S2: How to warpping time and space

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The scene start to show a 20 year old Jaune walking with someone beside

???: how long will it take make us get there!

Jaune: come on Adam, you know it will take more time to get there ya know?

Flash back about five month ago

Adam Taurus, ex white fang Member, after BUMBLEBEE couple beat the crap out of him and got stab by them

His body floating on water. Jaune was done killing Grimm hide out as he saw Adam floating on river went pass him

Jaune: the fuck is he doing?*notices Adam injure* I hate to do but I have a promise to Yuichiro

After that, he carry Adam back to his house then Jaune uses his semblance to heal bull Faunus stab injure and Jaune go to his kitchen

Adam:*slowly wake up and vision was blur*grr....*sat up in groan* where am I?...

Jaune:*open the door* Huh? Oh! You Awake,good because you should eat because your stomach will growl

Adam:*get angry* WHO DO YOU THINK YOU A-*stomach growl*......

Jaune:... you were saying?*act confuse*

Adam:...nevermind I think I should

Scene change to Jaune placing his food on table and Adam sitting on chair with his menacing stare

Adam:( lucky for us,faunus, we can sense poison but this human food...) *smell it taste* (it smell delicious! And doesn't have poison!)*doesn't trust Jaune*( but ... why did he help me? )

Jaune: if you are wonder why did I help you? Because I have a promise to someone and I also heal your injure

Adam check his body to see if Jaune was bluffing and he saw his injure was gone

Jaune: now do you believe me

Adam:...a little

Jaune: good because I have somewhere to go *go outside*

Scene glitch change to Jaune standing infront his son gravestone

Yuichiro Noctis
Son of fallen knight

Jaune: hey...son, sorry about the fact that your old man come late to visit you *holding back his tear*

Jaune: your old man still living healthy right now....*tear prepare to drop*

Jaune:*knee down and hug his son gravestone*it...just...odd...without...you...kid...*can't hold back his tear*

He Release many water drop from his eye as he still feel pain,sorrow,suffer. He cry for his death son without notice Adam was there behind the tree

Scene change to Adam, who was done eating and was looking for Jaune.

Adam saw Jaune standing there. After he hear that blond guy say to his son, Adam understand about it feel to be lose for someone

Adam: 'maybe...not every human is heartless...'*leave quietly*

four month later

After Jaune saving Adam life. Bull Faunus had been helping to people, Faunus in village. He change from a beast to a kind Faunus, since he lost wilt and blush from his last battle. Lucky for Adam, Jaune is the blacksmith, who can make 100 weapon just in a single day.

Jaune: so you want me to make you a new sword?


Jaune: this will take more time to forge it

Adam:*scratch cheek*umm... do you have some dull blade left?

Jaune: yeah I have ton of them right now

Adam: sweet!

Scene change to Jaune walking around in cave, looking for lightning dust and fire dust

Jaune:*see lightning dust* there you are~*grab pickaxes*

When Jaune was start to swing his pickaxes down, but slowly a Grimm approach him from behind as it ready take Jaune life. A dull blade got tossed at Grimm head

Jaune:*look behind*good job Adam

Adam: your welcome

Flash back end

After that, Jaune forge Adam blade,muramasa. A powerful weapon that can release lightning and fire from it blade. Both of them standing infront of mining cave

Jaune: we here*materialize destiny wrath* miner say there are Grimm here

Adam:understand*unsheathe the blade* let race, who have kill the most of Grimm is making dinner!

Jaune: OH~ GAME ON!*smirk*

Jaune: alright let just count down in 1 2-*got interrupted by Adam*

Adam: 3! Go!*rush first*

Jaune: that cheating!*chase after*

Adam: cheating can be used sometime!

Both see army beowolf, Centinel, Creep, Boarbatusk in their way as when they dash pass them. Both create Instantly slice without making Grimm realize they had been cut into many piece.

Adam and Jaune rushing throught many Grimm as when soulless creature got slice to many piece without realizing they have been cut

Jaune:*stop running* huff~ huff~ I got 398 kill

Adam:*stop too*mine huff~ huff~ is 400. Huff~ guess that mean you will be cooking dinner

Jaune: dammit!

When both of them having a small break but something approach at them with high speed then Jaune quickly react to see it and Jaune push Adam out of the way. He swiftly block dual sword

Jaune:what the-*got kick in the gut and send flying throught the spike pillar*

Adam: JAUNE!!*look at knight grimm*

Adam quickly dash at knight Grimm with high speed and knight Grimm trading blow with Adam slash

Jaune groan in pain. That kick was really powerful but it wasn't for his aura to take it. He would be dead right now

Jaune quickly got recovery and charge at Grimm knight

Adam body is getting more fatigue. He maybe not able keep with it anymore before Grimm knight could end bull faunus. Jaune dropkick at it head, sent Grimm knight flying to the wall

Jaune:need some help?

Adam: yeah,right now

Jaune finger snap. Their body cover in aura as Adam fatigue have been removed.

Jaune: better?

Adam: more better than before!

Grimm knight leap off the wall, charging at Jaune but Adam immediately block for him, absorb enemy energy throught his sword


Since his sword make out strongest metal, dust. He focus aura on His sword, channeling enough aura to activated the dust. A spark and hot blade was prepare to dance.

Grimm knight know danger was coming. Suddenly, the soulless creature jump back away in instinct.

Jaune: for a Grimm like that can have a instinct?

Grimm knight stab dual sword on the rock floor. Both human and Faunus were confuse about it action

Jaune:*feel temperature down*why do I feel cold?

Adam:I don't know either but...

Grimm knight dual sword, left sword emitting light blue energy and right sword emitting light green energy

Adam: I think we just encounter a infuse dust Grimm

Jaune:...wanna dance?


Grimm knight sent a powerful wind slash at adam as when he release a powerful fire slash. Both attack collided each other creating a strong impact. That Blow everything on it path

Jaune change destiny wrath to jet sword then he grab Adam collar as when blond knight activate the jet. Both quickly fly out the mining cave

The mining cave got turn into many debris rock, crushing the way to enter down.

Jaune:that was lucky for us

Adam:I don't think that was lucky...

A blast of wind sent rock away as Grimm knight slowly walk out like there nothing happen

Jaune: now you gonna be kidding me!

Adam: this will be tough battle for us!

Grimm knight dash at them as when both of human and Faunus charge in battle. Adam was the first to clashing Grimm knight

They were trading blow until Adam rool under Grimm knight as when it preform horizontal slash then bull Faunus dodge downward

Jaune jump down with axe of conqueror as when he swing his weapon down between them,Create a straight line crack.

Grimm knight use this chance to pierce Jaune gut but when the tip of light white sword about to stab at him.

Jaune:(I can't dodge that on mid air!)*about to get stab*

For the first time, Jaune was able to teleport back jet sword. At first, blond knight was confuse about how he move back here just in less second with jet sword.

Jaune:(okay what the-)*interrupt by Adam*

Adam: I don't know how but *fend every slash* BUT A LITTLE HELP!!

Jaune:Then SWITCH!!*grab jet sword and charge in battle*

Adam jump past over Jaune as when blond knight materialize destiny wrath sword mode just to attack at Grimm knight.

Jaune rapidly slash at Grimm knight, he need to make sure about that Grimm can be only fend off his slash. So Adam could use moonslice on Grimm knight

Adam:( show a little open...Damm Grimm)

Adam put his blade in sheath as when it was built a lot energy into it. His hair and some markings on his attire and his eye glow blue.

Adam:*saw an opening*(that our chance!) JAUNE DODGE!!

He launch forward at them, creating ten afterimage of him behind. Then Jaune backflip past over Adam

Jaune:( if I could able to use that again)* tossed destiny wrath aside and get teleport to it*( I think I can teleport with my weapon)

In slow motion,Adam slowly unsheathed his blade as he slowly unleash a burst of energy toward Grimm knight. But the Grimm white light sword slowly point it at Bull faunus chest. When both release their strongest attack at each other. Adam get a fatal ice wave throught his chest while Grimm knight got turn into ash.

Jaune:*quickly run to Adam* ADAM!!

Adam:*fall to his knee* Huff~ Huff~*blood from his mouth*

Jaune: You okay?!*worry*

Adam:...I don't think...i...can...survive...from...this...fatal...blow....


Adam: your...semblance...can't heal fatal blow... remember?

Jaune:...your right*sit next to him*

Adam:ya know...you are the first human friend that I have been friend with...

Jaune:...Adam I'm gonna honest to you that you are the first true friend that I have...

Adam:*body start to crack in ice*guess this will be our fifth and last conversation that we have...

Jaune: before you go...say hi to my son okay?

Adam:*simle peacefully and nod* I will... my friend...*close eye and disappear in broken ice mist*

Author note:
-Adam on this timeline wasn't able to kill sienna

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