Chapter five: Back to action

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"You two don't scare me, nothing will stop me from getting my revenge! " Revenge Seeker yelled "we'll see about that, Cat noir I'll take care of Chole you take her down, " Ladybug and Cat noir nodded "whatever you say milady, Cataclysm! " he yelled running towards the villain and touching the car she was standing on, seconds later the object faded away into nothing and in fear Revenge Seeker through Chole up into the air only for Ladybug to catch her. "I don't know who you are but hurry up and save me, " Chole complained and an annoyed Ladybug dropped on the ground "oops, " she said with a smile "if you knew what she was really like you wouldn't be helping her, all she does is hurt people! " Revenge Seeker yelled still in shock at what she was seeing, "but hurting her back dosen't make you any better then her, " Ladybug explained "you know nothing, " Revenge Seeker said angrily "Revenge seeker stop with this nonsense and get me the miracle box or I'll take your powers away and you'll be nothing , is that what you want? " Hawkmoth asked in a manipulative voice "no, " she answered "then use your special power on them, and show them how strong you are. " Hawkmoth ordered, Revenge Seeker then touched her glasses and all of a sudden black hands came from the ground and dragged Chole back to her "Ahh please save me! " Chole cried "Cat noir the akuma must be in her glasses, " Ladybug said "I'm on it, hey dark haired beauty come and catch me if you can, " Cat noir taunted  and an angry Revenge Seeker ran towards him, "Lucky charm! " Ladybug yelled and a bag of marbles fell into her hands, "a bag of marbles? " She asked and then looked around and then realized they we're meant to trip Revenge Seeker, so she throw the bag of marbles on the floor and they spread everywhere. Revenge Seeker then tripped on the marbles and her glasses fell off, Cat noir grabbed them and broke them in half, a black butterfly flew out and Ladybug quickly caught it. "No more evil doing for you little akuma, time to deevilze, gotcha. Bye bye little butterfly, " she said watching the now purified akuma fly off, she then throw her lucky charm in the air and shouted "Miraculous ladybug! " tiny ladybugs flew over all the damage and fixed it instantly "where am I what happened? " Sabrina asked not remembering a single thing "what's the last thing you remember? " Ladybug asked "Chole fired me and I got really upset and then this weird lady spoke to me, " Sabrina explained "did you say lady? " Cat noir asked "yeah I don't know who she was but she told me her name was Hawkmoth, " Sabrina said still confused "we need to get going I'm sure you two have lots to talk about, " Cat noir said leaping off and Ladybug quickly followed him,  "so umm am I still fired? " Sabrina asked "of course not that would be ridiculous utterly ridiculous, now get back to work. " Chole demanded,
"Mistress? " Norro asked "why the long face Norro, my plan is working perfectly sooner or later the akuma inside Cat Noir's ring will regain his strength which means I'll be able to destroy that pesky Marinette and her those brats inside her with one touch and Adrien will be all mine.

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