Before Lilly Died

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Lilly's older sister named Ever, was making a doll for Lilly. 

"Lilly can you get the needle please" said Ever

"Ok where is it?" said Lilly

"It is in the closet" 


So Lilly go's in the closet to get the needle. It is dark in the closet and there is no light.  Lilly finds it and brings it back to Ever.  Ever finitely finished the doll.  Lilly tells her that she is going to go play with it out side. Ever tells to go ahead but that is the last time Ever see's her little sitter. 

Lilly go's and is running down the street.

NEXT CHAPTER YOU GET TO FIND OUT WHAT HAPPENS TO LILLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO READ THE NEXT CHAPTER WHEN IT COMES OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

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