It can change your life...forever!!

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 Singing's my passion. Drug and soul. My motivation is to have Fan's one day screaming as im on stage. 

  Not knowing were this might take me. As long as I DONT have to go back. Just knowing I have them. Gives me enough to get through. Just wanting to make it all the way. Giving it my all. If I dont I'll never know. One risk I cant make. Considering my past. This might be it the beging that I have been longing for. Right at my finger tips. But,cant bring myself to grab ahold. And let it take me. Givin the chance that I can change my life...forever! I finally take a chance and LEAP!!

 Standing on stage looking out. All I see is my life. What i've worked for what i've earned. That's all I am and all I ever will be. No matter my past. No matter my future. As long as your here. A friend I shall be.

    Dancing around the stage. Singing their favorite songs. Stopping,hearing them sing it back to me.  Giving me the happiness. Full of energy I just smile bright and dance around. I go back to singing along with them running down the runaway. Hearing them all scream! Screaming my name,jumping up and down. That they spent their hard earned money to come enjoy this night.This is the night that we live for.

  I walk outside. People yelling handing out pictures. Seeing flashes everywere. Not able to make a move as people stream everywere. Knowing you are actully loved. Feeling somewhat secured. Loving it since you have never been able to say that befor. Or feel it for that matter.

 Going around giving the outcast crowd (Everybody) what they want. Making my way back to my bus. I climb inside and sit there. Watching out the window as we pull away at the screaming fans.  Not only proud of my self but proud of them. As you know that you could have made a differnce in one more persons life.

 Looking out the foggy window I catch a glimps. Of someone flagging me down. I yell bringing the bus to a jerking holt. I hurry down the stairs and over to the man. "Can I help you?" all he can say is "you looked great tonight" with a Big Ole Country Buy Grin I stare up at him and ask him to tag along.

 We climb into the bus and take off. We had to a local coffee shop to see what brought this about. Not even thinking feeling this awkward feeling that I once had but lost. After a few crazy people we leave. That's when we head to the beach in the dark of midnight. Without really knowing what's going on we kiss for what seems like eternity. We lay on the sand her in his arms. Not even realizing it's three in the morning. They leave. He became her bestfriend beside the singing.

 He becomes her Husband,A manager,and my Bestfriend. One loving year down I hope many more to come. Kids,a home,a career. Living a happy life better then most. As some get mighty jealous. Nothing can get any better. With 3 kids and a dog in a big house considerd a home. I was the happiest woman in the world. As winter came it was the most amazing thing ever. Never enjoyed the snow as much as when you can go out and snowballs at each other and 5 incrediably huge snowman around you and horses running around.

 Then that moment comes. The days of summer were he's out late no ring. Drinking more then he ever did. Sneaking out to the Barn when he thought no one was looking. Even though she dosent want to accept it she knows what is going on. The drinking,staying out late,seeing someone else,abuse, and though she hates it the one thing that killed her parents and  almost her. He's doing drugs WITH the alchole. 

The fact of being put in an orphanage from when she was 3 till 18. Her parents left her because they wanted Drugs.. It still haunts her past.  After having her in a hospital for nearly two months. She cant stand to see him do it.

 Never getting any true love. Being passed from one family to another. Having no one in my life that would be there for me. Feeling like a waste. Just a waste of time to everyone. Thinkning that no matter how much I try nobody wiil care. Just an invisable face  going through the crowd. 

As I started to think that everything is falling into place. That it's finally time for something to go right for once....It stop's in a blink of an eye!  Never expecting it to end.

 I pack up his stuff and throw it to the road. He walks up seeing it I lock the doors and windows.He comes up and pounds on the door I panic. As he tours around the outside of the house looking in window's and yelling for me I hide. Watching his every move hoping he dont find me.

 His face is red eye's are shot.Yelling into the house.. He forcefully gets his stuff in the car and speeds away. I stand up to see him leave I fall to my knees in tears not knowing what to do. Scared I finally start to feel a little better. 

 For once I feel like I can get back to my life. All though it will take a ton for me to trust them once agin.

 I go back to performing. Loving it even more then befor. So happy that I can sing agin! Not giving it a second thought I run up onto the stage. Feeling like I havent befor! Getting more excited. I have this sudden eurge of energy as I look out. The fans more extatic then ever.

 Never going back to the old life.

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