ch.1 the coffee shop

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I don't know exactly why it all happened, but without my one mistake, I wouldn't be standing before the door to the dolan twins's house.


My fingers jumped along the keys of my computers board. There were voices and noises all around me, my mind began to grow annoyed. Well you're a writer and you need the free wifi, so you might as well shut the fuck up.

Usually it was just another boring coffee shop right out of LA, but as time went on it began to grow more and more popular. I feel like I should get something for being an original costumer.

Hardly anyone came here. Fuck, does that mean I need to find somewhere else?

"Hope not," a male voice says.

I look up quickly and my eyes widen at the sight of him. I was slightly afraid, but that was just instinct.

I quickly pull out my headphones, even though I wasn't listening to anything, I used it as a technique to be antisocial.

"What?" I say calmly.

"Oh so you can hear me? Something was telling me you weren't listening to anything," he says smirking, he pulls out the chair across from me and sits down at my table. From under, I can feel his knee brush mine, sending a shock through me.

"How did you-" I am about to ask but his eyes gesture down to the end of my headphone cord, it's not even plugged into the computer.

Instantly, my cheeks begin to feel hot. I remember to try and cover my face with my hair, but that's impossible when its in a messy bun.

"I've seen you come here a lot, but you never actually get coffee," he points out, taking a sip of his own mug.

For some reason it wasn't creepy, and besides, I've seen him too, he's waled in here alone, and then he gets two coffee's. Must really like coffee.

"I use the free wifi. Also not a big fan of coffee, like yourself,"

"What makes you say that?" he asks, trying to fight back a smile, from the fact that I have noticed him too.

I give up, he's already admitted to noticing you, so why can't you just admit it yourself, it was hard not to notice him anyway.

"You have two," you say looking at his cardboard to-go container with another iced coffee.

"That's for my brother, Ethan," he shrugs, then looks at me again, "I'm Grayson Dolan, what's you name?" he asks, his voice is soft, low, and slightly raspy. There was no denying that he was attractive. Since when has a guy ever asked about you?

"I-" before you can answer your phone rings with your fathers ring tone.

'Ain't no rest for the wicked, money don't grow on trees...'

You quickly answer, feeling even more butterflies at the smirk on Grayson's face after he hears your ring tone. The phone is pressed against your ear as you wait for the yelling. Your dad only ever called you for one reason.

"Where the hell are you?" he asks, venom dripping from his words.

"I-I'm at the coffee shop, working," I admit, fighting against y weak shakytorsoe voice.

"Alone?" he seethes.

"Yes, I'm alone," I lie. Grayson gives me a confused look, his eyebrows are raised and one is slightly lower than the other. His head is turned slightly over.

"Come home now, I have a surprise for you," he says abhorrently, as if trying to hide something.

I look down at the floor, tears pricking my eyes. I quickly remember I'm here with Grayson and not alone like I told my dad. I blink rapidly and close my computer, then shove it in my bad and jump out of my chair.

"Hey! Where are you going?" He asks standing up and stepping infront of you.

You move to go around him but he blocks you way again.

"I have to go home," I mutter, trying to move around him again.

"I can give you a ride?" he suggests. He was a stranger, and if Dad saw you with a boy...

"That's alright, I don't live far," I say quickly again. I see a pathway to get around him and step forward only to land face forward in Graysons chest. I step back awkwardly, and suddenly fear sinks in why would this stranger not let me go? He is clearly stronger than me, who knows what he could-

As if reading my discomfort, he steps to the side, "Sorry. It was nice meeting you," he says, smiling softly.

I sigh quietly, "You too Grayson," I give him a smile before leaving the shop. My heart aching as I see his sad face.

"It's alright, I'll see you again," I mumble, as I continue on towards my house.


I continued to see Grayson at the shop everyday. The routine almost went the same, he would call me out for not listening to music and I would have no choice but to talk to him. We never ran out of things to talk about, I actually enjoyed talking to him. And I did tell him my name.

One time though I did put on some music, and he walked over, asking if I was listening to music, I said yes, but he didn't believe me and pulled out the cord from my computer. At that, music started blasting, and I quickly shut it, my face turning bright red as the faces in the shop stared at me. Grayson started laughing his ass off, and it made me laugh too, everyone else in the shop looked at us like we were crazy and then ignored us. But in that moment, all my fears and doubts about Grayson faded away, and all I saw was a sweet, funny, slightly immature, guy.

It wasn't long before Grayson stared to ask about my personal life, my family, and who called me that first day we met.

I told him the truth, the part that it was my Dad. But that's the only truth I gave him. I said I was in such a hurry because my fish died.

I did tell him about my mothers death, and that I had no other siblings. But I quickly warned him that I don't like pity, and he smiled saying that he's alright with that. Because he doesn't like attention seekers.

After a few weeks, he invited me to his house. I was surprises, but I accepted. That day, he said his brother wasn't home. We just hung out in his surprisingly huge and expensive house. It was alost entirely made out of glass and it had an amazing view of part of the city down below. He told me he was a YouTuber but I had no idea he was this rich.


"Hey Gray?" I ask him, the nickname came naturally, and he wasn't at all weirded out by it.

"Yeah?" he asks as he sits on the couch next to me.

"Are you famous or something? You must have to be in order to have a house like this," I explain, he looks at me and smiles.

"Im so glad you asked me instead of looking it up," he pauses.

What the hell? Was he a-

"Some of the stuff that pops up is kinda embarrasing. But I was a viner, and now a youtuber. I just make stuff with my twin brother Ethan," he explains.

"Twin?" I ask.

"Yeah, were the Dolan twins," he says smiling. I can show you if you want," Grayson says.

"Show me...?"

"A video," he pulls out his phone and presses on the youtube app, then tells me to lean closer and we watch a few of his videos.

I laughed so hard at one about his 'triplet' brother Nolan. He laughs with me and then puts his arm around me. We continue to watch videos for about an hour, then it turns into three. I lean my head on his shoulder, beginning to feel extremely tired.

Grayson seems to feel tired also, and droops back on the couch, pulling me along with him so I am now ontop of him. I don't know how it happened but it just did. His hand was round my torso, resting on my waist and my head was on his chest, it rose and fell slowly, buntil I fell asleep.

"Grayson! Grayson!" someone shouts, the voice sounds oddly familiar, but the yelling is loud and urgent, scaring me. Before even opening my eyes and hug tigher to the figure below me, Grayson.

Grayson rubs my back to reassure me and moves up quickly, I still haven't opened my eyes, or loosened my grip on him.

"Hey Ethan," Grayson says, rubbing his eyes.

"What the hell Grayson, who is that?" he asks.

"Uh this is Y/N, remember I was telling you about her. I met her in the coffee shop..."

"Oh! Uh hey Y/N, I'm Ethan. Sorry I was yelling earlier, I didn't mean to scare you," he says. I let go of Grayson and reach out to shake his hand, Ethan smiles and shakes it.

"What time is it?" Grayson asks. I move off his lap and sit down on the other side of the couch. Shocked of the position we were just in.

"It's 9:30," he says, my eyes go wide, I probobly have so many missed calls.

"Do you guys want something to eat I made a pizza?" Ethan asks.

"Yeah," Grayson stands up and holds a hand out for me.

I take it, but I am still worried about my dad.

As we walk to the kitchen, Grayson lets go of my hand and bruses his fingers through his hair.

"Do you want to stay the night?" he asks, "I don't feel like driving this late and I don't mind if you sleep here," Grayson asks.

"I would...but I don't think my dad would let me," I admit, feeling embarrassed.

"Grayson! Can I talk to you?" Ethan says out of nowhere.

"Sure bro," Grayson replies, getting a glass of water.

"In private," Ethan says sharply. Grayson rolls his eyes, he looks at me again and then leaves to another room.

My heart drops, of course Ethan hates me. Hes going to give Grayson a bunch of reasons why a girl like me shouldn't be here, with him.

I decide I should probobly leave, but I had no way to get home, unless I stole his car.

"How old is she Grayson?" Ethan asks angerly. I can hear from the other room.

"I think 16 or 17, why?" Grayson asks.

"She lives...with her fucking Dad, bro," he says the second part quieter. It wasn't like I was a baby, I can live on my own. Or that I couldn't afford my own place. It was just that my Dad was still my legal gaurdian until I was 18. So I had to stay with him. But these boys had there own house, but Grayson is 18 or 19, not that much older.

"So what?" Grayson asks.

"So what exactly are you thinking bringing her here?! She's just another fangirl that's using you!"

"You don't know anything about her! She didn't even know that I was famous!" Grayson retaliates.

All this yelling, I can't take it. My chest feels like its tightening and my throat along with it. Making it harder to breath.

"I get it you have trust issues...but I know Y/N. And she didn't fall at my feet like any other girl that I've been with, I was drawn to her,"

"Well she cant sleep here," Ethan says stubbornly.

"What the hell man! It's not her fault, she has nowhere else besides her house which is like 20 minutes away," Grayson explains.

"Dude Im just trying to look out for you," Ethan says calmly.

"I already told you. I know her well. She's not a fangirl. And even if she was, I trust her,"

"Yeah but that doesn't mean you can have sex with her! She's probobly considered a minor!" Ethan shouts.

"Who said I was going to have sex with her?" Grayson asks.

"You did! Inviting a girl over means that you hook up," Ethan says, running a hand through his hair.

"Your wrong," Grayson tells him.

At those words I fall to the ground. Not because of what he said, but becuase of all that yelling. Sure the argument was over but once these things start, its hard to calm down.

I take In large gulps of air, trying to be normal. Hoping the fignt would go on so Grayson doesnt come out and see me on the floor. I grab on to the kitchen island, trying to pull myself up.

Stars edge into my vision. My eyelids begin to feel heavy. Stop! You're overreacting.

"Y/N?" Grayson asks.

My eyelids lighten and the stars fade away. I stand up quickly, despite my previous struggle.

"Are you okay?" He asks, his eyebrows furrowing.

"Fine," I state, looking back at him, as if asking what we are suppost to do.

"Why don't you tell your Dad that you're spending the night. I'll put a movie on,"

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