Chapter 5~Jason's POV~A sunny Monday of June.

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The sun's rays have hit my eyes, making me to wake up. I rolled over my upper bed, looking the rays shining on the room like a forest. I've never know what time did I got up now. I climbed down the ladder and looked at the digital clock on the drawer. It's six-thirty in the morning; thank God that I got up that early so I can prepare myself to go to school, and also, it's the last day in my sophomore year. In the past two weeks, we as sophomore did the final exams so we can have a chance to know that who's passing or failing the grade. Suddenly, I saw an empty lower bed in front of me.

    "Derek?" I thought as I never knew he would have got up so earlier than me.

    I wonder where Derek is, as I looked carefully in both beds, but he's not there. I immediately thought that sometimes when he get up early, he goes to the kitchen to have some breakfast. First of all, I looked my clothes in the closet that what I'm going to wear today. I found a navy blue shirt, dark blue jeans, and black Nike shoes. I took my sleepwear off, and I put my clothes on, just taking my time. I walked to the hallways and down the stairways, to the kitchen  to find Derek. Although, he's not there either. I looked at living room and no one here.

    "Where is he?" I whispered.

    "Maybe he's at the yard." I whispered as I walked up the stairways. I went to the bedroom and looked out the backyard. But he's still not here. I began to worry a little, that this time he had disappeared. Derek had never run away before when he was with me. Suddenly, I saw a half-folded paper on the desk behind me. I was curious that if it's a note or—I felt immediately a shock of fear in my body, the paper that Derek wrote for our parents didn't work. I hold and looked at the paper and it was Derek's handwriting. This note from Derek, I read:

Dear Jason,

I ran away from home and never came back. I know it's hard to imagine for you and me being apart. But, I decided to run away from home to forget everything. The person I will never forget is you. I love you no matter what. Now you're alone, try your best to stop Mom and Dad fighting each other. But don't worry, I'm with you in spirit.

Your forever brother,


    I couldn't believe that my beloved, young brother ran away from home. I was about to cry but a spark of hope flashed in  my heart while I just read that I'm the only person who Derek loves and never forgets as a brother. What Derek has assigned me to think of a plan that'll make them stop fighting, I'll do and sacrifice myself for my brother. I kept the note in the drawer of the desk, so I won't forget it. I've noticed that us as sophomores don't need to bring our backpacks, because we're going to have a great party in sixth and seventh hour. I walked to the door of my parents' bedroom and peeked through that my mom is fallen asleep.

    I walked downstairs and I went to the door. I opened the door, went outside and quietly closed the door. I walked in the sideways, looking everywhere like I was lost. I kept thinking about my young brother having his very first adventure away from home. I knew he can't handle solving this long situation anymore;  now it's my turn to do it on my own. I walked in the noisy streets, with cars quacking, people chattering and shoes click-clacked on the roads. Suddenly, I heard the wind still sobbing as tears were about to overflow from my eyes.

    "You're lonely, you can't do it by yourself." The sobbing wind whispered as I was about to get upset.

    "Who said that I cannot do it by myself? Who said that I'm lonely and weak? I have heard you, wind, but you're wrong. I'll die trying." I softly scolded to the wind as I'm sure that I'll show off the wind in any time.

    As I kept walking, I saw my high school about two blocks away from me. I kept walking as I saw some of my friends walking towards the school. Then, when I was about to walk the entrance of the school; I saw a beautiful, blonde girl named Keira Jones that I've ever smitten of since the beginning of my sophomore year. Me and Keira are close friends, by sharing everything that we always have.

    She saw me standing against the column, smiling towards me while walking. She wears a burgundy shirt, with white jeans and brown flat shoes. The wind blew her divine, blonde hair, as she ran her fingers through her hair. I tried to make a move to make her feel comfortable with me, so I put my arm around her as we smiled each other.

    "Hi, Jason." She grinned.

    "Hi, Keira." I grinned as we entered in the school.

    "How's the weekend?" Keira asked me as I immediately fell in silence and I release my arm from her.

    She looked at me, looking down and feeling sad.

    "Are you okay?" She asked me worriedly as I slightly shook my head.

    "Is something wrong?" She asked me as I looked up to hold back tears.

    "Yeah, but it's not you and me, Keira. It's my family." I sadly spoke.

    "Can we talk about my family in private?" I asked her and she nodded her head.

    We walked to the hallways and we found a place surrounded by three walls, which would be a concealment for us that nobody will know. It was half an hour before the classes start, I looked at my blue watch and it was seven-fifteen in the morning. Silence spread in this place, just me and Keira staring at each other. I inhaled and exhaled to calm myself down.

    "Keira, I'm having a dire situation that is worsening for nearly a month." I spoke frettedly, as I knew that she's paying attention to me, near to talk about the situation that me and Derek (maybe) are suffering.

"My parents are fighting each other for nearly a month. I've been crying and suffering almost every day. My little brother was upset but we determined to plan a solution, and we still can't give up. " I spoke and I paused for a moment as I shook my head.

"Two days ago, he was totally pissed off that he can't handle the fights anymore. He pushed our parents apart violently as a punishment; but when the anger blinded him so much, he started to open his eyes and ran to our bedroom, crying." I continued.

"Now, at this morning, I saw a note from Derek, that I just read it." I spoke but I felt a knot in my throat.

"It says that he ran away and he'll never come back home. I felt so glum to him but right after, he...his words had impacted my heart so deeply." I broke my voice as I kept talking.

"He said that he ran away forget everything but me. He loves me despite the circumstances, and he's telling me that it's my turn to plan a solution to stop this situation." I spoke as I felt a spark of hope and faith in me, that I'm sure he'll come back again.

Keira was really touched about my story, as I can see her glass-like tears about to overflow and fall from her eyes. She was trying hold it back, not to have her voice being broken by crying.

"Jason, do you still miss your little brother?" Keira asked sadly as she put her hand on her shoulder. I held her hand on my shoulder as an intense affection between me and her.

I felt tears flowing on my cheeks, my heart and my head felt the pain about how I miss him immensely.

"Yeah." I nodded.

I suddenly but slowly pulled her arm around my upper back, I hold her with my arms and she put her other arm around my lower back. I'm sure that we heard each other's sniffles, that I exactly thought that I've transmitted my pain to her. Clear tears kept flowing on my cheeks that I can't even resist the pain in me.

"Don't cry, Jason. I'm sure your little brother will be okay." Keira comforted me.

"I hope to God he'll come back safely." I softly spoke.

In fifth hour, I sat next to Keira and in front of my best friends. My English teacher were passing the names, telling them that if they passed or failed the grade. She called me and Keira, and she told us that we both passed.

"My, my, my. Everyone in my sophomore class will be juniors next year!" She exclaimed as we cheered and applauded.

We worked so hard, despite of the circumstances and the situations we've lived on (inside I'm still crying and desperate that I don't know what to do by the situation), we'll the future juniors in high school next year.

Minutes have passed by, and in sixth to last hour, we've had the greatest party ever in the gymnasium. We've danced the music, played games and so much more. However, at this time, my love is defenseless for Keira, nothing left to hide. For me, I can't stop falling for her and I got to reveal my desperate love for her before it's too late. The last bell had rung, telling that the school  year is done. I felt so happy that this is done, although I have to talk and confess to Keira.

"Keira, there's something I need to tell you." I spoke.

"What is it?" Keira asked as I held her hand and went outside to find someplace private.

Suddenly, we saw a tall, wide bush in front of us, that can hide everything. We went in the bush and there's a bench in it. We sat together, and we felt comfortable that no one's looking at us.

"Keira, I just want to admit that I felt something for you." I softly spoke as she looked at me.

I leaned towards her to whisper her ear as I felt my heart ran a bit quicker.

"You know that there's someone who is totally crazy about you. Someone that you really know but never knew that its love for you was so intense that left it speechless. I've had a crush on you for a long time, but at this time, you're more than my crush." I whispered.

Our eyes were locked to each other, as I held her hand. Although, she put my hand on her beating heart. She leaned towards me to whisper my ear.

"Don't you want me? 'Cause I want you." She seductively whispered as my heart was about to jump out.

I felt the desire to kiss her lips, and we slowly leaned towards each other. I brought my hand, slowly from her chest to her right rosy cheek and my thumb running along the curve of her cheekbone. Our lips were parted slightly and pursed our lips softly. I feel my heart jumping out, my stomach fluttering and my mind going crazy. All of a sudden, we felt cold drops of water falling. It started to rain, but we don't care. We just love rainy days, and to get wet. We ran together at the sidewalk that we're about to go home. We were chasing each other in the rain; I held her arm, and spun her into my arms and I kissed her with all of my passion. This has been the most unforgettable, romantic moment in my whole life.

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