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"Woah, hang on, wait." He cut me off, disbelief on his face. "You've never seen Star Wars? Do you live under a rock?"

I shrugged my shoulders, not understanding what the big deal was. "No...? I just never got around to it, I guess. Besides, those movies are so old now. The CGI is probably laughable." I chuckled to myself, thinking of just how cringey the special effects might be. Not to mention, the alternate universe and space travel wasn't really my thing.

He looked offended, like I had the audacity to say something so ridiculous. "No way, that settles it. One of these days, I'm dragging you over to my dorm and forcing you to watch the whole series." He gave me a smirk, "you can kick and scream all you want, but there's no way I'm letting you stay this uncultured." Jokes on him, I'm the son of Satan; most would say I would forever remain uncultured. I scoffed, but didn't refuse his offer. It may not be my preferred genre, but hanging out with others was something I haven't really done. It felt nice to be invited over to just hang out. A bit of warmth blossomed inside of me as I thought about it. Did this make Bon and I friends? I almost laughed at the thought. I was overthinking things, he just wanted to share his interests.

Several groups of people had walked by us as we conversed. However a few kids walked out of the library and stopped nearby. I glanced at them, seeing that they were staring at me. Shit, they were from the academy. Bon noticed them as well and spoke up. "Wanna take a picture?" A few of the kids had the decency to look embarrassed and started pulling the others away. However, one of the teens didn't take kindly to the remark. He took a step forward, and I assessed him. He seemed scrawny, but with the way he held himself, I wouldn't doubt he shouldn't be underestimated. He was average height, yet I knew from experience that didn't mean anything. However, his jutted chin, piercing gaze, and stiff shoulders told me all I needed to know about his temper. His black hair and brown eyes were fairly uninteresting. Maybe that's why he chose to wear a gray beanie and glasses without lenses. Unassuming but dangerous.

"Hey, Okumura. Is it true you tore up your arms because Moriyama-san rejected you?

My eyes widened and I gasped, choking on the air as it tore into my throat. Bon stood up and stalked over to the group, sticking up for me while I composed myself. "No, he didn't. And even if he did, why is it any of your business? It's not like you care or anything. What, would you just mock him?" He scoffed, "laughing about someone's self harm is just as fucked up as the self harming."

I cleared my throat and joined the group, giving a few glares to the other teens. Most of them looked apologetic, but the asshole that had spoken before didn't seem to waver. He shot daggers at Bon. "And who the hell are you? What makes you think you can just make assumptions about me, huh? What, did I offend your little boyfriend?" He spit, and I mean literally spit, at Bon. His saliva landing on his shoe. "Fucking faggots."

My anger surged and I jumped forward, grabbing the mouthy little brat by his hoodie and bringing his face inches away from my own. I seemed to have caught him by surprise, because a small squeak came from his mouth. Even thought he was an inch or two taller than me, I would still be able to handle myself if it came to a fight. "What the hell is your problem, asshole? How insensitive can you be? Not only did you try to bully someone who potentially has mental issues, but now you're homophobic?" I scoffed and my fists tightened on his clothes, "and you said he was making assumptions? Get a fucking grip."

At that moment, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I took that as my cue to let go of the kid. I may be pissed, but I didn't want to cause more of a fuss than necessary. I turned, half expecting to see Bon grabbing my shoulder, but it was Yukio instead. He gave me fleeting, guarded look before stepping forward, his eyes centering on the group. "Let's all calm down, There's no need to get physical. We can all go our separate-" Abruptly, the asshole shoved Yukio, catching him by surprise. He lost his balance and landed on his ass.

My vision went hazy and I stormed forward. My opponent squared up, dodging my initial swing. "Oh no," he mocked, "the midget is angry." He skirted to the side with grace and I realized that he was just as much of a delinquent as I once was. My eyes flickered down to his poised fists, catching sight of the scars that lined his knuckles. Alright, he knew how to fight, so let's see how good he could play the offense. I backed off, putting a wide birth between him and I. He took my slight retreat as a sign of uncertainty. "Ha, you little bitch. Throwing in the towel so early? Here I thought you'd put up one hell of a fight." He dropped his hands, taking a step forward and leaning toward me. His smirk was condescending and his words were laced with toxic masculinity. "Come on, hit me."

I glared at him, keeping my fists at my sides. "Why should I waste the energy?" His brown eyes sparkled with adrenaline and the thirst for a fight. I was warring with myself, unable to decide whether or not I wanted to indulge him with a few punches. I narrowed my eyes at him, "you're just a dick with a Napoleon Complex. I don't know if hitting you would land my ass in juvie. And I'd rather not catch a charge for beating up the spec kid."

He laughed humorlessly, the sparkle in his eye taking a dangerous shift. "Me, a dick with a Napoleon Complex? Says the one who had to tilt their head to look at me." His smirk widened and I could feel the testosterone ebbing from his body. "But speaking of dicks and sizes, I can guarantee mine is bigger than yours. I mean, come on?" A few of his friends snickered behind him, only adding fuel to his fire. "Why don't you suck it and find out?"

I cocked my head to the side, feigning confusion. "And here you thought I was the faggot."

It took a moment, but realization dawned on his face as he processed the insult. He rose his fists, ready to sock me, but I didn't give him a chance. I loaded back and hurled a punch into his cheekbone. He lost his balance and tumbled to the side, using a hand to break his fall. I took the opportunity to jump on top of him. Wide brown eyes flashed up to mine, and I saw my reflection in his irises for a moment. Swiftly, I drove my fist into his mouth and he grunted in pain. He thrashed beneath me, throwing me off and grabbing a handful of my hoodie. He slammed my back into the concrete and promptly landed a solid hit to my jaw. I dodged his next attack and shoved my palm into the underside of his chin. Satisfaction flooded my veins when he bit down on his tongue and clamped a hand over his mouth. With a narrow window now open, I shoved him off of me. I rolled over and onto my knees, just when he grabbed a fistful of my hair. My head was pulled back, and I briefly saw Shima and Bon pulling Yukio away from our scuffle. He was shouting obscenities and his teal eyes were filled with rage.

A knee collided with my ribcage and knocked the wind out of me. I looked up at my attacker, seeing that he had his free hand poised to strike. Fuck. His fist shot forward and I rushed to block him. I grabbed his wrist and twisted, his arm violently straining against his shoulder. He cried out and let go of my hair, clutching at my fingers. "Let go!" He howled and I slowly got to my feet, his pained grunts only worsening with the new angle. I took a few steps forward, causing him to stumble back in unison until we were underneath the shade of a tree. Brown eyes flashed to mine and I saw that the heat that was once flickering behind his irises had fizzled out. In its place was pain and terror. I now had the upper hand, and with it came a spark of joy. It flooded my bloodstream and hair on my arms raised at the thought of knocking out his teeth. Fingers pried at my own and I clenched my fist around his wrist, my sadistic side spurred along by his pitiful cries.

I sneered at him, and my voice was hushed as I leaned closer. "I should bust your arm, right here, right now. But I'll settle for something else if you beg."

His brown eyes flashed with pain and he hissed through clenched teeth, "I'm sorry, please let go!" Not good enough. I twitched my hand a bit more and he winced. "Please?!" His voice raising in pitch. I hummed and shook my head, twisting his wrist further. He squealed and his knees started to buckle. "Fuck, please! Please, let go of me, I'm sorry!!"

I had half a mind to let his legs give out so he could properly grovel at my feet. Images flickered through my mind with the sole of my shoe planted firmly against the back of his skull. I could make him taste the earth and have him picking dirt from his teeth for the coming week. However, this would have to suffice. Any more of this and I'll find myself enjoying it too much. I reached up and grabbed the back of his neck, releasing his arm in the process. He nearly cried out in relief, but I moved before he could make a sound. I yanked his head forward, his already weak knees crumpling from underneath him. I lifted my knee and brought his face down to meet me halfway. His skull collided with bone before I used the last of my momentum to shove him to the side. He crumpled, but only momentarily before pushing himself up and covering his face. His scream blessed my eardrums as he held his blood soaked palms in front of him. I took in his quaking form, noting how the color seeming vanished from what little view I had of his face. My own body was trembling, but for an entirely different reason. My knuckles burned and my ribcage ached with labored breath I took.

I took a moment to digest my victory, but my triumph was cut short when I was suddenly yanked to the side. I stumbled and looked up at Yukio as he pulled me away in a hurry. My war lust disappeared and I glanced around before noticing the handful of people that had gathered around us. I cussed and followed Yukio's footsteps, reaching up and pulling my hoodie up to cover my face. I wasn't sure if that would benefit me, however, since my face was visible during the whole fight. Bon and Shima were at the edge of the property and the two of us met up with them before we all sprinted away. We traversed through a few blocks before slowing our pace.

We came to a stop by a nearby intersection and Yukio turned on his heels. Anger flashed in his eyes and I wasn't sure if it was remnants of his previous rage, or if it was directed at me. "That was a bit much, don't you think?" He spat out. Oh yeah, definitely pissed at me. I gave him a sheepish shrug and he shook his head, exasperated. "You do realize he goes to school with us, right? What if word gets out that you beat him up?"

My face contorted in disbelief, surely he wasn't blaming me for winning a fight I never started. My jaw fell open and the words that came out echoed my thoughts. "What? He started it, not me!"

His lips formed a thin line and he continued to shake his head. "I don't care, Rin. You might have just broke his goddamn nose!"

Bon's voice chimed in from beside me. "I mean, to be fair, he deserved it. He did kick Okum- I mean, Rin in the ribs. It was an even fight." I nodded, thanking him quietly for siding with me.

My twin groaned, raising a hand to rub his face. He must have realized that he was alone in this argument because he took a deep breath. When his eyes returned to mine, they were calmer. Taking a step forward, he gingerly grasped my chin and turned my head to the side. "Does it hurt?" I raised a hand to my face and touched my cheek, feeling a small sting as I did so. It was probably from when that asshole had struck me. I simply shrugged and my twin clicked his tongue, glancing over the rest of my features. "How about your chest; did you break any bones? And don't you dare lie to me."

I chuckled, pulling away from his grip and rubbing the spot he'd held. "I'm fine, Yukio. Like you said earlier, I've been in my fair share of fights, I know how to handle myself."

He rolled his eyes, "yeah? You also know how to lie when you've been busted up. I'm serious, are you hurt anywhere?" I waved him off, a small smile playing on my lips. He sighed in relief and stepped away.

We all started making our way back toward the academy. After a few minutes, Shima spoke, "you know what? It's a little ironic how we were just talking about how Rin could throw punches. And to see him do it not that long after is weird. It's almost like it was scripted."

Yukio actually laughed, turning to look at the pink haired teen. "Yeah, it is a bit coincidental, isn't it?"

My earlier smile returned and I laughed along with them. "Like we're in a story, or a movie. Can you imagine?"

Suguro piped up, "I mean, with how things have turned out recently, and the way your life has been up until now... I wouldn't be surprised. Hell, you could write your own autobiography as a fiction book, Rin." He chuckled, but his words were sincere. "But I've seen your notes in class, I'm sure your editor would kill you before it was published."

I elbowed him in the side, but laughed at the insult, nonetheless. Sure, my life has been hell, but that didn't mean it was interesting.

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