His Princess

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Chat moved Marinette onto his lap. Her breathing was slow, a little to slow. "Come on Princess."  He grew worried for her.  The class watched as Chat started having a panic attack. "Come on. Wake up!" Hot tears welt up in his eyes.  He looked at the class, watching in terror by the door. He looked back down at Marinette as her breathing slowed more.  "No. Nonononono do something!"

Alya, Nino and Max ran over to him and started working through things to help her but nothing would work. "No Marinette." Alya started crying and the class lead her out of the room. No one could watch Marinette in this state but did. Chats tears landed on her forehead and he held her closer.

Her breathing slowed more. "She can't." He cried as the class watched his sadness. "Please Princess. Open your eyes." He begged her. Her breathing spead up a tiny bit and he smiled. "Open your eyes." He begged again. Her breathing hitched and he flinched until it became steady. She fluttered her eyes open and he hugged her. "You're okay!"

"Max. What just happened?" Alix asked as everyone stared at the cat themed superhero hugging their injured friend.

"I don't even know." Max stood up. "I'm going to work on the radio. Get her food." They nodded and all ran off. Alya and Kim watched through one of the windows.

"You're okay!" He cried into her shoulder and held her closer.

"Can't...breathe!" Chat let go a little. "What happened?"

"It doesn't matter anymore. You're okay." He picked her up and laid her down on the bed. He smiled at her and started to walk away when she grabbed his hand and blushed.

"Can." She bit her lip. "Can you stay?"

Chat blushed under his mask. "Okay Princess." He lied down next to her and held her close. He held onto her waist and Marinette moved closer like they weren't close enough. "You're okay."

"I guess I am." Marinette sighed as he nuzzled his head into her neck.

Alix and the class walked back to the hut with food and water when they saw Alya and Kim by the window. "Alix!" Kim whisper yelled and the class joined them by the window. They watched in silence and they nearly screamed when they saw Chat Noir holding Marinette.

"Princess?" Chat held her closer.

"Hmm?" He brought her out of her thoughts. She knew she would never have this type of moment with Adrien.

"I love you."

She bit her lip. "I know." Was all she could muster to say. She knew she would never have this kind of moment with Adrien. Both of their hearts started to beat faster. Marinette turned around into his chest. Their lips inches apart. "I love you too." Chat moved his head closer. She bit her lip then crashed her lips into his. She didn't care anymore if she got him infected.  They pulled away moments later and the class tried really hard not to yell at them.  Chat could get infected and die, and it would be because of Marinette. "I'm sorry."

"Why do you have to be sorry?" Chat got lost in her bluebell eyes that he loved so much.

"I just got you infected."

"Well I didn't know infections tasted to sweet." Marinette blushed as his lips brushed hers. He pressed his lips to hers again. Alya and Kim tried really hard not to yell but thankfully Plagg got it covered by having his ring beep.

They broke the kiss and stared at each other. "You should go." They sat up and Marinette bit her lip. She didn't want him to leave yet.

"Until next time Princess." He kissed her cheek and left. He ran behind a boulder and slid down the side. Plagg flew out of his ring and Adrien sighed happily. "She tastes so sweet!"

"Don't put me in that situation again!" Plagg gagged and Adrien ignored it. Kim and Alya rounded the corner with the class following.

"She tastes so sweet!" Adrien blushed.

"You already said that." Plagg gagged again.

"I can't help it! She's so sweet and amazing!"  He paused when a thought came to mind. "But Nathanael said she likes Adrien not Chat. Why'd she change her mind?" They all glared at Nathanael except Chloe and Sabrina who were back out on the beach.

"I don't know ask her." Plagg didn't care.

"I-I can't ask her!" Adrien sighed. "Why is life so hard!"

"This is just your life."  Plagg snickered at a thought. "She likes your alter ego!"

Adrien smiled. "She likes the real me!"  Adrien smiled bigger. "She likes me!"

"But only in leather."

"Don't care!  She likes me!" Adrien cheered then stopped.  "Now I wish I brought you more cheese."

"So do I, speaking of cheese." Adrien sighed and pulled out a small chunk from his pocket. Plagg ate it and Adrien groaned. "Aww the pour boys distress about his Princess?"

"She's hurt Plagg. I know I need to have hope but I'm all out. I don't even know if we'll get off this island anymore." Adrien started to tear up. "I don't even know if she'll live for a rescue."

"You are such a downer." Plagg groaned. "She'll live. You'll get back to Paris, and stop Hawkmoth. You'll get off this island."

"I don't know anymore Plagg." Adrien started to cry. "This is how-" his breathing hitched.

"This is how?"

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