A Rough Start

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Chuuya groaned as his alarm went off. He rolled over and slapped it hard making the loud blare stop. He definitely was not a morning person; and he sure was not accustomed to late nights and early mornings.

Chuuya opened one of his eyes, and peered out the window. He didn't have to start work until 09:00 am but he hadn't gotten home until 4 am, and he was exhausted. "Just 5 more minutes..." He mumbled. He easily ended up dozing back off and when he finally opened his eyes again and looked at the clock it was 1 pm.

"Shit shit shit...!" He quickly changed into his work clothes and darted towards the mafia building. By the time he reached Dazai's office it was 1:45 pm.

"You're late." Dazai said.

"I know I know..." Chuuya panted. "I'm so sorry..."

Dazai sighed. "Don't make it a habitat. Sit." The brunette motioned.

Chuuya sat down and saw Dazai going through a few files.

"What are those?" The omega questioned.

"Your medical and background records. It's to help me understand your strengths and weaknesses." Dazai explained.

"Is that really necessary...? You could have asked me..."

"And what if you lied and left out details?" The brunette stated, finally looking up.

"Well you know about the most important one..."

"That I do." Dazai said nonchalantly. "Activate your ability for me." Chuuya blinked a few times but complied and Dazai was over in a swift movement and cancelled his ability.

"Now the other part of it...?" Chuuya's eyes widened. "N..no... I'm not comfortable with that..."

Dazais brow raised a bit and he gently lifted Chuuyas chin to look up at him. "You might have to use it while you're here, and I need to know what boundaries your body can take, I don't want you to die using it."

Chuuya was hesitant. "...my Dad said I should only use it if it's absolutely necessary..."

Dazai hummed and walked over to his desk writing it down. "So your daddy's little girl... got it."

"F...fuck you... you don't know anything..." Chuuya said angrily.

Dazai looked up and waved the pen around. "On the contrary, I know a lot. I know how corruption works, I just wanted to see your reaction... and how easily angered you were."

"I'm not a science experiment...! I'm a human being!"

"And I'm the leader of the Port Mafia. My job is to understand my subordinates so I don't set them up to die, and protect this city."

"I understand that but-"

"And you are no exception." Dazai said sternly.

Chuuya shut his mouth. Maybe this was a mistake. Maybe he just should have worked under his parents like they wanted. "Now you are dismissed. Go train." Dazai waved him off.

Chuuya nodded and bowed before heading out the oak doors. He read the paper Dazai had given him yesterday, and the person he had to meet was Kouyou.

Chuuya walked the long port mafia halls no doubt getting easily turned around.

A woman came out of a pair of chestnut doors and saw the ginger looking around like a lost puppy. "Are you lost?" She asked

"Uh... Yeah.. I never quite realized how big the port mafia was..."

A small smile touched her cheeks. "Are you Nakahara Chuuya?" She asked.

"...Yes Ma'am..."

"I'm Kouyou Ozaki. I'm your

mentor while you are here at the Port Mafia."

Chuuya nodded. "Nice to meet you."

She sat him down on one of the chairs and handed him a cup of tea.

"Thank you."

She nodded and handed him a piece of paper. "This is what I'll be looking for today, so just do your best."

"Yes Ma'am." He bowed.

Chuuya examined the paper and he could feel his nerves prickling up.

"Something the matter?"

"N-no no..." Chuuya said.


"Just a little nervous... that's all."

"Well don't be. I know you are more than capable. Your mother and father have told me."

Chuuya nodded and Kouyou took him downstairs.

Chuuya followed her into the training room. "Show me what you can do."

Chuuya grabbed a few items laying around and used his ability to move them around.

"Interesting." Kouyou said, analyzing. Kouyou quickly came at Chuuya and the ginger's eyes widened.

He grabbed her arm and used his ability to push her down to the ground. Kouyou kicked him in the stomach and she sent him across the room. Chuuya was able to catch himself before he hit the wall and he darted at her throwing some rocks to use as dust before tripping her and punching her dead in the stomach. Chuuya was shocked that Kouyou had a hold of his wrist and she threw him into the ground. Chuuya gasped and he coughed as the wind knocked out of him. "You are good. But too focused on being fast. It makes you vulnerable and easy to predict."

Kouyou put her hand out and Chuuya grabbed it, steadying himself. "Luckily for you, I am quite the opposite of speed. I believe Dazai will also be very helpful, but it takes a while for him to trust people."

"Is he always mean?"

"He's a stern man, but our previous boss sent his best friend on a suicide mission and got him killed."

"His best friend...? Who?"

"I'm afraid I don't quite remember their name. Though it was his mate at the time, so he took revenge and killed our boss about 4 years ago. But he is a little..." Kouyou pressed her lips together trying to choose the best wording. "Moody."

"He seems moody... he was very snappy with me this morning and rude." Chuuya commented. The ginger heard another voice speak up.

"He doesn't mean it." The auburn said.

"He's just frustrated, and you happened to be the first person he saw today." The male commented.

"Also..." Oda sighed. "I know he can be a bit of a pain... trust me. But he's doing his very best. After he lost his mate it wasn't easy and he's doing his best to provide for and love their son Gabriele."

Chuuya's eyes widened a bit. At first glance he didn't look like someone who had been suffering, more so of someone who just hated the world. "Give it some time." Oda said with a soft smile. "He'll warm up to you."

"Okay... I'll give it sometime... and be more understanding."

Chuuya nodded and the auburn headed back upstairs and knocked on the wooden doors.

"Come in!" Dazai yelled. "Ah...! Gabriele no no! This is Daddy's paperwork... this is your notepad." He placed the small child's hand on his own paper.

Oda smiled walking in. "Oh hey Saku..." Dazai waved. "Papa papa!" The little boy said tugging on his pants.

"Ah yes Gabriele?"

"Aren't we gonna go home???" The boy pouted.

"Soon baby. Dazai commented. How can I help Odasaku?"

"It's about you." Oda said flatly. "I think you're scaring many people into thinking you're this demon." "Oh but I am." Dazai said not looking up from his papers. "I'm not called 'The Demon Prodigy' for nothing."

"Osamu... you know what I mean."

The brunette sighed and looked up. "If you're talking about the shortie that walked in here earlier, it wasn't on purpose. I can't have people in this organization who don't trust me to help them."

"Dazai, you have to remember where Chuuya came from; he's doubtful. Kansuke is putting faith in us to care for him."

"I understand that Sakunosuke. But no matter who they are, if they won't tell me what I need to know, I can't help them." Dazai said.

"You've become awfully cold since you lost Gilbert... what happened to him isn't your fault."

"It was my fault." Dazai hissed. "I wasn't there to save him, they never found his fucking body."

"Dazai... you're being too hard on yourself. And you taking it out on Chuuya isn't right. I know he reminds you of Gilbert and-"

"I'm not taking it out on Chuuya." Dazai growled. "He was late, he didn't trust me and he didn't follow the rules. So sorry I wasn't being an angel."

Oda went to speak. "Enough. Get out of my-"

"Papa...?" Gabriele tugged. "Don't be mean to Uncle Saku!" His toddler scolded.

Dazais eyes widened a bit and he sighed slamming his head on the table. "But he's being mean to meeee." Dazai whined.

Gabriele smacked his thigh and shook his head. "You're being mean to him!"

Dazai sighed. "I'm sorry Odasaku."

"And I don't know who Chuuwa..."

"Chuuya." Oda corrected.

"Yes! Him! Say swrry Papa!"

Dazai growled and mumbled into his hands. "My child is making me apologize..."

"Say swrry Papa!" He said, smacking him.

"Okay! Okay!" Dazai yelled; whining.

Oda suppressed a chuckle and walked over to Dazai. "It's okay Dazai."

Oda patted his shoulder before leaving him and his son alone. But as soon as Oda opened the doors to leave, a subordinate came running to Dazai's office in a state of panic.

Dazai looked up at the man and immediately stood up. "What happened?"

"S...sir... please forgive us! But the redhead... he got hurt on his first mission...!" He blurted out. Oda and Dazai's eyes widened. Dazai saw Hirotsu.

"Stay with Gabriele." He commanded. Oda and Dazai ran down the stairs and saw Chuuya in Kouyou's arms and he was out. Dazai picked him up and ran him to the medical room and ripped off his shirt seeing the gash.

"Shit... it's deep...!" Oda tore some of his shirt and applied pressure while Dazai looked for medical supplies. Dazai picked up some material and got the alcohol. "Chuuya.. Hey Chuuya you here?"

Chuuya gasped and Oda kneeled down holding Chuuya's hand. "Dazai, you have to work fast... Chuuya had asthma and it sounds like he is struggling. Hurry..." Oda was trying to not panic.

Dazai nodded and grabbed some thread and cleaned Chuuyas wound. The redhead cried out in pain.

"It's okay Chuuya... squeeze my hand... deep slow breaths..." The auburn said. Dazai held the thread and needle, and slowly began to stitch him up. Chuuya was trembling. He was in a lot of pain.

"Shhh shhh you're gonna be okay..." Dazai said.

It seemed like an eternity but Dazai finally finished up. Chuuya had succumbed to exhaustion and Oda sighed gently brushing his hair back. "Hand me that blanket Dazai..." Oda said softly. Dazai obliged and Oda wrapped him up; and scooped him up carrying him to the couch in Dazai's office.

"Papa!" Oda gently laid Chuuya on the couch. "I have to call Kansuke..."

Dazai nodded and Oda went outside and called Kansuke. The line rang a few times before he answered.


"Boss, it's Sakunosuke."

"Oh hell Sakunosuke... Is everything okay...?"

"Chuuya got a little hurt..."

"What?! How?!"

"On his first mission an enemy sliced the side of his stomach... I think he got scared and that's why he didn't use his ability..."

"Get a bed ready for me. I am coming immediately to see him and we have a huge fucking problem. Today our men were ambushed at the docs."

"Do we know by whom?" Oda asked. "No, but it was a singular man, young, mid twenties but his aim with a gun was nothing short of astounding." Kansuke said. "I'll be there to discuss things with you and Dazai by tomorrow afternoon."

"Yes sir."

Kansuke hung up. Oda sighed. He could only hope Kansuke wouldn't be too upset with Chuuya's injury. But at this point. Oda felt 100% fucked.

To Be Continued...

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