Teaser not canon: i'm you but... you're not me

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The scene start to show Raynare wake up in waste land

Raynare slowly rise up her upper body as she hold her head in pain

Raynare: My head feel hur-*get interrupt by a explosion*

She turn back As two blur move past her, create a explosion dust. She sat up In confuse.

When dust settle, it reaveling  to be Motohama and Matsuda pushing their weapon against Jaune jet sword.

Yumi rush from behind Jaune and try to stab him. But a shield appear to block her stab.

Jaune stomp on the surfce, Create a impact to blowing them away.

A power of destruction and holy thunderstorm moving at Jaune. He change to Gunblade and pull the trigger

The gunblade released a long Red aura blade to sky and he swing down the weapon, three attack collided into each other but Jaune attack is stronger

Jaune attack sent Rias and akeno away without efforts. Nanami and Rin Leap infront of Jaune face.

He change his weapon to a mental baseball bat, giving them a strong wind strike

Issei: so who are you

Issei let out statement as he walk pass
over Raynare, who saw her kind, devil, angel were bleed and death infront of her eye

Raynare: What is going here?!*feel horrible and scare*

Jaune tossed his weapon as he look at his counterpart

Jaune: a simple answer I'm you

Issei: but you're not me

Issei and Jaune channeling their aura into the hand, both clench their first and they dash at each other

When their aura first meet each other, it creates a explosion impact to destroy the wasteland

Scene change to Raynare apartmen. She wake up in swear like she had nightmare

Raynare: What was that dream*fill with fear* and why there a Jaune with red eye in my dream?!*feel worry*

Author note:
-don't worry about the teaser
-my head giving me a ideal about decade Jaune/issei
-i was gonna write that book but I quit that ideal and make this teaser chapter base on decade episode 1

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