14~Bitter Meeting

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Raman drove to the police station along with Ishita where Ashok was behind the bars. The duo were silent the whole drive. Ishita faced the window as tears rolled down her cheeks continuously. The person who she thought was her best friend, betrayed her in the worst way ever, by causing her accident. She gasped as the car halted with a jerk and screech. She turned to look at him, he unfastened his seatbelt and looked at her, he cupped her face and softly swiped her tears. "This is the last time ever to cry because of him, no tears hereafter, but keep this anger alive within yourself," he said and kissed her forehead.

She sighed and nodded. He stepped out of the car and closed the door, she unfastened her seatbelt and heard her side of door open, she turned to see that it was Raman and stepped out of the car and herself closed the door. She waited as he locked the car meanwhile she felt her blood boiling. He came to her and wrapped his arm around her shoulders, she sobbed. "Shall we?" he asked and she nodded. They walked inside together and stood in front of inspector's desk asking for Ashok.

The inspector called the constable who accompanied them to his cell and unlocked it moving back to let them in. They stepped inside together meanwhile Ashok was sitting in a corner looking down. The cell was locked behind them meanwhile the constable was still on check. Ishita stared at Ashok and then looked at Raman not being able to stop her tears. "You have the right to cry, you have the right to be angry, vent out your anger on him because he is the cause of it, do it Ishita, just do it, brave girl," he whispered.

She looked at Ashok enraged and barged to him and grabbed his collars and made him stand startling him and slapped him tightly. "How dare you Ashok? How dare you? I thought you were my best friend, but you, you are a devil in disguise, shame on you Ashok! How dare you to play with my feelings? How? Answer me damn it!" she shouted at him, Raman teared up seeing her so broken from within but then quickly wiped his tears. "Why? Didn't I say I love you Ishita? I proposed you, I was your best friend, and what's wrong if a best friend itself becomes your life partner?" Ashok asked shouting at her in the same manner making her leave and she gritted her teeth and felt dizzy at the same time because she didn't remember him proposing her, blurry flashbacks ran in her mind.

"Hey you! Don't you dare shout at my wife! First you propose her and when she rejects you, you cause her accident? If you would've loved her truly, you would've been happy in her happiness, but no, you want only your own happiness, did you get it now? By being behind the bars? You merciless devil!" Raman bursted at him angrily.

"Oh please, don't call me a merciless devil, didn't you yourself married her but never loved her but only that girlfriend of yours? And after one year you love her all of a sudden, wow Raman wow, she was a nobody, she was an ordinary girl, but you made her a star, that too by just one music video? Girls like her only know to use rich boys as a step to success," Ashok said. All these words triggered Ishita badly and by now she was on the verge of emotional breakdown.

Due to memory loss, she was getting a lot of blurry flashbacks. "She is not that kind of a girl, she didn't use me, she was with me throughout my bad phase, she supported me, she tolerated my bad behavior, she waited patiently for me to love her, she cared for me, I did love her since the day I saw her selfless nature okay, and she is not a nobody, she is Raman's Ishita. Being mine itself made her a star, she doesn't needs music videos, she was still mine back then when she wasn't a star and she is still mine, she was always destined for me," Raman said entwining his hand with hers while she looked on emotionally.

"Ishita, tell him that even after having a huge crush on him, you gave me false hopes indirectly by saying that Raman wouldn't ever be mine, he would choose someone who is a star like him, he won't even look at me, he won't even stand near me, he won't even smile at me, I have no hopes of getting him. Tell me didn't you ever said that?" Ashok asked once again triggering her lost memory, she held her head, Raman looked on in a shock, both by his words and by Ishita getting badly affected.

He stood in front of her and held her arm. "Hey, hey Ishita, baby its okay, look don't think too much, Ishita?" he said as she barely heard him due to the continuous ringing voices in her ears. "Oh God, no way, Ishita, its all my fault, I shouldn't have brought you here because if you try to remember everything all of a sudden and not bit by bit, then you may even suffer a stroke or total memory loss, all my attempts would go in vain, no, I won't let that happen," he said in a panic and picked her in his arms and turned to Ashok.

"You! I am not done with you yet, bloody fool! Constable! Let us out! Please!" he called out and the cell was unlocked instantly and he walked out as she passed out in his arms, he walked to their car and made her stand with his arm wrapped around her as her head rested on his chest, he unlocked the passenger seat door and picked her up making her sit inside closing the door.

He went to driving seat and unlocked the car hurriedly and sat inside. He fastened both of theirs seatbelts and started the car. "Don't worry Ishita, I will take you to the hospital, everything would be fine, don't worry," he said and drove off with windspeed and broke every signal and halted the car only at The City Hospital.

He got out of the car and ran to her side of the door and opened it quickly, unfastened her seatbelt and picked her in his arms closing the door by his leg and rushed inside to the reception. "Excuse me, look I don't have an appointment for the doctor I need to meet, my wife suffered memory loss some days ago and now after meeting the one who caused her accident, she's badly triggered, can anything be done instantly? Please?" he asked in a panic. "Sure sir, you can go to the ER, there you can get some help," replied the receptionist. "Thanks a lot, my name is Raman and wife's name is Ishita," he said and ran off and didn't wait for her to do the entries. As he entered, he lied her on one of the beds and sat by her side holding his head.

Ashok's words about what Ishita said about him rang in his ears, he teared up and held her hand. "I am and I will always be yours, sorry for all the hurt I caused you. I was a fool to love Shagun, it should have always been you, if I would have gotten you at the right time, we both wouldn't have suffered such a big heartbreak, but now the damage is done. I hope you don't suffer total memory loss or a stroke, but this bitter meeting only brings something good, some improvement," he said emotionally and waited for the doctor.

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