My bedroom is a prison, even in dream

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My day is long, and it's been tiring lately.
Sleeping is used to be my favourite thing to do. Apart of sating drowsiness, sleeping brings me to the world of dreams, which is usually vivid and entertaining. However, not anymore, recently I was tormented by a nightmare, a special kind of nightmare.
The nightmare is not like any kind of nightmare before, the dream's content is about me wake up in the bedroom, which has no way to get out.
The dream bedroom is the same with my original bedroom: a desk with the old PC, a bookshelf full of different kind of books, a window that you can see the other apartments buildings from higher up, and finally, the door that lead to living room.
The dream is extremely realistic, it took me two nights to find out it was just a dream. The first time I really thought it was real, I even tried to do homework in it, just to be confused in the next day find out that I didn't finish any homework at all.
I didn't think it was all a dream back then, thinking that I did homework in wrong notebook that happened to be lost. Only at the second time, when I tried to go out grab some snack for the night, only to find out the door is locked. To my dismay, even tried to break the door after spending unknown amount of time picking the door open, after that I found out the window is tightly shut too. After that, I woke up in my bed, and my mess I made when trying to open the door disappear, the door and the window are able to be opened again.

After that, just to confirm that it was a dream, I tried to mess up my dream room to find out if it will be back to normal again after I wake up. It turn out to be true. My room will just come back to normal when I wake up.

At first, I thought it's very cool, after all, I am able to keep my lucidity in my dream, and I know the concept of lucid dream too, I was excited to try to manipulate the dream as much as I like, like many lucid dreamers described on the Internet.

It turned out that I can't do it at all. No matter how hard I imagine, I can change nothing in the dream, just like in real life. I made a thread about my situation in a forum about lucid dreaming, many people showed interested in my continuous lucid dream and envy, but after hearing that I was unable to do anything but stuck in that dream, my thread was showered with pity and doubts.

After a month, the dream begin to tire me out mentally, I made another thread asking for help, in which people proposed different solutions but to no avail. Another month passed as my dream become the place where I can pour my frustration of my wake time.

Other month passed, I grew more and more bored of it. Sleeping became my least favourite thing to do. I can't even pinch myself awake, I can't really feel pain in the dream. Injuring myself to wake up is not work either, it's just that I am unable to be injured in my dream no matter how hard I stab myself in the arm or leg. I didn't stab in the stomach yet due to the fear that when I am unable to distinguish between dream and reality, I may stab myself to death.

And so, another month pass, which is now. I found myself stuck in my dream room again. This time, I gave up ravage my room and stare outside the window. In the dream, the city outside is eternally dark with minimal light, the scene is always eerie to look at, but I guess that I was too used to it.

Looking at the dot-like light from the building afar, I entertain myself with theories about the scene outside the dream. The most convincing theory is that I am feeling trapped in real life, unable to see the colorful of the world, thus there are too few light seen in the city outside my window.

I'm not too sure about myself either. My unconscious is a mystery. Why do I feel this way? My life has a fair share of sweets and bitters, but I don't really feel trapped by anything. Maybe I should go on vacation next time?

Gazing at the dark city, I lost myself in thought, just to be interrupted by the sudden creaking sound of door opening.

My first reaction when the door opened is vigilant. After such a long time, the unchanging boring is changed. However, I didn't rush to explore place behind the door right away but stand in place inspect the place behind the door. Behind the door is not the usual living room like I used to, but...a grass plain! I can see the endless green surface stretch to the horizon, while also warming itself under the calming sunlight.
After giving it a thought, I went through the door and find myself overwhelmed by the sudden huge space. I feel myself losing to the vast horizon. After a while, I finally calmed myself. I began to spend sometime to explore to place. To my dismay, this place has nothing but green grass and endless space!
Once again, I woke up in the morning, found no grass plain behind the door as I expected. That day I can't even focus in my class for I thought keep wandering about the scene of endless grass plain. It was the first time I forgot noting back homework.

Since then, the night is less boring as before as I am no longer trapped in the dream room, still, it is unchanged that it is boring almost as always.
A week later, my parents decide to bring me to a psychiatrist who specialises in dreams. Seem like they began to take it seriously as my grade begin to falling after I told them about my dream. Thankfully I am not a lazy person but kind of a good student with good grade, they became more and more concerned about me ever since.

The psychiatrist is a black haired woman with weird vibe. My parents told me that people praised her as the best in dream therapy. She wear a typical white coat despite there is no necessary need to do so. Her eyes seems tired initially when talking with my parents but then showed a gleam of interest after hearing my description about my dream.
Then she asked me to go to sleep, using medicine which she gave to me, my sleep come very easily.

Once again, I found myself in the bedroom, wondered if the psychiatrist visit is a dream and this is reality, I opened the bedroom door leading to the grass plain which proved that this is indeed a dream.

However, this time is a little different in a seemingly unchanging dreamscape. Surrounded by the vastness of space, a door presents in the middle. The door in which may changed my life forever.

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