chapter 1: eyesight of yin

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There's our protagonist of this story.issei hyoudo walking home after school and his workplace. he still have some injure after girl beating him up with the boy

'men.....'he walking on bridge and car moving under it. Issei hold his wrist in pain, he can still move his arm but a little bit hurt. 'It hurt as shit!' he curse in his mental mind.

'I just done my work today but can't believe that it make me feel pain' issei say in his thought. His main job is cashier, even though it doesn't pay enough for his medical bill but he still need to pay his hospital debt abit.

'should I visit my little brother?' he shook his head 'I should visit him'

Once he arrive, issei standing infront of the door. He exhale and let out his breath.

He grab the doorknob and open it. Behind the door was a middle school boy laying on bed. Head was wrap in bandage. Laying on bed, unconscious.

Issei take a chair and sit next to his little brother.

"Hey...Tatsumi" then it reveal to be issei's younger brother, Tatsumi Hyoudo. " It been while went into coma"

"I had visit our parents gravestones today... everything is fine I guess...I'm still have to work my butt off" he try his best to not let his tear from his eyeball " i wish you could awake..."issei said with sad look on his face.

*scene change*

Issei walking out grocery store with plastic bag on his hand. It already midnight, people can usually enter sleep state.

'Let hope there no drunk truck driver at this late ho-' issei's thought before car accident happen

Then a drunk truck driver bumped into him. Killing issei in that process.



What?you thought there will be some danm goddes gonna come to him and reincarnate our protagonist in another world?wake up dumbass. This is Sans Gojo story not isekai writer story with power of kamen rider or OP anime character.

Issei slowly open his eye, his vision was abit stun about that car accident. The next thing he knew,that he is sitting in interview office.

"Issei Hyoudou, Status: Between live and dead, Blood relate: Miki hyoudou the mother and status is decease, Gorou Hyoudou the father and status is decease, Tatsumi Hyoudou the little bro in the family and status is alive but in coma state after get acctident." The man say with his underchin get hold in curiosity. " been since I had been interview with a {medium}".

The man wear a black hooded robe. His hair is black and his skin is white. His eye is pure darkness that have no pupil in his eyeball

[Sanzu the man, who observe two realm of life and death]

Issei's mind fully clear now. He immediately stand up and look around in super confuse and surprise.

"Where am I?!"checking his body " Am I dead?!" Issei freaking out and see sanzu sitting there in patient.

"YOU!?"issei point his finger at sanzu "Who are you? Where are w-"

Sanzu raise his hand to make issei quiet. "you were asking where are we? Correct?"

Issei nod in respond before sanzu let out a smile on his face.

"Well you are in my office or should I say is my realm" sanzu said

Issei sit down and tilt his head to left side. He was confuse about this "realm".

" my name is Sanzu. I am a observer of life and death but for you guy, we are call as God and goddess"sanzu look to aside

Issei'eye widen after that then he stand off his chair and bow his head down "sumimasen! About my rude word early!" He make an apology about his word action early.

"It okay. After all, it been while since fifth generation of the {medium}" sanzu said

"{Medium}?. Like people reach 50% of their score?"issei say with confuse expression

" something like that" sanzu's sweat drop on his face "To explain this concept of {Medium} thing"

"{Medium} are people who almost on verge of death."

Issei just squit eye " just like that? I thought it gonna be more difficult concept?"

"I forgot to mention People who almost on verge of death twice ." sanzu add abit.

"....."issei is quiet about this concept. 'Yeah people are only verge of death once but not twice!' He scream in his mental.

"Wait do they have ability after coming to alive? And their main job as {Medium}

"well, they have an ability to see immaterialize being like spiritual being and their main job as {Medium}is to Slay Akuryo and help other dead soul wish of human realm until they complete their wish to let them rest in afterlife"

"Do they...get paid?" Issei said with awkward voice.

"oh" sanzu get surprise by issei question " Of course they get paid but this job is too dangerous for them. So They quit after doing their first mission"

"So do they get their paycheck high?" Issei ask

"Yea they get paycheck higher than a average salary man" sanzu answer

"Then can I get this job?"issei ask with hope

The atmosphere change from curious to cold. Sanzu just look at issei with a death stare

"Are you sure about taking this job, mister Hyoudou...." Sanzu said with a cold voice.

" I am sure about my choice" issei with determinate eye

"Final warning, are you really sure about your choice, mister Hyoudou?"

Issei slam his palm down on table. " I'M REALLY SURE ABOUT MY CHOICE!" issei shout out

Sanzu just look at issei's determination. He let out sigh of surrender. " I really can't change your mind don't I?"

Sanzu Take out a contrast and put on table "Fine. Make sure you don't die of regret of your action"

Issei grab the pen up and smirk " I don't regret about my action!" Write his name down


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