Unknown Number

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"What did he do with that poem I gave him?" I suddenly wondered, and sent Adam a text asking the same question. "It's under my pillow." was his reply. I smiled as I pictured him tucking it under his Scooby-Doo pillow and falling asleep. I sent him a smiley-face text, then heard my mom yell "Delila! You need to go shower, it's 8:30!" "Yes ma'am!" I yelled back, then flipped open my flip phone and sent Adam a quick text saying "Ttyl got to go shower". I flipped it shut and grabbed my towel and CD player, then headed to my bathroom, which I share with my two sisters. I put my Fall Out Boy CD in and started the water while I got undressed. My phone buzzed. I flipped it open to see that Adam had sent me a smiley-face and "bye". I got in the shower with a big smile on my face and Irresistible playing. Then I promptly shrieked and jumped out of the spray. It was freezing!! I must have turned the knob the wrong direction. Shivering a bit and laughing at my mistake, I cranked the water to hot and stepped in.

I stepped out of the shower and wrapped my bright green towel around myself, still singing along to These Kids Aren't Alright. 

"And with the black banners raised as the crooked smiles fade-- Former heroes who quit too late-- Just wanna fill up the trophy case agaaaain" 

I dried my waist-length red hair and then sat down on the toilet cover after deciding to re-read some texts from Adam the I'd saved. But when I flipped open my phone, I found that I had received a text message from an unknown number. I frowned in confusion. I didn't get many wrong numbers anymore, especially text messages, not since my brother had made clear to all his friends that he had a new phone and had given me his old one. I opened the text message, just to check. It read "Can I join you?" 

I looked at the screen in confusion for a moment, then laughed. It was probably Morgan again, she loved to mess around like that. She was so weird sometimes! I laughed and texted back, "Oh shut up Morgan, you psycho." I wrapped my towel tighter around me and turned down my CD player down a bit as I waited for Morgan to text back.

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