snow? (comment if you know the person on that image)

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The next day was okay-ish, ok not ok AT ALL! I start the day ok, then my car tire gets punctured by a stick, a STICK. And then I had to stay there for the rest of the day in practically a pool of rain until Axle came. He had been looking for me cuz I had not been at school and he thought I was really sick "oh thank goodness you're here Axle, I was starting to think I would be here forever" "this is one of the most common rode I am surprised no one saw you" "I didn't see anyone at all today, now can you help me with my tier or at least drive me home?" "ok fine" Axle opens the door to his car and I step in. axle drives me home "thx axle" "no problem" I walked into the house and ran up to my bed, I was so cold and shivering I just plopped into bed, which was still cold. I just sat like that for 3 hours before heard a door open "Isla are you home" my mom said from downstairs. I tried to answer but nothing came out, all I did was shiver with my teeth clattering, I heard footsteps coming up the stairs and they stopped in front of my door. a knock I want to yell come in but nothing is working, does she hear my teeth clattering. apparently yes because a moment later my mom comes in looking worried  "Isla why did you not answer me " I look at her wanting to talk. she comes over and puts a hand on my forehead "Isla what happened you are so cold" I look at her and try so hard to talk that suddenly I can but you can hear shivers in my voice as I explain my whole day to her  "Isla you could have hypothermia" she says, then without warning, she crawls into bed "mom" I whisper before she hushes me "Isla I am sorry but this is what I have to do" and like that I fall into a deep sleep.


when I wake up mom is gone, there is a note on my table. I grave the note "dear Isla, I'm sorry you've been sleeping a long time and I have to go to work. you are ok now,  you can play on the computer, the password is 125362184. lots of love mom" I read out loud. I instantly jump out of bed and go to the computer. I put in the passcode and it opens up. I go to fandom and log into my old account, Annabeth Julia chase, then check all the messages iv gotten.  when I realize that it is 5 pm. I look and see my mom pull into the driveway.

  we eat in silence until mom talks "Isla, is something going on that you want to tell me, you can tell me anything I'm your mom"  she says slowly chewing her food "no I don't know what you're talking about" does she know about axle I wonder "oh ya right" "um mom, why did you want to know" "well I was wondering if you had interests in boys". I can feel myself go pale "what no, WHAT WOULD MAKE YOU THINK THAT" I could feel my voice rise as I say this but she doesn't seem to know. "oh just that you should have a boyfriend by now, I did, you should have had one a long time ago" she said "mom its the 21st century I don't need to get married so soon, I mean what if I don't  even want to get married at all" when I said that my mind instantly drifted to Me in a white dress with axle, witch I blocked out "oh you're getting married whether you want to or not young lady" she suddenly looked harsh witch scared me "but mom I can make my one choices," I say my voice shaking "no NO you can't WHEN DID YOU PROVE TO BE RESPONEBOL TO ME, OH RIGHT NEVER SO WHY DONT YOU LISTEN TO THE PEOPLE THAT KNOW!" the sound of her voice rattled the house and before I knew it I was on my feet "WHAT MAKES YOU THINK YOU KNOW, MABYE I AM THE ONE IN THE RIGHT HERE AND YOU ARE JUST SOME ###### WHO THINKS SHE KNOWS EVERTHING" I yelled throwing my fork at her witch she doged "YOU DO NOT YELL AT ME, YOU NEED TO DO WHAT I SAY BECUSE I AM THE OLDER ONE HERE AND YOU DO NOT SAY STUFF LIKE THAT TO ME!"

I didn't think I just ran, out of the house and into the forest, the odd thing was that the whole time I didn't fall.

when I got to my normal spot I collapsed crying, I probably looked (and sounded) like a walrus getting run over by a hippo which is why the next part was so devastating. I felt a hand on my bake and when I looked up I saw axle "axle" I said in surprise wiping away my tears. 

we decided to stay the night but the thing is that when I woke up axle was gone and I was covered in snow?

(a/n i hope you liked this chapter sorry it was so short)

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