S2: let ski-back home and |surprise|

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The scene start to show Issei, Motohama, Matsuda and Yuichiro sleeping with a teddy bear

They were in regalia type-F. Both shadow and white eye been telling issei about nightmare beast wearing skirt and fallen knight chuckles about it.

Issei: you know I been have some weird dream lately

Matsuda: like what?

Issei: every I fall into a sleep. I saw some dream about hyoudo twin and they call me something like....

Matsuda: like what?

Issei: they call me brother....

Matsuda: that's indeed a weird dream

Issei: let just hope I won't get those weird again

Every one of prepare their seatbelt as when issei press the button. The flying car create a sonic boom, the shockwave blow the dark night cloud away

They arise back home within a minutes. Everyone return to their home. Issei bring his sleepy son with other stuff to the house

Issei put his son on bed while the kid still hugging the teddy bear. He pull the blanket onto his son then pat Yuichiro head. He grab doorknob and open as he walk out his son room but

Issei/Jaune: goodnight, son*close the door*

When the fallen knight was about to back to his room but suddenly got teleport by circle magic. Issei appear in center of kouh academy

Issei:huh?*confuse* what th-

Issei see a holy light beam was shot into the...red sky? And the sword was inside that beam as he wonder what happening just now.

Issei: what the?*saw holy spear coming*

he caught the holy spear with his barehand as he look the one, who throw it

Issei: well well*scoff tone* it been like month since that day Yuma*tossed holy spear to aside*

Yuma{?}: it raynare!

Issei: well that your true name right? Then die raynare

Raynare: until I fight you! Jaune arc!

Jaune was shocked as he look at raynare. He was confuse about how she find out his identity, not even rias peerage,his rival could find his true identity.

Jaune: how did you know that name?!

Raynare: what? You couldn't recognize your ex-girlfriend,your rival?

Jaune:(my ex-girlfriend and rival , wait my rival and my ex is....)* realize*you are....Samantha!

Raynare: you may call me as Izumi

[shirou mori: how can that make it any sense?!]

[sans gojo: that's the neat part,it don't]

Jaune:*clench fist* all this time, I been trick under my nose but how*getting furious* how how did you did get here in this before me!? I saw your gravestone! I thought you were death!

Izumi: I'm was death but a light had brought a new life for me and I'm....

Jaune:your what! *still furious*

Izumi: I'm...sorry about everything I...had done in our former life

Jaune:*blood boil*you apologize to me now! You cheat on me for that alister! You use to only care about my clan name than me! You used me like every girl I had meet and now this your right monent to make apologize!*materialize jet sword* you think a simple apologize will make me forget everything I'm been went through!

The bottom of the sword hilt release a yellow fire. Izumi really doesn't want to fight Jaune right now but she doesn't any other choice but to fight him




Jaune Noctis
Samantha Namikaze

Let our battle begin in


Izumi: I don't want to fight you, Jaune


Jaune: tell that to your spear!


He went spin his sword as he stab to the surface. Izumi create an holy umbrella instead of a spear after then she spread her pair of black wing out.

Clash or death!

Issei charge toward Izumi with the bottom of hilt sword release yellow fire. Izumi wing emitting wind magic as she fly charge at him. Their weapon meet each other in a energy clash.

Compare to issei/Jaune strength with aura enchanted boost, samatha/izumi was born with abnormal strength without the help of aura[lock] from her birth and after she got reborn into this world,she still had her abnormal strength from her previous life.

Jaune was send to aside by Izumi but he stab jet sword to surface, stop skiding back with a line cut on surface.

Sam was one knees down as she point her holy umbrella at issei. She fired out holy blast energy at Jaune as he run to aside to dodge three holy blast energy and jump over last one.

She turn her holy umbrella to right side as she stand up. Izumi decide to use other elemental magic to combine to attack issei as she point her holy umbrella at Jaune

She unleash a holy+wind+lightning blast energy magic at issei as he sideflip to dodge the blast, it creating a explosion behind him. Jaune land to aside on surface as he activate the jet of bottom sword hilt to launch toward Sam

When his sword about slash at her head. Sam swiftly tilt her head to dodge as he slid past her. Izumi turn back as she swing her holy umbrella at issei but Jaune quick activate the jet to slid behind her.

Issei swing his sword downward at Sam. She quickly open canopy of her holy umbrella to block Jaune slash. Fallen knight activate jet to leap over fallen angel as he about to slash behind her back but Izumi close canopy of her holy umbrella and swiftly turn back to stop issei downward slash . He make a second quick horizontal slash but she lucky enough block. They trade few time clash of their weapon

Izumi dodge underneath issei horizontal slash but when Sam preform a horizontal swing, Jaune leap over the swing as Sam look after issei and she open canopy of her umbrella as Jaune land down with a slash on her umbrella

Issei: you still keeping up*impress and try to push her*

Izumi: not really*challening holy+wind+lightning magic *

Issei notices it as he preform a high backflip over magic energy. While he still on mid air, he activate jet sword to launch back at Izumi

Sam quickly stop Jaune slash but she point her holy umbrella upside down

When izumi had abnormal strenght from previous life plus with the help wind magic. She swing upward as she sent jaune up into the red sky.

Sam spread pair of black wing and boost herself with the help of wind magic. She fly straight up into the red sky

Issei spin around up to the red sky as when he grab his jet sword was when he launch back with his sword release yellow fire. When both fallen knight and fallen angel collision into each other ,they create explosion black smoke

Izumi fly out the smoke without her holy umbrella on her hand then issei come after her. Jaune let go his jet sword as it fly toward Sam but it fly over her shoulder.Issei was coming right at her and punch straight at her gut, sending Sam flying down to surface as when Jaune catch his sword and launch after her

Izumi saw issei coming toward her as he grab her neck with his leg stomp on her gut . Jaune pull his sword back and was ready to pierce throught sam head but a energy wave disturb his focus, making issei cut past Izumi cheek.

Sam grab Jaune wrist as when they both spin around on air then issei put his feet on izumi and then push himself away from her.

Izumi land down with a straight skid on surface as she catch her holy umbrella. Issei land down with a strike to the surface, creating dust from the ground but he blow it away by swing his barehand.

Izumi was land on kokabiel left side while issei land on nanami right side. He tossed his jet sword up to the air and he materielize destiny wrath in sword mode as jet sword disappear in crystal

Jaune Special attack: light of night sky

He pull the trigger of his weapon, making it emit aura energy from the blade

Sam doesn't really want to use her semblance right now but this is their fight anyway

Sam Special attack: Empress of darkness

Sam wing was emitting aura black mist. The mist cover her in ball of darkness but it turn her into new appearance with her new attire. Her hair is now shorts and white while she was wearing a black clothes with a sword right side of her hip but her holy umbrella was gone

Xenovia: Issei Noctis let help together to defeat those fallen angel

Issei: I don't need help*charge* BECAUSE I GONNA THIS END THIS!!

On kokabiel side

Kokabiel:I'm impress about how that human still survive even though you were strongest one of the four.*smirk*I want you to explain the power you had later, Raynare

Izumi: (I would explain by killing you now but if azazel-sama did not order me to spy on you, roughs fallen angel) yes,kokabiel-sama*unsheath the blade and charge at issei *

When the two former huntsmen rush to each other.they unleashing their attack, creating a huge impact that can blow everything on it path but not some supernatural being that can withstand it

Dust was everywhere on air, covering devil sight but the dust seem been gone down slowly. Issei stab destiny wrath on surface, using his sword-gun as support to stand but his blood was drop to the ground. Izumi shoulder was cut as the blood come out

She didn't scream in pain. She was just standing behind issei with her emotionless eye. She fell down to surface


Author note:
-alright, part one is done then I will write part two after I'm done write remnant chapter
-sorry about update late this chapter part one. I was on deadline for this chapter because you know busy stuff in real life

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