Part 1

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Congratulations floatingstarsx ! You reached here! 😁❤️

Now I'll let you read the first part of this story! 😅


A girl was seen rushing from one room to the other. She was making breakfast while shouting.

"Come now! Breakfast is ready!" She shouted.

On the other side, a girl was annoyed by her shouts! She came to her and looked at her still cooking breakfast.

"Are you kidding me?! Chakor, breakfast is still not ready!" She shouted.

"Then Ragini you cook from tomorrow, such a thankless girl you are!" Chakor replied annoyed.

"No, it's okay, I forgive you. But from tomorrow my breakfast should be ready when I come." She said faking attitude.

"Okay, but I expect a salary increase then Ma'am!" Chakor replied narrowing her eyes.

"Yeah, from tomorrow I'll annoy you more with many more taunts!" Ragini said smiling.

Chakor ignored her and finally served Ragini breakfast. They both sat down and started eating.

"Listen, don't you have an appointment this morning? Maybe with the planner of your lovely and sweet sister's birthday party." Ragini said flipping her hair.

Chakor chocked on the food.

"I forgot that! I'm not even ready! What shall I wear?!" She said running to her room.

"Your green dress, green suits you" Ragini said smiling.

Chakor got ready and came back. She saw that Ragini was still eating her breakfast.

"Why didn't you get ready? We're already late!" Chakor shouted.

"Because I'm not coming! You choose everything on your own, according to my preferences. It should be a surprise birthday party!" Ragini replied.

"You already now that there is a party, what's the surprise in it?" Chakor asked.

"The party! What's the use of me going there, not liking anything, and ending up planning something horrible! If you do, at least I'll have a hope that it's good, and even if it's bad, I'll just be sad during my birthday party, I don't want to spoil my mood till then." She explained.

Chakor slapped her forehead and went to the hall alone. Once she arrived at the hall she had booked for Ragini, she entered. She saw a man sitting there looking at a tablet.

She walked to him.

"Hello!" Chakor said sitting near the man.

"Hi..." The man replied confused.

"I'm Chakor, I was the one who called you yesterday for the hall." She said.

The man was about to say something but Chakor continued talking.

"If you don't mind, can we please finalize everything now, I have to go to other places also." She said snatching the tablet.

He looked at her suprised.

"Hmm, can we have this decor but in different colours, like black is nice, but it's a no-no for this birthday party." She said showing him the tablet.

The man looked at her angrily and snatched the tablet back.

"If god has blessed you with a tongue, that doesn't mean you need to use it 24/7. I've been trying to talk but no! You have to continue your blah-blah! And I also have booked this hall, now let me see the designs and arrangements peacefully!" The man replied irritated by Chakor's behaviour.

He continued looking at the designs on the tablet. On the other hand, Chakor was standing there shocked. She was about to retort when a man came out of the hall.

"Mr. Suraj, have you liked something?" The man asked.

"No, I've been disturbed by a lizard." Suraj said while looking at Chakor from head to toe.

Chakor's jaw dropped in shock. She was cursing Ragini in her mind for suggesting the green dress.

"So you're the one I called yesterday?" Chakor asked the man who just came out.

"You are?" The birthday planner asked.

"Chakor! I called you yesterday to book this hall for my sister's birthday!" She replied.

He looked at her shocked. He then stared at Suraj and again looked at Chakor.

"What?" Chakor asked confused.

"I...Actually...I think there has been a mistake from our side." He replied worried.

"Can you please explain?" Chakor asked irritated.

"Actually, yesterday both of you called me for your sibling's birthday party, and I thought you were booking for the same party, but I realized just now that he is here for his brother and you're here for your sister." The planner explained.

Chakor was trying to maintain her calm.

"Now what?" She asked with a fake smile.

"You both will have to share the hall for both the parties, or one of you will have to look for another hall." He replied.

Suraj who was till now trying to not laugh while enjoying Chakor's state, was now shocked and angry.

"I'm can't share the hall!" He shouted thinking about his brother.

"As if I am dying to share the hall! Even I can't!" Chakor shouted also.

"Then you can look for another hall!" The planner said.

Both Suraj and Chakor started to look for other halls. They were trying to contact the owners but none of the hall was available.

"I looked out for 5 halls and none of them is available!" Chakor shouted at the planner.

He looked at Suraj, hoping he had found one, but his glare was enough for him to understand that even he couldn't find any other hall.

"Then I'm sorry but you'll have to share the hall." The planner said while silently praying to god that there won't be more fight between them.

Suraj and Chakor glared each other, and then glared the planner.

"Once my sister's birthday party is done, I'm going to leave so many bad reviews about this hall, but I'll put more bad reviews about you, then I'll see who will book this hall and contact you!" Chakor replied furiously.

"Okay, can we now finalize everything for the parties?" The planner asked.

Sukor glared him once last time before calming themselves.

"Have you liked anything you've seen so far?" The planner asked.

"Yes!" Both Sukor replied.

They looked at each other ready for another round of verbal fight. The planner sensing the tension, try to divert them.

"Can you please show me?" He asked.

"We both liked this decor, but the problem is I like it in black, but she wants it in some other colour." Suraj explained him showing the picture.

"We can go for a colour combination, what colour you wanted this decor in?" The planner asked Chakor.

"Red" She replied.

"Perfect! We can go for a red&black theme! We can maybe go for a Mickey&Minnie birthday theme? " The planner asked smiling.

Sukor looked at him shocked.

"Do you think my sister is 8? She is a grown woman!" Chakor shouted.

"Even my brother isn't 8! He is also a grown!" Suraj shouted to the planner.

Chakor was trying to muffle her laugh but ended up laughing loudly. Suraj looked at her and was staring at her happy and laughing face. He was lost in her cute face when he heard the planner laugh also. He immediately turned to him.

"Stop laughing! I meant my brother is a grown man" Suraj replied angrily.

The planner and Chakor stopped laughing. The planner thought about something and shared the idea with them.

After arguing for few minutes in each thing and finally agreeing, Sukor were done finalizing the party. They let a sigh in relief and looked at each other. They got worried immediately about how their siblings will react. They left the hall glaring each other while the planner finally let a sigh in relief and started praying that they won't be fighting during the party.

Suraj came back to his house and found out that his brother was still sleeping. He sat near him on the bed and started thinking about how he will react when he'll get to know that he'll have to share the hall for his birthday.

Even though he was a happy and generous person, he never wanted to share his birthday as he was supposed to be the star of the day.

Suraj started imagining different scenarios where his brother was cursing him and leaving the house, or him being strangled by his brother.

He felt a hand on his shoulder and shouted in horror. He started running away but ended up stumbling and thus, he fell down.

"What's wrong with you? It's me, your brother?" His brother said shocked at his reaction.

Suraj got up and looked at him with a nervous smile.

"I know this smile, what have you done now?" His brother asked raising an eyebrow.

"Nothing Laksh, I went to finalize everything for your birthday party and everything went perfectly, there is nothing that may cause you to hate me!" He replied smiling.

"Good! There shouldn't also, or else you can forget you have a brother, and I'll forget you're
my brother." Laksh said smiling.

Suraj's smile vanished as soon as he heard Laksh. He was scared about how Laksh will react, but he was more scared about his life.

On the other side, Chakor was in the same situation as Suraj. She was hoping that Ragini won't mind sharing a hall for her birthday party.

The day went with Sukor worrying about their respective sibling's reaction when they'll get to know about the hall, while Raglak were quite excited about their birthday and a bit suspicious also about their sibling's behaviour.


Hope you liked it Taara ❤️😅

Happy birthday once again! 🥳🎂💃

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