S2: us and this supernatural idiot war plan

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The scene start to show issei using his sword as a stand support.

Issei: Man*pant* I really*pant* need to *pant* sleep now

Akeno fired out holy thunder magic right at Kokabiel.Until two figure kick and punch four fallen Angel out the academy window. Malty, Kalawarna, Dohnaseek and Mittelt was beat the crap out of them until they went into unconsciousness.

Issei: well*pant* took you *pant* guy long *pant* enough

Motohama:*appear to issei right side* sorry we late

Matsuda:*appear to issei left side*did I make it on time?

Issei: that fallen Angel *pant* infront us is Kokabiel *pant* it your turn *pant* because I gonna *pant* sleep now

His sword disappear in breaking glass sound. Issei fell to the ground as he sleeping on surface

Matsuda: I think I did make on time

Motohama: well that's a new sword for kiba

Motohama take a sword from his shadow space. Matsuda take out his kunai from his ninja bag.

[Shirou Mori: Hey what happen to previous chapter!]

[Sans gojo: remember last time about what happen to Darkness and light?]

Sans Memory of Flash back

Monty was holding a slipper while chasing Both brother god because let just say they drop ink on his art page

Monty: COME BACK HERE!*keep chasing*

God of darkness: NO!

God of light: RUN! RUN!

Sans and mori were watching them with popcorn on their hand

Memory end

[mori: I wonder what the sister doing?]

[sans: oh you mean the sister of Samsara? I think they are talking to Ruby now]

Kokabiel: what an amusing friend you have, Rias Gremory. The red dragon empresses...*look at Nanami* A ruined holy sword project subject...*look at Yumi* Shadow sorcerer *look at Motohama* White eye shinobi *look at matsuda* and Barkiel's daughter!*look at akeno*

Xenovia: What did you say?!*shock*

Rin: Akeno's ... the daughter of a fallen angel?!

Matsuda: Wow~* sarcasm tone*

Kokabiel:*hold under chin*Rias Gremory, like your brother you seem to like inferior product.

Rias:* gritted teeth* I won't forgive your thoughtless remarks against my brother... Our Devil king. Your insults to my sevant derserve death!

Motohama: Is she out of mind!

Matsuda:*facepalm* We are fighting a leader not A Freaking Normal Fallen Chicken

Kokabiel did a super villain landing, create a impact on surface with dust blow up

Kokabiel: Then try and destroy me, Little sister of the devil, Possessor of the Welsh Dragon,Crimson- Haired Useless Princess!

Kokabiel: You're confronting the archenemy of devil, you know. If you don't take advantage of this chance, then this is as good as you'll get!

Nanami: Hey, you fallen angel scum!

Rias: Nanami!

Nanami: If you insult the president or Akeno any further, I'm going to beat you up!

Kokabiel: You bitch... Are you a fool?*create a holy sword*

Nanami: I'm fine with being like that! Don't move, You heard me?!*poiny red gauntlets toward kokabiel*Boosted gear!

A female voice come out the gauntlet as it giving Nanami more power

?????: BOOST!

Yumi and Xenovia look at each then after that they nod to each other as they charge at the leader

Xenovia: Hyoudo Nanami, we'll stall for time!*run toward the leader*

Yumi: Nanami, Keep focus on powering up!

Nanami: Got it!

Koneko run past Nanami. Motohama activate his curse technique, Thunderstorm as it creating black and red electricity. Matsuda throw his kunai toward kokabiel

Xenovia and Yumi attack Kokabiel from two side.

Kokabiel: Oh? Holy sword and holy devil Sword attack at the same time? Interesting!

Koneko was above them and landing down with a punch but kokabiel use 10 black wing and holy sword to slash at the three, sending them fly away

Then a kunai was flying toward Kokabiel but the fallen angel just deflect the kunai.

Kokabiel release holy energy cross slash right at direction Xenovia and Yumi but they were struggle to block the holy energy.

Motohama coming at Kokabiel with light speed level as Shadow sorcerer try to did a downward slash but get kick at his gut to aside, sending Motohama fly away

Yumi and Xenovia were breathing heavily from stop that attack.

Kokabiel: You're still coming? That's fine,come then!

Yumi had hard time to stand up properly but

Yumi: Sword birth!

Surrounding Kokabiel was ten magic circle and it summon out ten sword of betrayer as it fly at Kokabiel but fallen angel use wing to defend

Kokabiel: Is that all you're got?

The sword fall off as when fallen angel use wing to destroy it. Yumi charge toward Kokabiel and was try to pierce throught the head but the fallen angel caught it with two finger.

Yumi take out another sword and swing it at Kokabiel but the fallen angel caught it again with three finger

Kokabiel: you fool!

Yumi: Not yet!

She summon another sword but Yumi grab it with her mouth and swing it at Kokabiel cheek, blood drop out. Kokabiel was mad and fire out a destruction holy sphere to Yumi.

Matsuda land down with his kunai been writing on it. He preform some handsign as he show his kunai to that holy sphere, the moment it interact with his kunai. It move to another space

The other kunai was on one of those tree and it soon release a explosion from that holy sphere

Kokabiel: you guy sure are fighting hard for people who have lost their master?

Xenovia: What?

Rias: What are you taking about?

Xenovia: Kokabiel, what do you mean by "lost their master"?

Kokabiel: Oh my, I let it slip.

Xenovia: Answer me, Kokabiel!

Kokabiel was laughing normal but now laughing like a psychopath

Kokabiel:*hold his face*that't right, since I'm trying to start a war, there's no point in hiding it any longer.*look at them* In the previous three-way, God died along with the four Great Devil King!

Xenovia:*shock and eye widen*T-that can't be true.

Rias:God...is Dead?

Motohama and matsuda reaction to that information

Rias: That's ridiculous. I haven't heard anything about that!

Kokabiel: During that war, the devil lost all their king and most of their high-level devils and the angel and fallen angels lost almost everyone expect their leaders. The pure angel couldn't increase their number, and purebred devil are rare.

Asia:That...that can't be true!

Kokabiel: All side have been ruined to the point where they have rely on humans to survive. Angels,fallen angel,devils. The leader of the three factions had to seal away this information, so that the god-fearing human would continue on.

Xenovia was broke down in disbelief, everything from the fallen angel must be lie but it was a true

Xenovia: Lies...All lies..?

Kokabiel: Not like I care about any of that. What I can't take is the fact that with God and the devil king dead, it was decided that continuing,the war was pointless! I can't take it! I can't take it! You want me to calm down after raising my fist! If we had continue fighting, we would have won! Even that bad tart Azazel declared that there would not be another war!

Kokabiel: What the fuck?!

Everyone was speechless about the true infront of them. Issei is still....zzzzzz and Izumi hear the true before fully go unconscious

Asia: God does not exist anymore? Then what about the love that is given to us...?

Kokabiel: Tch Michael is doing a good job, you know. He's keeping the angel and human tougher in god's place.

Xenovia: Archangel Michael is acting as god agent? Then...we've...

Kokabiel: As long as the system works, prayers and exorcism will operate to a certain extent.

Asia knock out from shock as koneko caught her

Xenovia: That's a natural reaction. I'm suprise that I can still think at a time like this.

Kokabiel: However, the number of believers in god had fallen drastically. Without anyone to manage the balance between good and evil,  it's no wonder that something contradictory like the holy devil sword would appear. Otherwise it would be unthinkable for good and evil to mix like that.

Kokabiel: I'll continue the war even if I have to do it myself by taking your head!

Rin: If you think I'm going to let you destroy this town or my friend for your stupid reason!beside...I'm ready to meet him yet!

Kokabiel: Then why don't you come at me? I can make you meet him in no time?

Nanami: she not going crazy for that! After all....I'm not ready to die yet!

A massive emerald light energy had been release from the red gauntlet. Everyone look at the light

Yumi: That light— I've seen it somewhere before!

Akeno: it's a Sacred gear aligned with its masters wishes releasing power

Nanami: Now I fell I could defeat you even God too! Wait god is gone right? ALL RIGHT!*yell*

She uppercut into the air as when the gauntlet releaseing more power


The gauntlet Upgraded it to new form.

Nanami rush toward kokabiel. The fallen angel jump back away and tossed a holy spear but Nanami leap toward kokabiel as she punch through holy light spear.

She gives a hook punch right at Kokabiel face. The fallen angel back down while holding the face in pain

Kokabiel: The red dragon Empress can release this much power?! Just who in the world are you?

Nanami: Remenber me, Kokabiel! The name is Nanami Hyoudo! I Possess a Boosted Gear And Rias Gremory pawn!

Issei:*yawn in confuse* What did I miss? Did you guy win?

Matsuda: Nope not yet

Kokabiel: For such a low-ranking devil to reach my face...This is Interesting!you're Interseting! Girl!

Suddenly a unknown female voice come from above them

????: is she really that interesting!

The red sky was shatter like glass as a light appear on moon shine as it reveal to be another Sacred gear user.

Motohama: What the fuck now!

Kokabiel: The Vanishing Dragon?

Nanami: Vanishing dragon? then that mean...

Kokabiel: Are you captivated by the red, White dragon? Don't get in my wa

In burst of speed, White dragon grab the fallen angel wing and get rid of the wing

Issei:*whistle* Well that is fast

Nanami: What did she do?

Yumi: I couldn't see anything either!

White Dragon: Azazel's wing are dimmer, more like everlasting darkness.

Kokabiel: What are you trying to do?!

White dragon: Someone who's fallen lower than the ground doesn't need wings, Does he

Kokabiel is pissed and fly up to the sky with holy aura as the fallen angel try gather all holy energy into huge holy spear. Try throw right white dragon but something happen

white dragon: Divide*extend toward Kokabiel*

A energy wave come out from white dragon palm. The huge holy spear got shrink quickly and disappear

White dragon: my name is Albiana. One of the the power of my Sacred gear, Divine dividing, is to halve the power of whatever it touches every 10 second, using that power to sustain me instead.

Issei: Kinda remind me about Mori Beating a dragon that have same ability before?

White dragon: if you don't hurry, you won't even be able to defeat a human.

Rias: The red Dragon Empress multiplies it owner's power and transfer it to something, While the white Dragon Empress halve the enemy power, using it to sustain the owner. Just like the legend say

Albiana: This is boring. I thought I be able to have a little more fun with you.

Albiana fly toward kokabiel with a strike into the gut. Kokabiel cough out of blood

Albiana: You have been getting out of hand. Azazel asked me to bring you back with our spy back, raynare been report us about your actions to create another war. so now even if I took all of my power.

Both fly faster than the speed of light, rias peerage can't keep up the speed. Jaune can See how fast they are really flying.

[ sans: Wanna skip that part?]

[Shirou Mori: Yea sure]

Timeskip brought you by chibi Issei try to kill Chibi Ruby

Scene start with issei taking His son hand to Kindergarten School. They both stop at entrance.

Jaune:*crouch down* Remenber what I told you, Yuichiro?

Yuichiro: That we can't tell the other about our exist from another world*get pat head*

Jaune:*pat his son head* good, be well on your first day,okay?

Yuichiro:*Smile cutely* Okay!

Little kid enter the school for first time in another world while wave his hand to his dad

Yuichiro:*Wave hand at his dad* Bye dad!

Jaune: Bye Son...*watch his son enter the school and wave hand back*

He disappear in a blink before many Parent Come with their kid.

Author note:
- If you are wondering Why I skip that part because I too lazy right now
-if you wondering what happen to raynare...well she got teleport by magic circle

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