6~Lovely Stares

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As soon as Ishwari and Alia reached the hospital with Pragati, they got down the car. Alia ran inside with Ishwari and Pragati following her. "Where is my bhai?" she asked in a hassle to the receptionist. "What's his name?" asked the receptionist. "Dev Sharma," she replied. "He is in the ICU," the receptionist told and without wasting a nanosecond, she ran towards the ICU. Ishwari and Pragati followed her, she fell in the midway feeling blacked out by staying hungry and thirsty for a long period of time. "Alia," Ishwari said worriedly and helped her stand. "Are you okay?" she asked, Alia nodded.

She continued to run even then and stopped seeing Nalini crying badly outside the ICU. "Didi, what happen?" she asked. "Nothing, you wanted to see your brother since long, right? Go inside while no one's there around him," she said and Alia went inside. "Nalini, what has happened? Tell me please," Ishwari asked. "Doctor said that there is high quantity of alcohol found in his blood, his throat has retching, he won't be able to speak for sometime, he is badly beaten on his head, glass pieces are found from his forehead, his face also has a wound, he has vomited blood multiple times, he needs blood immediately," she told Ishwari who got shocked.

"Aunty, what's his blood group?" Nalini asked. "Rh positive," she told her. "Such a rare blood group, what's Alia's blood group?" Nalini asked. Alia came out. "Same as bhai, I will donate my blood to bhai, I can't see him like this," she said. "But Alia, already you are so weak," Ishwari said. "I told you not to think about me more than bhai when he's the one in need, when I can stay hungry for him for more than twenty four hours, I can also give him blood, call the nurse, I will give him blood," Alia said. Ishwari nodded.


Raman was sitting in his cabin thinking constantly about Prerna. A knock came over the door. "Come in," he said and there she entered with her baby boy and some papers in her hand. "Prerna," he said in a surprise and she sat in front of him handing him the papers which read "Custody papers." He was amazed. "Raman, when I know that his father won't keep him and I won't be alive for long, I thought and came to a conclusion to give the custody to you," she said.

"But Prerna all of a sudden?" he asked. "My operation is tomorrow, that is when the risks will begin as I get my ovaries removed, I won't be able to take care of him, already I am having so much vomiting due to this fungal infection in ovaries, I am tired all the time, I can't leave him in an orphanage, I don't want to give him that life, you are his legal guardian from now onwards, promise me you will take care of him?" she asked and he nodded, she handed the baby to him.

"What's his name?" he asked. "Raunak," she told him and began to leave. "Prerna, even you can stay with me, I mean, you will need someone to take care of you, besides I want to spend time with you, I always dreamt of living my whole life with you, please do not say no, even you realized what is my love for you, at least I can do this much for you," he said and she turned to him. "Raman, I don't want you to see me die, besides when I will be no more, you will die every single day recalling me," she said. "I will have your sign with me, Raunak would be with me, it is a hard phase for you, losing everything all at once isn't easy," he said. "I am your culprit, I can't stay with you, not after what I did to you, if I wouldn't have given you divorce, I wouldn't have to lead a life like this, but I am happy on one thing, that you will be a father to my child Raunak, he won't be alone," she said. "But then you will have to spend the last of your life alone," he said, she left getting teary eyed.


Mauli came to Ishita. "So you finally sent all the photos to Ishwari and even talked to her on phone?" she asked and Ishita nodded. "Truth had to come out one or the other day, he deserves it," she said. "I am so sorry you have to go through this pregnancy phase alone and that you don't have anyone to support you as a life partner," Mauli said. "You helped me and brought your gynecologist friend, that's enough, being with Shashank won't be good anyways, I don't even want his shadow on my child," Ishita said clutching her tummy.

"Don't you have a family?" Mauli asked. "My child is my family, besides him I don't have anyone, I work from home as I am getting a good payment for it," she said and Mauli smiled at her. Raman came there with Raunak surprising them. "Raman who is he?" Mauli asked. "My ex wife's son, now I have his custody that makes me his father," he told them. "And she didn't came to live with you? She is so critical," Ishita said. "She refused, but who knows she may agree later," he said.

"Happy for you," Ishita said. Mauli left from there, Raman sat in front of her. "How are you feeling?" he asked. "Good, depression is slowly subsiding," she told him. He smiled. "Playing with a baby may help even more, want to play with him?" he asked and she nodded, he gave him to her. He watched as she played with him and how Raunak played with her hair, the way she was smiling while holding him somehow gave him peace. He didn't realize he was staring at her. "Cute little kiddo," she said talking to Raunak in baby language, Raman couldn't help but stare.

"Raman, as I told you before, life gave you second chance, God made you the father of the one who is your ex wife's child, soon she will also be by your side, and then you only have to take care of her, she will eventually agree, you see," she said snapping him out of his thoughts and he smiled.


Alia was lying on the hospital bed drained out as she donated her blood for her brother. Ishwari sat by her side. "I am equally worried for you baby as I am for him, now that he returned, I won't take your tantrums of hunger strike, you will have to eat once you get over this, okay Aalu jaan," she said, Alia smiled for the second time that day.

As the bottle filled up, Ishwari helped her up and made her sit. She gave her the sandwiches. Alia ate them like anything, food hadn't felt so good before this. "Look I ate all of it, now please let me go see bhai, I have yearned so much for him," she said, Ishwari smiled at her and nodded. Alia stood up and ran to the ICU. She smiled seeing Nalini caring for him and sat outside on the bench to not disturb them.

Nalini was holding his hand watching him and getting lost in him.

Flashback :

Two days after Nalini had proposed Dev, he himself approached her. She was surprised. He went on one knee and presented a beautiful flower in front of her. "I love you Nalini, the way you reserved me for yourself was unique, even I feel attracted to you now that every other girl is my sister," he said, she smiled and took the flower from him with a blush.

He stood up and called her for a hug. She took a step further towards him and slowly hugged him placing her head on his shoulder. He smiled and hugged her back. "I promise to hold you like this forever, and not to leave your side no matter what," he said and she rejoiced. "Thank you Dev, I was attracted to you since the first day itself but couldn't ever approach you, but my sister made it easier for me, I also promise to never leave your side," she whispered. "To be honest I didn't want girls to see me as a brother, but now its okay, let them, doesn't matter," he whispered back and tightened the hug, she smiled contently and she also tightened the hug.

Fb end.

Nalini smiled sadly and caressed his face,she felt sleepy and slept holding his hand. When the last drop of blood entered his body, the needle was pulled from his palm and he was lifted from the bed only for his hand to be gripped tightly by Nalini. She woke up and got shocked. "Don't you dare, leave him, I said leave him," she warned and a chloroformed handkerchief was pressed on her mouth, she passed out. Dev was being taken away by the man who had made Nalini unconscious, just then she stood up and stopped him again. “You can’t defeat me, I know you people always do this to make people faint but I never breathed the content on the handkerchief, leave him,” she said and stomped her high heel on his foot, he screamed and dropped Dev on the floor, she sat down just as her head was about to touch the floor and took his head in her lap, she didn’t want him to get more injured. She placed his head carefully on the floor and stood up. Once again he pressed the handkerchief on her mouth but she struggled making him leave and pressed the handkerchief on his face only, he fainted.

She pressed the emergency button multiple times and a nurse came rushing. “This man was trying to kidnap him, please place him back on the bed and ask security to call police to arrest this man,” she said, the nurses called other nurses and they placed him back on the bed attaching cannula to the back of his palm again and then within seconds the man was also taken away from there. Nalini sat beside Dev. “Nothing will happen to you, I won’t let anyone do anything now, I won’t do the mistake of sleeping again,” she said and caressed his face.


Nalini had just came out of an epileptic seizure and was on the bed lying down with Pragati and Dev at her sides. “From when does she have this problem?” he asked. “Since childhood, and look at her neck, how it twists so much that looks like it will break any moment,” Pragati told him, Nalini looked on waiting for his reaction, she was scared he may leave her after knowing about this.

Instead he held her hand between both his hands shocking her. “I will be there with you whenever you suffer this, you won’t be alone, and don’t worry, I will even get you those medicines, it will be okay,” he said assuring her, she smiled with tears in her eyes. “I am so glad to have you,” she said happily, he smiled back. “Jeeju,” Pragati said and he looked at her and gasped. “Can I call you jeeju?” she asked and he chuckled. “Jeeju? That too from now only?” he asked. “So what? I am the cupid for both of you, I made you everyone’s brother so that my sister can get you, that gives me the full right to call you jeeju, right Nalini?” she asked, Nalini giggled.

“Not too early, we are at such an early stage, its just the beginning of our love, why do you want me to call jeeju from now only?” he asked. “That’s because I feel like you are husband material for my sister, you are an ideal, the same type of person everyone would want as a friend, brother, husband and every manly relation,” Pragati said praising him.

“Di, enough, I don’t want my husband material to get diabetes,” Nalini joked, he chuckled. “Thanks for the compliment, don’t forget you made me your brother, you also tied a rakhi on my wrist,” he said. “So what? That makes you only my brother, not hers, what do we call jeeju in english? Brother in law, that’s the answer,” she said. “Okay fine, call whatever you want, but when you teased me along with whole class, even I wanted to laugh but I was too embarrassed, I noticed Nalini didn’t say a word,” he said and laughed. “Why would I? Bf,” she said and giggled.

Fb end.

“When he can care for me selflessly since the first day ever, even I can do it,” she said and tied her hand with his hand.


Raman was in his cabin playing with Raunak when some voices distracted him. “How can you give the custody to that doctor also known as ex husband of yours when I am his real father?” said a man’s voice which was of course of Anurag. “Because when I die, I don’t want my baby to suffer in that household, when you do not want me, how can you want him, when you divorced me the court gave me the custody of Raunak even after knowing my condition they cared about my feelings. At the time of need, even strangers may understand, you were my husband but you didn’t understand, why do you expect me to give my son to you?” asked a girl’s voice which was of course of Prerna.

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