4~Guardian Angel

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Her body went stiff and she felt shivers in her body. Foam began to come out of her mouth and she fell on the floor suffering a seizure. A girl came running to her and saw her in that condition. "Nalini," she said in a shock as she saw her neck getting turned to such an extent that she thought it would break. She made her sit and hugged her tight crying for her. The foam continued running out of Nalini's mouth. She made Nalini lie on her side for clear airway. She looked at the clock to see the length of the epileptic seizure Nalini was having.

After ten minutes, the foam stopped coming out of her mouth and she lied still due to severe pain in neck. "Nalini, see everything is alright, please don't stress so much, it's me your sister Pragati, I know you are worried about him but it's not like it's only you who is worried about him, right? He has a family who must be much more worried than you are, so don't worry, I know he used to help you a lot during these seizures even more than me. You calmed down much easier by him than me, but Nalini, just like he is someone's family, you are my only family, and I don't want to lose you," she said cupping her cheek.

Nalini tried getting up but in vain, Pragati helped her sit up carefully and took her to bed. She placed a duvet over her. "Look, we will arrange money and buy your medicines again to control this, okay? It will be okay," Pragati assured and Nalini was a little confused after the seizure and was panicking that it may happen again. "Pragati, please be with me, I fear it may happen again, its so painful, I have a cursed life," she said almost in a whisper.

"But when God gave you this cursed life, He also sent Dev for you who helped you so much, and see he will return, God will send him again, don't worry, please don't take stress," Pragati said and went and came back with a medicine. "Have it, it will help you sleep, stress is not the only reason, your sleep is also a reason of these seizures, doctor told you to complete your sleep," she said and Nalini had it and slept peacefully after a ten minute long painful seizure.


At afternoon, doorbell rung and Ishwari went to answer the door once again thinking that it would be Dev but she found no one and just as she was about to leave, she saw an envelope on the floor. She picked it and closed the door. She pulled out the letter from inside. It read: Cheater husband he is, already told you, he doesn't care about you so then how he will care about your children? Think about it and get away from him as soon as possible, this is your chance. PS: your well wisher.

Ishwari got tears in her eyes and went to Shashank  and threw the letter at his face. "One thing is clear, even if you care about me, you don't care about Alia or Dev. I had to tell you to go and convince Alia to eat something, you should have gone by yourself, plus you are doing nothing to find Dev," she said angrily. Shashank  read the letter. "I am doing nothing to find Dev? I go daily to the police station to ask them but to no avail, I don't care about Alia? She is my daughter as well," he said.

"Oh really? You convinced her so well that she's again on hunger strike, useless father," she said getting more angry. "Will I disappear Dev by myself? He is my own son," he said. "What do you mean? I made him disappear? And that he isn't my son?" she asked. "No he isn't your son, I told you that he is my son from my first marriage," he said. "Yes, your wife died and you were left alone with little Dev, and then I came and took care of him when you were in office, how did I do it? Just like a real mother, did this ever happen that whatever I gave to Alia, I didn't give to Dev? Did I ever differentiate between them?" she asked.

Alia came outside and heard everything. "No you didn't, and please give me time, I will find him, I don't know where my son would be and in what condition he might be, I love him as well like you do," he said and tears rolled down from his eyes. Ishwari's heart melted and she hugged him. "I am sorry, really sorry, forgive me," she said and he hugged her back.

Alia was shocked to hear that Dev wasn't her real brother but her step brother. She went inside her room and looked at herself in the mirror. "It can't be possible, how come I have same eyes as he does? Same colored eyes? How? I don't care, he is my real brother, not my step brother, for me he will always be like a real brother only," she said and lied on the bed and called Nalini. Pragati picked the call. "Yes Alia?" she asked. "Is Nalini didi there?" Alia asked. "She's sleeping, she had a seizure, so I made her sleep," she told her.

"What? Is she fine?" Alia asked worriedly. "Sort of," she said. "Didn't she have medicines?" Alia asked. "No dear, the medicines are much costly, it was Dev who used to buy it for her," she told her shocking Alia. "What? How much did it used to cost?" she asked. "Around one lac," Pragati told her. Alia became more shocked. "What? Did he ever told you that how he got so much money?" she asked. "No dear, Nalini might be knowing, I will ask later and tell," Pragati said and call disconnected. "How did bhai get so much money from?" she said in a shock.


Raman  came to Ishita for her check up and then began to leave. "Raman ," she said and he stopped. "Can I call you Raman ?" she asked and he nodded. "M just saying I am there if you ever need to share anything," she said and he sat in front of her. "I really loved my wife Prerna a lot, we were happily married," he said.



Prerna's every wish was fulfilled by Raman  and he couldn't ever bear a single tear in her eyes or a frown on her lips. Prerna came to Raman . "Baby, don't you think that now we are ready for a baby?" she asked and he smiled and nodded. "So let's go to the doctor to get our tests done, please?" she asked and he nodded. They went to the doctor together and their tests were conducted. Prerna turned out well and good but Raman 's sperm count wasn't proper. Doctor gave him medicines for the cure and it was more than a year that he was trying to get cured by it and he too had his sperm count taken again but to no avail, he turned out infertile.

Latika was deeply heartbroken. "Baby, look, there are more ways for it, we can get surrogacy done and look for a surrogate mother, we both will become parents," he suggested. "No Raman , she will make me feel again and again that I can't carry a child, besides surrogacy also won't work, your sperm count isn't enough," she said. "So then we can adopt, look for such people who don't want their babies," he suggested. "No, we want our baby," she said and ran away from there crying badly due to shock. He couldn't bear it at all.

After some days, it was their anniversary. Raman  went to Prerna. "Dear, I will do as you say, your wish is my command, even if you ask to get more of the cure," he told her. "Promise?" she asked. "Promise," he said and she handed him divorce papers, he was shocked. "Sign over it, life without a child is incomplete, I can't live this life forever, I am sorry," she said sadly. "I can even leave you for your happiness, but remember, only your happiness lies in this and not mine, I will cherish our memories forever," he said. Hence they were divorced.

Fb end.

Raman  got tears in his eyes and wiped them instantly. "I feel so useless that I couldn't give her the happiness she yearned for," he said. "And she left you? Adoption was a good idea, but not everyone thinks like that," she said and he nodded. "Okay listen, when my baby will be born, you would be the one to hold it before me, I will tell the baby you are her guardian angel who saved her life," she told him and he smiled. "Thanks Ishita, but you said all this, even that's enough, I will treat the baby as if it's mine," he said.

"Raman , why did we meet in the first place?" she asked. "God did it," he said. "God gave you a second chance," she said. "No Ishita, there are many single mothers who take care of their child as if they are their father as well, and you can do it," he said. "You still love her, don't you?" she asked and he nodded. "But she didn't, if she would have loved you truly, she wouldn't have left you, where is she now?" she asked. "I don't know," he said.

"What was her full name?" she asked. "Prerna Sharma," he told her, she logged into instagram and showed him her profile and it showed happily married, she even had a child. He was shocked. "Still, none can love her like I do," he said. "When she can move on, why can't you?" she asked. "I can't, I dreamed of living my whole life with her and when that can't happen, I only focus on my profession, besides, one day your baby will know the truth about his real father," he said and left. She leaned back on the bed board.

"Real father? Who? Him who asked me to abort the baby? He can't be his real father. A real father is someone who nurtures the child. Contributing sperm doesn't makes him a father," she said to herself.


Dev woke up coughing blood and he was untied from the chair and dragged on the floor and beaten badly. He stood up and pushed the man and began to run but the man held his arm pulling him back and pushed him on the floor. Dev moved back on the floor and suddenly stood up and took the chair to which he was restraint earlier and crushed his foot with it and ran out of there.

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