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*****Isogai's P.O.V.*****
As we all sat down Koro-sensi blew in the room, he was...


"Koro-sensi why are you blue, if I may ask?"

I asked it was very strange Koro-sensi blue and all of us nekos. This is just not right.

"That's a great question Isogai, I am blue because of that gas, the one that made you all nekos."

Koro-sensi said I looked at him and nodded, this would be very strange, very strange indeed. But just how long will I have these ears?

"Class you may do whatever you want today since it is the first day of you having those ears."

Koro-sensi said looking at us. Rio grinned

"Why don't we play truth or dare?"

Everyone except Karma looked at her in terror. After Rio 'asking' *cough* forcing us *cough* we were all in a circle. Rio announced that she would be going first.

"Karma, truth or dare?"

"Dare, duh"

Rio grinned Karma even looked a bit worried her grin was so evil.

"Karma, I dare you to ...

Pet Nagisa on the ears and..."

Rio whispered the rest so none of us knew what she was planning. Karma waved Nagisa over with his hand he was sitting with his legs straight out and leaning on his hands. Nagisa shook his head he looked terrified. Karma growled a bit and Nagisa scrambled over towards him. Karma smirked dragging Nagisa to sit straddling him. He began rubbing Nagisa's ears and the small boy began..


'Oh god would I do that if my ears were rubbed???'

Karma smirked and kissed Nagisa we all gasped, astonished that Karma kissed Nagisa. Nagisa was beet red and stammered out something shocking.

"We agreed not to tell! Karmmmaaaaaaa, how could you?"

He whinned. We all just sat there like idiots gaping at the fact that those two would date. (I used that to get karma out of the way srry if it offended anyone.)

Karma grabbed Nagisa and stood up Nagisa wrapped his legs around Karma and those two were gone. Rio got out a notepad and pencil crossing something off. She looked at me grining when Koro-sensi said it would rain soon, and that we should go now. As Meahara and I walked towards my house, listing to the sound if the rain hitting our umbrellas. I waved goodbye to him still confused... How would I get these things off? The ENTIRE trip I had to not look at him so that I wouldn't get a ... Crap well this sucks now I have to go take care of it.
Now I only have ONE question.

Why must I love my bestfriend, and would he love me back? No of course not how could he love a filthy being like me? All I'd do is weigh him down.

****Meahara's P.O.V.****

Isogai looked SO cute with those cat ears, I can't wait to I get him to purr for me like Nagisa did for Karma!

Word count 491. I know its short, sorry!

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