7b~Fixed Marriage

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Alia and Ishwari sat outside Dev's ward. "What happen? What was such that you couldn't talk in front of him?" Ishwari asked. "I heard papa saying that bhai isn't your son but only his son," she told her and Ishwari got shocked. "I don't agree with it at all, can half siblings have so many similarities? Same green colored eyes? Same blood group? I don't think he's my half brother, he's my real brother mom," Alia said and Ishwari sighed.

"Beta I am so sorry for hiding, but this is what is truth, it's true that he's your half sibling," she confessed. "Are you sure mom?" Alia asked. "I am sure, but I always looked after him as if he's my own son," Ishwari said. Alia looked away. "I am not ready to agree to all of this at all, when Nalini didi said that papa wasn't interested in finding Dev, there was truth in her eyes, who was interested? We both were along with Nalini didi and Pragati didi, who knows we both are siblings for real but we are none of yours children?" Alia said.

Ishwari shook her head. "Alia, I gave birth to you, but I didn't disown him beta, I love him equally, please don't say like this," she said emotionally. "Mom, sorry, but I feel as if bhai does know something which either only I don't know or else you also don't know," Alia said and Ishwari got thinking. "And mom, do you know one thing? Nalini didi is epileptic, and she couldn't afford money for the treatment and every time bhai used to help her, do you know how much it costed? One lac, where did that come from? Did he take any money from you?" Alia asked shocking her.

" No beta Alia, he never took any money from me, okay listen, don't reveal all this to papa, okay? I don't feel it right. Besides, I already knew about Nalini being epileptic but I have no problem by that just like you, she is a very nice girl for your brother, they care so much for each other, I am happy for him," she said and Alia smiled slightly. "Mumma, do you remember when you met bhai for the first time?" Alia asked. "Yes, I think I had just got released from hospital, your father was there by my side," Ishwari told her and she looked on.

Flashback :

Shashank brought Ishwari to their house and little Dev came running to her. "Mom," he said smilingly and hugged her. She looked at Shashank. "Who's he?" she asked. "He is my son from my first marriage, he's Dev," he told her. "Oh, hi Dev," she said hugging him back. "Hi mom, don't you remember me? You've already met me before," he said and she looked at Shashank holding her head. "Yes you've met him before, come inside I will show you," Shashank said and held her hand.

She looked down at Dev and held his tiny hand and the trio walked inside to their room. He showed the framed photograph on the wall. "Look, this is you with Dev," he said and she smiled emotionally touching the photo. "Baby Dev," she said and then looked down at Dev who was looking at her waiting for her to recognize him. "Dev," she said and a tear rolled down her cheek, she sat down and pulled him in a hug. He smiled. "Ishwari, don't sit for too long, remember you're pregnant," Shashank reminded and she stood up. "Mumma, soon someone would be there to play with me?" Dev asked excitedly. Ishwari nodded smilingly. "Yayyyy, but who will come? Brother or sister?" he asked. "We'll see, you go, play," Shashank said and he ran away jumping in excitement. Shashank and Ishwari smiled at each other.

Fb end.

"Mom, bhai already knew?" she asked and Ishwari nodded. Alia got quiet.


Raman came to his parents Sandhya and Gajendra with Raunak and Ishita. "Mom, dad, she is the one I was talking about, with who I am in love with," he told them.

"Is she our soon to be daughter in law? She's so beautiful," Sandhya said and applied kajal behind her ear, Ishita smiled emotionally and looked at Raman as she couldn't bend to take blessings due to pregnancy. "Mom, dad, I would like to tell something," he said and they waited for him to tell. "Ishita is pregnant with my child," he said lying to them and Ishita looked at him as her heart sank and she sobbed. Sandhya and Gajendra looked on. "It's my child, and about Raunak, he's my ex wife Prerna’s child but since she's dying, she gave his custody to me," he told them.

"But why? Isn't his father alive?" Gajendra asked. "He is, its just that he won't be able to take care of him, and Ishita is ready to look after him," he told them. "But beta, she herself is pregnant, already there is one responsibility on her head and you're giving someone else's responsibility to her?" Sandhya asked. "But she has already been attached to him," he told her. "Me and Gajendra will look after him, no need to stress Ishita, but Raman, you couldn't give birth, how come she is pregnant with your child?" Sandhya asked. "Aunty, pardon me but this is not Raman's child, but my ex boyfriend's child, and after listening this, I know you won't agree for my and Raman's marriage, I was mentally prepared for this. But whatever you want to say, please only say to me, not to Raman, or my child, because Raman agreed for marriage seeing me in depression and for my wish to not let my child be fatherless, but aunty the way you have talked to me right now, I strongly felt like you are my mother," Ishita said fighting back tears. Raman wrapped his arm around her shoulders. Sandhya and Gajendra looked at each other. "Mom dad, I will sign on the kids birth certificate as a father, I promised Ishita that I will treat him or her as my own child, and see I am a gynecologist, I have helped thousands of people to give birth, but none could help me, Ishita is an angel in my life because of who I will be blessed like a father, Ishita is a golden hearted girl, you won't get a better daughter in law then her, you won't regret choosing her. I know you might be thinking that I said the same at Prerna’s time but please trust me for one more time," he said. Gajendra came forward and placed his hands over their heads and they smiled. "Ishita is like a daughter to me, if the same would have happened with our daughter, we also would have tried a lot for her better future, then why not Ishita?" he asked and Ishita smiled with tears in her eyes. "And Ishita will be the apple of our eyes just like our daughter is, right Ishita?" Sandhya asked and she nodded and they shared a hug.

"Thank you mom dad," Raman said. "We will ask the pundit to come today only and check your horoscope and the perfect timing for marriage," Sandhya said and they all smiled. Raman and Ishita shared a hug.

Later, Raman took her to shoe store. "Why are we here?" she asked. "So that I can buy some flats for you by your choice, you always roam in wedges, its not good during pregnancy," he told her and she smiled. He got down the car and opened the door for her and forwarded his hand towards her, she smiled and placed her hand in his hand and he slowly pulled her out. She closed the door and the duo walked to the store together. They checked the collection together. "Red ones," she chose and he nodded and asked one of the workers, it was brought. She sat down and he made her wear them lovingly. She got lost in him. "Now walk," he said and she nodded and stood up and began to walk. "Two sizes big, this one hurts," she told him and he told the same to the man who brought this ones earlier, she sat down.

Two sizes bigger ones were brought and he made her wear them after removing the previous ones and helped her stand. "Raman, they are flats, I can stand on my own," she said and he chuckled and nodded. She walked a little and gave her approval. "Lets check one more pair?" he asked and she smiled and nodded. They checked together. "What about white ones?" she asked and he shrugged. "Okay," he said and told the same to the worker, meanwhile she sat. The flats were brought and she tried them and he sat beside her. "Perfect size, okay done," she said. "Ishita, one more, it will be useful for you only, and this time by my choice?" he asked and she smiled tilting her head. "Okay, as you say," she said and he smiled.

He stood up and checked all the pairs and chose one and told the worker who brought it and he gave to Ishita. "Oh wow, cutest pair ever," she said praising him and he smiled. She took the pair and tried them and walked wearing them and turned to him showing thumbs up by both hands, he blushed scratching the back of his neck. He paid the bills and then he saw her wear the same wedges again, he frowned.

"Not again Ishita," he said and made her sit and removed them. He got out one of the flats she bought and made her wear and placed the wedges in the shoe box. She smiled at his care. She stood up and they walked out together and sat in the car and drove off and once again he stopped at a store. "Now why are we here?" she asked. "For maternity dresses of course, till when will you be slim especially during pregnancy?" he asked and she gasped.

"Be thankful that men can't get pregnant, else how would have they looked?" she asked and he laughed. They got out of the car, they chose the dresses together and drove off from there and he took her back to Mauli's house, once she settled in the room, he too sat in front of her. "Do you need anything else? Biscuits? Chocolates? How's the baby doing?" he asked. "He's fine, how won't he be? After all he got a father like you, he also would be really happy today, thank you Raman," she said caressing her tummy. He smiled at her.

Mauli came there and he left just then. "Mauli, guess what? Raman's parents agreed for our marriage," she told her excitedly and Mauli hugged her happily. "I am so happy for you, finally, finally this little angel got a father and finally my sister you got your soulmate," Mauli said and she hugged her back smilingly. "And you know what? Even my marriage is happening very soon," Mauli said. "Really? Oh my God, what if we get to marry in the same pavilion?" Ishita asked and Mauli smiled and broke the hug. "Then it would be a special day, because even I feel that if I would have had a sister, she would have been just like you," she said and Ishita smiled.

I will have to meet Dev, Alia and Ishwari, I can't tell Ishita about it but I will have to ensure they're fine, even Ishwari is my friend, Alia is like my own child for me, even Dev is. I will have to meet them. Mauli thought.

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