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Trigger warning; duh
This revision will have most major plot points but has been edited to add and remove some things. I'm looking at you Yukio x Shura. *Shudders*


"Okumura-san... Okumura Rin!" The lulls of sleep began to fade away from me, and I groaned, not prepared to face the waking world. "Nii-san, wake up!" My shoulder was shoved, a little harshly for a simple wake-up call, and I groaned once again. Peeking through my eyelashes and blinking away my sleepiness, I answered that I was, in fact, awake. I straightened in my seat and rubbed my tired eyes, and after dropping my hands, I came face to face with Yukio.

His teal eyes were stone cold, and the slight wrinkle between his brows conveyed his discontent. I sighed and rubbed the back of my neck, averting my gaze. Choosing to stare at the tiled floor beside me. "Sorry, Sensei. I guess I didn't sleep well last night." I knew my reasoning wouldn't be enough to excuse my actions, and I heard him scoff in response.

He took a step forward and bent down, his breath hitting my ear as he grumbled. "That's bullshit, and you know it. We sleep in the same room. You were asleep when I came back and when I woke up." He tutted, "get a grip."

After his remark, he stood straight and turned on his heels, returning to his podium. I sank back in my seat, mulling over his words and turning my head to see what Shiemi was working on. She had her book open and was reading intently. I scooted forward in my seat and kept my voice low as I spoke. "Hey," green eyes met my own, "what's the assignment for tonight?"

She opened her mouth just as the bell rang, and she jumped slightly. A blush spread across her cheeks as she began to gather her things. "Um, it's pages one-hundred-one to one-hundred-seven." She bit her lip and grabbed the last of her things, pushing herself out of her chair and toward the door.

I sighed and leaned back in my seat, running a hand through my messy hair. Her reaction was on par with everyone else's lately. Ever since that damn camping incident and the Grigori, everyone has been cautious with me. I shook my head and gathered my things, filtering out of the room with everyone else. Keeping my head low, I made my trek back to the dormitory, my mind filled with memories from a few weeks prior.

I understood that my secret was a shock to the others. It had been a shock to me. That didn't mean that their reactions had been reasonable, however. The cram school kids had known me for some time before the news was spilled, so they should know my true nature. That didn't matter, though, as I was the spawn of Satan. I was a creature to them, I was the enemy.

A deep breath escaped my lips as I passed through the entryway of the dorm, my thoughts sour as a climbed the staircases.

They've turned on me, treating me like some feral animal. They believed I was a hairpin away from snapping, and no matter how much I begged them to listen, to understand that I wasn't a ticking bomb, they always fought back. And despite my own beliefs, their reasonings were sound. I wasn't human, and my genetics were of devious origins. While I may not be bloodthirsty, that didn't mean that I wasn't dangerous.

I grunted as I entered our room, tossing my textbooks on my bed and leaning against the closed door behind me. No matter how well I explained myself, the odds would always be stacked against me. I was an abomination, one that has never been researched. My actions would be monitored twenty-four-seven. I took a deep breath and gripped my hair, pulling at the roots. Any step out of line, and I might find myself at the opposite end of a barrel. I swallowed hard at the thought of said barrel being held by my brother.

A thud resounded in the room as I cracked my head against the door, pain rattling in my skull. But the pain helped rid my horrid thoughts. I sighed and wandered over to the lone desk, pulling out the chair and throwing myself into it. I rubbed my tired eyes and glanced at the nearby clock. Yukio usually had meetings or missions after school, so I was on my own most nights. I pulled myself together and brought out my homework, busying myself for the next couple of hours.


It was getting late, and I told myself that I only had about half an hour before my twin would arrive. I'd finished a good amount of my schoolwork. However, I rarely had enough time to complete it all. Not when I had to make dinner. Unfortunately, due to my heritage, Yukio and I lived in this decrepit building, and there wasn't any staff to clean or cook like in the others dorms. That definitely hindered my schedule, if only I had a few more hours in the day.

I sighed as I rummaged through the bottom drawer of the desk. After pulling out several books and an assortment of office supplies, I grabbed the candles at the bottom. I placed them on the floor in front of me and got comfortable. I crossed my legs and laid my hands on my knees, allowing my eyes to shut as I breathed in deeply.

Meditation wasn't a skill I had naturally, but over the past several sessions, I've been able to slip into a peaceful state a little easier. I slowed and steadied my breathing, waiting for my heart rate to drop. Once satisfied, I tried my best to clear my mind, a much harder feat than I'd originally thought. I felt the connection between my mind a body strengthen, and I knew I'd succeeded in my first step.

I breathed in deeply, letting the oxygen swirl in my lungs momentarily before letting it out slowly, the air coming out hotter than before. My lips quirked at the edges and I praised myself silently. I repeated this step several times, allowing the heat to build until it reached a plateau. It was now or never.

With one more deep breath, I opened my eyes and set my targets as the candles ahead. I breathed out and sent my energy forward. Feeling an unfamiliar sensation as said energy left my body. A shiver ran down my spine and I flinched, snapping out of my meditative state.

I groaned and fell back onto the hardwood. Covering my eyes, I mulled over my process. What was that feeling just now? Was that normal? Should I focus on that feeling? I scoffed at my thoughts, wondering if I should ditch this little experiment altogether. I failed every time, and I didn't seem to get much farther than breathing hot air. I shook my head and shoved myself back up into a sitting position, deciding I was finished for the night. I halted, however, as my gaze set on the candles before me. Two out of the three were lit, a short, blue flame dancing around the wicks. My jaw fell open and I sat in awe for several moments, astonished.

Slowly, my shocked expression melted into one of delight. I did it! I'd gained more control of my flames. Previously, I could only light something if I was holding it. Well, that is, when I was calm. When upset, my flames were sporadic, and I could light a whole room with my emotions. So I knew I was capable of doing this. But so soon? My heart fluttered with glee at my newfound success.

Suddenly, I heard the creak of floorboards outside the room. Panic shot through me, and I scooped up the candles, blowing out the flames before tossing them into the drawer. In a flash, I shoved the rest of the contents inside and slammed it shut.

I'd barely made it onto my bed before the bedroom door opened. Yukio took a few steps inside, in his hand was the plastic-wrapped dinner I'd set aside for him. He didn't look at me as he set the plate down on his nightstand, shrugging off his exorcist jacket before turning toward me. Surprise flickered over his expression, and I guessed he wasn't expecting me to be awake. However, that expression faded into something more perturbed, and I swallowed the lump in my throat.

He'd be pissed if he found out I was using my flames without supervision. I could just hear his lecture now. How irresponsible and dangerous it was. How irresponsible and dangerous I was. I was shaken out of my haze when Yukio placed a hand on my shoulder. The action was similar to what he'd done earlier today, albeit a lot more gentle. I blinked away my thoughts and met his eyes, emotions I couldn't quite place were swirling behind his teal irises.

"You okay?" His eyes searched mine and then assessed the rest of my body. I became acutely aware that my cheeks were hot and I was breathing a little too shallowly. I swallowed dryly and nodded, hoping he didn't catch on to my nervousness. He seemed unimpressed at my act, however, and anxiety blossomed in my chest. His hand moved from my shoulder and he placed it gingerly against my forehead. We sat like that for several moments before he sighed, "you're a little warm, do you feel alright?" I realized in relief that my actions could be excused with illness.

"I'm a little tired," I said, adding a small shrug. "My stomach doesn't feel the greatest either. But I'm sure I'll be fine with some rest."

He hummed, removing his hand and letting it fall to his side. "I guess that explains why you were so tired in class." Silence filled the room and I nodded, letting my gaze fall to my bedsheets, suppressing the urge to pick at its threads. I heard him take a deep breath, "I'm sorry about earlier." I only hummed in response and he continued. "I shouldn't have said that to you. Sick or not, it was rude. I..." he paused briefly, and I chewed on my lip, unsure why he was so hesitant. "I've been a little harsh on you since that time with the Grigori."

I sighed and shifted on my mattress, suddenly uncomfortable with the topic. "I get it, all eyes are on me. I need to behave."

"Uh..." he trailed off. "Yeah, that too, I guess. But I mainly don't want your reputation ruined." I had to hold back my laughter. My reputation was lower than dirt, what was he going on about? I chewed on my lip and gave into my urge to pick at my bedsheet. "I see how the others treat you. Even Moriyama-san holds you at arm's length, and she's the kindest student there. It's just.. if you portray yourself like you're careless and lazy, it'll only solidify their opinions, you know?"

I mulled over his words, my body deflating as their meaning sunk in. "I get it, Yukio. I'll do better."

He remained silent, and after a minute or so, he shifted and his footsteps sounded. I peeked through my bangs, watching as he neared the door. "Nii-san?" I lifted my head and leveled my gaze with his. He had a hand on the doorframe, and I watched as he tapped his finger against the wood, his expression torn. "Are you okay?" His words echoed from earlier, but I got the sense that he wasn't asking about my physical health.

A rock began to form in my stomach, but I pushed passed it and forced a smile. "I'm okay, Yukio. This isn't the first time I've been cast out." I'd meant it in a sardonic manner, but I realized just how pathetic it sounded. My twin tried to hide his recoil at my words, and a smile played on his lips, but the action wasn't genuine.

"Okay... have you eaten?" I nodded, but it was a lie. I'd picked at dinner while I cooked, but it was nowhere near a meal. However, I didn't have an appetite. My younger sibling was satisfied with my reply and he left soon after. I plopped over onto my side, curling into a ball and sighing into my pillow. Maybe one day I could be honest with Yukio, and with myself. However, for now, I'd rather run away from my problems. I didn't have the energy to deal with them.

I sighed and rolled over, grabbing my blanket and covering myself up. These problems extended far beyond my position as an outcast. Far past the trauma I'd gained from Dad's death. Deeply rooted in my self-hatred. I shoved my thoughts away, forcing myself to fall asleep.

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