Chapter 10, murder crime arc: unknown archer

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The school bell ring as issei walk out the class with a yawn of tired.

"Watch kamen rider ghost at late hour was a bad ideal" don't get him wrong with script of a TV series franchise. The form were good with it own meaning. But not the script.

There something vibrate in issei's pocket pant

'that is strange' take out the smartflip phone.'it been one week since I complete the first mission' issei said in his mind.

If you guy wondering where motohama and matsuda.

Motohama having personal thing to do and matsuda suddenly have a fever leaving issei alone at kouh academy.

When issei was about the check his device not until Aika kiryuu grab his shoulder

"Whatcha doing" she said while staying behind issei.

This surprise issei as almost drop smartflip plone from his hand.

"Oh shi-" he was about to swear as issei's reaction speed was faster than the gravity from pull his phone down. He manage to catch it on time.

"Phew" he let out a sigh of relief. " Nothing" he hid his smart flip phone before stepping back away from aika.

Aika already see issei's sweat coming out as she watch issei rushing away.

'well that issei is different from his anime counterpart'

Meanwhile with issei right now. Doing sprinting and checking on his flip phone

Mission: Solve murder case

Description: You have to solve a  unknown crime that had happen from 2 month ago.

Side mission: defeat akuryo with unknown alies.

Side mission: Find any clue that relate to unknown crime.

Side mission: create a team of {Medium}
(limit by 3 member)
(Current member: 1/3)

'well... That's new' issei find it to be interesting until his spiritual awareness come. Issei look at the time

'12 minute left that is all I need' without wasting more time. Issei immediately (flip) his phone to reavel the keypad.

He look around to see the other student coming out from their classroom.

Issei look around to find a place to (suit up). He see stair as he press number at the same time.

Buckle materialize

Buckle materialize around his waist then after that, he jump off the stair

Are you ready for?

"Suit up!"

He close the phone as when he put smartflip phone on the right slot


He land safely as the energy circle appear underneath him then it move up. issei's clothes began change into the stealth suit with Silence sneaker

A image projection appear behind him. It went pass through issei as specter jacket appear on him.

the energy circle open the portal just to left out a mask floating down. He grab the mask and place it on his face.

Meanwhile akuryo through the building, leaving a many hole on it. Everyone running away from danger as they scream in fear. Issei just arrive on the sense.

"Is that a octopus?" Issei ask with his eye squint" did it just use it own tentacle smash through those building?"

The appearance might look humaniod but the face and hair grown tentacle. The leg is also tentacle....

Issei swiping sweat from his forehead. He extend his hand out

Nichiriin materialize

A katana appear as projection then it materialize in physical form. His handguard is describe to be a Black ring connected to its core by lines. It heavily resembles a wagon wheel in appearance.

Issei draw the blade out from scabbard. " let make this quick before the break end" Issei said with confident smirk.

He almost got himself beaten to dead once wait twice in a week.

He lunge toward the spiritual monster with water style.

Art of blade, water style

His spiriual energy come out the sharp blade, taking form of a water waving

First of Eleven fo-.

Before issei could perfectly preform the powerful cut. He received a slap to aside by tencale

' i think my tooth about to fall out from my mouth' he said in mind while trying to stand backup with grunt sound

The spiritual monster use its tentacles to stab at few civilian. Issei was shock but it gonna be more when it absorbing those people spiritual energy, he was frustration about that akuryo action

Art of blade, water style

Second of eleven form!

Issei leap forward those tentacle. His spiritual energy coming out the blade, taking form of water again.

He performing a front flip, releasing a singular vertical slash in a circular motion. He succefully cut the arm

Water wheel!

Their spiritual energy went to their original physical body. Those civilian from few mintue were screaming in unknown pain. look like they are fine now. But that spiritual monster look at issei with rage, he just ruin the pecfect moment

Issei might can't touch them physically because of the suit. But he still can attack physical object to warn them to run away.

Akuryo use the tentacle to smash the surface, shatter it without the problem before grabbing one of debris from the surface. Then it throw at issei.

Issei could dodge those thing but there still some people recording this so call "phenomena" shit when they don't realize that, there is few ducking rock is flying toward them!

'are you fucking serious after that warning?' Issei look at those people with a confusion

Issei turn back to saw a flying rock coming at him.

In water style, there is only one fastest thrust technique that can help him on this quick situation.

Art of blade, water style

Seventh of eleven form

Issei reel the weapon back into thrusting position, he wait for a right moment to do this technique.


Drop Ripple Thrust!

He preform a fast and accurate stab, reducing the impact of a flying rock.

But the technique itself resembles a single droplet of water darting forward.

Issei gather his spiritual energy onto the tip of the blade. He make a final propelling actually pierce throught the rock.

Shattering the rock into piece without a problem. Issei see few move flying rock coming at those civilian wait they are still standing there? Are you fuckinh serious, they recording this shit than running for their life?!

'Give me a break already' issei said in mind before preforming another technique to save their life again.

Art of blade, water style

Third of eleven form!

He swings and bends his blade in a winding motion along with his body and dances in a flowing pattern, slicing every flying rock in his path, he releasing his spiritual energy, taking form of water flow

Flowing water

Issei to take a breath after doing 3 technique in 1 day. He was unaware the danger behind his back.

Then something unexpecting happen. A explsion came from behind his back. Issei turn back to see tentacle having a burn mark.

Issei quickly understand now. That alies just help him escape from dying again

From 20 kilometer away from issei's spot. A boy wearing a bag on his head. His upper body wearing a purple jacket and lower body wearing black pant with white shoe

' I don't know who was that fox mask but the mission mention about helping an alies' bagboy said in mind before he grab a string of bow and stretch it out at full power

Then spiritual energy began to gather together, forming a spiritual arrow.

'Let add some add some more power' he said in thought as he channel more spiritual energy into the arrow.

To be continues!

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