feeling sad seeing him like this and Tej and Shakti are trying to pull him away from her but he is not ready to move an inch away from her and all elders are trying to convince him that she is no more, she left them and him for forever but Shivay is not ready to believe them and freeing him self from Shakti and Tej he once again hold Anika's hand he speak

Shivay: Anika I am serious now, My SSO mode is on and trust me if you won't listen to me now then you know what can I do??? So get up now its an order from  me... (He yelled at her) (And then softening his tone he continue) Anika I love you, love you a lot and I can't live my life without you so if you won't open your eyes on count of three then I'll die too) and in shaken voice he started his counting.

Shakti hold his another hand and speak 

Shakti: Shivay beta stop now...

But before Shivay can reply to him he felt movement of Anika's finger in his hand and happily he pointing at that speak

Shivay: See papa, her fingers are moving.

All eyes move towards finger and by now movement in Cardio machine is also started with beeping and OmRu rushed and call Dr.

And as soon as Dr.enter inside everyone move out from room. And outside all are praying to God with the hope that Anika will be saved now. And almost after half hour which is extremely tensed for Oberoi clan they saw Dr.coming out from Anika's room and before any one ask him he happily announced that she is saved but yet critical but exact condition of her can be predict only after she gain her consciousness...

And almost after an hour or so Anika gain consciousness and Dr. declared that she is safe but she need to stay in hospital for few days under Dr.'s observation and Shivay went inside and followed by Oberoi clan and Shivay rush to her bed and holding her hand delicately he speak

Shivay: Anika...

Anika opened her and eyes and with difficulties she smiled at him and all the  control over his emotional self he cried his heart out and seeing him like this tears too make way from her eyes and sobbing Shivay speak

Shivay: Anika I was scared, I don't want to lose you ever so I was scared beyond... (And he can't speak further as his voice shake due to doom in his throat.)(And he buried his head near her.) 

Anika: I can't break my promise Shivay... I can't leave you... (And she caresses his hair.)

And Shivay look into her eyes and speak

Shivay: Please don't do this ever. Don't you dare scare me like this... (Anika nodded her head and he wiped her and his own tears and continue) Anika all things are sorted now....

Anika: I knew it Shivay....

Shivay: How??? (knitting his eyebrow in confusion.)  

Anika: Because I trust you Shivay...

A broad smile form on his lips and leaning on her he kissed her forehead and speak

Shivay: I love you. I would never let you go away...

Anika: I love you too... I won't ever leave you...

All Oberois clan happy fro them and Dr. are surprised with this miracle which happened due to power of true love.      

Now signing off. Now do leave your feedback aka review aka precious comment (and I know this one is not good so if you don't like then your flying shoes and tomatoes and all vegetarian edible things are warmly welcomed by me...😃😃😃😄😄😄) and hit star.☺☺☺☺🙏🙏🙏

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