9~Memory Loss

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Raman  cried and cried and thought to inform everyone what had happened. He dialed the number but at the same time, he was afraid of their reaction. He placed the phone on his ear as it rung. The call was picked after some five rings. "Hallo Raman  beta," said Ishita 's mother Vasu  at the other end of the phone. "Mummy, Ishita ... Ishita  met... With an... Accident mummy," he told her crying badly in a quivering voice. "What? Which hospital is she in? I am coming," she said in a shock. "City Hospital," he said and the call disconnected. He dialed his mom Toshi 's number and placed it on his ear waiting for her to pick it.

The call was picked immediately. "Hallo beta Raman ," she said happily. "Mom, Ishita ...," his voice trailed off and he began to cry. "What happen to her? Is she okay?" she asked as her smile dropped instantly, he composed himself. "She's not okay, she met with an accident, she is in city hospital, I am with her, doctors are treating her," he told her. "Take care, I will come," she said and the call disconnected. The doctor came outside, Raman  stood up instantly and rushed to him.

"Doctor! Doctor, Ishita ?" he asked. "Look, her wound is very deep, she's badly hurt which caused internal bleeding, and what happened with her doesn't seems like an accident," said the doctor and he got shocked. "Means?" he asked. "Such a wound can come only by falling from a little above, but its also a case of road accident, a car hit her with force which caused her to jump in air and then she fell with a thud and that's how the accident happened, I can tell because, her lower thigh had a wound, which can only be caused if a car hits with a force," said the doctor.

Raman  got deep into thoughts. "We have informed the police to look into this matter, its a police case but still we have started the treatment, excuse me," said the doctor and walked away. Raman  stumbled backwards and fell on the bench. "Murder attempt? But who exactly would want to kill a person like Ishita  who's heart is full of love? I can't believe this, I just can't," he said to himself and got deep into thoughts meanwhile Ishita 's treatment continued and Toshi  and Vasu  arrived there. "Raman  beta?" they said in unison.

He stood up and touched Vasu 's feet and she blessed him, he hugged Toshi  and couldn't help but cry. "Beta how did all this happen? Where were you when this happened? You both went together for audition, right?" she asked and he broke the hug. "Mom, we did go together, but as our song was finalized, Ishita  went to washroom and that's when Shagun  came and began to force herself on me by her talks and by her forceful kiss and it was all witnessed by Ishita  who threw a slipper at her and slapped her. The three of us got into a big argument but thank God no one was there, and suddenly Ishita  disappeared with me being unaware, its my fault mom. If only I would have focused on her, she wouldn't have been here but celebrating our success," he said.

Before Toshi  could say something, Vasu  came forward. "Who told you to talk to your ex girlfriend in the first place? Is she your wife or is my daughter Ishita  your wife? Is your ex wife rightful of your love or is my daughter rightful of it? How could you focus on her being with my daughter? You could've simply held my daughter's hand and walked out of there and that itself could be a tight slap on your ex's face but rather you chose to argue with her and break my daughter's heart which caused her to run away and get into an accident, yes you are responsible for all of it. If you loved your ex so much, why did you marry my daughter? She never told me but I always knew you never loved her, I pushed her into divorce but she never agreed for it. I was also thinking that being a big actor, how did you marry my unpopular daughter? No, all actors are same, they just get into relationships with those who are famous," she said angrily.

Before Raman  could reply, Toshi  stopped him. "No Vasu  jee, not all actors are same and my son is the biggest proof of it. If my son didn't like your daughter, he wouldn't have agreed for marriage, and if we talk about her being unpopular, then yes she was unpopular but she will no more be unpopular as she just performed with my son and I also love her like you do. Its not my son's fault for Shagun  being there, it's Shagun 's fault and she will face the consequences, from me, and from you, both," Toshi  said.

A nurse came outside and the trio rushed to her. "Nurse, Ishita ?" he asked. "We have stopped the bleeding and her condition is now stable, but she will be in observation for some time and then we will shift her in a ward then you can meet her," she said and walked off, the trio sighed in relief. Raman  looked at her through the glass and just kept looking at her lovingly.

"Raman ," Vasu  said and he turned to her. "Beta, you do like Ishita , right?" she asked with concern. "Of course, she's the best I could get, who will tolerate me like she does. Seriously, I love her a lot, I can't live without her, my heart was pounding seeing so much blood, I can't imagine my life without her, we both can't. I apologize for the pain I caused her earlier but please trust me. No more pain, I love her deeply now, m sorry," he said folding his hands in front of her. "When she forgave you, then even I will have to forgive you, a mother will always look after child's happiness before hers," Vasu  said and he smiled.

"Vasu  jee, I think we should take care of Shagun 's matter now, she shouldn't come in between our children anymore, we should kick her out of their lives for once and for all because if our children are facing difficulties because of her and are unable to get over it, then we should take the matter in our own hands," Toshi  said. "You're right, our children should be happy and live a life free of worries like Shagun , she will have to understand that she can't come back in Raman 's life and take Ishita 's place," Vasu  agreed and the duo left from there.

Raman  looked at her from outside. "Who tried to kill Ishita ?" he muttered under his breathe and got into his thoughts looking at her but soon his chain of thoughts were broken as some nurses came. He moved from the door giving them way and he stood leaning to the wall. He saw the nurses bringing Ishita  out of OT and he joined them as now it was time for her to get shifted to ward.

He wheeled the stretcher along with them and they reached the ward. The door was held open and finally she was shifted. He watched as she was shifted to another stretcher, the one which actually belonged to the ward and the OT stretcher was wheeled out of there. He sat by her side and held her hand and caressed her hair. After sometime, the police came and Raman  was called outside the ward. "Mr. Raman , do you have any doubt on anyone?" asked the policeman. "No, I don't know who it can be, I am not sure of any such person in Ishita 's life, but there is a person in my life and she's my ex girlfriend Shagun  who's a junior artist in the same industry like me, she's jealous of our relationship and she can go to any extent to get what she wants, yes she was in front of me when all this happened, but maybe she would've hired someone already to kill her, who knows," he said. "Okay Mr. Raman , we will go interrogate her then," said the policeman and left. Raman  went back inside and Ishita  stirred in her sleep. He went to her and saw her waking up.

He pressed the emergency button and a doctor came rushing there. "Doctor, she's waking up," he told and the doctor checked her heartbeat and pulse. "Everything is alright, but discharge would be done later, not right now, she still needs to be in the care," doctor informed and left. Ishita  slowly opened her eyes and looked at Raman . "Ishu , how's you? How are you feeling?" he asked and she looked on. "Ishita , can you hear me?" he asked and she was just looking at him and wasn't saying anything, he got worried and pressed the emergency button again and a nurse came.

"Nurse, see she's not responding to whatever I am saying, are her eardrums damaged?" he asked and the nurse rushed to her. "Ishita , can you hear me?" she asked and Ishita  nodded. "No sir, her eardrums are perfectly fine," she said. "But nurse, why isn't she responding to me?" he asked. "Ishita ," the nurse said and clicked her fingers beside her ear and she responded by jerking a little. "Sir she's fine," she said and left from there. He cupped her face and looked at her doubtfully, he knew something else has also happened.


Vasu  and Toshi  went to Shagun 's house and rung the doorbell. She answered the door and invited them inside, she recognized Toshi  as she was previously in a relation with Raman  but didn't know about Vasu . "Shagun , you know my son is married now and he doesn’t want you anymore, you kissed him forcefully and fought with him, you have caused all these disputes between Ishita  and Raman , stay away from my son and my daughter in law and better find someone else rather than my married son, you're not capable of him, you never was, because of you Ishita  ran away from Raman  and met with an accident," Toshi  said being straightforward.

"Aunty, I have realized that I still love him and...," her voice trailed off. "You still love him? You never loved him, Ishita  did and all you've caused them is pain," Toshi  said. "Aunty, it's not like I caused the accident, right?" she asked creasing her eyebrows. "Yes you didn't because you were busy in fighting with my son in law, but you are the reason for the disputes between my daughter and my son in law. Stay away from my daughter and my son in law if you don't want to see our dark sides," Vasu  said and left from there with Toshi  leaving behind a fuming Shagun .


Vasu  and Toshi  came back to hospital and came to Ishita 's ward. "Mom, mummy, look she's not responding to me, even her eardrums aren't damaged then also, nurse said she can hear," he said. Vasu  came to her. "Ishita , why aren't you responding him?" she asked and Ishita  sat up and Raman  helped her. "My dear mom, I love you," she said and hugged Vasu  who was shocked at her behavior as to why is she so happy.

"Ishu ?" Vasu  said in a shock and Ishita  just smiled in response. "Ishita , beta what's this? You're responding to everyone and not to me or Raman ," Toshi  asked, Ishita  broke the hug and smiled at Toshi . "Aunty, you're very lovely, just like your son," she said and Toshi  gasped as she called her aunty and not mom like Raman  does. "But Ishita , you call me mom," Toshi  reminded. "Mom? But you're aunty, and she's my mom, oh sorry, hi Raman , how are you here? Do you go to meet your fans if they are in hospital? Who tells you by the way?" she asked all excited.

The trio just couldn't make out what's going on. Raman  came to her and caressed her face, she tilted her head feeling amazed as if it was happening for the first time ever. "Are you okay Ishu ? Why are you behaving weird? I am your husband, how won't I know you're in hospital when I myself brought you here? You aren't just a fan of mine but you're my wife as well, we're married, come on, stop joking, you're scaring all of us Ishu , we just gave an audition together of a song which is soon to be released," he told her.

She blinked her eyes multiple times and gasped. "What? What are you saying? Husband? Married? Audition? Hospital? Oh wait, how am I in hospital? Mom, how am I in hospital and what is Mr.Handsome saying?" she asked. "Beta take rest, lie down," Vasu  said and lied her down and signed Raman  and Toshi  and they went outside and Vasu  too came. Nurse came and Vasu  stopped her. "Ishita  is acting weird and not recognizing her husband or her mother in law," she said. "Ma'am, she suffered internal bleeding maybe that's why she had memory loss and doesn't remembers her husband and mother in law," said the nurse and went inside. "She forgot me?" Raman  asked in a shock. "Raman , beta, you can bring her memory back, but take this slowly, you can't put pressure on her," Toshi  said. He nodded. After sometime, discharge papers were ready and Raman  came to Ishita . She stared at him blankly. "Look, I know you won't believe me, but I am your husband," he said and she laughed. "What happen?" he asked. "Who husband? I am unmarried, look its enough, I am not your wife," she said sternly.

He took his phone out and showed her their interview, she watched in a shock. "Is this me?" she asked and he nodded. "With you? But why? Yes you're my favorite but I don't remember when this happened," she said and held her head. "Ishita , Ishita  please, let it be, don't recall," he said, she began to sat up and he helped her. He sat in front of her and she looked at him, he caressed her hair and she frowned and closed her eyes shut and jerked away his hand. "Stop it! Why are you doing this?" she asked holding his collars angrily.

He gasped in horror. "Calm down, calm down," he said and slowly made her leave, she looked on as he stood up. "Ishita , look, the discharge papers are ready, we're going, together, to our house, and, you're coming with me, your mom said so," he said and she shook her head. "Why on earth would my mom ask you to take me with you? I live with my parents okay? I am not coming with you," she said getting annoyed. "I am going to drop you there only, relax, okay, just relax," he said and she nodded.

He forwarded his hand to her and she placed her hand in his hand and just as she stood up, pain triggered her whole body and she sat on the bed again. "Relax," he said and then slid his arm across her back and then slid another arm under her knees and lifted her in his arms, she clung onto him afraid that she may fall and clutched onto his shirt. By this, his conscience only said one thing. She doesn't trusts you at all. "I won't let you fall," he said and she encircled her arms around his neck and lied her head on his shoulder, he walked out of there with her in his arms and exited the hospital. He made her sit in his another car as the previous car was stuck in traffic and he didn't get time to get it back. He closed the door and sat on the driving seat and drove off.

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