S2 END: Wow a dead devil king bloodline! Anyway

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The scene start to show Jaune apartment in night time.

Inside his apartment, Jaune was sitting on sofa as he was reading a book call " power of card".

A book talking about Samuel Yozora, a guy used to be have a happy life with family except his father, who is a bastard left his family for other woman. The happiness was never gonna last forever, his mom died in car accident for saving the protagonist life but... also leave his little brother and him. Sam is a good brother who care and love his brother but the little boy was not gonna live last longer in this world, the little boy had cancer at final stage Sam doesn't want to his brother gon-

Jaune:*suddenly feel time stop moving* Wait something feel not right

Scene change to Kouh academy but in barrier.

A explore come out the school building. Magic gate open from the red sky. Everything outside the building was purple but some of them also stuck into a purple aura, not moving a inch.

Dust was sourrouding around Fallen angel, devil king, angel magic barrier.

7 minutes later, Jaune appear out of breaking glass sound as he land down with his combat clothes, it kinda look like normal attire but not fantasy

Raynare:*notice issei aura presence* Issei?*mutter*

Yumi: Wait did you say issei?

In 00'00'01 second, all magician got slice into many piece as they didn't know about the fact that someone have cut swiftly. Issei land down with a impact that can destroy the surface

Issei: Yo!*wave hand*I've notice someone just stop time about 7 minute ago

Yumi: Issei-senpai!*rush toward him* why are you here now!

Issei:I just say before, I notice someone stop time while reading boo-

Azazel got sent fly down to the ground as issei turn back and see some guy crawling out the hole

Azazel:Ow... I must be losing my edge.*look up with a smile* Valiana

Valiana:*in balance breaker form* Sorry azazel. Thing looked more interesting on this side.

Rin: So you're the one who betrayed us!

Azazel: Hey, Valiana. There's just one thing I want ask you*fly up*

Valiana: hm?

Azazel: my vice Governor-general, Shemhaza, had gotten wind of a dangerous faction. I think he call them the "Chaos brigade"?

Sirzech: the chaos brigade.

Serafall: to bundle together such dangerous people... Whoever is controlling them must be very strong.

Azazel: And that person is in charge is the ouroboros Dragon, Orphis

Issei:*standing on surface* the who now?

Raynare:*standing beside issei* Orphis is the infinite dragon God. The strongest dragon that even god feared.

Azazel and Valiana was still floating on the red sky.

Valiana: it's true that I've sided with Orphis but neither of us is interested in world domination. We just came together so we could use our power. That's all

Azazel: i see. I thought for sure that you'd become friend with cattleya since both of you had your devil king seat stolen from you.

Raynare: what are you talking about Azazel-sama?

Serafall: devil king seat?

Valiana: my name is Valiana Lucifer

Sirzech: what did she say?

Nanami: Lucifer!

Rias: it can't be-!

Valiana: I am a descendant of the dead devil Lucifer

Issei:*handclap*wow what a plot twists but anyway

Valiana: I'm a half-blood, born of the grandson of the former Devil king and a human

Issei: Not surprise by that

Raynare: it can't be that ba-

Sirzech: i see. With a human...

Azazel: because you are also half human, you were able to be possessed by the vanishing dragon. Your very existence is like a joke

Valiana: the word "miracle" probably exists to describe me *devil wing come out from behind*

Azazel: this girl will probably be the strongest white dragon empress the has ever known.

Nanami: the strongest...

Valiana: Hyoudo Nanami, don't you think fate is cruel?

Nanami: What?

Valiana: I am the strongest dragon, with the blood of the devil king but you are just a lowly human before you became a, you were just a typical high school student

Valiana: that is to say, aside from the boosted Gear, you are nothing. It's disappointing. It's so disappointing it funny. Even though we're rival Sacred gear, we're separated by more than the sky from the earth.

Valiana: No, by more than that.

Nanami: So? What about it?

Valiana: so? How about this. You can become an avenger. I'll kill your parents just as How they'll meet your brother

This cause her eye widen, she releasing her killing intent, shaking in frustrate

Nanami flashback about 2 year ago

Nanami and her brother, issei hyoudo,running on raining night with their umbrella

Nanami: COME ON NII-SAN!! OKASAN AND OTOSAN, RIN WAITING AT HOME!!*yelling while running*



Issei: YEAH I KNOW *notice Truck kun coming at Nanami* NAMI WATCH OUT *push his Sister out of way*

Her brother got hit by truck kun at max speed. When she look back she saw her brother got bleeding from his body and motionless

Nanami: Nii-sa-san? *shaking voice and run to his motionless body* please stay with us!

She didn't hear anything respond from her brother body, she crying under rain while hugging her brother lifeless body

Nanami flashback end

Valiana: if I kill something as precious to you as your family, wouldn't you able to act on that grave fate? It would be a lot more exciting for your parents than dying normally after a boring life. Yes, that what I'll do.

Asia:H-How can you...?*disbelief*

Nanami: I'm going to to kill you...*releasing her rage*

Rias: Nanami!

Nanami: if you try to kill my family for your convenience?* start to power up by rage feeling* THEN YOU ARE READY FOR YOUR OWN GRAVE!!

Her sacred gear release a powerful energy from gauntlet, forming a red armor, a unknown female come out the gauntlet, aura energy cover the armor


Raynare: Wait that's balance breaker!

Issei:*whistle*her power level has gone up exponentially? Well the stupid white "dragon" thingy facing her rage anyway

Valiana: so this is one of the true way of drawing out the dragon?

Albiana:Yes, is it

Valiana: Even so, I'm better suited to the dragon than she is.*underestimate her rival*

Nanami: Don't talk about meaningless thing! Ascalon!


In 00'00'00'01 millisecond, Nanami fly up and charge infront of Valiana as when a sword shift out of her hand. She quickly dodge aside from the thrust of the sword.

Albiana: The dragon slayer? I won't be able to deflect one cut from this

Valiana: I'll be fine if I don't let her cut me, right?

Both charge at each other with high speed as they move so blur even swordsmen and rias peerage can't keep up their speed.

Raynare: What in The World?

Valiana fly down and punch right at Nanami gut as The red empress cough out of blood from her mouth, she feel the pain but try not scream even she want to but doesn't. Valiana extend her hand out

Albiana: Divede!

Nanami feel half of her power was taking away as she fell down from the sky as she hit got on ground

Issei: That must be hurt but who am I kidding

Rias:*worry about her pawn* Nanami! 

Nanami:*try pushing herself up* I'm okay, President. You don't have to worry about me...

Rin: Nanami....please don't lose!!

Nanami:*slowly stand up* I won't lost!*raise her hand up to the sky*

The red gauntlet releasing A emerald energy from the jewel. Valiana now understand something

Valiana: i see

Valiana sending extra power out through her wing, now she can maintain her  power at the upper limits

Valiana:*creating two white sphere attack*That's right, During the fight with Kokabiel, you were fighting for the sake of your friend, weren't you? Does this mean I should kill your friend before I kill your family?* throw two sphere attack toward asia*

Nanami: Asia!*about to receive that attack for her friend*

Issei appear infront of the attack as he slice it into 4 piece with jet sword, it fly to other direction like school building

Nanami: Thank noctis!

Issei: your welcome about that!

Valiana: Come on, over here!*fly toward Akeno*

Nanami fly toward Valiana as they both went up to red sky, red empress was grip white empress Wing.Valiana use magic circle as a attack on Nanami, white dragon was getting more excited about their battle

Nanami:Defna! Transfer power to Ascalon!

Defna: Transfer!

Instead calling the sword out from the gauntlet, it use the holy energy of sword transfer it into the fist. She threw a sucker punch right into Valiana helmet, Nanami use this chance to grab the wing and...transfer?

Defna: Transfer!

Issei:*realize*Wait why am I here again?

Raynare: Is she? Transferring power to Vali?!

Nanami: I'm going to boost the power going in and out of you at the same time until these wing can't manage it anymore!

Albiana: The mechanisms are going into Overdrive. Restart the system.

Nanami:*fist wrap in holy energy and pull the fist back* Feel the power of the dragon slayers!*punch right at Valiana armor chest*

The fist break White empress armor into many piece, reaveling a girl with long white hair

She land down with one knee as cough out blood from her mouth, she amaze how powerfull her rival had become now

Valiana: that's Amazing *swipe blood away* you blew away my Sacred gear. See? You can do it if you try. Now that that's what I expect from my rival

Her body was glowing as she reforming back into balance breaker state again

Nanami: Now you gonna be kidding me?

Defna: it won't be over until the other person is unable to battle. That's how we fight.

Nanami:*noties the gauntlet emit light just a second* What's wrong

Defna: The armband is reaching the limit of it effectiveness

Nanami:is it because I'm too weak again?

Defna: if there's a time limit, there's no way we can win. If you don't run away, you'll die.

Nanami: there no way I'll run away and leave other*notice the blue jewel* Defna, the Scared gear evolves in response to my feeling,right?

Defna: sound interesting. But are you ready to die soon, partner?

Nanami: No, not yet. I had something else to do before I die *look at the jewel* but if it's just pain, I'll endure it!

Defna:*laugh a-bit* I like your resolve, then I will show you my resolve, too

The armband release power out again, emitting emrald light

Defna: I am the mass of power known as the Red dragon empress! Tell me, ARE YOU READY, NANAMI HYOUDO!!


She slam the blue jewel on other armband as she destroy the other green jewel. She scream in pain as she feel her life was in danger. Rin watch her sister scream in horrific

Valiana: are you trying to take in my power? You more foolishness than I thought

Nanami: Yumi already Did what was thought to be impossible before. So I'll take Take your power to make vanish and move it to my sacred gear

Albiana: how reckless. We are conflicting existence of each other. To do that would be suicibe

Defna: Hey Albion, after coming to this host, there's one thing I've learned. Even a someone can make the impossible if she believes she can do it

Nanami: if there's no way I can win with my abilities, then I'll be do it even I if I lose my life! Response to my feeling!

Defna: Vanishing Dragon, Power is Taken!

This make Valiana surprise with Albiana. Her other armband change to white

Nanami: So this is the the Dividing gear?*fist clash each other*

Albiana: impossible! This is impossible!

Defna: you have definitely taken year off your life, even if a devil is supposed to be able to live almost forever

Nanami: I'm not planning on living that long there are thing I still want to do. Vali, with this, I have taken away your power! Surrender-

Valiana:*laugh abit* interesting. If that's the case then I'll get serious, too. *fly up and spread the wing larger*

Albiana: Half Dimension!

She extend her hand toward The damage building size began have to halve s slowly clench her hand

Issei: the freak?

Rin: what is she doing?

Micheal: he is warping the dimension. It it extremely dangerous!

Rias: That's not fair!

Issei: Hey Rias!

Rias: huh?*look at issei*

Issei: wanna see something not fair!

Rias: Then what is it?! 

Issei:*smirk* Semblance burst...*materialize destiny wrath* 

Raynare:*realize*(He already that level!)

Issei stab the sword on ground as rias peerage and devil king, fallen angel, angel watch him do it in confuse. Fallen knight then summon 8 phantom weapon appear with glowing breaking crystal effect

The world inside the barrier began change into city as light construction building up even them don't know what happening right now

Raynare:(So this is his burst?....Why is a world realm type?*feel hurt* when my is a boost form?)

Valiana: is this some kind of cheap trick!?

Azazel:*fly down* So this is the power of Fallen knight

Issei stand beside nanami as he place his hand on her shoulder

Issei: stand back, hyoudo

Nanami: Do you want to die Noctis! The empress infront you can kill you without trying in 1 second!

Issei: don't worry about me. After all, she is the weakest white empress dragone thingy in my eye*smirk*

Valiana: Are doubting about me, Low human?*feel abit anger*

Issei: what if I am? I bet you couldn't land a single hit on me or can You?*mocking*

Albiana:*telepath*( if seem this human want to die soon)

Valiana:( you're right Albiana. This human doesn't know what he doing but this human is dead!)*charge at him*

Issei: hey Hyoudo, keep power up for the right moment will ya?

Nanami: what?

A white blur about coming at him with A "divide" punch, then a explode dust cover the three away from their sight.

Rin:NANAMI!?*yell in anxiety*

Then dust slowly reaveling issei caught Valiana punch, she surprise about this human strenght, Nanami was jaw drop in surprise and amaze

Issei: is that your best? Well then it my turn*smirk*

Issei pull Valiana fist back as He used his other hand to uppercut at her face, that punch was the patch of nuclear bomb, sending white dragon up to a sky

Issei disappear in breaking crystal as he reappear up to a sky. He preform the so call axe kick, delivery a powerful downward kick at rib

Vali got send back to surface as she feel the pain of two attack giving to her, lying on ground,she should be lucky about her balance breaker state was not broken yet.

Issei break each of finger knuckle but issei hand start to spark as when sky rumbling. Then weather start to become dark as thunder moving through cloud, issei summon a lightning storm from the dark cloud

The lightning storm hit direct at Valiana as she yell in pain but she resist the pain

Yumi: Issei-senpai can used magic!

Akeno: I don't think that is magic, Yumi-Chan

He is falling down with his hand covering in aura. Valiana roll aside from the punch, it create a largest crack on the surface city.

Valiana:( is this guy even a human!)*shock expression*

Defna:(even a human had a limit but him was not, even if we try to divide his power it will be useless)

Issei:*look Valiana with scoff smile* what's the matter? Scare? Or maybe you're just weak?*mocking tone*

The moment he say out those word, was the moment she pissed from his word. She slowly stand up while it still hurt at her rib. Valiana dashed toward him in blind speed but for Jaune it still too slow as he move aside like any normal person would do.

Valiana fly over issei as she receives a sucker punch at gut from Nanami, who got boost up 100 time. White empress got send down to the under "ground" as her balance breaker form got "break" in many picece again

Issei: That's done*snap his finger*

The world began to break like a glass from the sky, each part of world realm glass began to disappear like mist, the last part of it drop at jaune behind as the glass show a brown hair teenager, wearing middle school uniform with blood on his forehead

Issei: it seem like my job had done

The barrier got break as when a monkey land with a smile

Issei: it seem like someone want to get beat up again

Valiana:*lying on ground*You're late bikou

Bikou: yeah yeah we're gonna fight with the earth gods, so I was told to bring you back but it seem like you got fatal injure

Valiana:*slowly stand up*I got three fatal injure from a human and a red dragon

Bikou:*surprise* I'm surprise because I heard you say a human had make you a fatal injure

Issei: Hey, who are you? Are you one of chao brigade member thingy?

Azazel:*walk up* that's bikou. He's a descendant of the victorious fighting Buddha. To put it simply, he's the trickerster monkey made famous by the saiyuki legends, Son goku.

Issei: Son goku?( I know a sun wukong)

Azazel: I never thought that even you would become a member of the chaos brigade.

Nanami: let me guess the world must be ending like any side character would say

Azazel: Yup but the white dragon and son goku do seem to look good

Bikou:*laugh* Unlike my ancestor, I'm carefree and live as I please. It was nice to meet you two, red dragon empress and Sir fallen knight* spin and put staff straight down*

The surface began to create a circle black portal underneath their feet

Valiana: I won't lose next time by you, red dragon and fallen knight. We'll rematch

Nanami: Wait, are you running away!?*deform balance breaker and hit the ground* ouch...

Azazel: Even if it was only for a moment, she released an explosive amount of power. It's only to be expected

Issei: hey you okay?

Nanami: No do I look like one*mouth bleeding out*

Issei: Yeah you look like one

Nanami: good because now I need healing

Issei start to use his semblance as his hand start to wrap in yellow light

Nanami:*aware* Are you TRYING TO KILL ME!?

Issei: Don't worry it won't hurt you*touch her head*

Nanami:*feel comfort about his warm hand like her brother*(is this sacred gear ability?)*feel her injure gone*

Defna:*telepath*( partner,  your wound had gone and your stamina had went back up!)

Nanami:umm*feel awkward* thank for healing me,Noctis

Issei: your welcome, hyoudo*walk away* See ya, nami*mumble*

He disappear in broken crystal sound as leaving supernatural people alone with stupid peace

Author note:
- this is finally the end of season 2
- I hope I make next make sense for this next season stories of my
The screen show a white place with two figure standing on water surface

Ken: if seem like you are done your season 2

[ Kenshi Tsuki from the hybird of Grimm and human]

Issei: Yup, let hope I will be back with something great on next season

Ken: Baton pass?

Issei: Baton pass!

Issei walk pass as they both give a high five at each other

Issei: Let hope someday we get a crossover*walk away(

Ken:*look at issei with a smile* yeah, someday *walk other direction*

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