New Story Voting

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I apologize for posting previously without thinking this through fully. But when it comes to voting on a new story, I should include every story idea — not just the fresh ones. My long-time followers may recognize some of the titles here from similar chapters in Horrible Acts and Collision while they were ongoing.
For the sake of not reposting yet another part like this, I'll make this as detailed as possible. And for those of you who didn't see the previous attempt, I'll detail the stories that have already been explained. Voting will be at the end of the chapter.

Story ideas:

• Set around the end of Rin's 2nd year of high school
• Slight AU (Alternate Universe) where the Grigori doesn't have a deadline for him.
- Not having the deadline as an ever looming plot line will mean Rin is a bit different than how we know him, i.e. he'll be a bit more confident.
• A BL (Boy's Love) between multiple characters
- All main characters will be aged up to 18 to comply with Wattpad's guidelines.
• Focuses quite heavily on the drama that comes from these various relationships. I.e. Rin doesn't understand the dynamic he has between him and his lovers, and there's miscommunication/hurt feelings because of it.
• Mental illness: SHOCKING, right?
- This dysfunction will be different than previous stories as it's not based on depression or self mutilation. The title itself means "a physical illness or other condition caused by a mental factor such as internal conflict or stress."
• Yukio will be a loving brother in this fic, much like in Horrible Acts.
• The relationships and *cough* scenes that will be portrayed are ones that require a lot of trust for all characters involved, but Rin will ultimately be the one in control. For those who know, they know 😉
- Think of power play dynamics. And I'll let you guys guess the characters involved and who is seme/uke.
- If you don't think his demon side is gonna have any impact on these scenes; you'd be very wrong.... It's giving slight omegaverse vibes (w/o mpreg)
• Will focus on just a few characters, with the rest of them having small appearances.

After demons attack True Cross Academy, the school was left in shambles for months. During the attack, the cram school had to take action as some of the first on the scene. With the injuries sustained, most of the students are traumatized; including Rin.

After the academy is restored and classes return to normal, Rin is left in a predicament as his third year is about to begin. He's stressed from day classes, cram school, family issues and suddenly; romance. It proves to be too much and Rin begins to crack under the pressure.

Possible tags:
#AgedUp #BL #Angst #ExplicitScenes #HealthIssues #Polyamory #Drama #Romance #FriendsToLovers #Recovery #Whump

• Plays heavily on Rin's demon half.
• The story will require all major characters — except Nemu. He's only been seen in the anime for a short period so I exclude him for that reason.
• Of course, non-canon compliant. There will be some things about the Vatican that aren't true but necessary for the plot. Tbh it won't be completely out of character for them, though.
• Rin isn't innocent: he becomes a villain with good intentions, or are they?
• For those of you who frequent Danny Phantom fics, this'll be a loose reference for the #vices #obsession tags you find. For the uninitiated; Rin will have primal desires that make him stronger if fulfilled, but go against every morale he has.
• No romance, but our boy wouldn't hesitate to use his demonic charms to get his way if needed. He's one hell of a butler.

A demon born into Assiah. The power of a Demon King locked inside the fragile vessel of a teenaged body. And in a world that desperately clings to the idea that humans are irrepressible: the unknown must be annihilated.

For fifteen years, Rin Okumura was raised as a human. He had a strong morale compass, empathy, and many were witness to his selfless acts. If it weren't for his bloodlines damnation, he could've been mistaken as a Seraph's child.

However, they don't know his true nature.

Their brief moments of fear, he can feel them. The unease that settles over a room when he walks in; it burns like energy inside his core. His demon thrives off of humanity's fear, but his human half tirelessly quiets every urge.

But when the Vatican authorizes a mission that will deconstruct Rin's morality?

The demon will feast.

Possible tags:
#action-thriller #psychological #bodyhorror #dark!rin #murder #corruption #brainwashing #OOC

• Currently has 2 posted parts, so I recommend reading those if this interests you.
- The second chapter will most likely be taken down as it was originally intended to be a short-fic with about 3-5 posts. First chapter still serves as a great way to introduce the story so will remain.
• Mental illness: SHOCKED AGAIN?
- Self harm to be exact: 🙄 I'm kinda a one trick pony.
• There is a huge twist about the self harm, though. So don't assume this is an ICBH retelling.
• Unlike ICBH, Yukio is... Yukio. #SaveRin
• We get some SHIRO! There will be flashbacks with our favorite Dad, and Rin will think of him often, to the point he should wear a WWSD (what would Shiro do?) bracelet.
• Will revolve around Rin, Yukio, and Shiro as major characters.
• Shorter story; like the original ICBH at around 25 chapters.
• Fucked up themes, check the tags listed cuz idk how to explain without saying too much.

Something is wrong with Rin Okumura, but no one can quite figure it out. That is, until Yukio finds some old photos of their Dad.

Possible Tags:
#CPTSD #depression #sh #angst #DomesticViolence #MemoryLoss

• A/U (Alternate Universe) and A/H (All Human)
• The twins were adopted into different families.
• Yukio POV
• Yukio was adopted by Shiro, and Rin to another major character.
• Rin's an asshole. The Rin we know used to be a street thug with a bad temper as a human. He is no different in this fic.
• Lots of drama
• All characters will be included, and due to the A/U, everyone will have to become friends without the cram school basically shoving them together.
• Since Yukio isn't jaded like we know him, he'll behave like Rin usually does. Weird to have him play the cinnamon roll whilst Rin will have everyone pissed off, haha.
• The boys will eventually find out that they are related and we'll see how their dynamic changes from bully/victim to brotherly love.
• Behind every bully is a story, so we will find out why Rin is such a asshat.
• Despite how innocent it sounds, this story will have dark themes. And the portrayal of said scenes will be enough for me to mark this as a "Mature' fic as I don't believe a younger audience should read it.

Rin and Yukio were separated at birth, and the two of them lead very different lives. However, when Yukio moves to True Cross and meets the academy bully, something about him piques his interest.
How will these polar opposites feel once they find out their heritage?

Possible Tags:
#Drama #EnemiesToBrothers (I laughed too hard when I wrote that) #SliceOfLife #HappyEnding #Angst

• The twins weren't "adopted" when they were babies. Actually, a better way to say that: Shiro never got the chance to kill them.
• The boys are basically feral children when they are eventually found, meaning Shiro has a lot of sleepless nights trying to tame them.
• He's still an Exorcist, though. And this has.... implications since the Paladin never had children before.
• Some bad things happen to our boys toward the end.
• A lot of Mephisto interactions; mainly a bunch of "I told you so" and a lot less helping raise two tiny demons
• For a majority of their lives, all the twins had were each other. You bet your ass they're protective af
• I'll be brutally honest, this fic is a hurdle for me. I think I had approximately 4 premade chapters before I got major writers block. The problem comes from the twins not learning language since they never had a need. Creating some form of communication that could be understood by each other, Shiro, and the reader — a goddamn headache. If this is the most voted for story, I'll find a way to get past it, but I'll share my grievance with it now, haha.

Shiro never found Rin and Yukio, and the boys grew up alone, surviving the wilderness. Yukio has a sliver of power and Rin has complete control over his, not having the Kurikara since birth as a hinderance. At the age of 13, the twins are found by Shiro, who immediately has doubts on whether or not he should kill the demon brothers. However, he breaks when the boys express one question, "are you our father?"

Possible tags:
#parenthood #a/u #siblings

• Kinda an A/H? Basically, Rin never gets the chance to become a demon.
- Since it's always been hinted that Rin had some demonic traits before he unsheathed the Kurikara, this story takes the idea of stripping him of all those qualities. Like removing a few blocks in the game Jenga, his foundation becomes shaky. He loses a part of him he took for granted.
• Without his demon side he has to find a way to protect himself. Poor guy will run his mouth like he was used to, but will no longer have the ability to back it up with actions. What I'm trying to say is; Rin's gonna get hella bullied and get the shit kicked out of him.
• Yukio is a good brother, thank fuck cuz Rin will need it.

The Kurikara is broken before Rin ever unsheaths it. With that, his demonic powers disappear, and Satan has run out of time to capture him. However, Rin still learns of who he is and the monster who is his biological father. He wants to be an Exorcist, and with Shiro and Yukio on his side, he couldn't be happier. Yet, with his demon side gone, how will he protect himself against newfound enemies?

Possible tags:
#a/u #bullying #family #IdentityCrisis #HeroToZero #hurt/comfort


Alright, that's every story idea I've had that hasn't been completely written. I do have hopes to finish every single story someday, but I'll suffice to write one at a time. As it seems to go, I thought of the plot line for Operation: Ferine while taking a damn bath about a week ago. My brain thinks of stories faster than I can write them so I fear I'll never get on top of things. Ugh.

Now to the voting. Sorry to those of you who previously cast their ballot on the previous attempt, but only the votes on this chapter will be considered in order to give all fics a shot. Unlike last time, you have two times to vote. Here's why:

What do I do with Leashed?
(Comment on the paragraph line that you agree with)

A.) After ICBH(R) is finished, I'll post what I have created already. And as I write the new story, I'll continue to post parts as they are sporadically made.

B.) Hold off on writing any new story and focus on finishing Leashed. Your votes for the new story will still matter, but completing what was started will be the priority.

And the second vote is for the actual story that will be next. Again, comment on the paragraph line of the story you vote for:


Operation: Ferine

Learned Behaviors

True Cross Tyrant

Taming Twins


FINALLY! With enough words to make this an actual story part, I think I'm done, lol. No more changes, this is the final time I'll ask for you to vote on this specific set of plot lines. I appreciate everyone who takes the time to read the descriptions and vote. I love your engagement, it's what drives me to continue posting!

- Shay ♥️

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