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Title : The Cynophobic
Fear : The fear of dogs
Name : Natalia Amberts
Gender : Female
Age : 13
Faceclaim : Nikki Hahn

Personality : Natalia is a girl that is just as she looks. Innocent, sweet, caring, the whole icing on the cake when it comes to an angel hiding in the shadow of a human. She may not be the brightest of kids, often making stupid reactions to situations she gets herself into. She can be a bit of a clutz at times, and likes staying out of conflict. Natalia hates nothing more than seeing friends argue, only wanting to help people out and make sure that everyone is okay. Onto the subject of her fear, Natalia is petrified of dogs. From a chihuahua to a great dane, you simply can't get her anywhere near a canine. Nevertheless, Natalia continues to be the sweet girl she is, her warm brown eyes able to seek out those who need her at any time.
Backstory : Natalia has always had her mother and father to guide her through all her troubles. She loves both of her parents dearly. At the age of nine, Natalia was riding her bike down the sidewalk when a neighbor's aggressive, one-hundred pound dog got out of the yard. The dog knocked the girl off her bike and attacked her, leaving her with several scars on her back and left shoulder. Ever since then she's been deathly afraid of dogs, and refuses to go near them.


Title : The Mysophobic
Fear : The fear of germs
Name : Liam H. Gerald
Gender : Male
Age : 14
Faceclaim : Ty Simpkins

Personality : Liam is definately nothing short of a boy with a both dry and lighthearted comedic voice. The epitome of someone who's sarcastic at all times, he can be a bit all over the place with words. He's in addition a lot smarter than he appears, and loves nothing more than hanging out with friends and just being a teenage boy. When it comes to his fear, Liam is rather well versed when it comes to sickness and ailments of all sorts. Just thinking about the subject or talking about it can make him stumble off into a ramble of words that come out quick and without thought. Overall, Liam is a funny, sweet kid who just loves living life.
Backstory : Liam grew up in a rather normal family situation, up until the age of seven, when his mother passed away due to cancer. But, he refuses to let that rule his life and bring him down, wanting to be in control of his own future.

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