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~Third person POV~
Rainbow was pacing back and forth. She turned to her sisters. "Where do you think Draco is? He hasn't been back for a while." She asked, fear laced into her words. She cared for her family and didn't want any of them to get hurt. So Draco's disappearance sent her over the edge. Lunar grabbed the worried girl's shoulder and had a reassuring smile. "Calm down, he's probably on his way back." She said with sympathy. Funneh nodded in agreement. Rainbow sighed and looked out into the forest. Then, for a split second, saw a figure. She rubbed her eyes and looked at the spot again and saw a familiar rainbow jacket. She ran over to her brother and trapped him in a bear hug. "Your safe!" she squeaked while crying. Draco hugged the girl back. " Of course im safe. What did you expect?" he asked looking at the girl. Rainbow cried as a response and hugges him tighter. He smiled and, somehow, pryed the girl off of him. He walked to his tent and got in it, leaving the girls where they were.
At midnight, Draco got out of his tent, expecting to be the only one up this late at night. But to his surprise, he saw Funneh walking into the forest. He walked quietly behind her, trying to catch up. When he was directly behind her, he tapped her shoulder, receiving a smack from a baseball bat. He grunted in pain while Funneh started rambling on and on with sorry's and are you ok's. He only nodded in response. Funneh grabbed he arm and put it around her shoulder. Draco looked at her. " So, where are you going this late at night?" he asked, holding his stomach. Funneh froze for a minute. "Im... Going to a friend's house! Yeah! They live around here!" she said, obviously lying. Draco raised a brow. "Out here? In the middle of the forest?" he asked in disbelief. Funneh sighed at looked ahead of them. "You have to promise not to tell any-" she was cut off by a very recognisable voice.
"Draco! Hey! Its me! Toby!"

"This is why we can't go on missions with you!"

"Will both of you shut your traps?!"

Draco sighed at the three bickering. Funneh looked at Toby, Jeff, Clockwork and Draco. "What the...?" she asked, obviously confused. "Its hard to explain.." Draco sighed. Looking over at Toby with a smile. Toby shot one back and walked over to the two. "So, what brings you two here?" he asked. But before Draco or Funneh could respond, A voice interrupted.

"What the hell is going on?!"
Soooooooooo. Hi (●'◡'●)ノ. Im not fully back, but I'll try to update as much as i can. Now, enjoy this horrible thing we call 'life'.


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