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A man came home tired from work and sat on the couch. A lady walked seductively to him and massaged his shoulders intimately. He sighed as his muscles were relaxed after a long hectic day. “Ishita , I want you forever, baby,” he said huskily and she bent hugging him from behind. “So then take me forever, I am all yours,Shashank ,” she said and he held her hand and she came forward and sat in his lap placing her arm around his shoulders and smiled. “Nobody can separate us now, you know,” he said nuzzling in her neck making her blush.

Ishita walked to Shashank ’s house, her beautiful hair blew swaying to the air as she walked and her sandals made a rhythmic sound. She moved her hand to the doorbell and rang it and then turned her back to the door smilingly. Shashank stood up as soon as he heard the doorbell ring wondering who it might be and answered the door. Ishita turned to him.

Surpriiiise!” she exclaimed smilingly encircling her arms around his neck tracing her finger on his jawline seductively. He closed his eyes to feel it and then slowly proceeded to hug her. They both remained in the hug for sometime feeling each other’s warmth and then broke the hug. She held his bicep as he happily invited her inside the house and to his bedroom. They sat on the bed and she placed her chin on his shoulder eyeing her smilingly.

“How did you come here that too without telling and surprising me?” he asked tucking her fringe behind her ear and she rested her head on his shoulder. “I was missing you and was craving for your presence so I came here, and so what if I came without telling? I know that at this hour, no one is in the house,” she said and he smiled caressing her cheek. “Yeah, right, just your timing is a little wrong Ishita , I have to go for an audition,” he told her. “You may go, but first let me tell you the good news for which I came here,” she said lifting her head from his shoulder. “Good news? What kind of good news?” he asked curiously. “I am pregnant,” she told him excitedly. His smile dropped instantly. “What?” he asked in a shock. “Yes, that’s why I came wearing this dress you love the most,” she said.

“I mean, have you confirmed yet?” he asked. “Confirmed? Means? Yes, of course I have, it is our child Shashank ,” she told him and smiled heartily and dreamily while he was speechless. “I have even thought of the name, if it’s a boy, then…,” she was cut in between. “Hmm umm umm, abort it, abort this child,” he ordered standing up from the bed and she got shocked and slowly stood up. “Abort it? What do you mean? Shashank , it’s our child, how can you ask me to abort it? It’s our blood, the sign of our love,” she said as her heart sunk, he glared at her and then looked away.

She took a step closer to him and cupped his face. “Shashank , you said you love me, you did say it, didn’t you?” she asked emotionally. “Oh come on, anyone says it when he/she comes that close,” he said pushing her away and her blood boiled as tears fell from her eyes. “If it would’ve been some other girl, she might have surely tolerated it, but not me, I will tell everyone what have you done with me,” she said angrily and began to leave.

Just then he fisted her hair and pulled her back while she writhed in pain. “What did you say? You will tell everyone? I didn’t spare that scoundrel who got to know our secret, then who the hell are you?” he asked angrily gritting his teeth throttling her and threw her over the bed with a jerk and went to his cupboard. She sat up. He threw his jacket over her and took out a bundle of money and stomped towards her. He took her hand and placed the bundle of money over it. “Take this, I will give you more but don’t dare to open your mouth against me, wear this jacket, and leave, go!” he said pushing her towards the exit of his room.

Ishita sat on a bench crying badly looking down. A lady came and stood near her. “Excuse me?” she said and Ishita  looked up at her. “May I sit here?” she asked and Ishita  nodded. The lady sat near her. “What happen? You are here like this in this condition?” she asked and Ishita  remained silent. “It’s okay, you can tell me, I know I am a stranger and we just met, but sometimes pain reduces by sharing with strangers rather than known people, may be I can help you,” the lady said.

“No one can help me now, my life is finished, my world has crushed,” Ishita  said cryingly. “You are here at the door of the one who made the world and gave you life and you’re saying your world has crushed?” the lady asked pointing at the temple. “Why did he give me such a life where I got someone who I love but he doesn’t loves me back?” Ishita  asked breaking down even more. “Trust me, pray to Him, you will surely get some relief and hope,” said the lady.

“What is hope? And what is relief? And how can I get them being in this situation? I am pregnant by the one I love but the one who doesn’t loves me, that too without marriage, I want to go now, I m leaving, I have some work,” Ishita said and stood up and began to leave. The lady stood up and stopped her. “Look I can help you,” Mauli said. Ishita stopped in her tracks. “How will you help me? Don’t you know that by which name society calls such girls?” she asked. “My friend is a gynecologist, he can help you, my name is Mauli, and I will also talk to the one you love for you,” Mauli said. Ishita turned to her. “You will talk to him for me?” she asked. “Why not? You love him so much, you are carrying his child, I will surely talk, just tell his name,” Mauli said. “Okay, his name is…,” she was cut in between as a car hit her and she fell on the road badly injured leaving Mauli shocked.

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