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Marinette nodded as Adrien ran out into the rain and to the plane. He ran inside and everyone looked at him oddly. Plagg snickered in his shirt and came out through the sleeve. Adrien began to panic. "We saw everything." Alya shook her head as Adrien started coming up with excuses. He forgot they saw everything. "What do ya need?"

"It's raining outside and Marinette was thinking that we should stay in the plane with you guys in case the hut blew away." Adrien sheepishly smiled. "And she'd wear a mask to keep people from getting infected."

"Okay." Max sighed. "but you have to wear one too."  Adrien nodded and ran back out to the hut. He picked Marinette up and Tikki quickly hid in the blanket covering her body. He ran back to the plane and put her down on a chair in first class.

"The best for my Princess!"  Adrien smiled and she blushed deep red. Max came in and handed them masks and they put them on. Plagg came out of his shirt laughing and Adrien groaned.  "Marinette this is my Kwami, Plagg."

"It's nice to meet you." Marinette pet Plaggs head with her finger and Plagg smiled a little.

"Nice to meet ya too.  I guess?" Plagg went back to laughing and Adrien rolled his eyes.

"What's so funny?" Adrien crossed his arms.

"Nothing. Cheese." Adrien rolled his eyes and gave him a small chunk of Camembert. Plagg ate it and Adrien lied down next to Marinette. He nuzzled his head into the crook which caused her to turn bright red. "Ew! Human love is disgusting!" Plagg gaged as Alya, Kim and Max came into the room. "Got company kid."

"I have eyes." Adrien rolled his eyes and sat up. Marinette followed and wrapped the blanket around their bodies.

"I just have to check on your shoulder and leg."  Max stated and Adrien nodded. He took the blanket off of his side and took off his shirt, letting Max see his shoulder. Marinette blushed hard.

"You can look all you want Princess." Adrien smirked and Marinette turned redder. She pushed his face away. Max rolled his eyes and undid the bandages.

"You're fine. It should just scar over and you'll be okay. Let's just hope Marinette didn't get you infected."  Adrien turned pink. He undid the bandages on Mairnettes leg and Adrien growled, he was to close for comfort on his Princess. The purple lines were gone. "You're healing nicely. I'll take the stitches out when it starts to scar over." Marinette nodded and Max changed the bandages. "I won't have to amputate."

"Thanks Max." Marinette smiled but you couldn't see it.

"Can we take the masks off? Since we're getting better?" Max sighed and nodded so Marinette and Adrien took the masks off and Max took them. He walked out of first class but Alya and Kim stayed. Adrien smirked and moved closer to Marinette who blushed but didn't move away.

"Are we interrupting?" Alya cleared her throat while Kim crossed his arms, trying hard not to laugh. Adrien turned red and backed away from Marinette. Kim and Alya laughed as Adrien became awkward and moved away from Marinette. "Okay love birds we'll leave you alone." Alya and Kim left the two.

"S-sorry Marinette." Adrien blushed and scratched the back of his neck. Marinette bit her lip then kissed his cheek.

"It's okay." She blushed and he blushed harder. He took her chin in his hand and brought her head closer to his. She bit her lip then crashed her lips into his, closing the space in between them. He put his hands on her hips and she wrapped her arms around his neck. She moaned into the kiss and tilted her head to deepen it. They pulled away and looked at each other.

"I love you." Adrien hugged her waist making her blush more.

"I love you too." She kissed his cheek and they lied down. She shared the blanket with him and they fell asleep. Tikki flew out from the blanket and hugged Plagg. They caught up on Kwami things then Tikki hid at the loud clap of thunder waking the two up. Marinette jolted up and Adrien sat up and held her.

Adrien held her waist tighter as the storm grew louder and louder. Thunder grew louder and Marinette dug her head into Adriens chest. Rose came running into first class panting. "It's an akuma!"  Adriens eyes widened then he nodded.

"Plagg Claws Out!" Adrien transformed and let go of Marinettes waist and stood up. "Tell everyone to stay in the plane." Rose nodded and ran back to the others. He cupped Marinettes cheek and kissed her forehead. "I'll be right back. Don't leave the plane, I can't lose you."

"Okay." Marinette nodded and Chat ran out onto the beach and into the storm. Alya and Nino moved Marinette so she could watch him fight and wouldn't have to be alone.

Chat jumped up to reach the akuma and kicked him in the head before he swatted his clawed hand at him and he fell to the ground with a loud grunt. He flipped back onto his feet and held his staff in a fighting stance. The akuma laughed at Chats seriousness. "You can't win! Not without your bug!"

"I can try!" Chat shouted and jumped at the akuma. They fought long and hard, Chat getting more beat up by the minute. Marinette watched in horror as Chat was pushed to the ground again, his mouth starting to bleed with his suit in shreds. "That the best you got!" He wiped away the blood on his mouth.

"You can't win Cat!" Chat grunted and jumped to the akuma. He grabbed Chat by the neck and pushed down on his neck. Chats eyes watered over and he looked over to a terrified Marinette and reached his hand out. "Give up!"

Chat could barely breath and Marinette couldn't stand him like this. The akuma reached for his ring.

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